Ballers: His Game (Ballers Series Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Ballers: His Game (Ballers Series Book 1)
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“You have to help me out here,” I giggle. “What are you looking for?”

He looks down at my mouth and sets his beer down on the table. In the next minute his large hands are plucking me out of my seat and dropping me into his lap. He rubs his palm up and down my back, searching my face.

“You,” he breathes and I feel it straight to my very core.

I am so stunned that it takes a few seconds to realize he is slowly leaning into me. I blink back my surprise and scramble off his lap. This time I put more distance between us when I sit back down.

“Listen, it’s late and my family is doing the whole party thing for me tomorrow. I should probably be going,” I say and pull out my phone to look at the time.

He reaches in his pocket and retrieves his phone. He swipes his finger across the screen then looks up at me and frowns. He turns the phone toward me.

“I think your friend left with my buddy,” he says almost like he is apologizing for Stacey.

“Oh, um, I’ll just take a cab,” I reply as I read his text then look back at my phone to see a similar message from Stacey.

“You had a lot to drink. I have a car waiting for me. I could give you a ride home if you like,” he says with concern.

“No that’s fine,” I say and stand up. I turn to leave and the room spins with me. He is right behind me steadying me with his hands on my waist.

I turn to face him and have to take a step back and put my head back. Man he is really tall and I have on heels. He smiles down at me and snakes an arm around my waist.

“At least let me walk you out and make sure you get in a cab,” he says with a bit of a plea in his voice.

“Ok,” I consent.

I am more wasted than I thought. He stops at the bar to close his tab and pay the bill, asking for a bottle of water for me. I guzzle the water but still need his help walking out of the club. The fresh air helps, but only a little.

“Hey, are you sure I can’t give you a ride home? I would feel better if I did, you are pretty drunk,” he says with concern.

I look up at him nervously and chew on my bottom lip. He has been really nice all night and I am probably safer with him than in a cab with a driver I really don’t know. I bounce in place as indecision wars in my head.

“Okay,” I sigh heavily and he seems to relax.

He helps me over to his waiting Limousine and I slide inside. He gets in after me and sits close. I kick off my shoes and lean against his arm.

“You remind me of my brother,” I murmur sleepily. “A big old bear, safe and ready to protect, are you soft and cuddly?”

“Not right now, sweetheart,” he replies huskily.

I ignore his insinuation and wiggle under his big arm. “Mmm, you’ll do just fine,” I yawn and snuggle into him.

He brushes my hair out of my face and cups my cheek. “Sweetheart, you have to give the driver your address,” he chuckles.

“Oh, right,” I say and pop up, “but no personal information.”

I crawl over to the window bordering between us and the driver and knock. He rolls the window down and I lean to whisper my address to him. He chuckles and nods his head.

“You got it,” I chirp.

“Yes, ma’am. We’ll get you home,” he says with a nod of his head.

“Great,” I slur and crawl back over to Dimples.

He is smiling at me and laughing. This time I crawl into his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. His arms tighten around me and I snuggle in.

“Perfect,” I murmur before passing out.









Chapter 2

I feel someone gently shaking me out of my sleep. I open my eyes to find a pair of blue ones staring down at me. I blink a few times and he smiles.

“You’re home Sweetheart, wake up,” he says softly. I try to peel myself off of him but he tightens his grip. “Here hold onto your purse.”

He ducks out of the car taking me with him in his arms like I am nothing more than a football. He turns and asks the driver to hand him my shoes, letting him hook them onto his fingers. He turns making his way up the path to my front door and sets me on my feet before it. I fish out my keys and open the door stumbling inside.

“Counselor,” he calls from behind me. I look over my shoulder at him and raise my brow in question. “Your shoes Darlin’.”

“You can drop them right there,” I point. “After you come in and shut the door.”

I turn and start for the kitchen again. I hear the door shut behind me then the sound of his heavy footfalls as he follows me. I pull out a glass and pour myself some wine.

“I think my brother left some beer here. Would you like one?”

I look up to find him watching me. “Sure,” he replies. “Can I use your restroom?”

“Yeah, first door on the right.” I point him in the right direction.

I open the refrigerator and pull out a cold beer and open it. I set it on the counter for when he comes back. I decide to go use the bathroom in my room while he is doing the same in the powder room. When I am finished I go back to pick up my glass and the bottle and go into the living room. I sit down on one side of the couch and he sits on the other end nursing his beer.

“Tell me about football without getting into personal information,” I say as I pull my feet up and turn toward him.

He gives me a huge grin and starts with his father teaching him the game. I listen to him as his voice pulls me in. The more he talks, the more I sip at the wine and the closer to him I move. Until I am right beside him and my knee brushes his thigh.

“And here I am now, a pro player,” he says with a great big smile. “What about you?”

