Read Bad Biker Stepbrother 3 Online

Authors: Michelle Black

Bad Biker Stepbrother 3 (4 page)

BOOK: Bad Biker Stepbrother 3
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“Do you want us to come with you?” Mia asks. As much as she wants to be alone with Damon, she isn’t sure if she should be alone with him here.

“No, Mia. Frank and I need to talk,” her mom answers quickly.

Lowering her eyes to the floor, Mia nods and then she feels Damon’s large hand covering hers. “Come on, sweetheart,” he whispers against her ear, “Let’s go and see Dad’s new bike.”


The house is empty behind them and Mia listens as she hears Frank’s car pull out of the driveway. Alone with Damon! Just like she wanted, but now she isn’t too sure. He is standing against Frank’s workbench, his eyes full of lust as he takes her in.

She ignores him as she looks at the beautiful machine standing in the center of the garage. “He really knows his bikes,” she murmurs in an effort to get Damon’s focus on the bike.

Damon’s eyes flick to the bike before he turns them back on Mia. She shifts under his perusal as he says, “Yeah, my dad always had a good taste in bikes...still does...but it’s not the bike I’m interested in right now.”

Her eyes flick up to Damon’s, and she can’t help herself but to ask, “And what are you interested in?”

His eyes are smoldering as he says, “You and your beautiful legs wrapped around my legs as my cock pumps deep inside of you.”

Mia can feel the blush in her cheeks and she shakes her head, “Not going to happen...”

“Really? I think you’re wrong there.” He stands up straight and crooks a finger at her, “Come here.”

Shaking her head, she laughs, “I don’t think so.”

“Mia,” his voice a growl that she can practically feel, “come here.”

Hesitating for a moment, Mia finally shrugs her shoulders and walks over to him. She can see the lust in his eyes, and she sways her hips in a seductive movement as she walks. She knows she’s playing with fire, but she doesn’t care. When Mia is two feet from him, she says sweetly, “There, I came, and now we should go and wait for dessert.”

Damon grins, “No, you didn’t come, and you are what I want for dessert.”

He closes the distance between them and catches her before Mia can slip away. He pulls her into his body and crushes her to his chest. Capturing her mouth, his kiss is hot and possessive. Mia whimpers at the need ripping through her, and she tilts her head back so he can claim her mouth completely.

His tongue sweeps inside and he sucks her tongue into his mouth. His erection presses against her stomach, and Mia reaches between them to cup it. Damon moans into her mouth and Mia breaks the kiss. She is aware that her eyes are probably as feverish as his, but she doesn’t care. She steps away from him and walks over to the garage door.

Sliding the lock into place that Frank had installed so he wasn’t disturbed when he was building, Mia turns back around and sees Damon following her every step. “So you want dessert,” she coos.

Damon nods slowly. “Well, not until I get my dessert,” she says as she slinks back towards him. Dropping to her knees, she undoes his belt and zipper. Reaching inside, she pulls out his cock and slides her hand up and down the silky skin.

“I have been wanting to suck on this since Chicago, and if you want to be naughty here...then I am going to enjoy every second of it.”

With a wicked grin, Mia sticks out her tongue and licks the shaft from root to tip. Damon’s pre-cum glistens on the tip, and she sucks the drop of it off of his dick. She sighs, “That tastes so good.”

Sucking his length into her mouth, she relaxes her throat and swallows every last inch of him. Damon curses and his hands go to her hair, ripping out the tie that is holding it up. Mia’s hair cascades down her back, but she doesn’t notice. Instead, she focuses on the salty taste of Damon as his cock slides in and out of her mouth.

She wraps her hands around his hips and guides his movements as he fucks her mouth. She sucks and nips and slurps up Damon’s shaft, and he cries out as his climax begins to build. Hissing, Damon cries, “Mia…I’m going to cum.”

Giving him a saucy look, Mia says, “I know, and I am going to enjoy all of it. Cum for me baby.”

She palms the lower half of his dick and starts stroking him as her lips wrap around the tip. She sucks as her hands pump faster and faster. Damon shakes under her ministrations, her hand clenched in his fist as he moves with her. Finally, he yells and his hot seed slides down her throat. Mia swallows it and continues to suck until she has swallowed all of his seed.

