Bacterial Vaginosis Relief (5 page)

BOOK: Bacterial Vaginosis Relief
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pharmaceutical drugs, stress, and processed foods. Foods laden with

preservatives, colors, and chemicals that leave toxic residue in our systems.

Much food is grown in de-mineralized soil pumped with fertilizers, dirty

water, and polluted air.

It is no surprise we are faced with more toxic overload in this day and age

than we can possibly fathom. Many of us do not understand this, and

others are so bombarded with media reports, that we feel hopeless and

helpless as to what to do. I’m here to assist you in cleaning up the toxins

you’ve spent years collecting.

Your body is extraordinary, and it’s equipped with systems that deal with

this day to day clean up. It does so by bowel movements, urination, and by

sweating. In addition, many times when you think you have the cold or the

flu, your body is in fact just eliminating large amount of toxins. But your

body was never designed for what we throw at it today. It can quickly be

overwhelmed, and it’s this cumulative exposure to toxins that causes the

majority of problems.

In order to prevent death, your body does the next best thing to eliminating

the toxins by storing them in fat. It requires much less energy to store the

toxins in fat compared to eliminating them completely. I must repeat this is


a second resort and only happens when the body can’t deal with the level

of toxins entering your system. By storing the toxins in fat, your body keeps

them away from your vital organs. This is in fact the true root cause of

obesity. The fat is actually saving your life by shielding all these toxins. As

you may have guessed, you can only do this for so long before other

complications arise.

Your body knows that it can’t just keep storing all this fat without any

repercussions, so whenever it gets a chance, it works hard to convert this

harmful fat into something that can be eliminated safely.

Colon Health

You have probably heard the phrase "Death begins in the colon." This is

because substances that are not eliminated stick like plaque to intestinal

walls and prevents the absorption of vital nutrients. This leads to a state

that is very friendly to the breeding of bad fungus and bacteria.

As your body becomes more and more acidic, the internal environment

becomes inviting for microforms and harmful bacteria to grow and

proliferate. These microforms excrete toxins into your system, thereby

causing your body to become even more acidic which allows for more

microforms to grow and so forth and so on. The next thing you know you

are really sick and caught in that cycle of endless antibiotic prescriptions.

This is crucial because bad bacteria can migrate from your colon to your

pelvic area very easily and cause all kinds of complications.

Fortunately, by following the recommend diet and using the provided

cleanses, you’ll quickly lower your weight while helping your body eliminate

these stored toxins.


Types of Cleansing

Liver Cleanse

The liver is a very important organ. Many systems within the body depend

on the function of the liver.

Many people believe that gallstones can be found only in the gallbladder.

This is a commonly made yet false assumption. Most gallstones are

actually formed in the liver, and comparatively few occur in the gallbladder.

Gallstones in the liver restrict the supply of nutrients to the cells of the

reproductive organs. Liver function affects nutrient and hormone balance.

Liver congestion is among the leading health problems, yet conventional

medicine rarely refers to it, nor do doctors have a reliable way to detect

and diagnose such a condition. It takes many years of chronic liver

congestion before liver damage becomes apparent. Standard clinical tests

almost never reveal the occurrence of gallstones in the liver. In fact, most

doctors don’t even know they grow there. Only the most advanced

research universities, such as the prestigious Johns Hopkins University,

describe and illustrate these liver stones in their literature.

By understanding how gallstones in the liver contribute to the occurrence

or deterioration of nearly every kind of illness, and by taking the simple

steps to remove them, you will put yourself in charge of restoring your own

health and vitality, permanently. Most people in the developed world have

accumulated hundreds, and in many cases, thousands of hardened stones

in the liver. The AlkaCleanse described in the diet book will teach you how

to gently and effectively remove these gallstones.

When all gallstones from the liver are removed and a healthy diet and

lifestyle are maintained, the reproductive tissue receives improved

nourishment and becomes more resistant. Infections subside and sexual

functions are restored.


Colon Cleanse

Even though internal cleansing and proper bowel elimination is not a

common topic for most of us, talking about colon cleansing is important.

The fact is, if you have dirty bowels, chances are your body is full of toxins.

Even a healthy diet is not enough anymore, especially if your perceived

healthy diet is not primarily organic. Sadly, because of these factors, it is

unlikely your body is functioning efficiently, or if it is now, this is not a

guarantee for a healthy future. It is therefore essential to remove the build-

up of waste matter and toxins from the colon.

Once a colon cleansing removes accumulated wastes from the walls of the

colon, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids are absorbed more

effectively and supplied to the rest of the body. Anyone suffering from

painful digestive disorders, skin problems, lack of energy, and symptoms

that go unresolved is likely in need of an internal cleanse.

In our culture, we are obsessed with outer appearances, spending huge

amounts of money changing how we look. Colon cleansing offers an

opportunity to change how we feel, and ultimately how we look, from the

inside out. Again, the AlkaCleanse described in the diet book will help

cleanse your colon.

Full Body Cleanse

The skin is the body's largest organ for detoxification. One of the best ways

to release toxins built up within the body is to enjoy an AlkaBath.

This helps the body by excreting toxins that are linked to a variety of

medical disorders. Using AlkaBath with the AlkaCleanse is one of the most

effective way to not only release accumulated toxins, but also alkalize your

body with vital minerals, bettering overall health. The benefits include:


• Detoxifying heavy metals including mercury, lead, cadmium, and


• Detoxifies alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs.

