Afterparty: The Complete Series: Open Relationships Aren't For Everyone... (7 page)

BOOK: Afterparty: The Complete Series: Open Relationships Aren't For Everyone...
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Catelyn shook her head, picking up her own tea. The two silently removed the bags from their cups and put them on a nearby plate.

Olivia sipped. "We can just have a drink. Just talk. It's fine."

Catelyn sipped, then put her cup on the counter. Her gaze moved over Olivia, her tall lithe figure, her lovely face.

She took a deep breath and stepped forward.

Catelyn put her hands behind Olivia's neck, then moved her fingers in Olivia's hair, running her digits through the strands. Olivia looked at her steadily.

"Your hair's very soft," Catelyn observed.

She pulled Olivia a little closer, nervously licking her lips.

Olivia smiled, putting her hands on the nape of Catelyn's neck. "Your hair is soft too."

The two women drew slowly closer, Olivia letting Catelyn take the lead, Catelyn studying Olivia's fine features, her pink lips, the unfamiliar softness of her hair and skin, the smell of sweet perfume.

Then Catelyn was closing her eyes and pressing her mouth to Olivia's, tasting gloss like sugar-spun candy and bergamot tea, keeping the kiss light and soft, exploratory.

She drew back and Olivia was smiling. "Well?"

Catelyn pulled her back in and kissed her again, a little more firmly this time, her tongue slipping out to steal a light little lick of candy gloss.

Olivia's skin smelled of expensive lotion and powder. Catelyn carded her fingers through Olivia's hair, the strands smooth and fine like silk, so much softer than Aaron's or William's.

Olivia slipped her arms around Catelyn's waist and pulled their bodies flush against each other. Catelyn gasped a little in Olivia's mouth; the feeling of the other woman's body, long and tall, lean, but soft, her breasts pressing into her chest, all familiar from hugging female friends and family but utterly unfamiliar because Catelyn had never had the urge to undress the friends and family she hugged, never had the desire to press her bare skin against theirs...

"Where's your bedroom?" Olivia whispered against Catelyn's mouth, and Catelyn took her by the wrist and led her up the stairs, thankful that she'd changed the sheets, made the bed, and tidied the room.

Olivia and Catelyn kept kissing each other on the way up the stairs even as Catelyn impatiently tugged at her new acquaintance.

Olivia giggled a little. "Are you always this eager?"

Catelyn got them to the bedroom, then pushed Olivia's light wrap off her shoulders. She had on a silky cream shell top under the wrap, and Olivia obligingly pulled this off over her head, revealing a satin nude bra underneath.

Catelyn tentatively reached for the clasp, but Olivia grabbed her hand.

"I think we can do this together, don't you?"

Olivia tugged at Catelyn's t-shirt, Catelyn raising her arms to help her pull it off.

Olivia looked at Catelyn's plain black bra, gazed at her torso. She reached behind her for the clasp, then smiled. "You ready?"

Catelyn reached around Olivia and the two of them giggled a little as they fumbled with each other's bras.

"It's never easy, is it?"

"You'd think with the daily practice we get, it would be..."

Olivia managed Catelyn's bra first, unhooking the front and shoulder straps and dropping it to the floor, and while Catelyn continued to struggle with the clasp on the back of Olivia's bra, Olivia gently cupped both Catelyn's breasts in her hands.

Catelyn gasped at the warm touch. "You're... that's not fair. Don't distract me!"

Olivia smiled deviously. "This shouldn't be distracting."

She drew closer. "THIS should be distracting." Olivia bent her head to Catelyn, lightly kissing her way down her neck and chest until she reached Catelyn's right breast. She slowly drew the nipple between her lips. Catelyn took in a sharp breath and dropped her head back. She stopped fumbling with Olivia's bra.

"Don't let me stop you," Olivia murmured, then swirled her tongue around the stiff little nub, making Catelyn groan. Olivia was stroking Catelyn's left breast with one hand while she kissed and licked her right nipple. Then she kissed her way slowly to to the left breast, lavishing the same attention on it as  the right one.


"Focus, Catelyn."

Catelyn tried, but Olivia's lips and tongue and hands on her breasts were making it very difficult. Olivia's mouth was gentle, her hands soft and smooth, her touch steady and sweet, undemanding.

This was new. Catelyn had always found men paid attention to her breasts as merely a preamble to the main event, playing with them for a minute, then forging onward to getting her pants off.

