Read AslansStranger-ARE-epub Online

Authors: JenniferKacey

AslansStranger-ARE-epub (4 page)

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“Wrap your legs around me.”

Her legs moved before she gave it another thought. Being wrapped around him in every way. With heels on, still. Fuck. And she held him close. One of his fists in her hair and the other he moved beneath her to hold the back of her neck.

Powering into her, he groaned. “It’s not possible, with how turned on I already was, but I’m getting harder. Thicker.” And he wasn’t gentle about showing her. He fucked her. Rough.

He kissed her, pushing his tongue past her lips to possess her mouth just as he took the rest of her body. Letting go of her hair, he grabbed behind one of her knees and jacked it up next to her abdomen.

The change in angle lined up his cock perfectly to her G-spot.

“Fuuuccckkkkkk…” she whispered as he hit it over and over again in tight bursts of movement. “I’m going to— I’m gonna—”

“Come on my cock, Aslan. I want you to get so wet I’m swimming in it.”

Pressure built in her whole body and her abdomen started jerking in the same cadence as her pussy spasmed around him.

Wetness coated him as she came.

Her fingernails dug into his back.

“Zeke,” she bit out through clenched teeth. “Zeke.” She huffed out his name a third time as he continued to fuck her. Coming like that, even though her clit wasn’t involved, usually satisfied her and at least took the edge off. But not today. Not when he looked down at her like that. Not with his hand clamped on her neck, holding her in place, and his balls slapping her ass on every stroke.

Her pussy tightened on him again and they both groaned.

“Fuck, I almost came when you did that.”

She swallowed hard and licked his bottom lip. “Why didn’t you?”

“Because we aren’t done yet.” He pulled out of her and flipped her onto her stomach. Grabbing a pillow, he shoved it beneath her hips.

She tried to turn enough to see him and he spanked her ass.

Open palm.


Crying out, she buried her face in the comforter while lifting her ass for another swat.

“Like that, do you?” He smacked her ass again and then held her ass cheeks wide.

His nose touched her first. His breath second, as he exhaled on her flesh.

He tongued the pucker of her ass. He didn’t just lick it, though. Oh, no. He couldn’t leave her with some semblance of control. Of course not.

He fucked her ass with his tongue.

Over and over again. Licking, biting her rear, and then fucking it again.

“Hold your ass open for me. I’m making you come one more time before I fuck it.”

Not. A. Request.

As soon as her hands were holding her cheeks wide, his tongue was on her again, but his fingers weren’t idle. One or two, she couldn’t see how many, filled her sex and he thrust them downward toward the bed. Her G-spot—

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she repeated as her back arched and she came again. Her legs bent at the knee and she strained.

To get closer or move away, she didn’t know.

She couldn’t process anything. Nothing.

Everything was just…him.

She vaguely remembered him moving and her collapsing in a heap on the bed. She tried to roll over to see him but he grabbed her leg and put her back on her stomach.

Before I fuck it

His words came back to her. Oh God.


Then he was there, lifting her hips into place. His cock—thick and hard—pushing into her ass.

“But I don’t have lube here.”

He shoved her shoulders down and held her in place as she struggled just a little bit. “We don’t need it. You’re soaked. And I need in your ass. Let me in, baby. Let. Me—”

The last word didn’t come because he pushed inside.

She cried out and tried to elbow him, but he caught her wrists and put some of his weight on her.

“Take me, Aslan. I need you.”

I need you.

Those words. His strained voice calmed her more than his hands did.

He fucked her ass as if it were her pussy, and that’s when she realized it. Him getting in had shocked her, surprised her, but it hadn’t hurt.

Him fucking her ass as if he couldn’t help himself was like nothing she’d ever felt before.

“I can’t stop. I need you.”

She wrapped her feet over his legs and dug her knees into the mattress. When she tilted her hips up on each stroke, he was able to get inside her just a little bit more.

“Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” She tried to pull her hands free but he locked down on them. “Please let me have my hands. I need to touch you. I need to come.” So many things were firing in her head at once and she couldn’t focus on any of them.

