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Authors: Ciana Stone

An Unwanted Hunger (13 page)

BOOK: An Unwanted Hunger
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* * * * *

Resa shrugged off the slight feeling of dizziness as the energy field around her faded. Pandora stood waiting, her back to a large picture window that looked out over the vast city stronghold of the Sisterhood and to the sparkling sea beyond.

“Thank you for agreeing to meet me in this manner,” Resa said.

“Your terms left no room for negotiation on this point.”


“Then let us get to it.”

“Fine.” Resa walked over to the window and looked out over the city. It was breathtaking. Ancient yet technologically more advanced that anything she’d ever imagined. She took a few moments then turned to face Pandora.

“First, let’s be clear about this. I don’t trust you as far as I can spit you. I’m not saying I don’t like or admire you because I do. You’ve been an important factor in my life and for that I’m grateful. But you have an agenda that supersedes all others and the power to make sure that nothing thwarts your plans. Because of that, and this,” she said, and paused to put her hand over her belly, “I can’t afford to trust you. But trust isn’t really necessary for us to succeed in a common goal.”

“Am I to infer that you speak for the Crown Prince in this, or are these words yours alone?”

“The words are mine. But yes, as my message stated, Constantine has empowered me to speak for him in this matter. He will agree to your plan. Provisionally.”

“Specifically what provisions?”

“First, we will not allow any V’Karian to accompany us. No one can know where we are. Which means we’ll need money. A lot of it. Cash. And we’ll need a way to communicate with you that cannot be traced back to our source.”


“That’s not all.”

Pandora’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly but that was the only indication of her annoyance. “What more?”

“Today you will leak information to all the V’Kar on Earth, including RaJahn’s network, that Constantine is being recalled to Shadallah, to sit at the Emperor’s side, in preparation for his eventual succession to the throne. Once we’re safely in seclusion, you will not allow RaJahn to communicate with Shadallah, and all V’Karians here on Earth will continue to receive information that makes them believe that Constantine is on his home world and in preparation to take his place as Emperor when the time comes.”

Pandora’s eyes locked with hers and Resa could feel the tendrils of power trying to breach her barriers. She drew upon the power of the others within her and fought the intrusion. Finally the pressure eased.

“Very well,” Pandora said.

“Release the information now, in my presence,” Resa demanded.

Pandora hissed in irritation and summoned an aide. “Send a message to all the exiled leaders on Earth and to Prince RaJahn. Emperor Atohl has recalled the Crown Prince, Constantine Belenus to Shadallah, to sit by his side in preparation for his eventual succession to the throne of V’Kar.”

“Yes, ma’am. Immediately.”

Pandora turned to Resa. “Satisfied?”

“I will be when we receive intelligence that the V’Karians on Earth have received the information and believe it to be true.”

“Then we have nothing further to discuss.”

“No. Except…” Resa hesitated. This was not part of her and Constantine’s plan. “Except to say thank you.”

Pandora’s eyebrows rose in surprise and Resa smiled. “I won’t ever forget the beautiful woman of my dreams as a child. She was the only thing beautiful in my life.”

“I have no ill intent for you, Resa.”

“Nor I you. But now I have Constantine and our child to consider and I can’t afford to let my guard down. With anyone.”

“I would expect no less. Take care of them, Dhampir.”

“You can count on it,” Resa said with a smile. “We’ll be talking to you, Pandora.”


Pandora pulled the gate control device from her pocket and activated it. Resa kept her eyes on Pandora as the swimming field of energy enveloped her, until the intensity of the light washed out all sight.

When her sight returned, Constantine was waiting on the balcony of the private estate.

“Well?” he asked.

“We have what we wanted. Have you made all the arrangements?”

“Yes. We will be quite safe and the funds to support us are in place and secured.”

“Then I guess now we just wait to act on the information Pandora leaked.”

“And while we wait,” he said and pulled her to him, “let us occupy ourselves with matters of—”

“Great importance?” she interrupted with a chuckle.

He grinned and claimed her lips.

* * * * *

Three months later

Resa’s eyes flew open. Moonlight steamed through the open doors to the balcony, the smell of the sea riding in on the wind. Again came the flutter inside her. Excitement filled her. She grabbed Constantine’s hand and moved it to her belly. His head turned toward her and his eyes opened.

“Just wait,” she said softly.

When it happened again his eyes widened and a smile lit his face. “The quickening,” he whispered. “Our child awakes.”

She nodded and put her hand on top of his. He looked into her eyes, his gaze loving. “My beloved,” he whispered.

“Forever,” she promised.

Her life had not turned out at all the way she’d imagined. That old feared and unwanted hunger had evolved into something of dreams. She’d found love that was deeper and more profound than anything she’d dreamed of. And she’d do anything to protect it. But for now they were safe. And in a universe where the unexpected could change your life in a heartbeat, she’d learned to rejoice in every moment. Tomorrow would bring what it was meant to deliver, but tonight she was the most fortunate of women because tonight she’d sleep in the arms of love.

About the Author

Ciana Stone has been reading since the age of three, and wrote her first story at age five. Since then she has enjoyed writing as a solitary form of entertainment, and has just recently come out of the closet to share her stories with others. She holds several post graduate degrees and has often been referred to as a professional student. Her latest fields of interest are quantum mechanics and Taoism. When she is not writing (or studying) she enjoys painting (canvas, not walls), sculpting, running, hiking and yoga. She lives with her long-time lover in several locations in the United States.

Ciana welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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Also by Ciana Stone

Hot in the Saddle 1: Chase ‘n’ Ana

Hot in the Saddle 2: Molding Clay

Hot in the Saddle 3:  Scout ‘n’ Cole

Hot in the Saddle 4:  Conn ‘n’ Caleb

Mind Games

Riding Ranger

The Hussies: A Taste for Jazz

The Hussies: All in Time

The Hussies: Maxwell’s Silver Hammer

The Hussies: Sin in Jeans

Wyatt’s Chance

Also see Ciana’s release at Cerridwen Press (

That Which Survives

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BOOK: An Unwanted Hunger
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