Read An Indecent Awakening Online

Authors: Emily Tilton

An Indecent Awakening (2 page)

BOOK: An Indecent Awakening
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But Julie still hesitated, so Ben grabbed her and dragged her to the comfy couch, and bent her over its arm as she cried out in alarm into the couch cushions.

“You’re going to learn very quickly, Julie Morton, that I don’t mind spanking you. Pretty soon I think you’ll try hard not to give me excuses to punish you, like you just did.”

He started to spank her sweet bottom then, over the denim of the cutoffs. “Now, Julie,” Ben said conversationally as he spanked her at a steady, even pace, “your real spanking won’t begin until you take your clothes off for me, but I can also spank you this way as long as you want me to. You just let me know when you’re ready to start being a good girl for me.”

It had only taken twenty or so spanks before Julie had said tearfully, “Okay, I’ll… I’ll do it.” Then the fun had really begun.

It was six months later now, and Julie lived with Ben’s friend Joe. Last Ben had seen them, she had earned a spanking for falling behind on the laundry. Joe had administered it in front of Ben, saying, “You’re not gonna see anything you haven’t seen before,” and Ben enjoyed the sight of the caring discipline greatly.

Then they took Julie to the bedroom, where Ben, according to the rules he had laid down for handing Julie onto Joe, by which Ben continued to be the owner of her adorable backside, had her ass while she gave her boyfriend a blowjob. Ben had to admit that Julie had come along very nicely in her anal training, as he rode her hard back there while she whimpered adorably around Joe’s big cock. The four months of lessons he had given her, including making her wear a butt-plug harness for two weeks between lessons to make it easier to get his cock into her backside, had yielded good results: Julie Morton’s anus gripped him so pleasurably that he couldn’t help rewarding her with his seed up her tight little bottom, as he watched her swallow Joe’s, his friend’s big fireman’s hands keeping her mouth on him until he was sure she had done her duty completely.

Yes, Julie Morton had turned out very well. And Stacy Miller would, too.

Chapter Two



Stacy rang the doorbell at 9:59 a.m. Her heart seemed about to pound its way through her chest.

What did he mean? What’s going to happen? Is he going to give me my laptop back? Did he look at what I have on it? Oh, God…
She had managed to push the questions to the back of her mind the day before, persuading herself that actually Ben must just want to give her a talking-to. That would be uncomfortable, but really, she supposed she had gotten off lightly, considering what would have happened if one of her parents had been the one to discover her porn habit.

The fact that she had had a little secret crush on tall, dark-haired, blue-eyed Ben Weathers for a while now didn’t help the slightest bit. In fact, it made it worse, as she thought about the way he had seen her, and what he had seen her watching. Dammit, why hadn’t her parents told her Ben would be stopping by to work on the roof?

She felt guilty about watching porn, of course. Unfortunately, her guilt didn’t seem to mean that she could keep herself from doing it once a week or so, just to take the edge off what she considered her stress-filled days as a waitress trying to figure out what the hell to do with her life. She wished she could deny what Ben had said, about how bad it would be for her parents—especially her father—to find out about the porn, but Stacy had, she thought, legitimate reason to fear that they would kick her out of the house: Jeff and Sue Miller did not take kindly to anything the slightest bit sexual.

The door opened, and Ben stood there in a black T-shirt and jeans. His casual clothing made her even more self-conscious than she had been about the nice blue polka-dot sundress—really, her only summer dress—she had put on, in obedience to his instructions.

“Come in, Stacy,” he said.

“Can I have my laptop back?” Stacy asked immediately. Why should she wait?

“Not right away,” Ben replied. “Come to the kitchen with me for a sec. Can I get you something to drink? Soda? Seltzer?”

“No, thanks,” Stacy said, feeling very wary. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking all afternoon and late into the night about what Ben might have meant by
learning your lesson

“Sure?” He led the way until they had reached the kitchen he had clearly remodeled, gleaming with chrome appliances and sleek with marble countertops.

Stacy’s mouth felt dry, she realized. “Could I have a glass of water, please?” she said.

Ben got a glass and filled it from the dispenser on the front of the refrigerator. He handed it to her.

“What did you mean by a lesson?” she asked, after she had had a sip.

