Accidentally Yours (Coyote Bluff Series Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Accidentally Yours (Coyote Bluff Series Book 1)
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Chapter Ten


Ian was pissed. His wolf was beside himself. Being shut inside the house while Cammie chatted with the coyote was almost too much for him. The urge to burst through her window and corner the scavenger pushed against his will. He tried to keep the growls from erupting from his chest, but a few made it through his tightened throat. He could feel his control slipping while he paced behind the window, each sentence she uttered brought him closer to giving into his animal. Hackles were raised, teeth bared, and ears pressed against his skull.

“Titan? Baby where are you? Come out and meet my friend.”

Cammie’s voice did what nothing else seemed to do. Ian finally could feel the grip of anger release its talons from his chest. He pulled a deep breath into his large lungs, trotting into the kitchen. He was trying to keep his animal’s response to smelling another shifter on her from overwhelming the tenuous hold he had on his control.

The anger that had so recently loosened its grip on his muscles started to build again. Another male had touched her hand and his scent wafted off of her, teasing his nose.
That thought stopped him and cooled his anger. What the hell was his animal thinking? She wasn’t his, and couldn’t be his without some shifting and talking. She still had no idea that she was helping a sentient being instead of a plain old wolf. Until he could shift back to his human skin he couldn’t do anything but act as her protector.

He shook his head and tried to push his thoughts through to his animal side. The wolf wanted nothing to do with it. The possessiveness that the animal was feeling was deeply seated already.

He rounded the corner and almost yipped with happiness. Cammie stood, smiling, in the doorway. Sunlight wrapped around her like an aura of glowing peace. No wonder his wolf had it in his head that she was theirs. She was prefect and drew him so strongly in both forms that he had a tough time keeping from wanting her as his mate.

“Come on. Come out and meet a friend of mine. You better be a good boy and not bite him, though. He isn’t like Ron.” While she spoke she’d been walking slowly backward. Ian would have laughed if he was in his human skin. She was drawing him to her with her voice and didn’t even realize what she was doing. She crooned to him in a voice
he wanted to hear her use while they had mind-blowing sex. “Come out here with me, Titan. What a good boy you are.”

The moment Ian caught sight of Connor every instinct fired at once. He found himself growling, teeth bared, between the scavenger and his female. His hackles were raised so far they felt almost painful. Each breath in and out of his lungs rumbled low in his chest. A snarl erupted fiercely between his lips when the other male moved suddenly on the chair. A small, feminine hand wound through his fur. Even with anger and rage coursing through his body he recognized Cammie. Her presence at his side calmed him slightly and he could finally concentrate on what she was saying.

“Shh, Titan, stop it. He isn’t going to hurt me. You need to back down before Connor shoots you or something.” She tugged lightly on his fur and he took a step back from the male. “Please, baby. Stop growling like that. You’re starting to scare me.”

That last statement was the piece that gave him control. There was no way he wanted her to fear him, and if he didn’t get a grip over the wolf
, her fear would cause her to stop trusting him. He forced his lips back down over his teeth and he took another step back from the coyote. A few deep breaths helped calm his wolf. The other male wasn’t exuding any signs of fear or lust after Cammie.

“Good boy.” She bent and whispered into his ear. Her words tickled the hairs along his neck. He took the moment to quickly turn his head and swipe his tongue along her jaw. She shoved him away, giggling. The sound of her laughter loosened his anger a little further. He wanted her happy, and if that meant back
ing off from the other shifter then he would do so.

“Well, he is a fierce one, huh? Cam, you really think it’s wise to keep him in the house with you? I mean, really…
Look at him.” Connor’s tenor brushed against Ian’s mind like fingernails on a chalkboard. From the look the other male was giving him, the coyote knew Ian was a shifter in his animal form. Fucker was trying to talk Cammie out of keeping him around. A growl rolled from his chest.

“He’s only acting this way because Ron nearly killed me. Titan is a good boy and saved my life. There is no way I’m making him sleep outside.” Calming strokes of her hand through his fur brought a silent snarl to his lips.
See, you ass, she’s mine and she wants me around

“Cammie, do you mind if I have a glass of water or something? All this talking has made me dry.”

“Sure. I’ll be right back.” She squatted and spoke into Ian’s fuzzy ear. “You be good.” Both males watched her walk into the house. The moment she was out of earshot the sheriff bent forward and growled. “What the fuck are you doing here, dog?”

Ian couldn’t help it. He
pulled back his lips and snarled.

“Can you shift?”

Ian shook his shaggy head.

“Was Ron really going to kill her?”

A nod.

“Are you getting attached to Cammie, here?”

Another nod.

“Good. She needs someone to watch out for her, even if it is you. When you can shift again, which shouldn’t be too long, you will call me and discuss this whole thing with me.”

