Read Anarchist Book 3 Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Anarchist Book 3 (3 page)

BOOK: Anarchist Book 3
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So instead of fucking her like the madman I usually am whenever I get my hands on her, I slid in and out of her slowly, while holding her head in my hands and staring down into her eyes.

“I missed you so fucking much baby. Don’t cry baby, I’m here now, everything’s going to be okay.” Now that I was inside her and had the proof I needed that she hadn’t given that asshole my cunt, I could think clearly again.

I can’t imagine what she had gone through in the last few weeks since her dad sprung this crazy shit on her.

I kissed her with all the passion I had inside for her while I let my cock dig down deep into her pussy.

Fucking thing still owned my ass. I pulled out and licked into her pussy again to ease some of the pressure and soreness from the invasion.

As soon as she started fucking my tongue I pulled it out and slipped my cock back in. “Am I still hurting you?”

“Uh-uh, feels good.” She wrapped her legs around me, pulling me in all the way. Our lips stayed fused together and we played swords with our tongues.

Pretty soon the bed was rocking beneath us and banging into the wall as we both sped up our movements. I wanted to give her as much lovemaking as she needed to feel close to me again, but fuck did I want to fuck her hard.

“I need to fuck baby.” She was too caught up to respond. I could feel her pussy heating up inside which meant she was close to cumming again. I pulled out again and took her pussy lips in my mouth before sinking two fingers inside with my tongue on her clit.

I found her spot and went after it full force. “Ahh, shit, Travis.” I didn’t try to shush her, though she was screaming loud enough to bring down the damn house.

She came all over my mouth and fingers before I flipped her over onto her hands and knees.

Licking my fingers I ran them over the length of my cock before easing the tip up to the mouth of her cunt.

She started whining as soon as the head popped in.

“ I’ve got you baby I’m gonna take care of you, stay where you are.” I fucked into her hard from behind, needing to go hard, to dominate to reclaim.

“Oh, fuck, Travis, oww.” She spread her legs and cocked her ass higher trying to ease the pressure on her insides.

“It’s okay, I’ve got you, hang on baby. So fucking tight, uhhhhh.” I eased her pussy into it before I started pounding hard shaking her, the bed, the whole fucking room seemed to be moving.

Reaching around I grabbed her tits as my cock went up inside her at an angle. Her whines became moans of pleasure pain as I dug my fingers into her hips.

“Awwwwww, Oh shit,” her hips bucked and pushed back at me as she tossed her head back and forth and screeched.

My balls drew up tight and I held my cock still, fighting to hold off the oncoming orgasm. I didn’t want to leave her pussy anytime soon. But it was no use. She fucked herself on my cock, twisting her ass around in half circles back and forth as I felt her pussy tighten up and shake on my cock.

“Fuck yeah baby, get that cock. Fuck.” I had forgotten how fucking good she was at this. I’d taught her all there was to know about pleasing me as well as herself.

It was something my uncle had shared with us boys about women, or at least the women we would one day choose to be ours he’d said.

There was one sure way to keep your woman happy. Fuck her often and well. The often part was no problem but the well would take some doing.

He’d taught us about pleasing women, even got us tutorials and shit. He was a real throwback my uncle. In the old days he would’ve taken us to a house of ill repute.

Since my aunt would’ve skinned us alive, he stuck to videos and books.

I flipped her back onto her back so I could tongue fuck her mouth while I try my best to destroy her tight little pussy with my dick.

We sucked at each other’s mouths like we were starving and I rode her pussy hard and deep, making sure to dig my cock into her cervix.

“Tell me you love me.”

“You know I do.”

“Tell me.” I fucked her harder as she screamed out her declarations of love in between her oh shits and oh fucks.


“Slow.” I brought it down a bit, loving on her, kissing her softly, using my dick to massage and not pound her insides.

She responded by flooding my cock with her hot pussy juice. “That’s it baby, cum for your man.” I pulled out and picked her head up, leading it to my waiting dick.

“Suck my cock.” I held her head as she licked her pussy off my cock and balls before taking my meat into her mouth.

“Again.” I pulled out of her mouth and went back to her tight pussy.