“You’ll see in just a little while,” Ben replied. “How’s work going for you?”

Stacy felt her brow crease in puzzlement at the question. “Fine,” she said. “Look, please just tell me what I have to do to get the laptop. Yes, I was watching porn. Yes, it’s embarrassing, but…”

She felt her words desert her as she looked into Ben’s eyes. Something in his expression seemed to say that she hadn’t really ever understood what it meant to watch porn: that her lesson would have to do with that. She shivered.

“Finish the water,” he said simply.

Stacy opened her mouth to speak, but found that she had nothing to say. She finished the water in two more big swallows. Ben held out his hand, and she gave him the glass. He put it in the sink. Then he said, “We’ll be headed down to the basement, to talk about your laptop; that’s the door there on the right.” He pointed. “Go ahead and open it up, and head downstairs.”

Feeling even more apprehensive, Stacy opened the door. The light was on, and she started down the stairs.
Why the basement?

“The basement is what I think of as my classroom,” Ben said, as having followed her in, he closed the door behind him and began to descend the stairs himself. Stacy stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking around at what seemed like a regular sort of den: a big TV and comfortable furniture. Ben reached the basement floor and stood behind her. “You’d better go ahead and take off all your clothes,” he said.

“What?” She turned to him, feeling her eyes go wide.
I misheard him. He didn’t say what I thought he said.
“I… um, I thought you just said…”

“You heard me right, Stacy. Thank you for wearing a dress, as I asked, but I want you to take it, and your underwear, off right now. The consequences of your behavior have begun, and it’s time for your first punishment and your first lesson in obedience.”

“Y-you’re joking, right?” Stacy asked weakly. “Please say you’re joking.”

“I’m absolutely not joking, Stacy. You were a very naughty girl, and now it’s time for you to start paying the price. Girls who play with their panties down need to be punished with their panties down. That’s my philosophy, and today—and twice a week from now on—you’re going to learn some very important lessons: ones you’ll never forget. I’m going to make sure you think twice the next time you’re tempted to commit the kind of indecency I caught you at yesterday.”

“You… you can’t…”

“Oh, I definitely can, young lady.” Ben folded his arms across his chest, with a look of calm confidence. “I’m positive you don’t want your parents to know what you do with the laptop they bought for you. That means that you’ll be coming to my classroom when I tell you to come, and you’ll get used to obeying me very quickly. This is your first lesson, so I’m going to be a little lenient with you about how you’re not doing as I’ve told you, but make no mistake: in the future if you’re slow to take off your clothes for me, or to do anything else I’ve told you to do, your backside is going to be even warmer than it will be anyway.”

“Anyway?” Her mind couldn’t even seem to understand what he meant, although he spoke slowly, and the words were ordinary words like ‘lesson’ and ‘classroom.’ He didn’t even seem… violent, or anything.

“I’m going to spank you, and whip you, regularly, Stacy,” Ben said. “It’s the only way to teach you to respect common decency.”

“How… how dare…”

“Well, I think by the time I’m done with you in a few months, you’ll understand just how I dare. For now, though, I’m starting to run out of patience. Either you’re going to take off your clothes, or I’m going to take them off for you.”

That was when Stacy tried to run up the stairs, but Ben grabbed her, picked her up, and carried her over to the couch as if her struggling and yelling didn’t matter the slightest bit to him. He laid her over the sofa’s padded arm, holding her down with his left hand while with his right he pulled up the pretty sundress.

This isn’t happening,
Stacy thought.

“Cute panties,” Ben remarked about her pink cotton briefs. Stacy felt her face go red. Then she felt it go even redder as Ben put his hand inside the waistband of the panties and simply pulled them down to her knees.

“Now, Stacy Miller,” said his voice from above her, “you’re going to learn what happens to girls who play with themselves. Because you disobeyed me, you’ll have a hand-spanking now, and then a belt-whipping later.”

“No, please! You—”

But he did: she felt his big hand come down hard on the very middle of her bottom, and then she heard the sharp crack of the blow. The first spank didn’t hurt terribly, but Ben followed it with four more, and by the fifth hard swat Stacy was screaming.

