At Her Husband's Command (6 page)

BOOK: At Her Husband's Command
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“Not at all,” Kyle said. “We’ll amuse ourselves for as long as you need.”

“That’s what I thought,” Ivor said.

Oh, God. Lottie knew what that meant. She was really in for a good spanking with that board. She had no idea how it would feel but she was sure it would be a deep, dark pain that sent her folding in on herself.

She was aware of both Ivor and Melody leaving the room. Now she had two doms whose attention was on her arse and another sub who would likely be watching with a mixture of envy and relief.

Someone’s hand stroked over her buttocks. She wasn’t sure whose but it was big and the skin slightly rough. It could have been her master’s as he had calluses on his palms from his physical job, but because she had no idea about Kyle’s it could have been his too.

She moved her hips from left to right and clenched her internal muscles; they were a little twitchy from not having had the chance to orgasm. Maybe, if the breadboard was a severe implement and she took it well, Rupert would sate her needs sooner rather than later.

“Keep still, sub,” Rupert said.

The hand on her arse moved up to her lower back and held her in place, pressing her into the table.

“Go ahead, my friend,” Rupert said. “Give her what she needs.”

Lottie curled her toes on the floor, angling her feet together. This was always a delicious moment, when Rupert allowed another man to dominate her, and she relished it. It was part humiliation, part pleasure at relinquishing herself so utterly to her master. She really and truly was his. He could do as he wished with her and she trusted him entirely.

She was aware of the board searing through the air and held her breath.

It collided with her skin in one huge blast of sharp, hot pain.

She yelped, unable to hold it in.

“Good girl,” Rupert said. He stroked over her arse; she was sure it was him, she wanted it to be him. “That’s the worst one over with.”

He lifted his hand. Within a second another resounding smack spread across both of her buttocks.

Again she cried out. Though the shock of the one wide block of pain wasn’t as surprising this time.

“It’s very pleasing,” Kyle said, “the redness is blooming already.”


Another hard thwack.

Lottie screwed up her eyes and bit on her bottom lip. Crying out would be a reason for more punishment if she wasn’t careful. But damn, that breadboard hurt. Unlike a hand that only connected with a small amount of flesh, this one collided with practically her entire arse.

Again she was hit, this time with a force that jolted her up the table.

Rupert pressed harder against the base of her back, holding her in place.

She employed her usual technique of melting into herself, allowing the endorphins to swirl through her bloodstream and in her brain. She adored the natural high they gave her both during and after a spanking. It had become quite addictive, which was one of the reasons this was their way of life.

“Ah, yeah, that’s good,” Rupert murmured by her ear. “Keep taking it.”

The next blow was lower; it struck the top of her thighs.

Lottie couldn’t help but cry out.

“Careful,” Rupert said, a warning tone lacing the word.

“I’m so sorry,” Kyle replied. “I didn’t realize she was so sensitive there. I’ll aim higher.”

Lottie groaned. The top of her thighs, like most people’s, were ultra-sensitive and the board was extra harsh.

Rupert’s hands slipped from her lower back and he rubbed her buttocks, then lower still, massaging the sting from her thighs. It felt as though a slice had been taken from them—but of course she knew it hadn’t—and his caring touch was comforting.

“I think she’s nearly had enough,” Rupert said. “It’s a new toy, after all.”

“Yes,” Kyle agreed. “Here, do you want a go?”


Lottie flexed and un-flexed her fingers. There was more to come.

She wondered if Tia was jealous or relieved that she wasn’t on the receiving end of the two doms and their new implement. Tia enjoyed pain and pleasure the same way every sub did, but would this be her thing? She knew Kyle had no problem sharing her. She’d seen that in action the first time they’d met their new friends at another club dinner. Maybe that was what she really enjoyed.

“Count to three,” Rupert said, brushing his hand through her hair.

Lottie’s scalp was damp with perspiration, and as he shifted the moist strands, she was glad of the cool air washing over her clammy neck.

“Yes, Sir.”

Once again he settled his hand in the hollow of her back.

She braced, knowing that she had to endure three more hard whacks of the board. Her arse was on fire, the skin scorched—each clout layering more pain that sent heat to her pussy and made her clit throb.