Ian nodded once more, just as Cammie came through the door. She looked between them with a comical expression on her face. He could just imagine how it looked. Connor was bent over, whispering to a wolf, who was sitting with his head cocked to the side as if he was listening. Without knowledge of shifters, it definitely would look interesting. He chuffed and caught the answering grin from the coyote.

“Well, I see you guys have made up.” She handed a glass of iced tea to Connor. “What should I be doing now? Do I need to file some sort of restraining order, or something?”

Ian watched the other male and felt a sense of relief when a flash of anger crossed his face. Even if he was born a scavenger, this male seemed to feel the same sense of outrage at Cammie’s injuries. That would make him a good ally. Maybe.


* * * * *


Cammie shook her head. She’d walked out of the house and found the sheriff staring at her wolfy friend as if they were conversing. They’d been intent on each other enough to not respond immediately to her presence.

Nothing about this place had ever seemed normal. This wasn’t the first time she’d seen someone chatting with an animal. The first instance happened the first day she arrived in town. She’d stopped at the gas station to fill her car and found the attendant chatting away to a very wild looking dog. He’d mumbled something about humans invading and then had yelped when the dog nipped his leg.

If she was the fanciful type it would have looked like the animal was admonishing the man for saying something rude. But she wasn’t into imagining anything silly like that. Yes, she liked reading about shifters and werewolves, but in reality everyone was just quirky and strange. Since then she’d seen more than one person chatting with an animal. Mostly they talked with dogs that looked remarkably like coyotes. There must be something on this mountain about having wild animals as pets. She shrugged and brought her thoughts back to the present.

“So, what do I do?” She needed to get this thing with Ron behind her, but his determination scared her.

“I’d suggest moving in with someone else for a few days, but from the scowl you’re aiming at me I guess you won’t listen to that. If you won’t leave your house, then keep the wolf close. I’m hoping Ron isn’t stupid enough to come back, but he seems more fixated on you than the other women he’s hooked up with. It’s probably because you fought back.” She watched him run nervous hands through his hair before he focused an intense gaze on her face. “I’m going over there to talk to him, and I’m hoping he’ll attack me so I can throw him in jail for the night. I’m opening an investigation, and will definitely take him into custody as soon as I have enough evidence to hold him. The problem will be that it’s your word against his, and, well, from the sounds of it you’ve given him enough injuries that I’d have to take both of you in until it was figured out.”

A sickening thought crossed her mind. “He could file charges against me, couldn’t he?”

“I’m sorry, Cam, but yeah. If he wants to he could try to get you in trouble. I really would like another human around you for a while in case he comes back. Then you can have someone else to testify against him.”

“I can’t do that. I’m finally getting settled here. Who am I going to inconvenience with this shit, huh? You? Margie? That isn’t fair to anyone I know.” She could feel the helplessness swamping her. She needed to get the sheriff out of her hair so she could curl up and cry. “For now I’m going to stay here and keep the gun handy. I’m not letting him hurt me again, Connor. I just can’t. If he attacks me I’m shooting his ass.”

“Just know that he needs to be endangering you before you shoot him, okay?” She was stunned that he was condoning her actions if she did end up shooting Ron, but, then again, this man had seen more than one woman beaten by the asshole. She nodded her understanding and held her hand out for the empty glass. “I need to run to town in a little bit and have that dent looked at. I’ll keep my phone on me all the time. If you talk to him would you call me and let me know what he says?”

“Sure thing. I’m sorry it’s come to this. I hate seeing a woman manhandled. You take care, and get some ice on all your injuries. Tomorrow morning you’ll feel every single bump and bruise if you don’t.” Connor stepped down and stood at the foot of the steps. He looked at Titan, who was resting his whole body against her leg. With a quick nod the man turned and climbed into his truck.

She battled the urge to call him back, to ask him to protect her. Titan stood, glued to her side, while she watched the sheriff drive off. She felt a mixture of things, with fear at the front of the line. What had she gotten herself into? Now that she had come down off the adrenaline rush from the attack she felt shaky and exhausted. She knew that a trip to town would help her feel better, but right at that moment she wanted nothing but a nap.

“Come on, hon. Let’s go take a nap. I’m tired and I’m sure you’re sore from
protecting me from that asshole.” Walking into the house felt strange. It was almost like the space had been violated by Ron’s presence and the house still wasn’t over the intrusion. She closed and locked the door after entering the house.

Wandering through each room had her checking the window locks and peering out into the woods. Fear was still buzzing along her thoughts and her heart was racing in anticipation of an attack. “Stop it. You have to stop worrying about him coming back or you aren’t going to be able to stay in this house alone.” Her verbal command didn’t do much for her, but the look on Titan’s face was comical enough to drag a giggle from her. “You didn’t know you were staying with someone that talked to herself, did you sweetie?”