Standing up, she smiles. “There, that should teach you to be naughty.”

Damon collapses back against the workbench. “Yeah,” he groans, “but not in the way you think. I plan on being naughty every day.”

Laughing, Mia goes to walk away, but her laughter dies as Damon’s arms wrap around her waist. He lifts her up like she weighs nothing and sits her on the edge of the workbench. “Where do you think you’re going?” he growls.

“I didn’t think...oh,” Mia says as she feels Damon’s hard as steel erection press against her pantied clit.

He smiles, and his hands slide to her skirt, forcing it up around her waist. His fingers twist in her panties and Mia gasps as he rips the fabric free of her body. “I need to be inside you so bad,” he groans as he pumps his shaft a few times.

Then he is pushing into her; his cock spreading her wet pussy as he buries himself to the shaft. Mia’s legs wrap around his waist and she digs her nails into his back. They move together, kissing as Damon thrusts into her...deeper and deeper.

Mia’s stomach is tight as the coil of need, the one that has been wound since Chicago, spins even tighter, but she is breathless as she reaches for that climax. It hangs just out of reach, and she feels tears of frustration welling in her eyes. Damon reaches between them and presses his thumb against her clit, and it is all she needs.

Her orgasms rips through her as she screams against Damon’s neck. Her pussy ripples against his cock and sucks him in deeper. With a satisfied yell, Damon cums deep inside her and he collapses against her. Both of their breathing is labored as they try to catch their breath.

Breaking free, Damon takes the ripped panties and wipes his seed from her leg. Mia blushes, but before she can say anything, she hears, “Kids! We’re back with dessert.”

“Oh God!” she groans in horror. “Do you think they heard us?”

Damon’s eyes sparkle with laughter as he smoothes her skirt down, “Probably not, but your neighbors are going to hear you tonight when we get home. Now fix your hair and let’s go have dessert.”

Chapter Four

“Mia, can you serve that table over there?” Jake asks as he points to the table at the far side of the bar. “I have to go and unload today’s shipment.”

Shaking herself from her thoughts, Mia gives one last glance at the ocean she had just been staring at. Damon and she had been in Florida for almost two months now, and life was almost perfect. The only thing that wasn’t perfect was how she spent her time. Class was done until the fall, and she was bored...okay, that was an understatement; she was bored out of her mind.

In an effort to create some type of schedule to their life, Damon had taken a job at a motorcycle shop. It wasn’t that they needed money. Mia had her dad’s inheritance, which was quite large, and Damon had the money he had made in his past life. They could live their days quite comfortably, but Damon didn’t feel comfortable standing still. He needed to work.

Besides, as he had assured her repeatedly, it would look less suspicious if he was working. He had found a job at a motorcycle shop and Mia could tell that he loved his job. But that also meant that she was left to her own devices over forty hours a week. While the beach was always calling to her, she had no interest to sit around, either.

Finally, after several arguments with Damon, Mia had found a job of her own and was happy working here part time. It wasn’t a dream job, but the bar was a quiet bar and grill that was popular with tourists. It also had the added bonus of offering her afternoon shifts so she could go home and spend her nights making love to Damon.

Sighing, Mia picks up her pad and pen and heads over to the table. A group of men are surrounding it, and they don’t really look like the average tourists. Each of them wore a leather jacket, despite the heat of the Florida sun, and they had long hair and beards. They looked a lot like the gang members that Damon had left behind.

Apprehension flits down her spine, but she shrugs it off. They haven’t heard from the gang since after the attack when Damon’s associate sent him a card to get well. In it, he explained that everything was taken care of and they wouldn’t be bothered again.

With all the dirt Damon had on the gang, she doubted they would try to find them now. Pasting on her biggest smile, Mia says, “Good afternoon. What can I get you?”

The men look up and Mia can’t help but fidget under their perusal. One of them, his eyelid and cheek bearing a nasty scar, gives her a once over before he says, “We’ll have a three pitchers of the house special and five glasses to start.”

“Okay,” Mia says, “would you like anything to eat?”

“Yeah, but just bring the beer for now. We will order shortly.”