“What about me?”

“For starters, not that I am one, as we established at the club,” he says with a smile, “but why the aversion to white men?”

I shrug. “Never really thought about it, I guess I’ve never really been attracted to one before.” I wrinkle my nose thinking about it. “It’s not that I haven’t thought of any of them as attractive I just never seen myself with a white guy. Don’t take it personal. I haven’t been with any type of man, white, black, purple, or orange in seven years.”

I look up at him through my lashes and he is giving me that hungry gaze again. This man is really attracted to me, but that is not what is bothering me. I think I am really attracted to him. All of Stacey’s comparisons in the differences between different races of men start to roll through my brain. Could I do this, be with a white guy? It’s just one night and the thought of his hands on me in the club has me thinking that this may be something I actually want.

The next thing I do surprises us both. I pull my tight blue dress up to free my thighs so I can straddle him and sit in his lap. I brush a lock of hair from his forehead and nuzzle his cheek. His stubble tickles my nose and feels nicer than I thought it would.

“You know you’re sort of handsome,” I breathe as I tangle my fingers in his hair. “You’re sort of really handsome.”

I brush my lips across his once, twice, a third time and he snaps. He palms the back of my neck and nips my bottom lip causing me to moan and open for him. He groans and grasps my thighs pushing my dress up more.

His kiss is hungry but not sloppy like I was expecting. I don’t mind giving him control, I kind of like it. And boy does he take control. He deepens the kiss and cups my butt in his huge hands. I moan, grinding against him.

“Darlin’, you had a lot to drink. Are you sure you want to do this?” He pants as he breaks the kiss to look into my eyes.

“If you don’t want me just say it and we can go back to talking,” I tease.

He curses and crushes his lips to mine. His tongue sweeps my mouth and his hands are everywhere. He scoops me up and stands.

“Bedroom Sweetheart, where,” he growls.

I point up the hallway, “The door at the end of the hall.”

We are in my room with him kicking the door shut in a flash. He toes his shoes off without putting me down or breaking the kiss. Before I can think I am on my back on the bed and he is over me palming and lifting my back with one hand and reaching for my zipper, tugging it down with the other.

I tug the back of his shirt from his pants and pull it over his head not bothering with the buttons. He has his pants undone and shucks them off while I peel my dress down and off. He zeros in on my thong as I go to peel it off next. I peel the damp fabric down and he groans, biting his lip then looking back up at me.

I smile and reach to push back the covers. He stands pulling off his socks then climbs under the sheets with me. His large frame hovers over me again and I am so ready. He reaches between my legs testing and teasing me with his fingers.

“I want you so bad,” he groans. “Sweetheart, you’re so wet.”

His mouth is so wet and warm against my neck, my collarbone, and my breasts. I forget where I am, who I am and who I am with. He is consuming me and I am not sure I know how or want to stop him.

This is not going to work for me. It has been too long and I want him now. I push his hand away and grab for him, cradling his hips with my thighs then pulling him in.

I cry out with the shock of his size and the discomfort from being so tight. I wasn’t expecting so much. I guess some stereo types aren’t as true as they seem. He groans in pleasure anchoring his hands in my hair and then goes to work.

I gasp in surprise as he rolls his hips and bucks into me with long deep strokes. I look up into his eyes and they are so intense and focused on me. His mouth is slightly open and his breath is warm against my face as his short bursts of air burst from his parted lips.

Those lips, they are so sexy. I lean up to lick his lower lip and then bite it. He growls and reaches one hand to grasp my waist and quickens his pace. He is so long and thick I can feel him bumping up against my cervix with each thrust.

“Baby, you feel so good,” he groans, burying his face in my neck.

The moment I feel his tongue glide up my neck trapping my sweat and hitting my spot I gasp and gush around him.

“Yes,” he grunts as my sex squeezes him. He plows right through my orgasm.

I have never and I mean never had a man serve my body like this. If I knew sex could be like this I would have never given it up. I lock my fingers in his silky hair and hold on for dear life. I am drowning in this man as he licks and sucks at my neck.

“Oh God,” I gasp. “Baby please.”

He lifts his head to look in my eyes before capturing my lips in the hottest kiss ever. I have to grab his rock hard back to keep from floating away. He feels amazing inside me.

He breaks the kiss and shifts, lifting my legs over his broad shoulders. I cry out as his penetration deepens. Oh my God, this man is trying to get into my throat. I find purchase in his thick locks of hair only to tighten my hold when his mouth clasps around my breast.

I’m so wet if he were a smaller man he would probably slip right out. His girth is so thick that he is anchored inside me as if he has just found his home. His powerful strokes rock my body. I swear I’m going to need a new mattress and headboard if he keeps pounding into me like this.

