Aliandra: nymph: Book 1 The Nymph chronicles (27 page)

BOOK: Aliandra: nymph: Book 1 The Nymph chronicles
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Chapter 50






Ali continued attending parties and socializing as soon as she returned. When Hera reminded her about choosing a husband, Ali said she had her plan to choose a husband already set in motion but it was connected to a big surprise planned for the god conference. Something so completely unforgettable it will shock and stun everyone. She said she couldn't risk telling anyone, even Hera, about the details because it will be a fitting finale for the most amazing conference of all time. Hera was delighted while Ali was filled with trepidation. Ali made small suggestions to the event manager in regards to food and drinks. She got him to set up a large arena like the mortal gladiators used and told him it was to be kept absolutely secret: as if his life depended on it sort of secret. He agreed, then fled.


The conference was quickly coming together. The goddesses had been working on their acts and the artists were finishing their exhibition pieces. Gramma was satisfied with the progress of the dancing lessons and said they would be ready on the night. An amazing array of elaborate costumes were brought in, labeled and carefully stored. Ali drew up the schedules of the acts for Zeus to present them. She contacted Fossy to get him to get his speech writers busy to produce Zeus' speeches with jokes. Hera loved working on the trapeze and dedicated all her time to perfect her act; thus, staying out of Ali's way so the real work could get done. Ali checked the venues and only had to ask for a few small changes. All the staff were arranged, uniformed and ready to go. The conference was to last for a full week with entertainment planned to fill every minute of every day. At last Ali finished the arrangements and headed to her window to sleep and rest to prepare for her final hours of freedom.


When the gods and their consorts began to arrive the place was buzzing with excitement. It wasn't long before all the guests had arrived and Ali sent word to Zeus and Hera they were ready for their grand entrance. Everyone stood when Zeus and Hera entered and then resumed their seats after Zeus and Hera sat. The program had started and Fossy welcomed everyone to the Olympian circus spectacular. He advised the guests of the various venues with displays and exhibitions from the goddesses and then he introduced Zeus as the ringmaster extraordinaire. Zeus stood and gave his speech; he never realized he was so funny. He introduced Hera as his headlining star trapeze artiste. Hera stood and waved, then stepped forward to do her trapeze act. Ali admitted Hera must have worked really hard because her act was flawless and daring. Hera returned to her seat next to Zeus after a thunderous applause. Zeus looked genuinely impressed with his wife, he looked at her admiringly then took her hand firmly in his. Debates were interspersed with acts throughout the conference.


Ali's act went off better than expected, as soon as Rom joined the other big cats in the arena he began snarling and striking out viciously with his claws at them to protect Ali. Ali had to put up a quick force-field occasionally so Rom did not injure the other cats. As lions and tigers obediently leapt through hoops, Rom swiftly followed them in an attempt to attack them from behind. Rom vibrated with anger and fury throughout. The finale with burning hoops had both lions and tigers leaping through simultaneously as they tried to escape Rom, who followed fast behind. Her act was a raging success especially when Rom followed her out of the arena close by her side and she bent to give his a big cuddle in front of everyone. Rom watched Ali closely and snarled at anyone who came too close; his protectiveness had just jumped a few notches. Zeus and Hera told her that her act was so thrilling that they doubted it could be outdone.


Towards the end of the conference a group of dancers came to Ali in distress, complaining their act was ruined. Gramma had disappeared and she was supposed to be the lead dancer in their act. Ali assured them that it must be important if Gramma was unavailable. If she has not returned by the time their act was due then Ali said she knew all the dances and could lead them in Gramma's place. Gramma had still not shown up for the act, so Ali got dressed in the costume to lead the group. The dance act was introduced, then the lights went down. The drums began and the spotlights shone on the dancers. Ali went through the familiar dances with accomplished ease. Her hips swished and flicked in time with the drums. Her grass skirt swayed with her sensuous movements. Ali remembered how entrancing this dance was the first time she watched grandma do it, so she did her best to do it justice. The drums sped up and the graceful movements became more exciting and energetic. When the dance finally stopped the arena was utterly silent, then the applause and cheers echoed through the venue.


The crowd cried out for more. Ali asked the other women if they had practised other dances and they told her one other dance. Ali instructed the drummers on the dance and they took their positions. Ali's body swayed to the heavy beat of the drums. She then shimmied and shook as the dance demanded. As the final drumbeats died away Ali completed the final complex steps of the dance. Again the applause was loud and there were cries for more.


Ali held up her hand for silence and announced she would do one final dance for them. The other women sat around the performance platform as Ali spoke with the drummers and told them her next dance. It was a dance only the most accomplished could perform and Ali had mastered it long ago. The drums began and the spotlight shone directly on Ali as she began her final dance. It was a very sexy and sensuous dance designed to arouse men into a fervor. Ali performed it perfectly and as the final drumbeats sounded and the lights came on the crowd was silent and remained in awed silence. An Egyptian god stood and called out "I claim her for my own." Another god stood up "I will pay handsomely for her." Protests immediately shot out at his audacity.


Zeus and Hera stood and called for calm. Hera spoke first "Aliandra is our dearest friend and has not yet debuted. We do not wish an incident but it is impossible for her to be claimed by any god before her debut."


Zeus called for calm "Hera is correct. We have no wish to offend our most eminent guests and we will try to work out a solution."


Aliandra spoke "Zeus and Hera, I thank you kindly for your support and friendship. I think it is now time to reveal my grand finale surprise for all the attending guests to avoid any further incidents. There will be a competition held at a nearby arena specially built for this event. I am a nymph and I am due for my next five week keening soon. I am, as yet, unmated and have been confronted by difficulties in choosing a mate. The only solution I can think of to resolve my present dilemma is to hold a competition between all interested gods and the prize will be to be my first lover at my next keening. Each contestant will sign a contract stating that they will accept the outcome of the competition and agree never to harass or attack in any way the winner of the competition or myself. A fair fight in unarmed combat will decide the outcome and the winner will be the last man standing. The rules will be listed in a contract that every god will have to sign if they wish to compete. There will be no proxies, no armor, no weapons, no poison, no dirty tricks and no powers to be used. It is intended to be a test of skills, strength, stamina, speed and will-power. Prometheus will be the independent referee and all his decisions will be final. Every god will fight entirely naked in an all-in battle at the approved arena. This is to be held on the final morning of the conference and will continue until a winner has been decided. At the final dinner, there will be plenty of entertaining battle stories to discuss. I will provide Prometheus with the contracts to be signed and as you read and return the completed contracts, then your name will be added to the list of approved competitors. If you want me, fight for me!" challenged Aliandra.


Ali then left the performance stage and returned to her small office with Rom at her side, then closed the door and breathed in deeply. The stage was set and Ali had decided to leave her choice of husband to the fates.



BOOK: Aliandra: nymph: Book 1 The Nymph chronicles
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