Read All the Wrong Reasons Online

Authors: J. L. Paul

Tags: #General Fiction

All the Wrong Reasons (33 page)

BOOK: All the Wrong Reasons
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Chapter 23

I wiped the sweat off my brow as I leaned against the cooler doors, catching my breath. The lunch rush was nearly over and I was grateful for that. Fridays were always our busiest days.

“Irelyn, someone is at one of your tables,” Jessica, a fellow waitress, called. I blew at my hair, tugged my ponytail a little tighter, and grabbed my order pad.

I’d been working at Moe’s Dinner since March and usually enjoyed it. The people were nice, the pay good, and the tips outstanding. Moe, the ancient owner, was flexible and happy to work around my school schedule – especially after I worked my tail off to prove that I was worthy to be his employee.

Since school had ended, I worked early shifts Tuesday through Saturday, which suited me fine. Lucas was usually off weekends so we spent Sundays wrapped in each others’ arms.

Four grimy construction guys were glancing at menus as I approached. They appraised me fully – something I’d grown used to- before ordering. I handed my order back to the cook, my leg constantly jiggling in anticipation.

“What’s with you today?” Jessica asked. “You can’t sit still.”

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “Lucas is playing tonight and I’m just anxious to see him I guess.”

“I thought he played every Friday?” she asked.

“He does and they just signed an agreement with Rusty to play all summer,” I said with a fond smile. I filled a couple glasses with ice tea. “This is our first weekend in the new apartment,” I whispered. “We’ve been going over there every night after work to clean and get stuff ready but tonight is the first night we’re actually staying there together.”

“That explains the twitchiness,” Jessica smirked.

Rolling my eyes, I delivered the iced tea to the construction workers. I smiled politely and asked them if they needed anything else while I absently played with the necklace Lucas had given me months ago.

“No, thanks, honey,” the older one said. The worst part of the job was the constant nicknames: honey, sweetheart, darling, and cupcake. Ugh. But I usually just smiled, enduring it the best I could, and most times get a big tip.

As I walked away, an arm shot out and snagged my waist. I jumped, startled, and turned to peer into the beautiful brown eyes of Lucas. “Hey,” he whispered as he dropped a quick kiss on my cheek.

“Hi,” I blushed. “Are you eating lunch?” I frowned as I glanced at my watch. “I thought you took lunch earlier.”

“Was busy,” he said as he dragged me to a table. “This your station today?” I nodded. “You remember Jerry and Gene, right?” he asked, pointing to the two men behind him.

“Yes. Hi, guys.”

They greeted me as they fell into chairs. I grabbed three menus from behind the counter and brought them back. As Lucas studied the menu, I couldn’t help but study him. It never stopped amazing me how beautiful he was – especially in his work clothes. I loved the backwards hat, too. Maybe I was a freak but I didn’t care.

And the sex – well, that hadn’t waned in the least like I feared it might. It only got better. And tonight we’d have the apartment totally to ourselves…

He lifted a brow. “Did you hear me love?”

Blushing, I hid a smile but he caught on immediately and winked. “Sorry, um, what are you guys having?”

They repeated their orders and I turned them in to the cook. Jessica clucked her tongue at me. “You always get all starry-eyed and red in the face when he comes in. Wish I was that way with my boyfriend.”

I just shrugged, secretive smile on my face as I watched him converse with his co-workers.

That evening, he beat me to the apartment and I could hear him in the shower, singing quite loud. I crept into the bathroom, stripped, and jumped in behind him.

“You are quite the little stalker, aren’t you?” he laughed as he turned around to take me in his arms. The shower in our new apartment was a little smaller but I would make due.

“I’ve always told you that you bring out the animal in me,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck, melding my body to his. A low growl erupted from his throat as he kissed me and pulled me under the water. I lifted a leg to wind around his thigh, sending him a message of what I really wanted. He was only too happy to oblige as he lifted me, gently pressing me to the shower wall. I groaned as he stepped back to push through the shower curtain and fumble around in the medicine cabinet behind the little mirror above the sink.

“Damn,” he said as knocked everything into the sink. He set me down to dig out a condom then returned to me. “Do you think it will frighten our guests if we just keep a stack of condoms in here?”