A single, sharp neat strike blasted over her butt.

“One,” she gasped.

Another came quickly, the strike right on target.

She squeezed her eyes shut, moisture leaking from between her lids. “Two.”

“Last one,” Rupert said.

A final stinging blow.

“Three.” She was panting now. That was about as much as she could take. The new spanking tool Ivor had discovered was enough to push even the most experienced, masochistic subs toward their safeword. It was the sheer scale of the pain and the heaviness of the thwacks.

“Good girl,” Rupert said, once again stroking her hair. “You did it.”

She turned to the side and saw the breadboard lying on the surface of the table.

“And it’s particularly pretty,” Kyle said, stroking her smarting buttocks, as though examining their handiwork. “I would imagine this colour will stay for hours.”

“Yes, and there’s petechial dots, always very pretty,” Rupert said, “though luckily not too many.”

Lottie groaned, enjoying their big hands swooping rhythmically over her throbbing skin. It gave her another sensation to concentrate on, to focus her thoughts on.

“I think Tia will enjoy a board like this,” Kyle said. “What do you think, my sub?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sure I will, Sir.”

Tia’s soft voice washed over Lottie, replacing the stern, hard tones of the doms and the shattering slaps of wood on flesh. She was floating, everything a little unreal.

She moaned and slumped onto the table, her limbs no longer feeling like her own. All that existed was the blistering pain and the insistent throb in her pussy that she hoped Rupert would see to soon.

“Is she okay?” Kyle asked.

“Yes, she’s fine.” Rupert pressed his lips to her temple. “Aren’t you, sub?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

“You’ve done so well.”

“Thank you, Sir.” She was weak with want, her body buzzing with longing.

“And you will be rewarded,” Rupert said quietly.

“Thank you, Sir.”

Chapter Six



“And you’ll be rewarded now,” Rupert said.

A roll of joy crested inside her. She wasn’t going to have to wait. Rupert was good to his word and if he said now, that meant now.

Still the hands, four of them, caressed her red arse. Someone used their foot to spread her legs wider.

A drip of arousal ran down her inner thigh and she adjusted her stance.

“She’s very wet,” Kyle said.

“Yes, which is good for what I have planned.”

There was a scrape of wood on tiles.

Lottie opened her eyes and peeked over her shoulder.

Rupert was moving the chair again, into a position right behind her so if he were seated, her arse and pussy would be at his face level.

He sat and she rested her cheek on her folded forearms, facing away from the breadboard this time and looking at the edge of the table.

She was so exposed, so aroused and open for him… and Kyle.

“So wet,” Rupert said. “Delightful.”

A thick invasion entered her pussy; two, maybe three fingers.

She clamped around them, loving the full feeling.

“Oh, yeah, that’s it, grip me,” Rupert said.

So it was Rupert, not Kyle, touching her.

She was glad. Nothing ever compared to her master’s touch. Though she’d be happy for Kyle to touch her if that pleased Rupert; that was how they operated and she was pleased that Kinton Kink Club played by the same rules and standards. But still, her master’s touch… nothing compared.

Rupert clamped her arse to the table with one hand and pumped his fingers in and out of her with the other.

Soft, squelching noises filled the room. She could have been embarrassed but she was so turned on, so in need of release that she didn’t care.

Plus, Rupert was hitting her G-spot, massaging that special place so well in that expert way of his. He wasn’t gentle, and she was glad. The industrious, determined way he did this was just how she liked it.

She groaned. It would be hard not to come. The dense sensation of his finger-fucking and the heat of her buttocks had her orgasm simmering already.

“If you could stand by her head, Kyle, I’d appreciate that,” Rupert said.

“Of course.”

Kyle came into her view, his groin level with her face. He was erect, the outline of his cock clearly visible through his smart trousers.

“Don’t come, sub,” Rupert said, “not until I tell you to.”

“Oh, God…” she moaned. “It’s so…” She bucked her hips to meet his jabbing thrusts. They were hard, mean, right on target. He was putting solid male muscle behind his movements, stabbing and prodding her pussy. “Ah, yeah…”

“No, don’t you dare,” Rupert said sternly. He reached for her hair and tugged.