He released her wrists, she pulled her arms down, and he dug his arms beneath her and held her tight. “Come for me. I’m close. Come on my cock one more time so I can feel you.”

One hand went back, so she could hold his thigh and the other moved between the pillow and herself to get to her clit.

She had to come. Had to. But it wasn’t just coming. Not anymore.

It was coming for him.

It was giving him what he needed so he could come.

She needed him to come. And she almost cried out in thanks that he hadn’t put a condom on.

Remove almost.

The moment her fingers touched her clit, she jerked and Zeke bit her shoulder. His control was a thing of the past.

He was fucking beautiful and she couldn’t even see him.

Their breaths echoed in pants of each other and she strummed her clit. Faster and faster as he fucked her ass.

“Zeke!” she screamed.

Her orgasm ripped through her and she cried out as her ass locked down on his shuttling cock.

“Oh, fuck. Your ass just got so tight. So. Tight. I’m gonna—”

Aslan screamed his name again as he jerked inside her.

She could feel him claiming her, filling her.

His arms locked around her and he fucked her in tight strokes. His teeth in her shoulder were directly connected to her clit as her fingers continued to move.

Her mind floated away as he collapsed on top of her.

Never had sex been like that before.

Never had coming meant everything in that moment because of who she was giving it to.

Never…would she be the same.




Chapter Three


A little while later, after he’d removed her shoes, they’d showered and gotten back in bed to snuggle. Zeke wound his fingers through hers on her left hand and held them up.

He could have been holding them up to show how much bigger his was than hers. Or the difference in their appearance. His being so much more masculine with his short fingernails and callused palms. He ran a thumb across her red polish, highlighting the color that had made her feel powerful, yet completely feminine.

But she knew what he was looking at. He didn’t have to say a word. She just…knew.

The wedding rings.

The—matching—wedding rings.

“A stranger fantasy, huh?”

She bit her lip and thought about rolling over to face him, but she liked being tucked against the hard ridges of his body so she cuddled closer.

Rubbing her cheek against his arm under her neck made her twitch as remembered sensations raced down her spine. “Wasn’t it?” It wasn’t what she’d meant to say, but it was definitely a question she wanted answered.

“We’ve been married for almost nine years, Aslan. We’re hardly considered strangers at this point.”

A stream of moonlight shone through the glass doors leading out onto their balcony and warmth infused her. It gave her calm and courage. “Aren’t we? Aren’t we strangers when it comes to this?”

“This, meaning what, exactly? Sex?” He nosed hair off of her neck and kissed her. No anger or true concern laced his words, just curiosity.

“Kink. Being ourselves. Not worrying about what others think of us and being so wrapped up in business that we lose…” She thought for a second and said the first thing that sprang into her head. “Us.”

He rolled her over so he could look down at her face.

His eyebrows showed the concern, which his voice was able to hide. “I’m not worried about what others think of us. They can go fuck themselves. I’m only worried about one thing.”

“Which is?” And she hated to ask. Hated that she didn’t know.

“You.” He nodded at her but didn’t say anything else.

“What about me? What would you be worried about with me?”

“I don’t care what anybody thinks of me. Not one rat’s ass. But you… You’re different to me.”

“Always have been,” they answered together.

Aslan smiled and brushed her fingers across his lips. He kissed them and she held his cheek. “When I said “I do,” so many years ago, I meant it. That vow was more than just words to me.”

“Me too.”

“But you’ve always thought you had to be perfect for me to love you.” The words were hard for her to get out, but this was important. They were important.

No answer or response came but she knew he was running through all of the things he’d done wrong before they got together.


He shook his head but she cut him off with a kiss before he could say anything else.

Trying again, she rolled over on top of him and really kissed him. Rubbing her wet pussy against his hardening cock finally did the trick and he groaned.

“I love you. I want you. But not some watered down version of what you think perfection is for me.” She was on a roll and she wasn’t stopping. “I’m all grown up. Yes, we got married young. Yes, we both just turned thirty and we run a very large company that takes both of us many hours a week.”