I laughed as I climbed back into his arms. “We’ll keep the shower curtain shut – they’ll never even see them.”

“I really like how you think,” he said, his lips on mine. He lifted me again and eased me against the wall, finally satisfying the need that had burned in my stomach all day.

Once I was temporarily satiated, we washed and dressed. I dried my hair, happy that new hair had finally grown enough to cover the bald spot that had marked my stitches and constantly reminded us both of my accident.

Morgan and Bailey were waiting for me at our usual table. I hugged them both and they questioned me about the new apartment. I was mildly surprised when Tori joined us - I didn't usually see her at Rusty's. She’d been a huge help when we were moving – often assisting me in getting Lucas packed while he and Collin were at the new place painting. She was sweet and witty and I absolutely adored her.

The boys began playing and halfway through the set, I was stunned to see Amber waltz in with her friend Holly. Bailey nudged me, laughing, pounding her hand on the table. I just smiled. Amber no longer concerned me because I had no doubts that Lucas loved me. And I didn’t have to worry about hiding my relationship with him – or worrying that she would say something to someone.

Bailey and Morgan – for weeks – had thought Amber that was the snitch and somehow told my grandfather about my affair with Lucas, but I really didn’t think she was. I still hadn’t discovered who had told him, but I had suspicions. My grandfather was on the Board for Dunne-Browling and several of the board members had children or grandchildren attending the school. I was pretty certain one of them must have seen me leave with Lucas or maybe they were there the first night. I couldn’t be sure but I’d stopped caring. I wouldn’t be attending Dunne-Browling in the fall – I’d be attending Community College – and I had Lucas so what did it matter who ousted us? I was happy; Lucas was happy; Mom and Tommy were happy – that’s all that mattered.

Amber avoided our table and when the boys finished, she avoided Lucas. When he dropped next to me, draping an arm around my shoulders, I caught her quick glance in our direction. She didn’t glare hatefully or stare longingly – just watched us for a second and returned her attention to Holly. Perhaps she was confirming our relationship and if she was – good.

We sat around the table for an hour after they finished until finally Lucas whispered to me that he wanted to take me home. I shuddered as a shiver of anticipation shot up my spine and the muscles in my stomach clenched.

After we crashed into the bedroom and released all the sexual tension that had somehow managed to build since the shower – he held me close, peppering me with kisses.

“You should write a story about this, Irelyn,” he wheezed as his breathing slowly returned to normal. “It’s better than a fairytale. Just you and me and mind-blowing sex.”

Snorting, I rolled on top of him so I could kiss him properly. “No bad guys or dragons or anything like that? Just pure smut?”

He grinned, his eyes crinkling in the corners. “Yep. My favorite kind of story about you – pure smut!”

I rolled off of him and cuddled into his side. “I’m not writing that – you have porn you can watch.”

“But you’re not in it,” he whined.

Sitting up, I glared at him. “You want me to be in one of those movies?” I asked, incredulous.

He backtracked quickly, pecking my lips after each word. “No, not at all. I meant I wanted to read a story about you and me….” Even in the dark I could see the color flooding his cheeks. “Oh, never mind,” he said as he fell back to the bed.

I giggled as I draped my body over his. “You want us to make a movie, don’t you?”

He raised a hopeful brow. “You’d do that?”

I kissed him deeply. His arms wrapped around me and a little moan rose from his throat. I pulled slightly away. “Not on your life. Sorry, buddy, you’ll just have to relive it all from memory.”

A smirk curled the corners of his mouth. “I’ve already forgotten. You’ll have to refresh my memory.”

He rolled us so I was pressed into the mattress. He kissed my mouth first before dragging his lips down my chin and to my throat, making me shiver. “I love you,” he whispered against my skin.

“I know,” I said as I clenched the sheet in my fist. “I love you, too.”

As I finally drifted off to sleep, secured tightly in his arms, I thought of my mom and her lost love. It mad my heart ache. I vowed to never lose Lucas again – no matter what it would take.

I nestled my head under his chin, listening to his slow, even breathing. It was something I’d never have to worry about because if he were to go anywhere, he’d take me. And I’d follow. Always. No matter the reason.




Look for
Vicious Circles,
the sequel to
All the Wrong Reasons,
as well as other titles coming soon!

BOOK: All the Wrong Reasons
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