Apt [Running to Love 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Apt [Running to Love 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“You’re not living here.”

Fiona nodded. It was a bit of a sketchy area, all she could afford at the moment, although how he knew that just from a quick glance about him in the dark was a mystery. He took her key and opened the door, walking through it first to flick lights on and scan the place. Part of her was amused, but a greater part of her appreciated how seriously he took her safety and well-being. Momma cat mewed from the bedroom, and both men spun in that direction. Alistair got a resigned look on his face when he heard the little responses of the kittens. Then Jerry the crow hollered his annoyance at his rest being disrupted, and Alistair muttered something about inheriting seriously unbalanced relatives, even by marriage.

“He’ll soon be ready for release,” she soothed and watched Dave hide a smile at Alistair’s discomfit.

“Whatever, Fiona. It’s Dave’s problem, and he won’t let anything impact the Club.”

She wondered at the trust and connection between these two. Maybe it came from being comrades-in-arms, but they seemed to know one another’s thoughts and predicted actions. Dave hadn’t even challenged Alistair about whether he knew about her and Andrew. Fiona wondered if Andrew had known about Dave and his connection with Alistair and then dropped it. It wasn’t her place, and it had all worked out really well in the end.

“Pack a change of clothes and stuff for work, Fiona. You won’t need anything else until then.”

Dave’s comment made her pussy clench and moisten. She didn’t waste time speculating but hurried to do as he asked and was rewarded with a gentle slap on her bottom as she went by him. He followed her and placed Momma and her family into the carry crate without comment, but she saw how gently he handled their furry bodies and how the cat acquiesced. He grimaced at the litter box but hoisted it and took everything out into the living room. By the time she’d thrown a few things together, Alistair was back to get the bird in his heavy cage. Dave came to the kitchen with her to pack her animals’ food up, too.

The drive to the Club wasn’t quite as relaxing as the one to her place. The animals complained, especially Jerry, and they didn’t smell so good either. Traveling didn’t seem to agree with them. They pulled up in front of the Club, and Dave lifted her down, again wrapping his arm around her to escort her inside before heading back out to assist Alistair with the unloading. As soon as her pets were settled in a sparsely decorated room that served as Dave’s living area, Alistair made his excuses and fairly ran out the door. Dave mentioned that Jackie hadn’t been allowed to attend Unleashed, and ’Stair might have some “splaining” to do.


Fiona blinked and gathered her thoughts. Okay, then. She guessed this was “Me Dom, you sub.” She undressed quickly, and he took her clothing and went into the bedroom to put it on a shelf in the closet with her work clothes, his eyes shuttered and his face composed. He pointed to his feet, and she went to her knees, placing her hands on her thighs, palms up. Dave rested his hand on her hair, the heat from his palm warming her scalp and spreading down over her neck and to her shoulders.

“You’ll wear nothing here unless I tell you differently.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He lifted his hand, and she mourned the loss of his touch even as she kept her eyes lowered. Dave moved about the room and then walked out of her vision. She strained to hear him and then realized he’d gone back into the bedroom. He cursed, and she winced.

“I’ve got nothing here, Fiona. I’ll be back shortly.”

What was nothing? Where was he going? Then she realized he had no condoms, maybe no toys. That must mean he didn’t bring women here. Her eyes filled, and a tear emerged from the left one, spilling over her bottom lashes to meander down her cheek and drip off the edge of her jaw. Several fell from her other eye, and then there was a matching deluge. He’d said that he hadn’t been sleeping with other women, and she’d believed him, but the events of the night had just caught up with her. He’d always been hers.

“Fiona? What’s wrong?” Dave tossed a number of objects down on the carpet and hauled her up. He sat with her on a battered leather couch. She found she couldn’t answer past her sobs, and the tears just kept flowing. Finally she managed to choke out one word. “Overwhelmed.”

“Ah, sweetheart. It’s okay. Me, too.” He held her and stroked her hair until the tears dried up. “You haven’t had any real rest, either, and I just went ahead to act out my greatest fantasy.”

He stood up, still clutching her to his chest, and carried her to the bedroom where the bed was stripped and ready for action. He chuckled. “I’m like somebody starved, Fiona. I want it all right fucking now. Sorry. Right now.”