“Listen carefully, Stacy,” he said, after he had delivered those five spanks—the first of Stacy’s life. “You may or may not agree with the standards to which I hold a girl’s conduct, but that doesn’t matter to me in the slightest. You may also think that the course of training I give you in feminine virtue uses a highly unusual—and, for you, a very unpleasant—method. Again, though, I simply don’t care.”

He started spanking her again, and Stacy began to cry, as he kept spanking the same place right in the middle: five more, ten more swats. “Ah! Please… Ben…”

“Call me sir, now, Stacy,” he said, still spanking her.

“Sir! I’ll… ah! I’ll do anything…”

“Yes,” Ben said, stopping the spanking again, “you will. You’ll do things you can’t even imagine. For instance, right now, you’ll suck my cock, right after you take off your dress and your panties.”

“Wh-… but…”

Ben stood up, taking his left hand off her back. Stacy twisted her head to try to get a look at him, but he had moved too far behind her, where she lay across the arm of the couch.

“You may stand up, Stacy,” he said.

She did, and turned to him, rubbing her bottom to take some of the sting away, as the front of the sundress covered her pussy at least, though with a blush she realized her pink panties still remained bunched around her knees. To her shock and confusion, Ben was taking off his clothes. There was his cock, rising threateningly in her direction. There was his muscular chest and his hairy thighs.

“Oh, God,” she said, trying hard to think, wanting to turn around and not see Ben’s nakedness, but frightened that she would be punished if she did. “Oh, God, but I thought… I thought you were going to teach me… I mean, I thought I wasn’t supposed to…”

“You have a lot to learn, Stacy,” Ben said, “about what you’re supposed to do and what you’re not supposed to do. You’re not supposed to touch yourself, and you’re not supposed to watch porn.” Confused even more, Stacy saw that Ben had picked up a remote control. “Unless, of course, you’re watching porn with me, so that you can learn to please me just as well as the girls in the videos please the guys.”

He pointed the remote at the TV and pressed a button. The TV came to life, and on it was one of the videos Stacy had watched the previous week. “Oh, no,” she whispered. On the screen a red-headed girl knelt in front of a well-muscled naked man, as he held her head tightly in his hands and thrust his cock in and out of her mouth.

“This is what you asked for, Stacy. You asked to be treated just like the girls in your videos get treated. I promise I’m going to make sure that by the time I’m done with you, you’re not going to want to watch any more porn by yourself. In fact, if I can find you the kind of new home that suits naughty girls like you best, with a boyfriend who will continue your training, I have a feeling your new man will make you the star of your very own videos, as well as watching all the porn you want, sitting right next to you, and making you do what you see.”

On the screen, the girl on her knees, with the huge cock in her mouth, made wet little noises as the man fucked her face. Stacy swallowed hard, and her breathing came quicker and quicker. She realized that to her embarrassment, she had begun to grow very damp between her thighs.

But what the hell was this? She couldn’t… do that thing he told her to do. Even if she watched the girl on the screen doing it,
couldn’t do that. Ben must be testing her, or…

But he couldn’t be testing her, could he? His hard cock was right there, just as big as the one on the screen. Stacy would have to obey him… she would have to become his… His what? His girl? His student? His slut? And then he would find a new home for her, with a boyfriend? What did

“Stacy,” he said. “I’m not going to ask you again. Take your clothes off right now. You won’t like how it goes afterward, if I have to rip them off you.”

But she would like how it went, if she obeyed him? Visions of what that might mean, all of them based on her naughty viewing habits, crowded into her mind: girls pleasured in ways that made them cry out in shame and discomfort even as they voiced their ecstasy, too. Plastic toys: the men in the videos loved to use plastic toys to make girls come, even though the girls looked like it was terribly embarrassing.

Stacy liked those videos, even though they always made her feel even guiltier than the more ordinary sex ones did. She liked the videos where they set up a fake situation in which the girl had to be in the video, and had to have sex with the guy or—she thought with a thrill of fear—the guys. She didn’t know why, and she definitely felt like she didn’t want to find out how it would feel to be in that situation herself.

And now, here in Ben’s ‘classroom,’ that seemed to be exactly the situation she faced. She had to suck a man’s cock because that was what he wanted. He had her there, the door was locked, and he would tell her parents that she watched porn if she didn’t do what he said.

BOOK: An Indecent Awakening
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