Mia nods and heads back to the bar. Normally, she only works bar, but with everything being so slow and Jake outback loading, she would have to deal with the bikers for a little bit. Filling the pitchers, Mia iced the five glasses before taking them to the table. Pouring the first round, she says, “When you’re ready to order, just wave me over.”

Returning to the bar, she began to dust the shelves...stopping long enough to serve the few customers stumbling in from the sweltering heat outside. Mia loved it, but a part of her did miss the cooler temperatures of her hometown.

A hand falls on Mia’s shoulder and she jumps in surprise. Whirling around, she smiles as she takes in the tan face of Jake. If she wasn’t head over heels in love with Damon, Jake would have definitely peaked her interest.

He was tall, about six foot three and has blond hair that is cut in an almost surfer boy style. His eyes are a brilliant sapphire blue and the dimples on his cheeks make every woman swoon.

The tattoos up his arms hinted at a lot more, but she wasn’t curious about seeing them. A lot of the girls who worked in the bar had seen them...Jake was definitely a player and he had only been working here a week after she had started.

“Sorry,” he grins. “Did I scare you?”

Mia laughs, “You couldn’t scare a flea. I was just focused on my work.”

“Yeah, it’s riveting stuff. Wouldn’t you rather work somewhere else? I mean, it kind of sucks here.” He walks over to the bar and starts loading cases of beer on the counter.

 Mia walks over and begins unloading the cases of beer that he is stocking. “It’s not too bad. Besides, it’s just a summer job until I go back and finish school in the fall. After that, I plan on teaching.”

She hadn’t been sure about her future until that very moment. She had planned on finishing school...if not for herself, at least for her mom, but she hadn’t thought about what she wanted to do after. She figured it would be hard to work anywhere but bars, considering the life Damon had left behind. Maybe she could start teaching once they decided where they wanted to settle.

“So why don’t you take the summer off and enjoy the weather? I mean, who wants to hang out with drunk guys groping you all the time?”

Mia laughs, “You sound like Damon.” Her expression twists into a frown as she thinks about her beautiful lover.

He is furious about her working here and they were still fighting about it. When she first mentioned getting a job, he had told her no. Enjoy the summer, get out and see the beaches, be a good little housewife. She had been so angry with him that she had taken up residence in the guestroom.

She had lived there for two days before he came into her room and took her against the wall. She had writhed against him, angry and turned on, a strange combination. Blushing, she remembered his hands capturing her wrist as he held them above her. His cock had slammed into her body, and she had met his thrust with her own need. It had been a wild ride and they had both cum, screaming out their ecstasy.

He had ended their lovemaking by scooping her up and taking her to their room. She’d thought the fight was over, but they were still fighting.

And it got even worse when she ignored what he wanted and found a job at the bar. It was exactly the place that he didn’t want her to be. Her first night on the job had started a fight that still continued a month later.


“Why the hell did you take that job?” Damon yells as he watches her getting dressed for work in the black shorts and white t-shirt that the bar used as a uniform.

Looking into the mirror at Damon’s reflection, Mia smiles as sweetly as she can. “Because I am bored at home,” she answers. “I need something more than sunbathing and laundry.”

“Well, I have a lot of ideas of what you can do,” he says as his eyes fill with heat.

Mia shakes her head, “Oh no you don’t. I can’t be late on my first night. Why don’t you pick me up at the bar when I am done at two?”

Damon stands up from the bed and crosses the room towards her. When he gets close, he wraps his arms around her waist and presses his warm body against hers. Mia sighs and leans against him. He feels so amazing, and her body reacts to him instantly. Taking a deep breath of his scent, she presses her ass against his erection.

Hissing in her breath, he says, “You keep doing that and you will definitely be late.”

Laughing, Mia gasps as his hands trace their way up to her breasts. Her nipples pebble at his touch and her head falls against Damon’s chest as he massages her breasts. She can’t help the need rising through her body or the way she reacts to him. He is like an extension of herself and she needs him as much as she needs air to breathe.

She doesn’t fight as he pulls the bottom of her shirt up and over her head. The simple, white t-shirt bra is the only fabric between her breasts and his hands. He skillfully unclasps the bra as he kisses the side of her neck and pulls the fabric free of her. His eyes glance into the mirror and he grins wickedly when he sees her watching him.

BOOK: Bad Biker Stepbrother 3
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