She kissed the side of his jaw. “Me, too.”

“You’re going to bed. We have tomorrow and the next day. Hell, we have forever. We’re going to discuss a wedding date in the morning.” He lowered her down, and she clung to him, protesting. He loosened her hold and pressed her arms down beside her. “Do as I say.”

Fiona pouted. She knew she did. And it wasn’t lost on Dave. He raised an eyebrow and made an about-face, marching from the room. She watched his nice ass, sighed, and sat up to reach for the sheet. She supposed she was tired, to judge by that torrent of tears. Dave came back, and she checked her thoughts at his look and the little smile on his face. He held a tube of lube and a large butt plug in either hand, and she felt her gaze bouncing back and forth between them like a ref at a tennis match. She liked anal play a lot, but that was a really big plug, and this was probably a warm-up for the main event. He’d shoved that big male member of his up her pussy with considerable difficulty, and she began to rethink the idea of having it up her ass. Andrew had talked about anal sex being an act of claiming for some folks. Oh, boy.

“On your belly, sweetheart. We’ll start preparing that tight little rosebud tonight, seeing as you pouted so prettily.”

Her sex tingled, and a longing ache bloomed just like that. His suggestive talk just pulled all her feelings right to her apex. Fiona rolled over.

“Hands and knees. Spread your legs.”

God, she wanted to rub herself even as she complied. She could feel his heated stare at her revealing stance, and her thighs trembled. The bed dipped as he knelt behind her. His big hand smoothed over her buttocks and then he spread her cheeks.

“Baby, you’re pretty everywhere.”

A dribble of lube made her flinch, but his murmur soothed her, and he worked it around her rim, pressing and rubbing until she felt herself open for him. He pressed inside, and the familiar burn bloomed into edgy pleasure. She moaned and pushed back, and he met her with more pressure, only to pull out and push in again. Dave’s fingers were really big, but his cock was bigger, and Fiona knew he was well aware of the need for preparation.

“You like this, sweetheart. You’ll like my cock better.” God, he was making her crazy with his intimate comments.

After a time his finger was removed and the unforgiving plastic of the plug slid into her past the tight anal ring, the wide tip stretching her far more, and a whimper fell from her lips. Dave instantly stilled his movements, reaching instead to push a finger between her pussy lips and to her clit.

“Relax, sweetheart. Breathe through it. Your little asshole wants this. It’s sucking at it, and I can’t wait to see it take my cock.”

The suggestive words and the little strokes both distracted her and made her want more. She pushed back again, and he eased the plug deep. It fairly took her breath away until it narrowed, and the base snugged tight between her cheeks. Dave worked her clit harder, and she came almost instantly, a small, comforting orgasm, a little taste of the pleasures to come. He pulled her hips back so she could rest on her belly and feel the warmth of his breath as he pressed a kiss on her buttocks. The lights dimmed, and Dave stretched out beside her, his hot, naked body further soothing her. He laid his arm over her waist and hitched closer, and she dropped into sleep.


* * * *


“Goddamn it, Jackie!” Fiona rolled over onto her back and just as quickly rolled back, the plug making itself apparent. The residual heat from Dave’s body was still evident on his side of the bed, and she patted the mattress proprietarily even as he yelled again. Fiona could vaguely hear a feminine voice raised in response, and she eased out of bed and hustled to the bathroom. She used the facilities and briefly considered removing the cursed plug but thought better of it. They hadn’t had many hours of sleep, and it hadn’t been in all that long. At least that was how she explained it to herself when she really hoped Dave would have plans for their day that involved removing the plug personally and replacing it with something else. She was going to be a greedy sub.

The argument outside Dave’s quarters was escalating, to judge by the raised voices, and she peeked into the living room and saw the door was open a crack. Fiona debated finding something to throw on and retreated to the closet, despite Dave’s comments about dress protocol, well, undress protocol. She was surveying the contents and about to choose one of his shirts when Momma screamed and a dog yelped. There was a crash, and Jerry the crow appeared like a black avenging angel in her peripheral vision. Fiona wheeled around and dashed into the living room just as Dave and Jackie squeezed in through the doorway, jockeying for space. Dave let her precede him, but Fiona wasn’t certain if it was because he was being a gentleman or if he didn’t want to be the first one on the scene. Perhaps he remembered the “incidents” she’d involved him in on the farm with some of her other rescues.