Olivia seemed content to suckle and stroke and squeeze Catelyn's very sensitive skin for as long as Catelyn wanted, and Catelyn sighed into it, not having realized how much she liked to be touched there.

She played with the clasp of Olivia's bra and moaned, luxuriating in the feel of the other woman lightly licking and sucking and biting and stroking and squeezing her, alternating a gentle stroke of her tongue with a firm pinch with her fingers and a soothing petting of the pinched flesh contrasted with a light little bite...

"Holy Christ that's good," Catelyn muttered, and Olivia laughed.

"This is how I like it."

"Then you most definitely know what I like."

"It gets better," Olivia assured her.

Catelyn had felt the stirrings of arousal as they kissed in the kitchen, had felt that arousal ramping up to a fever pitch as Olivia lavished attention on her chest, but now she felt like she couldn't get her clothes off fast enough to make good on Olivia's promise.

"You need to get my bra off first," Olivia pointed out as Catelyn unclasped her jeans.

Catelyn ducked her head, face flushing. She reached behind Olivia's back, focused, and unclasped the damned thing at last.

Olivia giggled as she shrugged out of her bra, revealing beautiful large breasts tipped with hard pink nipples. Catelyn felt a bit shy. She was considerably smaller by comparison, but she reached forward tentatively, cupping one in each hand.

Olivia sighed, arching her back and pressing her breasts into Catelyn's hands. "Show me what you like."

"You already know what I like," Catelyn murmured, but she obeyed, running her thumbs over the nipples to harden them, gently squeezing and stroking her hands along the undersides, bending her head to Olivia and lightly swirling her tongue over first one nipple, then the other.

Olivia closed her eyes and threw her head back as Catelyn pleasured her, shy and careful at first, growing bolder as Olivia started to moan. Olivia's skin was soft, smooth, fragrant, and Catelyn breathed it in deeply as she fondled Olivia's breasts as though they were her own, licking and sucking and stroking, taking ridiculous delight in the sounds the other woman made.

"I want your pants off," Olivia whispered at last. Catelyn could feel the other woman's heart thumping under her hands. "I want to see you."

Catelyn undressed quickly, watching Olivia do the same, stripping off her jeans while Olivia let her dark trousers drop to the floor. Catelyn wore a pair of plain cotton panties under her jeans while Olivia wore a satin thong that matched her bra. She slipped it off, revealing neatly trimmed blonde pubic hair framing her flushed pink pussy.

Catelyn pulled away her cotton panties, very glad that she'd taken the time to wax just a few days earlier. Olivia's eyes widened at the sight of her. "William was right. You're beautiful."

Catelyn blushed. "You're gorgeous."

"Then we both win."

Olivia took her hand. "Come here."

Olivia led Catelyn in front of the full-length bedroom mirror. Catelyn blushed again, feeling skinny and small compared to Olivia's lush figure.

"Watch," Olivia ordered. Catelyn raised her eyes to the mirror, seeing her small figure with her sunburnt arms and legs next to Olivia's perfectly even tan.

Olivia knelt in front of Catelyn, turned her so she was standing at a three-quarter angle, able to see herself and Olivia.

Then Olivia lightly licked Catelyn's clit, and Catelyn gasped.

Olivia grasped her hips. "Keep watching," she ordered.

Catelyn obeyed, staring at the mirror, watching the gorgeous blonde woman kneeling in front of her lick her small quivering pussy. She saw the flush in her own cheeks work its way down her neck and chest, watched her body tremble with each lap and lick, Olivia focusing on her labia with the occasional tantalizing flick to her clit.

When Olivia took a hand from Catelyn's hip to gently rub her clit, moving her mouth to lick more steadily at her labia, just barely penetrating her, Catelyn started to shake.

Olivia focused, maintaining the pressure on Catelyn's clitoris, the steady licking rhythm between her legs, and Catelyn stared at the mirror, watching the muscles in her lower belly start to jump as her orgasm approached. She thought she could hear Olivia chuckle with pleasure but her blood was rushing in her ears and she couldn't stop staring in the mirror, watching Olivia focus entirely on her, licking her, stroking her, driving her relentlessly to her climax...

When Catelyn orgasmed she cried out, her body trembling and shaking, and Olivia held her still, steadily licking and rubbing.

When she started to feel overstimulated, convulsions wracking her body, Olivia carried on, one arm wrapped around her waist and holding her in place while her mouth and other hand worked.