“Ah…” She was forced to lift her face from her arms. She parted her lips and breathed hard, trying to control the pressure that had grown in her pelvis and that was still growing.

How could Rupert expect her to comply when he was doing that? He knew she could barely contain herself when he applied that kind of pressure to her G-spot.

“Take her mouth, Kyle,” Rupert said, “it will give her something else to think about until I allow her to come on my hand.”

“With pleasure,” Kyle said.

Lottie watched as he undid the silver buckle on his belt, the light catching on the embossed infinity knot. Her focus wavered; Rupert was shifting her on the table with each of his enthusiastic rams into her pussy. She clenched her fists and tried to keep her feet on the floor, but it was hard as she was sliding back and forth, owned by Rupert and his clever fingers.

Kyle freed his cock. It was long and thick and circumcised, the tip a deep mauve and his slit wide.

Lottie moaned. Her master was right, as always; a dick in her mouth would help her control her orgasm. This was feeling too damn good.

“Give it to her,” Rupert said.

“Does she swallow?”


Lottie closed her eyes and opened her mouth wider. Trying not to come was now nearly as painful as the spanks she’d taken on her arse. A tell-tale tingling in her belly told her that her climax was brewing out of control.

“Here, you go, take me, sweet little sub,” Kyle said, cupping her jaw and resting the tip of his hot cock on her lips. “That’s it, don’t be shy, do as your master says.”

Lottie rested her tongue on her bottom lip, curling it so Kyle had a smooth platform to glide in on.

He pushed in, a firm steady drive that took him to the back of her throat. He didn’t go too far though, she didn’t gag, and for that she was grateful.

She closed her lips around his thick girth and his flavour spread on her tongue; rich and musky with a hint of spiced soap. She gave a small, even-pressured suck.

“Oh, yeah, that’s it,” Kyle said. “Hot little mouth, hasn’t she?”

“Yes. And you have my blessing to use it,” Rupert said.

Kyle withdrew then eased back in; he gripped her cheeks, holding her steady.

Rupert slid his hand down her back and again held her firmly against the table. “Don’t come,” he said. “Soon, but not yet.”

Lottie groaned. It was all becoming too much. She was fired up from the earlier spanking, twisted with longing and high on pain and desire. Now with her master working her pussy and a cock in her mouth, she felt harpooned by them, captured, their toy thing, at their mercy.

“Damn, this is good,” Kyle said, excitement lacing his tone. “So good.”

He set up a steady pace, fucking her mouth.

“Hey, Tia, don’t you bloody dare, sub,” Kyle said suddenly.

“Sorry, Master.” Tia’s voice was full of trepidation. “So sorry, Sir.”

“You will be.”

Lottie couldn’t see what Tia had done, but she’d guess that the other woman in the room had slipped a hand between her legs to masturbate. A big no-no without permission. She’d be punished for that later; doms weren’t in the habit of forgetting misdemeanours.

“You’re doing so well,” Rupert said, “just a few more seconds and I’ll allow you to come, sweet girl.”

Kyle pulled out and yanked at his cock, working it furiously. He groaned long and low.

“Oh… oh…” Lottie said, the bliss spiralling upwards and threatening to consume her.

“Open,” Kyle said, gripping her face again.

She did as instructed.

He forged in, further than before. His plunge determined and his cock steel-hard.

“Come, you may come,” Rupert said, thrusting his fingers even harder into her pussy.

She came; a glorious burst of pleasure that roared upwards through her body and shattered to all of her nerve endings.

She held her breath as Kyle flooded her throat with his release, swallowing and swallowing, dragging the tip of his cock to the very back of her tongue.

“Ah, Jesus Christ,” Kyle said, pounding his hips forward and his pubic hair brushing up against her nose.

She squirmed and writhed, twisted on the table. All she could feel was ecstasy spasming through her. She clenched around Rupert’s fingers, the thudding of her pussy going on and on and dragging deep guttural moans from the lowest reaches of her chest. She was out of control; her body belonged to Rupert and Kyle as they drew out her pleasure.

“Ah, yeah, fuck, that’s good…” Kyle said, withdrawing but keeping her face held tight in his hands.

“More,” Rupert said, “come again…”

BOOK: At Her Husband's Command
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