Acres, Natalie - Sex Addict [Cowboy Addiction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (13 page)

BOOK: Acres, Natalie - Sex Addict [Cowboy Addiction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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She’d made him so erect he was obsessed with fucking her. Hell, he couldn’t even finish his list of questions. He was distracted, distant.

He paced the room while he waited on Kemper to rejoin them. Lately, all he did was walk the floor. She was making him crazy. He stared down the bridge of his nose and noticed his hard cock pressing forward.

She was also making him very hard.

Her willingness to train was like a double dose of arousal. In the last forty-eight hours, he’d discovered information about Holly’s past, asked her to leave, and then toted her down here to the dungeon where he ultimately introduced her to some of his favorite things. Now, he couldn’t wait to lay her down and love her. All was forgiven, and yet he was anything but satisfied by the answers she’d supplied.

That was when his motives became clear. He wasn’t interested in her past. Not in the way she might have thought. Oh no, he was worried about their future. Maybe that was the driving force behind his curiosity all along. Perhaps after he learned of her eclectic taste in men, he feared losing her.

Was that possible?

Damn straight. He loved her too much to let her go, and because of his own stubbornness, he’d never really told her how he felt.

Maybe it took an e-mail to make him realize how much he cared for her. Then he endured physical pain, true agony, at the thought of letting her go. If she’d left him when he asked, he would’ve been heartbroken, and that knowledge brought with it another new discovery. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for Holly.

Aware of Holly watching him, he turned his back and refused to let her tempt him further. She was still spread out over that damn bench, and it took all the strength he had to keep from going to her.

Domination and submission wasn’t supposed to be like this. If anything, he should’ve been able to control those unexplainable urges to fuck her all the time.

And he thought she had a problem? He believed she battled a sex addiction? What the hell? Was the addiction contagious?

His head spun with ideas. For some reason, he’d never been able to get enough of Holly, and he feared, God help him, she’d always be his weakness. Maybe even his sickness. She held the power to ruin a good man, and that knowledge frightened him.

Then again, he thought, studying her out of the corner of his eye, she’d also become his inner strength. For some reason, he could look at Holly and see his future. Everything in his life—from business to personal ventures—made more sense after Holly entered his world.

He enjoyed personal activities more. And he wasn’t just crediting her with sex. Although, fucking strangers had become a dull pastime long before he met Holly, and with Holly, he simply wanted more of the same.

He could lay her down and love her and be ready to go an hour later. She fed his insatiable appetite. The woman was a wicked lover. That was all there was to it. She must’ve possessed some kind of intimate knowledge, had a way about her that no other woman ever would.

She controlled him. He didn’t like it, but he’d accept it. He’d accept it because he loved her and he feared that love would only grow stronger.

Hell, if he needed verification, he only had to look at Kemper. He was as pussy whipped as any man he’d ever met. Fabulous, just fabulous. Evidently, Kemper wasn’t the only one. He must’ve fallen head over heels, too. Was that possible?

Shit. He knew the answer to that.

No one would ever love him as well as Holly. And the poor thing had to split her affections between him and his brother.

Yes, she was some kind of woman all right.

“You could always come over here and fuck me. We’d both feel better, don’t you think?” she asked, tilting her head to the side as she rolled her forefinger over her perky nipple.

“I’m not done here,” he said, waving around his list of questions.

“Oh,” she drawled, stretching her arms over her head. Wiggling her fingers, she sighed dramatically. “Okay, I’m listening. Continue on. Ask your questions.”

Kit cleared his throat. “I will just as soon as I get you situated.”

She grinned, dipped her hand between her legs, and said, “I’m comfortable.”

“I’m sure you are,” he snipped, strolling toward her and then knocking her hand out of the way. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward him. Her body was damp with perspiration, but that didn’t deter him. He looped his arm around her, drawing her into one hell of a heated kiss.

No one was there to stand as witness. No one was there to see how his control went to hell. He framed her face and kissed the wicked imp right out of her.

Her body succumbed to the pleasure as she seemingly withered away under his lips and tongue. He stroked her mouth, eased his tongue between her puckered lips, and just made himself right at home. Moments later, he grabbed on to some sensibility and whispered, “Wench.”

“You have no idea.”

“I’m sure that’s true,” he said, grabbing her by the hand and leading her to the Catherine Wheel.

“Oh boy,” she purred, rolling her tongue in a catlike cry. “Do I get to spin around for free?”

“Lie down,” he ordered, pointing toward the mat in the center.

“It might cost you,” she teased.

“I’m sure it will,” he fired back.

He offered her a helping hand, and once her palm settled in his, he hoisted her up to the platform. She tiptoed over to the center and stretched out on the mat, her chest flat and arms extended.

“That’s not what I had in mind,” he said, grabbing her right ankle and securing it before moving over to her left side. “But I gotta tell you, I’m not disappointed.”

“You mean to tell me you haven’t had your subs lie down on this thing before.”

“We’ve had several on the wheel,” he told her. “Generally, they lie with their backs against the mat. I like this position better.”

His fingers raked up and down her calves and thighs, his palms surveying the lay of her splayed legs as far as he could reach. When he couldn’t go as high as he wanted, he grabbed some items from his toy box and climbed aboard.

The screeching noise made him realize the old wheel may have had all the weight it could handle. Straddling her hips, he said, “Let me tie your hands. Spread out your arms.”

She followed his command, smiling as she studied his face while he wrapped two scarves around each arm and secured her wrists. “What are you grinning about?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’m happy.”

“Are you?” he asked, pausing long enough to let her take her time in answering.

She made him suffer out her possible response. Finally, she said, “I’m happier than I’ve ever been.”

He pinched her butt cheek and patted the place he left marked by the scrape of fingernails. Then, he squirted lube between her cheeks, aiming the pointed tip at her swollen and quite puckered asshole.

