Awakening (Earth Evolution Series Book 4) (5 page)

BOOK: Awakening (Earth Evolution Series Book 4)
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Chapter 6


Quinn swooped down and took her lips with all the passion he felt inside. She responded by opening for him, automatically wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close. He felt honored that she would trust him. He wasn’t sure what kind of sexual experiences she’d had before—he didn’t want to know too much— but he couldn’t imagine them being pleasant since she was so shy around males.

No matter her past experiences, he was determined to make this moment special for her. He had to control his own desires to do that, needed to take things slow with her so that he didn’t frighten her. At least, that was what he intended to do. His female had ideas of her own.

She climbed onto his lap and straddled him, putting her arms around his neck. He loved how responsive she was and couldn’t wait to get them skin-to-skin. Quinn kissed her and nibbled on her lower lips while he lifted her shirt. He pulled back so he could get the shirt over her head and tossed the rough material to the floor. The pants were a little more difficult.

“Stand up a minute, honey.” He helped her to her feet. She kicked off her shoes and he knelt before her to slide the pants down her slim legs. He threw them somewhere close to the shirt and sat back on his heels to look at her completely bare her for the first time. The air froze in his lungs.

“By the heavens, you’re so beautiful.”

Squirrel blushed. He reached out with his fingertips to stroke a path from her breasts to her navel. Her skin was so delicate and soft he was almost afraid his touch would be too rough. He glanced up and all his attention was focused on her breasts. They were small and high with the prettiest pale pink tips. Anxious to taste her, he licked his lips. Quinn cupped her breasts and liked the weight of them in his hands.

“I know they’re small. Maybe if I eat more…” She tried to cover herself.

He growled in frustration moving her hands away. “Lihali, don’t ever talk about yourself in that way. You are perfect just like this.” He leaned forward and kissed her pretty tips. “You are so sweet and absolutely beautiful.”

Quinn felt her fingers in his hair pulling him to her. “You call me that sometimes, Lihali. What does it mean?”

He licked the underside of her breast. “Little soul or more like little one.”

“You call me
little one
a lot. Why is that?”

“I hate the name you go by. I refuse to call you that. Does
bother you?”

She moaned. “I like it.”

Quinn smiled against her flesh. “What else do you like?”

“What you’re doing right now,” she whispered.

“What about this?” He sucked her nipple into his mouth and teased her with his teeth.


“You like?” He released her with a pop.


“That’s good, very good.” He sucked the other nipple into his mouth. He loved her breasts. Maybe one day they would fill with milk to feed their baby. An image filled his mind of her rounded with his child and something tightened in the region of his heart. Besides having a successful military career, he dreamed of one day having a family of his own with someone he loved.

His mother and father were true hala asawanis—soul mates. When his father died his mother told him that a little piece of her died as well. Quinn was too young to remember his father but his mother spoke of him often and of how much she loved him. His mother was still alive on Drasta but Quinn hadn’t seen her since leaving with the fleet a few years ago. He missed her and knew that she would totally love his Lihali. She was his, whether she knew it yet or not. He would make sure she and everyone else knew.

Quinn kissed his way down her flat stomach, tickling her belly button. He skimmed her hips with his hands and moved them to the inside of her knees to get her to move her feet farther apart.

Her hand came to his shoulder. “Quinn, my legs won’t hold. I’m going to fall.”

“Lie down on the bed.”

Trying to cover her pussy and breasts with her hands, she sat down and frowned. “Why am I the only one naked?”

He smiled, showing off his dimples. He knew that his Lihali liked his dimples. Standing up, he removed his shirt, kicked off his boots, and slid his pants down. His stiff cock sprang free and was ready to go.

Her eyes grew wide in amazement. “Oh my God! You’re huge!”

Quinn wasn’t sure if that was a bad thing or a good thing. Her expression was comical. “I won’t hurt you.” He reminded himself to take it slow and easy.

“Can I touch you?” She asked timidly.