“We work really hard for what we have. Fantasy of the Seas is only one of our ships and they’re all impressive.” “Impressive” was the understatement of the year. Their cruise ships were amazing and the entire industry knew it.

“Yes, we do. And I love it. Love what we do and all of our people, but I also want to play hard.” His cock jerked beneath her and she swiveled her hips. “And I want you to give yourself the freedom of being who you are.”

“And who am I?”

“I’m not entirely certain but wouldn’t it be amazing to meet him?”

Rolling over with her, he sank inside, thrusting—quick, quick, slow—until she arched her spine and dug her nails into his shoulders.


She swallowed and bit her lip. “So?”

“Hypothetically speaking, if we were to commit to this. Agree to this…change in our dynamic, what exactly would you propose?”

“Hypothetically speaking?”

“Of course.”

His lips mesmerized her as they puckered on the second word and she had to concentrate on his words instead of what he was doing below her waist.

“I would propose fantasies. Like the A to Z’s of fantasies. A for Aslan and Z for Zeke. Hot, huh?” She lifted her eyebrows a few times and he kissed her.

Shifting on the bed, he filled her a bit more than he normally did. Since he was larger than average, he was always worried about giving her too much. Hurting her. The simple act of him giving her more than he thought she could handle was…epic. “What kind of fantasies, beautiful?”

“Like the stranger fantasy, but different.”

He kissed her and flipped her over onto her stomach, kneeing her thighs apart and then he was inside her again, moving, thrusting…claiming her. Them.

“Different, how? I think I might need a few hypothetical scenarios.”

“I’m having a very hard time concentrating right now.”

He went still. “Want me to stop?” He bit her shoulder, jerking inside her, and then wrapped his arms around her.

Safe and treasured. She’d never felt more of either than in that moment.

”No Sir.”
. Sure as hell sounded right. Felt even better.

“Good girl.” He thrust inside her, moving in her wetness since she was so turned on by the shift inside him that her pussy was soaked. After fucking her for another minute, he slowed down again. “Examples? Tell me a couple more of your fantasies.”

“Quid pro quo, Doctor.”

“Only my wife would quote
Silence of the Lambs
at a time like this.”

“Perfect quote, lover. Do we have a deal?”

He licked her shoulder and bit her lightly. “Deal. You give me two and I’ll do the same.”

“Mile high club.”

Even his laugh turned her on. “Good one. I could get
on board
with that one.”

“Ugh. Awful joke. And you can’t steal my fantasy. You have to come up with one on your own, smart guy.”

“Sex in a kink club.”



“You blindfolded—‘cause I’m totally taking that off your hard limit list—bound for me, completely mine to control. And I get to fuck you how I want, when I want, and other people could be watching, or not. It’s up to me. I run the show.”



He’d been holding out on her. She knew he had been. But getting bogged down in “woulda shoulda coulda”s wasn’t going to help them find their happy now. “Coming for you with you only using your fingers,” she whispered it as if it were a secret.

“Why is that a fantasy?” He continued to move inside her and it didn’t feel as if he were objecting to the idea.

“I want it to be a surprise sometime, when I’m doing some mundane task at work or at home. It’s a fantasy because of the motive behind it.”

He ran his teeth along her skin, making her shiver, and her pussy fluttered around him. “And what do you see the motive as being?”

“That you need me to come for you. You need it so bad you’ll interrupt something I’m doing, and the look in your eyes will tell me everything I need to know. I could be writing a report or doing laundry or cleaning our bathroom, and you’ll stop me. Pull off my panties or move them to the side and play with me until I come.”

“Because I need it?”

She nodded. “And because you can.” She bit her lip.

“What? There’s something else you’re not telling me.”

The next part was scary. Because it was emotional and left her feeling as if she were jumping off a building. She didn’t know if he was going to be at the bottom to catch her.

“Tell me. Please.”

“I think—I think I’ve seen that look in your eyes before. Wanting me like that. Needing me so strongly that you’d do anything to get to me. But you’ve always stopped. You’ve always walked away.” She rubbed her lips together and swallowed her emotion. “I don’t want you to walk away from me anymore.”

BOOK: AslansStranger-ARE-epub
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