I fucked her hard then slow. “Don’t stop.” She clutched at me, pulling me in deeper as I ground into her pussy, pressing my cock into her rubbery cervix.

“No, I wont.” I brought her off again when I couldn’t hold out anymore.  Cum was boiling in my nuts or the heat made it seem that way.

Still wasn’t ready, I flipped us over again leaving her on top this time.

“Ride my cock baby, yeah just like that, fuck.” She fucked herself like a wild thing, while I smacked her ass cheeks and pulled her on and off my cock hard. She finally came on my cock again when I drove my finger into her ass to the last knuckle.

I grabbed her ass and pulled her down harder on my cock, pulling out to tease her pussy slit with the fat head, before putting it back in and tapping it with my fingers for some added stimulation.

She went nuts on my dick and fucked herself to another cum. “It’s been too long baby.” I whispered those words before I stole her lips again.

“Give me a tit.” She lifted up from where her head rested on my chest as she caught her breath and fed me her tit.

I took my time paying homage to her beauties as she rode me nice and slow. I had held off long enough, so once again I rolled her gently to her back.

I stroked into her a couple more times before I pounded my way to orgasm.

“Mouth, face or tits?” I held my shit at the base and waited for her answer.

“In me, I want it in me.”

“Fuck.” My body jerked like I’d been shocked. I felt cum flow from my balls to the tip of my cock in record time, before it started shooting into her.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m cumming in your pussy, oh fuck.”

“I missed your big cock give me your cum; yeah, that’s it baby cum for me.”

Shit she’s gonna make me nuts. I emptied about a year’s load inside her and still my dick didn’t go down. I used it to keep her happy as she ground herself to another orgasm on my stiff pole.

“Give me your mouth.” We kissed for what felt like hours, until she grew tired and fell asleep beneath me, our bodies still moving softly against each other.

I pulled out and got her under the covers. “ I love you baby.” I kissed her forehead and brushed her hair back before lifting the covers for one last look at her amazing body.

Leaving the bed I headed for the shower. I couldn’t stay in bed with her all day like I’d planned, so I got dressed and went to see what news Law had for me.

Shit; I’d forgotten to tell her that today was her wedding day.

Chapter 3




Back at the house again I watched my new wife putter around. She was so fucking tiny I could bench-press her one handed. I watched her from the other room unbeknownst to her.

I hadn’t really taken the time to look her over before, too much shit going on. But now that I had things taken care of and I could breathe again, I could see her.

She was a little bit of a thing, with a fuck load of hair and tits. Those were the two biggest things on her.

She seemed quiet, except for that ‘no’ she’d thrown at me earlier, and then the way she’d got the priest to do her bidding.

I couldn’t imagine my cock fitting into her. And where the fuck are you going with this Law? Better think of something else.

I never knew that the word wife could be so fucking sexy, but each time I thought it in the last couple hours, fuck if it didn’t start sounding sexy as fuck, ‘my wife’.

Damn! I looked down at my cock as it began to harden behind my fly. Twelve and a half fucking inches was almost as long as one of her legs. No way I was gonna fit, if I ever even thought of going there.

But fuck if the thought of forcing my meat in her didn’t make me want to fuck. I better get out of here before I do something stupid.

She caught sight of me as I tried to sneak out. “Oh you’re here. I thought we could have a celebratory lunch at least.” She looked hopeful as shit but I wasn’t about to get involved.

“Can’t, I have stuff.” I was not about to pretend that we were keeping house or some shit. That was the surest fucking way to fuck shit up.

I have to be with this female for the next I don’t know how long, and I wasn’t about to start some shit that I had no intentions on carrying on.

I thought all of that and was almost out the door, but the look on her face stopped me. “Well fuck.”

“Let’s have your special lunch.” Her face lit up and she seemed happy enough as I followed her into the kitchen.

She’d made some sort of fancy dish with vegetables and pasta and salad and some other shit that I didn’t even know we had around the house.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I was a steak and potatoes kind of guy. I remembered enough of my mother’s teaching to seat her at the table after pulling out her chair for her.

“So how are you feeling, your face still hurt?” I reached out and touched her cheek where her face was getting darker. She cuddled into my hand and I felt a softening in my heart. Fuck!

