Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance)
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Gianni watched Natasha as she walked out of the club. He
hadn’t intended on kissing her, but he couldn’t help himself. When he found out
that her friend was just a friend, Gianni was even more determined to have her.
Not even the fact that she turned him down was a deterrence for him. When he
held her and their lips touched, he could clearly sense her desire for him. She
might have tried to fool herself, but Gianni knew that Natasha would be
writhing beneath him before he left to go home to Paris.



Chapter 5




Victoria was beyond frustrated with Jack. He’d been home for
a week, and since he got home from the hospital, he simply refused to take it
easy. Victoria felt like such nag for constantly begging him to get some rest.
She was really worried about his recovery. She stood in the doorway of their
home gym and frowned at Jack as he lightly jogged on the treadmill. Victoria
would bet that had she not been home, he would’ve been sprinting instead of
jogging. She scratched at the itchy stitches on her arm and walked over to the
treadmill. She stood in front of the treadmill and placed her hands on her

“It’s time to hit the shower,” she

“Ten more minutes,” he insisted with
a pained look on his face.

Victoria could clearly see that he
was overexerting himself.

“No! Now!” Victoria yelled over
Nickleback’s Rock Star.

Jack stopped the treadmill and looked
at Victoria like she had grown a third eye. He slowly stepped off of the
treadmill and grabbed a towel. He dabbed at his forehead, grabbed the remote,
and turned off the music. A clearly pissed off Jack stalked over to Victoria.

“Victoria, you will watch your tone
when you speak to me,” he hissed before turning and walking out of the gym.

Victoria stood frozen in the same
spot with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Only two short weeks ago she
feared that she’d lost her husband forever. And now that he was home and safe,
they just couldn’t seem to connect. She was just so afraid that he was going to
overdo it and windup back in the hospital. However, she knew all too well that
Jack wasn’t the type of man that appreciated being told what to do. Therefore,
it never went well when she fussed at him about pushing himself too hard. She
was getting on his nerves and the tension in their home was thick. Victoria
decided to give Jack a break. For all she knew, she was just being a hormonal
basket case driving her husband crazy for no reason. She decided that Jack
would be the first to know if he was pushing his body too hard. She swiped at
the tear that escaped and abandoned her spot in front of the treadmill. She
decided to give Jack some space. She could use a little relaxation herself.
She’d been working hard, preparing for their baby. She was due in two weeks and
her feet and back could definitely use a break. She planned to take a shower
and whip out her Kindle to catch up on some reading before she went to bed.

After tidying up the gym, Victoria
walked into the bedroom to find a freshly showered Jack sitting up in bed
working from his laptop. Amy had sent Jack several files from his office to get
him up to speed on everything that he missed while he was in the hospital. He
was thoroughly impressed with the way that she’d been running his business
while he was incapacitated. He was proud of his baby sister, but he was clearly
ready to go back to work.

When Jack didn’t even bother to look
up from his computer, Victoria quietly walked into the bathroom.



Victoria walked into the bathroom without a word. Jack looked
up from his computer and inhaled. He felt like shit for the way he spoke to her
in the gym. Truthfully, dealing with Victoria’s outbursts due to her raging
hormones were driving him crazy, but he knew that he needed to do better. She
was only concerned about his health. And, she had to be uncomfortable carrying
around so much extra weight. Not to mention, she’d been working so hard trying
to take care of him and prepare for their baby.

Victoria walked out of the shower
wearing a towel that barely covered her protruding belly. To Jack, she had never
been more beautiful, but she looked sad and exhausted. Victoria sat on the edge
of her side of the bed and reached for her favorite moisturizer. Jack
immediately closed his laptop and placed it on the nightstand.

He walked around the bed and reached for
the bottle of lotion. “May I?”

Victoria handed over her lotion
without looking up at Jack.

“Lie on your side baby.”

Victoria did as instructed and
positioned herself so that her back was to him.

Jack rubbed lotion on her body, spending
extra time massaging her back and shoulders. Victoria moaned her relief as he
expertly applied the perfect amount of pressure to her lower back. When he was
done with her back, Jack propped her up with pillows. Once he had her in a
comfortable sitting position, he massaged a generous amount of moisturizer on
her breasts and belly. Jack worked his way down her legs. He squeezed more
lotion into his hands, walked to the foot of the bed, and dropped to his knees.
He began to massage her aching feet, causing her to moan even louder than
before. The sound went straight to Jack’s cock. He couldn’t help the massive
erection that was forming in his boxers. He wanted, desperately, to ease
Victoria down, on his cock, so that she could ride him slowly.

Finished with her foot massage, he
climbed into bed and laid down beside her. Jack rubbed her belly and whispered,
“Baby, I’m so sorry that I was so short with you. I know that you’re just
worried about me. I should’ve never spoken to you that way.”

