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Authors: Jaide Fox

BearTrapped (7 page)

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She arched her back, glorying in the feel of him, the completion she’d sought for so long. Sensation burst through h
er slick channel, spiraling from her clitoris to every nerve in a whirlwind of unforeseen impact. The orgasm from his touch before paled in comparison to the reaction of now, of holding him tightly inside her, rubbing places that had never been stroked before. Her core muscles clutched him, grasping and forcing the milk of his seed to well deep within her womb. His groans mingled with her cries, his fingers dug into her as if he were afraid she’d escape the ecstasy between them.

She shuddered, moaning and crying out uncontrollably as she rode his cock until her orgasm reached its zenith.

Sanity returned with her breath and the
melting of her insides. She felt weak and washed out, thankful that she sat on him for strength and support.
She clung to his shoulders, enjoying the mingling of their pulses.
He rubbed circles on her back, making her shiver in pleasure as she nuzzled the base of his throat.

“Ah,” she breathed, trying to get up. She couldn’t move.

Braeden felt her stiffen and ceased his movement. “Holy hell. Can you get up?”

Kimber laughed, a little embarrassed.
“Help me. My legs are just tired.”

He tried to lift her off his lap, but remained trapped inside
her sex
. He cursed, and his belly jerked. Her cleft spasmed, tightening on his flaccid shaft until it began to harden within her once more.

“What’s going on?” she asked, looking up
at his face

Braeden leaned back against the rock wall, scrubbing his face and covering his eyes. “We’
e locked. You’ve knotted my cock.” He u
ncovered his face. “I’m not going anywhere until your body has sucked me dry
and you are well and thoroughly mated

Chapter Ten


Another spasm
Kimber’s insides like a vice. Braeden groaned as if in pain. She flinched, feeling the trembles of another orgasm
budding as his cock swelled inside her

“That’s not possible,” she bit out, shuddering uncontrollably.

“I’ve heard…of it happening…before,” he said through gritted teeth. He shifted her weight in his hands, lifting on his knees and taking them into the furs. Rolling on top of her, he thrust futilely inside her body, neither going forward or back.

She gasped. “You feel glued inside.
I feel so ashamed,

she whispered.

Shh.” He kissed her tenderly, smoothing her damp hair away from her face. “It just means we need to move slower in the future. I have
to make you come again. You
should relax enough to turn me loose.

Kimber swallowed back the urge to cry. “You don’t—you’re not disgusted?”

He smiled, and his amber eyes glinted. “I just know now not to have plans immediately after we make love.”

swatted him. “You’re terrible po
king fun
of me

Braeden grinned, flicking the hair from his eyes. “Gives me more time to
enjoy this luscious body of yours. A boon to my manhood. I’m so big, I got stuck.

“You’re awful. I hope you don’t go bragging on this.”

“This is my secret to keep, darling. I tell this and someone will surely try to steal you away,” he said, arching a brow.

She didn’t believe that for a minute, but he soothed her hurt feelings with his humor.
Working himself back onto his knees, he kept her hips titled up and connected with his groin while her back rested on the fur pile. She
splayed on the ground in front of him, her thighs around his hips, breasts in the air, and arms akimbo. She felt like a platter on display for his eyes watching her hotly.
What shame she
felt evaporated beneath his touch.

“I can’t say it’s a punishment, being trapped inside you. I just wish I’d known it was going to happen
and prepared
.” The low timbre of his voice made her tremble.

He licked his thumb and placed it on her swollen clit. She bit her bottom lip, grabbing the furs beneath her
for moral support as he rubbed her tender flesh.
Her muscles clenched harder.
“Oh, Braeden,” she gasped
“This isn’t going to work. We’re trapped forever.”

He shushed her, keeping his touch light and circular. Slowly, she felt herself giving in to the cresting orgasm. Her cunt tightened and unclenched, grasping like a hand and releasing just enough that Braeden
free with a wet smack. Continuing his ministration on her nubbin, he massaged her until she lay climaxing and writhing on the floor. And when she finally remembered to breathe
, he was there beside her, curling her into his body.

Pulling the furs over them, Braeden sighed and lay limp with her snuggling his chest.

She played with the mat of hair covering his torso. “I didn’t think laughing during sex was possible.”

His chest rumbled with a chuckle. “Now you know. Do you still feel the ache of your mating heat?”

She went still. “No. Should I be worried?”

“We’ll worry about that tomorrow.”