She was tentative as she reached out but stopped right before touching his cock. Her cheeks were pink and she was breathing hard. She looked unsure of herself and he didn’t want her to feel that way at all.

He took her hand and brought it to his chest. “Touch any part of me you want. I long for your touch.”

It was light and gentle at first, and then as she became more absorbed in what she was doing, using both her hands to explore him. Quinn groaned when they got to his aching cock. One touch from her might set him off but he was fighting his impulses to give her this time.

“You feel amazing, like silk on steel. You’re hard and firm with muscles but your skin is warm and smooth. I didn’t know men could feel like this.”

He actually hissed when she caressed his length. “I’m not sure how long I can hold off, I want you too much.”

She gave him a small smile, like it pleased her that he wanted her that much. “I can’t believe this would fit inside me.”

“I was made to fit you. I’m yours.”

She squeezed him as she used her hands on him then leaned down and licked the pearl of cum that was on the tip. She hummed her pleasure at his taste

Quinn tilted his head back and closed his eyes. “By the heavens, that feels so good. Take me inside your hot little mouth.”

Her mouth widened and he felt as she sucked him inside. He almost exploded right then and there. To help her set a rhythm he held onto her hair. It felt amazing and he could almost imagine how much better it would be when he took her hot pussy with his cock.

Fire traveled up his legs and spine. Its path ended directly in his manhood. Pulling her head away from him, he said, “I don’t want to come in your mouth the first time.”

“I don’t know what to do.” Her admission was quiet and honest.

“Lie back and let me love you.”

Reluctantly, she eased down on her back but kept her knees tightly together. He knelt on the floor again and pulled her to the edge of the bed, then put his hands on her knees and slowly pried prying them open. The view of her perfect pink sex mixed with the scent of her arousal had him fighting his control. His hands actually trembled as he reached for her pussy lips.

“You are so beautiful here, tiny and delicate.” He ran a finger down her seam and growled at the dampness he felt. “I love that you are so wet for me.”

“You don’t have to, you know…”

He looked up at her and their eyes locked as he lowered his head. “Yes, I do. I have dreamed of this.”

Quinn licked the juices from her seam savoring her taste. By the heavens she was sweet and addictive. He would never get enough of her. He drank from her like a male dying of thirst. Then he caught the bud of her clit and suckled. She moaned in pleasure. Those sounds mixed with her whispering his name was enflaming his own needs. He gently began to push a finger into her tight channel.
she was so tight
. If he didn’t loosen her up a little he might not fit inside her or he would cause her a great deal of pain. He never wanted to cause her pain but his concentration was slowly fading as she moaned and wreathed beneath him.

“Be still, Lihali.”

“I can’t. I need you…inside of me.”

Those words wrapped around not only his cock but his very heart. He had to take deep breaths to keep steady and calm. He licked her back and forth, the taste of her filling every empty place inside of him. He worked another finger in and then a third, pumping them slowly. He was rewarded with more of her delicious juice.

“Quinn, please…I need you.”

Heaven knew how much he needed her, but he needed to get her body more relaxed. He continued to pump his fingers and suck on her clit. He felt her inner walls began to clamp down on him as she arched, almost knocking him off her.

“Oh God!” She screamed as she orgasmed.

He watched her, completely in awe of how beautiful she was. He did that, gave her that pleasure. Now he needed to join them and take what he needed, to make her his.


Squirrel was floating while her body still vibrated with the most amazing and new feelings. The way Quinn touched her with his hands and mouth, making her body respond with such intense passion, surprised her. It was nothing like what she witnessed others doing in the tunnels when they thought no one was looking. It wasn’t like the pleasure she brought herself earlier in the shower. It was more intense.

His every touch, every kiss built a burning need inside her. That burn turned into a blaze and soon she found herself catapulting from the ship into space, drifting around with the moon, sun, and stars.

Squirrel never knew her body could react that way, feel it was a little scary but so much pleasure. Her heart was just starting to return to a normal rhythm when she felt Quinn’s lips and hands moving up her body. He cupped her breasts and brought his mouth to her nipples. She didn’t think her body could respond again so quickly but she learned that she was wrong.