I retracted my arm swiftly and picked up my fork for my second surprise. “This isn’t bad.”

It wasn’t, it was actually quite good truth be told. There were some spices or herbs in there that I don’t remember ever tasting, and the pasta had a sweetish taste to it.

“It’s wheat pasta with fresh herbs and veggies, with just a hint of a raspberry infusion.”

“A raspberry what?”

“Never mind that husband, just eat your lunch.” Dammit was she going to keep calling me that shit?

“Here have some tea, it’s not your usual ice tea there’s a hint of mint and peach.”

Even the damn tea tasted good. She started asking me questions about my mom and the house.

“I was just thinking that since I’m going to be here for a while I might need a hobby or something to keep me busy.

The house could use some stuff done to it, but I didn’t want to do anything that maybe would be disrespectful to her memory or something.”

How was I supposed to keep my distance if she was going to be all sweet and cute?

The place hadn’t been touched in years and could probably do with a fix up, but I wasn’t sure that was something for her to do, wasn’t that shit a little personal?

   “Dana, you do realize that this marriage isn’t real right? That we’re only doing this until we get Royce off your back and then we’re quits?”

Her face fell again and I felt like a bastard. What harm could it be to let her have this? It’s just a house, it’s not like she was moving into my bed or some shit.

“Fuck it fine, do whatever you want as long as you don’t have to leave the ranch to do it. I might be able to spare a couple of the guys once or twice to run you supplies, but don’t make it a habit because they’ve got their own shit to do.”

She actually jumped up from her seat and into my lap, peppering my face with kisses. My cock did his saluting bit and I eased her off my lap quick before she felt that shit.

“I gotta go, thanks for lunch babe it was great.” I stood to leave and she held up her face to mine for a kiss.


“Just a little one on the cheek.”

Damn she is cute. I gave her her kiss and saw the secret smile that blossomed across her face. That was my cue to escape the fuck out of there.

I had barely cleared the door when I almost ran into Clay. “What’s up brother? The guys are back with the supplies and Chaz just brought that asshole back from the hospital.

All we’re waiting for now are the papers for Travis and his woman because the priest is getting antsy. He knows some shit is going on and he wants gone like now.”

“He can wait. Have somebody make sure that the shit gets put away in storage the right way. That fucker awake yet?”

“Don’t think so, by the way our scouts say there’s been a lot of movement over at the Davis homestead. We’re ready whenever you are.”

“Let’s wait for the sun...” she walked out of the house in her little fancy summer dress.

“The fuck are you going?” She rolled her eyes at me and walked over to us.

“Hi, I’m Dana we didn’t have a chance to meet before.” She reached her hand out to Clay, and funnily enough, I found myself following that hand with my eyes like I wanted to snatch it away.

Clay’s bark of laughter brought my eyes to his and I saw that he’d read me clear as day.

That didn’t stop the fuck from lifting her hand to his stupid mouth and kissing her fingers with his bullshit.

“Pleased to meet you Mrs. Daniels, I’m Clay, one of your husband’s best friends.”

She lit up at being called by my name and I had to do something to distract myself. Even with the bruises she was a fucking beauty; like my life isn’t fucked enough as it is.

“Well, where are you off to?”

“I saw the truck come back with the guys while I was in the kitchen, I just want to go see if they got everything.”

I wasn’t sure about her doing that shit, but couldn’t come up with a good enough reason to deny her.

I watched her walk away from me in the direction of the storehouse.

   “Females are a devious fucking species, I don’t see why the fuck you would want two of them at once.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing. Ginger and Cindy keep me are my pride and joys.


“You’re out of your fucking mind.” I spared her one last glance before heading for Travis and his shit.

“Oh Lawton.” She changed course and ran back to me, and before I could stop her, her lips were on mine. With her hands on my shoulders, she pulled back and smiled at me.

“Thank you for taking such good care of me.” Then she was gone again. The kiss had been short and sweet, almost innocent, except for when I licked her lips, but that had been a subconscious move on my part.

I looked down at my cock to see the damage. “Well fuck!” I need this shit.















BOOK: Anarchist Book 3
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