His hand went lower, landing between
her thighs.

“It’s ok, baby. I know I’m a hormonal
monster these days. I’m sorry too.”

Jack separated her lower lips and
massaged her swollen clit. The sensation caused her to throw her head back
against the pillows.

“Oh God baby,” she purred.

His intention was to bring her to an
explosive organism. Jack wanted her in a total state of bliss, because she
needed, desperately, to relax. As Jack massaged and teased her clit, Victoria’s
began to pant. He knew that she was close. Suddenly, a burst of wetness
saturated Jack’s hand and soaked the bed beneath her. Victoria shot upright and
her eyes widened.

Jack smiled brightly at her. “Damn,
baby. You’re squirting hard.”

Victoria shook her head frantically.
“No, Jack! I think my water just broke!”

Jack jumped from the bed and ran to
the dresser. He dug through the drawers and began searching for something
comfortable for Victoria to wear. He settled on an oversized pair of yoga pants
and a simple white t–shirt. He didn’t even bother with underwear. Once he was
done helping Victoria dress, he quickly slipped on a pair of jeans and a
t–shirt. He called the doctor and instructed his driver to bring the car
around. He ran downstairs to grab Victoria’s running shoes. And by the time he
got back to the bedroom, Victoria was panting and moaning loudly. Jack did his
best not to freak out. Once he got Victoria’s shoes on, he carefully stuffed
her into her coat. March in Chicago was still pretty cold. He went to pick her
up and she shooed him away.

“Baby, I can walk,” she grunted
through pain.

Jack just wanted to snatch her into
his arms, but he didn’t fight with her. He reached down and helped her into a
standing position. He watched her closely to see if he needed to override her
decision to walk. Victoria gave Jack the brightest most beautiful smile.

She managed to beam with excitement.
“We’re having a baby!”

Jack returned her smile and led her
from the bedroom and down the stairs. He grabbed her pre–packed hospital bag
that was sitting by the door. Once they were tucked safely in the backseat of
the car and being driven to the hospital, Victoria’s contractions began to come
more frequently. The smile that she displayed a few minutes earlier was
replaced with cries of agony.


Chapter 6




Natasha rounded the corner and proceeded down the short
hallway that led to Victoria’s hospital room, carefully juggling all of the
baby items and gifts that she bought for the baby.

She was at the movies with Malik when
she got the call that Victoria had given birth. She immediately hopped from her
seat, dragging Malik with her. Since he drove, he dropped Natasha off at the
hospital. She assured him that she would find her own way home.

 When she arrived at Vic’s door,
she shifted the bag of diapers from one arm to the other and knocked on the
door. The door swung open, and Natasha quickly took a few steps back, causing
the bag of diapers to fall. She could hear the noise coming from Victoria’s
hospital room as she kneeled to pick them up. It sounded as if she was walking
into a party. Natasha grabbed the diapers, but unfortunately the other items
began to fall. She took a deep breath and let it out in a huff.

A pair of black extremely expensive
looking shoes stood before her. An undeniably male scent alerted Natasha to
Gianni’s presence. Natasha slowly raised her head. When their eyes met, her
breath quickened. Gianni scooped the bag of diapers, along with the other items
from the floor and turned to walk into Victoria’s hospital room. Natasha stared
shamelessly at his tight ass as she followed inside.

Victoria was sitting up in her bed,
smiling from ear to ear, holding her little precious bundle.

“Wow! More gifts?!” Victoria shouted,

“These are from the lovely Natasha,”
Gianni smiled.

“Thanks, Tash,” Victoria said with a
bright smile.

Natasha smiled and looked around at
the family and friends that crowded the room. Deon and Steven from her team
were there, along with Tracy, Victoria’s best friend and Steve’s girlfriend.
Jack’s parents and both of Jack’s sisters were also there. Natasha made sure to
greet everyone.

Jack passed out glasses of champagne
and instructed everyone to raise their glasses for a toast. He poured his own
while Victoria unwrapped the baby so everyone could see her. Since Victoria
planned on breast feeding, he filled her glass with cider. He looked to Gianni
to give the toast. Jack carefully removed the baby from Victoria’s arms and
placed her on his shoulder. Gianni raised his glass and began to speak. His
accent sent chills down Natasha’s spine.

“Well, today we are pleased to
welcome this wonderful new addition to the Storm family. This child will be
afforded love, affection, guidance, and protection. From this day, until the
Storms are no more.”

Jack held his child out for display.
“Family, meet Jasmine Marie Storm.”

Gianni raised his glass and shouted,
“Happy birthday!”

They all shouted in unison, “Happy birthday!”

They drank champagne and continued to
celebrate the arrival of Baby Jasmine. Everyone cooed as they took turns
holding her. When it was Natasha’s turn, she held Jasmine close and stared down
at her angelic fat little face. Jasmine had a head full of dark curly hair. She
slowly opened her icy blue eyes. They were such a contrast to her almost
caramel skin. The child was beautiful.