“I’m going to lie awake
all night thinking of it now.” She swatted his chest. “You are awful!”

“Should I tell you a story then, so you’ll sleep? I know of one with three bears who eat a girl that wanders in to their den.”

Kimber bit his chest, and he scowled and rubbed the spot.
Braeden’s soft laugh t
urned into a soft snore. She
pinched his nipple, but he continued pretending to sleep. “Just wait until morning, Braeden,” she threatened.
And he snored.


Kimber shook Braeden awake. “You sleep like the dead, you big lug. The fire snuffed out, but it’s not cold inside. Would you like to know why?”

Braeden peeled his eyes open. He could barely see in spite of his enhanced vision. Kimber was dressed, which was a pity. He enjoyed
seeing her naked at every opportunity
. When he
, he discovered he was sore. He hadn’t been injured, but he could tell he’d been in a wrestling match with a bigger bear yesterday.

“What?” he asked, reaching up to cup one of her breasts in the dark.

She pushed his hand off and made an exasperated sound. “Snow. I can’t get out. The entrance has filled in.”

That alarmed him enough to sit up and find his clothes.
He dressed and approached the entrance. The covering had pulled loose and rested on slanted pile of snow that filled the entire opening
and wet their fire pit
. Braeden hid his concern from Kimber. “I should have cleared the path
in the middle of the night
. It was coming down heavy. Must have been a freak storm.” And hopefully not an avalanche that buried this entire side of the mountain, he thought.

Kimber handed him a skillet to dig with and
started tunneling. He had no concept of time or its passage—if it was night or day. All he knew was that they had to get out or risk smothering inside the cave before spring thaw.

Braeden scraped and dropped snow without rest. His fingers burned with the cold, but he couldn’t stop. After a while, he could barely feel them anymore, and he knew had he been pure blood human, his fingers would be blackened and dead from the freeze. As it was, he could barely keep a grip on the skillet’s handle, but the darkness in the cave
as he forged a path through the snow-filled entrance.

“I can see light coming through,” Kimber said

Braeden grunted in response, grimacing as he continued his work—intent and focused on saving them
and nothing else

Do you hear that?” she asked.

He didn’t pause
but hazarded a glance back at her
. “What?”

She tilted her head, angling an ear towards him. “I guess it’s nothing. I thought I heard scraping when you were dropping snow over there.”

“Maybe it’s someone come to save us,” he said with a laugh, moving faster now that he was almost through. He punched a hole to the outside and frigid air blasted inside with a whistle. “Made it!”

Weak morning light bled through as the sides crumbled away. Hands ripped the sides wide open, and a round, dark shape blotted his view. At first, he feared the rogue bear returned, but he saw it was something worse than that. Behind him, Kimber clapped and hugged his back. Before him, framed by snow, stood his brother, Donal.
He’d recognize that ugly mug anywhere.

He frowned. “
What are you—”

Donal’s meaty fist struck his chin, snapping his head back on his neck with a sound like a cracking stick.

Chapter Eleven


A rock imprinted a bruising path up Braeden’s neck and the back of his head as it rolled from beneath him. Groggily, he tried to rub the
spot and discovered his arms were tied against
his torso so tight his fingers stung and throbbed
His temples ached
. B
lood pulsed behind his eyes.
He pried h
lids open
with an effort to the sight of
green, snow-covered bows rush
by overhead.

He was upside down, tied to two poles, each hefted on the shoulder of his brothers, Donal and Kegan.
Their unmistakable, dark red hair glinted in the sunlight, infuriating him upon sight. Another rock tumbled beneath h
is head
, which
had slipped down
the cross-supporting pole and dragged on the snow and dirt
, catching every rock and stick they passed over. He surmised they’d deliberately allowed him to drag along the ground
. Braeden struggled against his bonds,
their attention.
Donal and Kegan laughed, increasing his

“What the hell is going on here?” he yelled.

Kegan glanced back at him, tightening his hold on the pole. “Mama said bring you back home for solstice.”

“Why the hell am I tied up? You hit me, asshole

Donal snorted and jerked his brownish red hair out of his eyes. “Didn’t want to give you a chance to get away or say no.
We had to sleep out in the storm last night because of you.
You’re lucky we’re alive.