“Oh my God, oh yes,” he groans, rolling his hips. I lift to meet his strokes using muscles I haven’t used in so long they are screaming back at me. I marvel at the mix of pleasure and pain.

“That feels so good,” I moan.

“You’re so wet and tight. Your pussy is so good,” he growls.

“Your dick is amazing,” I moan out of shear sexual insanity, but it is the truth.

“I need you to come for me again,” he says with that sexy drawl.

All he had to do was ask. My drunken body answers on demand. His curse bellows through the air as he pumps his hot release into me, lulling me into a deep bliss. Yeah, he worked that.


I wake to the buzzing sound of my phone. I turn my aching head and crack open my eyes to see it glowing in the pocket of my jeans that are on the floor. I run a hand through my hair and inhale. All I can smell is her. I reach for my phone and answer.

“Dude, where are you?” Troy’s concerned voice comes through the phone. “We need to be at the airport in an hour.”

“Shit,” I run a hand through my hair again and look to make sure I haven’t woken the beautiful woman beside me. “Can you do me a big favor, just throw all my crap in my bag and take it with you? I’ll meet you at the airport.”

“Sure, man. I’ll see you there just make sure you get moving,” Troy chuckles.

I hang up and turn to look at her again. She is sound asleep. I want to stay. I haven’t had enough of her. Last night was amazing. I take in her bare chocolate shoulder and want to wake her to show her how much I still want her.

Then it hits me. We hadn’t used one condom, not a one. I must have come inside her at least a dozen times and I never even thought about a condom. How could I be so stupid? She was so drunk, I was too but I still had sense enough to know better. I swipe my palms down my face and groan at my stupidity.

I don’t even know her name. With that thought it all hits me. She didn’t even want to give me a chance last night because I’m white. Why would I think I should stick around for her to wake up and throw me out? She didn’t want to give me her name so she sure as hell isn’t going to give me her number so I can call her.

My decision is made, I get up and grab my clothes and go into the bathroom. I slap some water on my face and gargle with some mouth wash before getting dressed. Once dressed, I walk back out into her bedroom, going to peek at her one last time.

She is knocked out with her long sandy brown hair splayed across her pillow and a few strands across her face. Her full plush lips are slightly swollen from my kisses and one of the most erotic, sensual and downright nasty blow jobs I have ever had. We can put that black girls don’t like giving head myth to bed. I think black guys made that up to keep us white guys away from finding out what true bliss feels like. I have never come so hard.

I couldn’t help myself I bend and kiss her lips one last time before I leave. She stirs a little causing the sheet to shift and her breasts to be exposed. I think again about staying but thoughts of her rejection and Troy’s sage advice play in my head.

“Keep it simple,” I mutter to myself.

I have a plane to catch and I need to focus on starting for possibly the rest of the season. I pad quickly out of her room and down the hall slipping out of the door. The limo is still sitting there. I tap the top of the car and climb inside. After instructing the driver to head to the airport he pulls off. I feel like the world’s biggest jerk.

I left without saying a word or leaving my number. I drop my head in my hands and let out a bitter laugh. She didn’t want a white guy, but last night when I was inside of her I made sure she knew it was me no matter my color. She was right there with me every step of the way.

I swear something pulled inside me as she looked into my eyes and cried out in pleasure. I wanted to own her. Each time she called me baby it slammed into me. I wanted it to mean something to her, not just a name she had to use because she didn’t know mine. I wanted to be hers.

When she was on top of me with her palms on my chest and she looked into my eyes, with her beautiful brown eyes, calling me baby I forced myself to hear her saying Brad. I wanted her to know my name is Bradley. Images of last night assault me, her in my arms pleading for more.

Me losing it with the need to brand her as mine, like I knew any sane man would. The way she rode me, rocking her hips and grinding on me like I was the best ride she ever had. I loved the way she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and looked at me like I meant something to her.

It was in that moment that I got lost, believing for just that point in time that I was hers and she was mine. I felt a connection with her I never felt with anyone else. It had caused me to swell inside her with a force I have never known. I reached up to tug her head back and watched her ride us both into bliss. Her breasts bounced in my face as I rolled my hips up into her hot sex. She was so wet she dripped between my legs and down my balls. It was amazing ….and I just walked away.

Shaking my head I try to think straight. I smile to myself as I can’t rid my mind of more thoughts of last night. The huge bite mark she is going to wake up with on the back of her neck is probably going to piss her off, as well as the ones on her belly, the one on her inner thigh, and the two on her ass. Who knows where else I got carried away.

I know it was childish, but she and anyone else that sees them will know that for at least one night I owned that beautiful body. That beautiful brown skin turned purple under my bites. God, the woman even has sexy feet.

BOOK: Ballers: His Game (Ballers Series Book 1)
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