Although she was happy for Jack and Victoria, she couldn’t help the feeling of
sadness that washed over her. Because of the bad choices that she made in her
youth, she would never be able to look down into the face of her own child.
Natasha looked up and locked eyes with Gianni, who was studying her intently.
She blinked, shocked to find him staring. Natasha quickly averted her gaze to
Victoria, who seemed to be aware of the sexual tension between the two of them.

Victoria confirmed her awareness with
a grin. Natasha looked away and returned her attention to Baby Jasmine, who was
desperately trying to get her fist in her mouth. She assumed that she was
hungry, so she kissed her little fingers and handed her to Victoria to be fed.
Natasha’s face was warm because she could still feel Gianni’s eyes on her.

After joking around with Jack’s
family and her teammates, Natasha decided to head home. She hugged Victoria,
said her goodbyes to the others, and walked out of the room. As she made her
way down the hallway, she heard footsteps closing in on her. Natasha turned to
find Gianni walking at a speedy pace attempting catch up. She slowed her steps
in order for him to catch up. She was curious as to what inappropriate comments
he’d throw at her today with that sexy ass accent of his.

“Natasha, I’d like to take you to
dinner. Would that be possible?”

Natasha stopped walking and looked up
at Gianni to guage his seriousness.

His eyebrows rose as he waited for a

“Why, Gianni? Why would you want to
have dinner with me? Surely, I’m not your type.”

He furrowed his brow and grabbed
Natasha by the wrist. He pulled her into an empty hospital room, with no
resistance from Natasha.

As soon as the door closed, Natasha was
immediately pushed against a wall. Before she could utter a word, Gianni
slammed his lips against hers. This was not the sweet kiss that he’d given her
in the club. This kiss was hungry and demanding. His hands roamed her body and
landed on her bottom. Natasha gasped when he pushed his hard–on against her.
She could feel the moisture pooling in her core as his tongue expertly explored
her mouth. Natasha wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body to
his. Gianni reached under her sweater dress and slipped his fingers into her
panties. He parted the slick outer lips of her pussy and aggressively rubbed
circles into her clit. Natasha moaned into his mouth and instinctively widened
her legs. As they kissed, she ran her fingers through his hair. Natasha panted
uncontrollably as he torturously rubbed her pussy. She could feel the build of
her impending organism.

“Please, Gianni. Please don’t stop,”
she pleaded.

Gianni peppered kisses on her neck,
just below her ear, and continued to jerk at her clit. Natasha couldn’t get her
legs to open wide enough. She needed more. She wanted him to turn her around
and shove his dick into her-
. The vision of him violently humping
her sent her over the edge. Natasha began to shake uncontrollably as she humped
his fingers with desperation. Her body tensed and convulsed, before shattering

“Oh God... Ooooooh God... I’m
cumming,” she panted.

Her head fell weakly against Gianni’s
chest and her knees went weak, prompting

Gianni to tighten his hold on her. Once her breathing slowed
and she could stand on her own, he placed her on her feet. He shot her a
devilish smirk before seductively sucking his fingers clean of her release. He
closed his eyes as if he’d tasted something delicious.

“Mmmm, yes. Definitely my type,” he
said with a moan as he reached for the door knob. “I’ll pick you up Saturday at
seven,” He said over his shoulder as he walked out of the door.

“I should’ve asked for a ride,” she
mumbled to herself as she pulled her dress down. 




As Gianni slid into the back seat of his chauffeur driven
vehicle, he could still taste the sweatiness of Natasha on his tongue. He
practically had to tear himself off of her. Had he not, he would have
completely taken her in that hospital room.

The insistent buzzing of his phone
interrupted erotic visions of Natasha. It was his cousin Luca. Since they were
in the process of building another nightclub in Paris, Luca must have been
calling to give Gianni an update.

“Ciao, Luca.”

On the other end, Luca spoke in rapid
Italian. He was clearly agitated. The construction employees were in an uproar.
They didn’t like Luca’s demands and were, therefore, threatening to cease
construction and strike.

“Strike?! Luca, what did you do?”

Luca wasn’t a people person, which is
why Gianni dealt with most of the labor issues. Now that Jack was making a full
recovery, Gianni needed to return to Paris.

Gianni thought of Natasha. Her
beautiful almond shaped eyes and full pouty lips. She had a smile that made him
want to smile. He thought of the way she kissed him with such hunger that it
weakened him. But most of all, he thought of that sweet pussy of hers that
still lingered on his fingers. He couldn’t leave without having her completely.

“I’ll be home Sunday.” He barked,
before abruptly ending the call.


BOOK: Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance)
11.1Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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