“I didn’
t ask you to come save me,

Braeden ground out. He clenched his jaw and wiggled his fingers. They felt like fat sausages
about to burst

“No, but Mama said bring you back
no matter what
. So we’re bringing you back. I pissed icicles this morning it was so fucking cold,” Kegan griped, giving him a

Braeden growled, struggling to move his arms and legs to no avail
. He couldn’t shift without the freedom to move, and they knew it
The tight binding forced him to take shallow, labored breaths,
and a headache formed from the strain and awkward position.
“Where’s Kimber?”

The girl?” Donal asked.

“Yes, the girl,” Braeden sneered.

We left her,” Kegan said. “You fell on her and knocked her out. I guess.
She was still alive when we left.
No worries a
bout that.

in impotent fury
“You better pray Dad is home when we get there, because I’m going to kill you
when you untie me.”

“We’ll see about that,” Donal said, audibly smirking.


The cold woke Kimber from the dregs of sleep. At first, she couldn’t understand why she was laying on the bare stone
in such an awkward position,
but slowly, cognition returned and she sat up and looked around.

was gone. Kimber stood shakily and
touched her head where a slight bruise healed on her crown. Her fingers came away sticky with old blood, but the gash she’d obviously
on the back of her head had healed while she was unconscious. A glance at the floor showed a bloody smear where she’d lain.

The cave entrance was a mess of scattered snow, broken sticks, and stomped, muddy impressions of booted feet. Kimber stepped outside and followed a trail of drag marks with her eyes. Above, the clear sky held only a few wispy clouds, threatening no more snow for now.

Someone had taken Braeden from her. She didn’t know how long ago it had happened or who had come, but she suspected the rogue bear’s retaliation. She didn’t have any time to waste.

Kimber stripped off her dress and stuffed the garment into a bag along with her shoes and cloak. A calm settled over her as she crouched and allowed her beast
to take control. Human aches and pains disappeared with the transition. Muscles thickened. Fur tickled, pressing through soft skin, shielding her with a thick mat of protection from the cold. The wild power flowed through her veins, invigorating her with a rush of adrenaline.

She didn’t allow herself to think of the horrors she might find. She nosed her snout through the strap of her bag, working it over her neck until it settled on her back. The trail awaited outside. They hadn’t bothered to hide their tracks from her—assuming she’d be too frightened to give chase.

mate needed help, and she intended to find him and save him.


Evette heard the unmistakable sound of her boys fighting outside the door. Chuckling
to herself and glad they’d made it back
home, she opened the round door and shrieked at the sight greeting her.

hat is it, Evie?” Melvin called
behind her.

“The boys!”
Evette rushed out, kneeling beside Braeden where he lay tied to poles on the ground. “Oh my word! What have you two
done to my baby bear?”
she asked, looking at her two oldest as they hung their heads and had the good sense to look ashamed.

Braeden seethed. His nostrils flared, his hair dripped with mud, and his skin flushed reddish purple with rage. Evette hesitated, unsure she wanted to untie him. She’d never seen him this angry
in her life.

“We just brought him home, Mama,”
Donal said.
“Like you wanted.”

“Donal didn’t give me the chance to agree to come. He hit me and knocked me out,” Braeden snarled.

Melvin stood at the door and looked over the situation.
Evette gave him a pleading, uncertain look.
“I’m going back inside. I want no parts of this.” He retreate
d, shutting the door behind him and leaving her to deal with this herself.

“Untie me, Mama,” Braeden said in a deadly quiet voice.

Evette swallowed, her hands on the knots. “You have to promise no fighting. I’ve been cooking all morning. I want this to be a nice day.”

Braeden gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. “I promise I won’t fight them until I get back,” he said, opening his eyes once more.

“Get back? Where are you going?”

“I’ve got to go get Kimber. They left her there in my cave
, unconscious
. When I know she’s safe, I’m coming back to kill them. Now untie me.”

“No. You come inside and eat, and we’
ll discuss it after your belly’s full.”

Braeden hissed through his teeth. “I don’t want to eat. I want to get Kimber and murder my brothers.”

“Do as your mother says,” Melvin yelled through the round, stained glass window on the front of the house where he watched the proceedings
from the safety of indoors

Much as her husband wanted no parts of this, she knew he couldn’t stand to miss the excitement. Evette sighed, silently amused
and horrified
as she untied her baby boy.
She couldn’t blame Braeden for wanting to kill his brothers—they deserved it, from the look of him.
As soon as his restraints fell away, Braeden rolled onto his knees and lurched drunkenly to his feet. She caught his middle, steadying him as the blood rushed to his limbs. Braeden shook her off, lunging for Donal
with a growl

“Braeden,” she yelled.