Those flames that slowly built up the first time were quickly sparked anew. His lips and teeth teased her nipples while his fingers lowered to tease her clit. “Please, Quinn…I need you.”

He released her nipple and moved higher up until his face was inches from hers. She could feel something prodding her entrance and knew it wasn’t his fingers this time. She wanted him to do something, anything, but didn’t know how to tell him what she wanted. His eyes locked with hers and she couldn’t look away as he slowly entered her where no man had ever been.

“By the heavens woman, you are tight.” He moved in and out, rocking slowly to get her body to relax and open for him to go further.

She knew the moment he discovered she was still a virgin. He pushed all the way inside her, breaking the thin barrier of her innocence. He froze. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Squirrel felt heat rise to her cheeks and she broke eye contact. “I’m sorry…”

His hand reached up to cup her face and made her look at him. “You have nothing to be sorry about. I only wish I had known. I would have tried to be gentler with you. Have I hurt you?”

She kissed his palm. “You have been exceedingly gentle. I hurt for just that moment but it has passed. I need you to be less gentle now and to move. I ache for you.”

He leaned down and kissed her, distracting her from the tight awkwardness. He slowly moved in and out of her then picked up speed. She wrapped her legs around his waist and clawed at his shoulders trying to get him to move faster.

That fire inside her was racing through her veins. Her whole being was searching for that release she experienced earlier. Now she knew what it was and she wanted it again desperately.

He gripped her neck with his teeth without biting down on her and the pressure was just the thing to push her over. She screamed his name with her second orgasm.


Changing his angle, he moved faster and hit a new place inside her to making her orgasm a third time as he released his seed.

Quinn turned them so they lay on their sides facing each other. They were breathing heavily and still connected physically. She had never felt so connected to another person before in her life. Looking at him as he gazed at her with a soft look in his eyes, she felt that he had not only taken her innocence, but a piece of her heart as well. She would never be the same after this, and she was glad for it.





Chapter 7



Quinn moved a strand of his Lihali’s her face then caressed her cheek. He had never felt so close to someone like this before. He shared sex with many females before, a lot of them much more experienced. None of them compared to her. He felt like she was his hala asawani, his soul mate. It scared him a little to feel so much for someone so soon. He was planning on running his own missions, but if he took her as his wife, he would not be able to leave her for extended periods of time. That was what his cousins and uncle had been trying to tell him.

He also didn’t know how she felt about him. He would one day soon return to Drasta. Would she be willing to leave Earth to travel to his home world? What if she refused? Would he remain there on Earth with her?

“Are you disappointed?” she asked with concern.

He hadn’t realized he was frowning. “Of course not. Why would you think that?”

“I know I’m not experienced—”

“You are perfect and I’m deeply honored that you trusted me to be your first.” He was determined to be her only lover, but he didn’t want to scare her off. “Was it okay for you? Did I hurt you?” He would hold back on discussing their future for now. He needed more time to sort out his own feelings first and to figure out what he wanted to do with his career.

She smiled at him shyly. “I think it was amazing and it hurt only for a moment, which I hear is what is supposed to happen your first time. I guess this wasn’t your first time.”

“No, it wasn’t my first, but nothing else could ever come close to what we just shared. It was special.” He meant that, too.

Quinn had been with females, mostly his own kind. There was one Earth girl from one of the domes that he’d shared sex with and she was definitely experienced. He wouldn’t trade this moment with her for a thousand nights with the most experienced females.

Squirrel yawned and they both laughed. “Come on; let’s get some sleep because I am not done with you yet. I plan to show you as much as I can before I have to leave for my shift.”

“Oh boy.”


The next morning


Squirrel couldn’t stop smiling. Quinn stayed all night and showed her so many different positions that they could make love. She really liked being on top, riding him and holding on to his firm chest. His eyes would follow her breasts as they bobbed up and down. She might not be large chested but what she had Quinn seemed to love. He couldn’t keep his hands or mouth off her.