Beau was cowering in the far corner, having miraculously squeezed himself behind an end table, and Momma crouched on the tabletop, twice as big as life, tail switching, making low moaning noises of retribution. Jerry had landed on the adjoining floor lamp, presumably as a rear guard, and even as she watched christened the lampshade with a crow-sized lump of whitewash. Dave groaned, and Jackie burst into laughter before coming to embrace Fiona. It felt strange being hugged by another woman while stark naked, but Jackie didn’t seem to be bothered by it. So she hugged her back.

“Welcome to the family, Fiona! ’Stair told me this morning,
when he came home so late last night, I guess early this morning, because he had
things on his mind. I tell you I was some upset with him for not telling me earlier, and I came right over to meet you again, properly this time! So my brother finally got his shit together!”

Alistair?” Dave’s voice was both annoyed and resigned, and Fiona knew he was thinking about best-laid plans.

“Here, Fiona. I know I told you I wanted you naked in my quarters, but that was before little sister here barged in, and ‘Stair won’t be far behind.” He came to her and helped her into a heavy silk robe that reminded her of something royalty would wear. It was so not Dave, and she wondered who had bought it for him. A little pinprick of jealousy made her set her teeth.

“He’ll be along, I expect,” Jackie said airily, although Fiona picked up on a hint of trepidation. “He was showering when I left. That color is so much better on you, Fiona. Dave is such a pain to shop for.”

The jealousy vanished like magic, but
was going to take care of Dave from now on.

“Did you take his truck?” Dave sounded incredulous.

“Of course not. I drove the car. Ash was still sleeping. It was a late night.” This time Jackie sounded smug, and Fiona hid a smile at Dave’s flush.

She rolled up the sleeves of the robe and tied the sash tightly over folds of fabric that hauled the hem up around her ankles so it wouldn’t drag on the floor. Momma protested when she picked her up off the table but then relaxed into her. Probably relieved not to have to keep intimidating the pit bull. She set her down into the box with her kittens and then went for Jerry. But having rediscovered his ability to fly, Jerry easily eluded her. He swooped for the door and the open vistas beyond. Dave moved with amazing speed and grace for such a big man. Jerry squawked once before he huddled in the clutch of Dave’s hands. He bore the bird down the hall, and Fiona’s eyes filled with tears. She wanted to say good-bye. Jackie grabbed her hand and held it, and Beau crept out and came over to nudge her thigh, so she rubbed his ears for him.

Thudding footsteps sounded, and Dave returned. He strode over to her, lips set in a thin line, and held Jerry out to her. He knew her so well, knew how upset she would be had she not been given the opportunity to say good-bye to the crow. Fiona pulled her hand away from Beau and ran a finger over the bird’s head. He gave her a beady-eyed look and clacked his fearsome beak. Dave gave her a similar look and once again carried the bird away.

“You’ve got a soft heart, too,” Jackie observed. “We are going to have so much fun, honey.”

“You’ll have to hold off on the fun for now, Fiona.” Alistair’s dry voice had them both turning. “Jackie is going to get her ass tanned as soon as she recovers from having the baby. I’m keeping a list.”

“And checking it twice!” Jackie said spritely. “And you’ll need to find a better deterrent, ’Stair.” She laughed and winked at Fiona as she said it. “I brought Beau, so I didn’t go off by myself.”

“A fat lot of good that dog would do if you went into labor, Jackie.” Fiona could hear the upset and concern in Alistair’s voice, as well as his frustration. So did Jackie, obviously, because she let go of Fiona and went to cuddle into her Dom’s arms. She sighed audibly.

“I know, ’Stair. But I still have weeks to go. And just so you know, your doggy guard was cowering in the corner with Fiona’s cat and crow holding him prisoner.”

Fiona looked to see if Beau was suitably chastised by his mistress’s disgust, but he was no longer at her feet. Instead, he was curled around Momma’s box, and the cat was pretending to be oblivious as she nursed her little brood. Alistair threw his hands up and then took Jackie’s elbow.

BOOK: Apt [Running to Love 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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