“What are you doing back there?” she asked, turning her head, stretching to see behind her. “Ooh, that feels cool and slippery.”

Kit’s cock jumped. He had her something long and hard to go along with the cool and slippery.

“Kit?” she asked again, straining to see over her back. “You’re too quiet and dark right now. It makes me uneasy.”

“Shh,” he whispered, rubbing the anal beads over her hips. “I think you’ll enjoy these.”

She shivered as he rolled the silicone balls over her flesh, jerking as he positioned the lead ball right outside her anus and then slid the first inside. One followed the other as he fed the strand. “I’ll need to come.”

He smacked her bottom and enjoyed the way she writhed under his hand. “Answer all my questions and I’ll fuck you harder than you’ve ever been fucked before.”

“Promise?” she asked, a sudden moan falling from her mouth. “Oh God, Kit. I don’t know if I can stand much more.”

“Promise,” he said, looking up to find Kemper rejoining them. He wasn’t about to listen to her complaints about the beads. They’d used them on other subs before. She could handle a few more.

“Didn’t take you long,” she said, apparently amused. “Bet you would’ve found more pleasure in my mouth. I certainly enjoyed yours.”

Kemper bent down and kissed her. She smacked her lips and said, “I taste pretty good these days, hmm?”

“You always taste like pure honey to me,” Kemper said, averting his attention in order to study the beads in her ass. “I thought we weren’t fucking her today.”

“We may not. It’s her choice. I have a few difficult questions.”

“I can’t wait to hear these,” she muttered, wiggling her bottom. “Good Lord, if you knew how hot and wet I am, you might find something better to do with my pussy.”

“Better?” Kemper asked.

“Yes,” she drawled. “There’s no reason in this world for the two of you to arouse me further. I’m roused. I’m wet. I need to fuck!” She thinned her lips. “And the questions can wait until later!”

“Uncomfortable?” Kit asked, ignoring her bitching.

“Aroused,” she stated flatly.

“All right,” Kit said, yanking down the metal lever attached to the Catherine Wheel. “Let’s see if Holly can provide us with a few honest answers so we can all go have a good time tonight.”

* * * *

Four slow spins and five questions in, Holly was bored. At the same time, she had to thank her lucky stars. So far, Kit and Kemper hadn’t realized the secret she’d been hiding, or if they knew, they weren’t telling her.

When Kit received an e-mail from her former boss, she’d suspected her boss must’ve told him the truth about why he’d asked for her resignation. She hadn’t been able to hold a job for a reason, and her inappropriate behavior at the club had generated more than a few raised brows.

Cruel rumors generated through the city. Worse still, some of them were true.

Somehow, she’d forced herself to ignore the gossips and the cold, hard stares she garnered from other women, various couples, and even some of the men she’d actually fucked.

She told herself it didn’t matter what others thought of her. As long as she was happy with herself, she didn’t give a damn what anyone said.

But she wasn’t happy. At least, she hadn’t been until Kit and Kemper saved her from the life she’d been leading.

Kit slammed his hand against the lever and the wheel came to a stop. He stalked her with narrow eyes, his gaze so hot and spicy, she was certain if they fucked, Kit would be ready for a longer night than she was. Typically, she outlasted both men and for good reason. She was addicted to cock. Plain and simple, and there was no two ways about it.

This training period was hell. Pure hell. She wasn’t sure she could stand much more.

“Did you know you were about to be fired when you gave your resignation at the club where we met you?”

“Yes,” she said, taking a deep breath. Uh-oh, here came the one she’d dreaded, the end-all, be-all of relationship disasters.

“Why did your boss ask for your resignation?”

“I fucked a customer.” A beat later, she added, “The dancers could give lap dances, but we all sign waivers about intimate contact with the customer. It’s a crock that we should have to sign the damn thing. If a customer ‘accidently’ penetrates one of the girls, she can’t file charges. If consensual sex occurs and the wife or significant other finds out, then it’s grounds for dismissal.”

“There was just one customer, was there?” Kit asked, pressing for the truth, the facts he apparently already possessed.

She cleared her throat. “What are you trying to ask me?”

“You slept with several customers,” Kit deadpanned.

“Technically? No, I didn’t sleep with the customers.”

“Did you fuck some of them?”


“What happened to one?” Kit asked, grabbing a paddle from the adult playthings and giving her a firm wallop across the behind.

“Oh damn!” she cried out, closing her hands around the ties linked to her wrist. “Again.”

“No,” he replied, unwilling to bring her pleasure until she’d answered all of his questions apparently. “I want the whole truth here, Holly. Earlier you said the reasons you forbade yourself from reentering the lifestyle were based in part on trust. A Dom needs to trust his submissive as much as a submissive needs to trust her Dom. Don’t you know that?”

She thought about that for a minute. Was he telling her the truth, or was he just trying to coax out information? Why was it so doggone important for him to hear the facts about her past straight from her? Hadn’t he learned enough about her when he went snooping for information? What else did he need?

“You want confirmation?”

“Something like that,” Kit admitted.

“If you know so much, why do you care if I confirm or deny it? You have enough proof from my former boss, I’m sure. If he set out to ruin my life…”

“He isn’t against you.”

“Like hell, Kit. He was and is trying to strip me of everything that is or was important to me. I have some dignity left.”

“I want you to have a lot of pride,” Kemper told her. “We both do, Holly. Still, I have to agree with Kit now. If you postponed submitting to us because of trust issues, then it’s important to put the past behind you. Let’s talk about all of our secrets.” He immediately turned to Kit. “If you want to know about her past and she asks about yours, you will tell her or I will.”

BOOK: Acres, Natalie - Sex Addict [Cowboy Addiction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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