After all the lovemaking they did, she found herself a little bit achy but in all the right places. She took a hot shower and that eased some of her muscles. She knew she was smiling like an idiot but she couldn’t stop herself. She had never felt more beautiful or feminine in her whole life. She wished he didn’t have to report to duty so soon. It would have been nice to spend the whole day with him in bed.

Squirrel understood so much more now about why people in the tunnels would share sex, some having real relationships. The connection to another person was incredible. She wondered if she had known that sooner whether she would have taken a chance on getting close to someone.

She shook her head at the thought of being with anyone but Quinn. Squirrel was glad that things had happened the way they did. If the Drastans hadn’t responded to the request-for-help message and come to Earth, she would never have met Quinn. She wouldn’t know what this feeling of falling in love was like.

Squirrel got out of the shower and dried off. She was supposed to meet Jared in the mediko for another checkup, although she didn’t see why because she felt fine. She looked at herself in the mirror and couldn’t believe how much her face glowed with happiness. That was all due to Quinn and his patience and gentleness. He was amazing.

After walking into the bedroom, she opened the closet and frowned. It was filled with dresses, weird ones that were probably made by Drastans. She hadn’t worn a dress in—well, she couldn’t remember that far back. She wasn’t thrilled to have to wear one now but her scrubs from yesterday were being cleaned. She figured she’d have to ask Lily, Maggie, and Rachel if there were any pants she could wear. She grabbed one of the dresses off the rack. It was blue and made like a halter dress, which left her shoulders bare. It had a built-in support for her breasts, and flowed down to her feet.

There were no boots in the closet either, only sandals. She glanced over to where her old boots had been placed under a chair by Quinn. They weren’t really her boots; she had outgrown the tennis shoes she had been wearing when she woke after the nuclear disaster. She came across a pair of men’s boots that were too big for her feet but protected her from the rough terrain.

She had refused to let Jared throw them out when she was first brought to the command ship, but now she didn’t want to put them back on. She felt different, and wanted more for herself than being a squirrel scampering for food and shelter. She also knew there were others suffering because they feared the aliens and their intent. She might be able to help bridge the gap if she was brave enough to put herself out there. It was the right thing to do.

Sliding on the sandals, which fit her perfectly, she stood up and brushed her hair. It was getting so long; she might have to cut it. Or not—Quinn liked to play with it and run the strands through his fingers.

She went to the door and waved her hand in front of the panel on the wall. The door opened and she immediately jumped backward at seeing the large man’s back in front of her. He turned to look at her with concern. He moved back to give her room to exit.

“Good morning, miss.”

He kept his distance, probably so that she would feel more at ease, and that made her feel guilty for reacting to him the way that she did. He had done nothing threatening, only remained close by to ensure her safety.

“I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced. I’m Squirrel.” She reached out to shake his hand. He took hers in his big hands gently; as if he was afraid she would break.

“I’m Lt. Tagar Orti. It is my pleasure and honor to be your full-time guard.”

“I am grateful to you for keeping me safe.”

“Where would you like to go today?”

“I have an appointment with Mediko Jared.”

“Are you not feeling well, miss?” He had a concerned look on his face. She wanted to reassure him.

“I am; it’s just a follow-up. You can call me Squirrel.”

“I am not sure I should call you that. Lt. Estro has expressed his distaste at people calling you that name.”

She sighed. “I know he hates it but it’s the only name I have.”

The big man tilted his head as he considered something. “That is a dilemma. What does Quinn—Lt. Estro call you?”

“He calls me
little one
or sometimes
, which I guess is the same thing.”

“Lihali—it fits you. Would you be bothered if I used that name to refer to you instead of the other?”

She smiled. “I think that’s a great idea.” She walked down the corridor with Tagar following her close behind.


“Come in!”