Donal side-stepped him, laughing and waving his fists in the air. Braeden threw a punch, missed, and hit the door to their house.

“Stop knocking!” Melvin
from inside.

Kegan grabbed Braeden from behind, locking arms to prevent him from attacking. Braeden
something unintelligible as Evette screamed. “Stop this now!”

The scuffle showed no signs of slowing—until a foreign growl
the air. Everyone turned and rooted to the spot as a
wolf launched into their midst with a menacing growl.

“Kimber!” Braeden yelled, fighting to push past his brothers
. “I’m okay!”

The wolf snarled at Donal and Kegan
but quieted as Braeden stepped forward and approached
with his hands held out. The silken furred wolf dipped her head and transformed before their eyes into a dark skinned girl with long, reddish brown hair. Braeden bent and retrieved her bag, rooting through it to pull out a crimson cloak which he draped around her shoulders.

He closed her in his embrace, and seeing them put everything into perspective for Evette.
Her heart swelled with pride and joy. She squealed.
“Braeden! You’ve finally found a mate?” she cried, wringing her hands in her dress.

He turned, scowled at his brothers, and presented the girl to his mother. She clutched her cloak with one hand, huddling close to Braeden and watching them all warily.

“This is Kimber. Kimber, my mother, Evette. That’s Donal and Kegan, my brothers.”

Melvin opened the door, standing in the round threshold with a huge grin. “I’m his father. Great Beast
! W
e never thought he’d settle down. Get her inside, boy! Fighting’s done for today
or I’ll get my belt out


Kimber walked into Braeden’s bedroom to dress, coming back out as quickly as she could—not wanting to leave Braeden alone for long. He smiled when she returned, enveloping her in a hug and leading her to the great hearth to warm by the fire. The scent of roasted lamb and root vegetables drifted from the kitchen.

The patriarch remained standing, while the eldest brothers sat on worn
couches, looking guilty and

“This is your family?” she asked redundantly, feeling shocked by all that had happened
so quickly
. She couldn’t quite register the events.

Braeden nodded. “See now why I warned you about them?”

She chuckled
, dusting dirt off his shoulders. He hadn’t taken the time to change his clothing yet, and seeing him in his bedraggled state made her want to fight his brothers by herself. She supposed they wanted peace though, so she resisted her inclination to fight on his behalf
. “I guess so. It’s beginning to make sense why you’d need a winter retreat, if they take it upon themselves to batter you into submission.”

“We’re a rough bunch, but we love each other,” Melvin said, walking up. “Don’t let Braeden fool you. Welcome to the family, Kimber.”

“I’m ready for grandbabies, baby bear!” Evette called from the kitchen.
Braeden’s cheeks colored.

Kimber blushed, and it wasn’t from the fire. Braeden wiggled his eyebrows, jerking his head to his father to hint at giving them some privacy. It took exaggerated motions before Melvin took the hint and returned to the couch with his sons.

“They don’t seem to have trouble with me being a wolf,” she murmured
, holding his gaze steadily
The unwieldy giddiness flooded her heart with Braeden holding her in his arms.
He released her, looking guilty as
Evette bus
tled through the kitchen doorway
, delive
ring platters of steaming food.

She glanced their way
with an enormous, knowing grin
. “Any girl that would come to the rescue of my baby bear is a fine woman in my book. I can’t ask for a better daughter.
I’ve always dreamed of having a daughter, and I can’t wait to know you.

“Mama, stop eavesdropping and butting in,” Braeden muttered.

shrugged. “Sorry. I’m excited to see the family extended. I thought you’d all die umated.”

Braeden reddened, returning his attention to Kimber. “We didn’t—I didn’t want to assume you’d say yes…” he whispered.

Try as he might, she knew from the silence in the room that they had an audience paying rapt attention to hi
s every word. She smiled as her happiness
made her drunk with joy. “What are you trying to say
who does not blush or fear anything

“You don’t make this easy.”
He cleared his throat, taking her hands. “I want you as my mate, Kimber. Can you find it in your heart to love a bear?”

“Only if you can find it in your heart to love a wolf,” she said, beaming.

Braeden grinned, folding her into his embrace. “Agreed
. But only if I can call you Red and make you laugh at the worst possible moments.”

Kimber tilted her head and kissed his scruffy chin. “I wouldn’t
nless you continued to amuse me, love.

BOOK: BearTrapped
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