• Purifies the body on a cellular level.

• Alkalizes the body and provides the vital minerals your body


• Relieves stress

• Oxygenates the bloods and cells

Enjoying the AlkaBath 3 times per week can be difficult to do with people’s

busy schedules, but it is highly recommended, highly beneficial, and will

significantly increase the elimination of stored toxins.


The AlkaBath is a powerful way to pull huge amounts of toxins and acids

out of your body fats into your lymphatic system, but if you do not take a

cold shower at the end, you may overload the body with too many toxins

and acids which it is trying to get rid of and make yourself feel worse.

The ideal way is to start off slow, with a shorter soak time and build up. I

suggest you start with 10 minutes and build up to 30 minutes. You may

want to start with the foot baths at first if you’re chronically ill. This will let you alkalize slower at the beginning.

There are a few baths that I will add here that can truly help to alkalize you,

and start the removal of acidic wastes from the body. Sometimes you will

feel invigorated and sometimes you will feel drained.

You can do these as often as you want. Do not attempt these baths until

you have read ALL the notes below!


The Main BV cleanse is the one you should use most often, as it’s

specifically designed to help with rebalancing the vagina by cleansing your

body and returning you to a healthy pH level.

AlkaBath – BV Specific

Main BV



a) 2-3 cups of Magnesium sulphate(Epsom Salts)

b) 2 Cups of Apple Cider Vinegar



Run a hot bath and add all your ingredients. You want to SWEAT!!

Try and stay as submerged as possible. This bath is great for those

with skin problems such as eczema or acne. It's fantastic for those

who have bacterial Vaginosis. It also helps Edema/swelling. It's a

great bath for those who have too much sodium in their body, as the

high potassium content of the ACV is an Antonist for sodium.

After 10-30 minutes take a freezing cold shower for 1 minute, or

however long it takes for you to cool down. This is essential!

The follow two cleanses are very powerful. They are included if you suffer

from more serious health conditions. Once you have your BV in control,

you may want to begin healing other health challenges you may have.

AlkaBath Full Body Bath

Variation 1

a) 2-3 cups of Magnesium sulphate(Epsom Salts)

b) 1-2 tablespoons of Calcium hydroxide Powder (MUST be

diluted first - place the Calcium Hydroxide powder in a gallon

of water to make sure it's dispersed, then add to bath water




Run a hot bath and add all your ingredients. You want to SWEAT!!

You WILL sweat! Try and stay as submerged as possible but do NOT

get the water into your eyes. I would not recommend this bath to

those that have chronic disease because it is so powerful - wait till

you are a little stronger.

After 10-30 minutes take a freezing cold shower for 1 minute, or

however long it takes for you to cool down. This is essential!

Variation 2

a) 2-3 cups of Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulphate) - approx 2 lbs

b) 1-2 cups of Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) - approx 1 lb

c) Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) - 1 pint of 3% solution OR 1.5

ounces of 35% solution



Run a hot bath and add all your ingredients apart from the H2O2 -

add that at the end and swirl it into the bath. You want to SWEAT!!

Try and stay as submerged as possible but do NOT get the water into

your eyes.

After 10-30 minutes, take a freezing cold shower for 1 minute, or

however long it takes for you to cool down.


a) If you can, skin brush before getting into the bath – this starts

lymphatic movement and will help you detoxify more.


b) You can add some oregano oil, cayenne pepper, ginger powder to

make you sweat more.

c) You can spray your body (avoid eyes) a few minutes before and

straight after the bath with
Hydrogen peroxide, and that will help

to alkalize you even more.

d) If you're really brave and want to open up your pores more, take

50mg of Niacin B3 (you MUST get the flush version). Take this on an

empty stomach 10 minutes before getting into the bath. Your body

will flush red and you will feel your skin is prickly. The sensation

should last 30-60 minutes, but this is a really powerful way to sweat

and open up your pores for more efficient detoxification.

Don’t try this until you’ve used the regular bath for more than 2



• Make sure you filter the water you use to fill the bath. The easiest

way to do this is to buy a bath water filter, see resources.

• Make sure you're well hydrated before the bath, also take a herbal

tea into the bathroom with you and sip while bathing. I like to take

ginger and lemon, peppermint, elderberry, or dandelion.

• If you are extremely ill and weak, these baths can feel exhausting.

Please make sure someone is around should you need to get some

help out of the bath! Only stay in the bath as long as you can take it,

if that means starting with 5 or 10 minutes, go for it! Alternatively,

just try alkalizing foot baths to begin with.

• The hydrogen peroxide supplies the Extra Oxygen which is needed by

the body for the Electrical charges.

• Baking Soda is called Bicarbonate of soda or Sodium bicarbonate

(NaHCO3). The Baking soda provides extra Sodium in the water which

may help neutralise the excess acids which the Epsom Salts pulls out


of the body among other things, so helping the body to heal much


• These detox baths cause the body to get rid of toxins through

sweating through the pores, and it is essential that the water is very

warm/hot and can stay that way throughout the duration of bathing.

It is the heat of the hot water which causes the Acidic Nitrogen

Isotope to be drawn out of the body.

BOOK: Bacterial Vaginosis Relief
11.8Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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