Quinn entered his uncle’s office and saluted him. Devlon motioned for him to sit down. “At ease, warrior. Sit down. I have a mission to discuss with you.”

Quinn sat down with anticipation. “A mission?”

“Yes, you’ve been plaguing me to give you one for months. I have one for you and it’s dangerous. As your commander, I need the best and most trustworthy warrior. As your uncle, I hesitate sending my only nephew in to do something risky. Liam and Kyle assured me that you were qualified to handle it, and Jared cleared you medically. I need to see if your head is in the game.”

“I’m ready for this, more than ready.”

“I heard that you have been spending time with the Earth female named Squirrel.”

Quinn couldn’t help but growl. “I don’t like that name, but yes, I’ve—spent time with her. What does that have to do with me taking on a mission?”

Devlon sighed. “I think of you like one of my own sons. Your father was my only brother and he was a good male. He would be very proud to see how well you turned out. Your mother did an amazing job raising you and I am forever in her debt for helping with my boys. When you were to be assigned to a ship, I stepped forward to make sure you were placed under my command. Your mother asked me before we left Drasta to do everything in my power to make sure you can return home safely. You’re all she has left in the world.”

“Is that why all my previous requests to lead my own mission have been denied?” Quinn suspected that his uncle was being overprotective and the look of guilt on his face proved it.

Devlon chose his words carefully. “I may have kept you from missions that I deemed too—unstable.”

“Damn it, Uncle Devlon!” Quinn stood and paced back and forth. Fury filled him, and for the first time it was directed at his idol from childhood. “How could you hold me back like that?”

“I may have been wrong, I admit that. You have to understand, I know what it is like to see all three of my own sons face danger and one almost died. Your mother would not survive losing her only child after losing her amahlo. It would crush her will to live.”

“So now you’re willing to allow me to take on a mission that may be dangerous. Why?”

“For sake of my grandchildren.”

“Are the rebels threatening to hurt little Milly?” Quinn would take on anyone who dared to hurt someone he loved.

“It’s not the Earth rebels that have me concerned right now. What I worry about are the Drastans who have supplied the rebels with Drastan weapons. I have set up cameras on all the ships, hoping to catch Drastans in the act. I had anonymous tip that there is a group gathering who plan to take over command of the fleet.”

“What? That’s treasonous!”

“The mission I wanted to offer you is to seek out this group covertly and discover if they are a true threat to my family.”

“I’ll do it, you know I will.”

“You need to really think about this first. Especially since you have been spending time with Squirr—the Earth female.”

“We are not fully mated. I still make decisions on how I want to live my life.”

“If you become involved with the female, your decisions will now affect her.”

“Having a mate and family didn’t stop you from going on missions.”

“Son, don’t use me as an example. I have made too many mistakes to count. My biggest, though, was leaving my amahala to have to raise our boys. I didn’t cause her death but I am responsible for not doing more to make her life easier. My sons grew up not knowing how much they mean to me, but we are working to make amends thanks to Maggie, Rachel, and Lily. I don’t want you to make the same mistakes.”

“Is this my decision to make or are you still making the decisions for me?” Quinn knew his uncle meant well but he was still angry that he was purposely kept from moving up. 

“It is your decision, but I don’t want an answer until tomorrow. I need to know that you have really thought this out. If you care for this female, then you need to consider her safety. Liam and Kyle will not be taking any missions that keep them from their amahalas. They worry constantly about their children’s safety. Jared also worries over his Lily and his young stepson. If you take this mission it could be weeks or months away from your female. Think about what that will mean for both of you. If you have shared sex, she may already be carrying your child. I don’t want to have another child grow up without their father.”

Quinn nodded without commenting. What could he say? Everything his uncle was telling him was the truth.

“You’re excused, warrior.”

Quinn quickly left the office, feeling all sorts of mixed emotions. He was angry with his uncle but could also understand why he was being so protective. He needed to sort out his thoughts and there was only one place that helped him do that—the gym.


BOOK: Awakening (Earth Evolution Series Book 4)
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