When she gave a strangled little scream Olivia relented, her mouth slowing, her fingers lightening up on Catelyn's clit. She relaxed her grip and Catelyn stumbled a little.

Olivia gently led her to the bed, laid her down on it, letting her catch her breath.

"You ok?" Olivia asked, licking her lips.

"Oh my God," Catelyn said, staring at the ceiling.

Olivia smiled. "I'm assuming that's a good thing."

"That was amazing."

"Thank you."

Catelyn looked tentatively at Olivia's body, seeing the glistening wetness between the other woman's legs. "Can I, uh..."

Olivia smiled. "I would love you to."

"I might be terrible," Catelyn said frankly. "I've never done it."

"Listen to what I say and pay attention to how I move," Olivia said gently. "And think of what you like. Always think of what you like. That's what makes it so hard for men, they just don't know how sensitive we are."

Catelyn licked her lips. "I dunno. Aaron and William are... they're pretty good."

Olivia laughed. "Yes, they certainly are." She sat up a little, ran her hand over Catelyn's cheek. "They're not here, though. It's just you and me."

Catelyn nervously knelt between Olivia's legs. Olivia opened up, gently pulled Catelyn closer.

Catelyn stared at Olivia's slit, swollen with arousal, the labia pink and open, revealing tender, darker pink flesh inside. She could see the clit under its little hood, the color of a pink cherry and round like a pearl.

"It's alright if you want to try again later," Olivia murmured. "I know it's a little scary the first time."

Catelyn edged closer, breathing in Olivia's fragrance, lotion and perfume and the musky salty familiar smell of her pussy. She drew closer still, lightly stroking the soft skin of Olivia's labia with her fingertips, feeling her damp excitement.

Olivia lay still, watching her, breathing steadily, patiently waiting.

Catelyn kept stroking her labia, then lightly ran her fingertip over the nub of her clit. Olivia gasped. Catelyn kept her touch light, swirling in little circles over the hood, never quite touching the exposed clit, knowing how sensitive her own was.

Catelyn could feel the warmth coming off Olivia in waves, her eagerness, see the pink puffed flesh, filled with blood from her arousal.

She closed the distance, experimentally flicked her tongue over Olivia's clit.

Olivia jerked under her, clearly fighting to keep still.

Catelyn lightly licked Olivia's clit again. Again. Again.

Olivia whimpered, and that sound emboldened Catelyn to start petting her labia with both hands, stroking the soft wet flesh, her tongue lightly stimulating her clit with soft little flicks, then pressing her lips to it, rubbing, increasing the pressure.

Beneath her Olivia started to writhe. Catelyn mimicked Olivia's previous movements, rubbing her clitoris with her fingers, stroking her tongue along the inner labia. Olivia tasted salty and sweet, musky, lovely, her smell unfamiliar yet so very familiar, her skin so very, very soft. Catelyn stroked her steadily, listening, adjusting her touch according to each sound Olivia made until Olivia was panting, fisting the sheets, bucking her hips.

"Catelyn," Olivia gasped, "Just like that, keep going just like that..."

Catelyn's focus narrowed to maintaining the exact same movements, same pressure, same pace, thinking about her own habits, how easily she could lose momentum on orgasm if things changed in the wrong way or at the wrong time, determined to make Olivia scream.

Olivia did not disappoint her.

She cried out, the muscles in her abdomen fluttering and flexing as she orgasmed under Catelyn's fingers and tongue, and Catelyn felt the wetness against her tongue increase and she licked eagerly, lapping, letting Olivia's flavor flood her mouth and feeling herself grow wet at the taste, wondering if Olivia would be agreeable for a second round after she came down from her orgasm.

She licked and stroked until Olivia's hands came down, stilling her.

Catelyn looked up, licking her lips, grinning.

"You look like the cat who got the cream," Olivia observed, panting, trying to catch her breath.

Catelyn bent forward for one more lick and Olivia twitched hard.

"I think I did."

Catelyn crawled up the bed next to her new lover, drew her in for a kiss, tasted herself and Olivia mixed on her tongue, felt a bolt of heat shoot straight from her mouth to her groin.

"How was it?"

Olivia stroked her cheek. "I think you know."

"I don't mind hearing my praises sung."

"For a virgin, or for anybody, you were amazing."

Catelyn giggled a little and leaned in for another sweet candy kiss.

BOOK: Afterparty: The Complete Series: Open Relationships Aren't For Everyone...
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