By the time she’d made it up the stairs she was dragging. Her muscles were weak and she just wanted to lie down. A quick trip to the bathroom made her feel better. Walking into her room drew her up short. Lying on her bed was Titan, head on a pillow, sides expanding slowly as he breathed deeply. Crap. She didn’t have the energy to fight him.

“Don’t you dare drool on my pillow, and don’t hog the bed.” She shuffled to the bed and climbed in, completely clothed. Stripping would’ve just taken too much effort. She closed her eyes and was surprised how warm Titan felt through the covers. She turned onto her side and tentatively ran her fingers into his fur. The wiggle and groan the giant wolf gave made her giggle. “I take
it you like that, huh?”

She closed her eyes and continued stroking her hand down his side, marveling at his thick coat. The hairs were coarse but underneath there were softer ones. They tickled her palm as she pet
ted him in long swipes. The warmth and soothing feel of his body against hers helped calm her racing thoughts. Each time she moved her hand it felt like she was letting go of some of her anger, fear, confusion. In the back of her mind she wondered if you could self-hypnotize with the petting of an animal. Her mind gave in and wandered, touching on memories from the last few days. So many of them were tempered by the soft feel of Titan under her hand.

Chapter Eleven


“So, again I bring myself to this place while I’m sleeping? Interesting.” Cammie stood in her dream clearing again, the sun in stasis just like last time. She wore jeans and a sweater instead of the summer dress, but the woods, the smells, the feel of the air were all the same. She looked around quickly to see if she’d conjured Ian again and was disappointed that he wasn’t sitting there waiting for her. “Of course, because why would I bring
me a yummy treat?”

“Who are you talking to, Cammie? What kind of treat did you expect in your dreams?” His deep voice flowed over her skin like a caress and she couldn’t help the gasp she sucked in. She thought her reaction to him in her last dream was intense
but it was nothing in comparison to what she felt now. Heat flowed like molten lava through her veins with each word he uttered. She turned and found him standing a few steps from her. He was more gorgeous than she remembered. She opened her mouth to respond with something snarky, but nothing came to her. The only response her body seemed capable of was a deep blush that scorched her cheeks.

He took a step closer and grinned. His nostrils flared. “Were you hoping I’d be here again? Am I your yummy treat? Hmm?”

This is your dream, Cammie-girl. Stop gaping like you’re a teenager
. She shook herself and shot him a quick glare. She was right. This was her dream, which meant she created Ian, brought him into her dream. But he didn’t act as though he were a figment of her imagination. Instead, it was as if he thought he was running the show. Once again she was at the mercy of a man instead of being in charge. There was truly something screwy with her mind if she couldn’t even find a man she could control in her dreams. A snort echoed in the silent clearing and she glanced up to find him silently laughing. “What are you laughing at? I’m having an internal debate and just about to have an epiphany. If you want to stick around in my dream you better be nice to me. I don’t have to keep you here, Ian.”

Her words came out harsher than she’d intended, but she meant them. No more was she going to be the plaything of some idiot man. Shifter or not, he wasn’t going to push her. He must have sensed he’d overstepped or she truly was taking control again because a look of contrite embarrassment moved across his face. “Sorry. I was just surprised by the level of arousal you were putting
out and, again, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. You can’t help it if I make you that type of male, right?” She waved off whatever he was going to say next. “It doesn’t matter. Look. I’ve had a horrible couple of days because of the asshole I’d been seeing. I think you are the incarnation of my deepest needs or perhaps the type of male I want but can’t seem to find. I don’t know for sure, but while we’re here I want to be in charge. I can’t remember the last time I was actually the one calling the shot for anything.”

Something close to amused anticipation flashed in his grey eyes. He held his hands up in surrender and took a step back from her before bowing low. “I am yours to do with as you please. As you said, this is your dream, so if you want to be in control then I’ll obviously let you. What would you like to do to me, Cammie?”

His voice had dropped and roughened as he ended his question. She could feel the change in the air as he once again looked at her with desire in his gaze. The hairs on her arms stood up
, as if static electricity was zinging between their bodies. Her fingers twitched with want as she imagined running them through his hair. Heat pooled in her belly and her pussy clenched. Her feet reacted before her brain could and she stepped closer. The need to feel that hard body against hers was so strong it felt like an ache. She wanted to taste his lips again, feel the freeing sensation of being kissed by someone that truly wanted her. The look in his eyes told her he could sense her reactions to him, and he held back only because she told him he must. She fought the draw for one more moment.

The growing hunger in her pushed against her thoughts. Why not indulge? This was her dream, her dream-land. Nothing could hurt her here. There was nothing that would happen that she didn’t want. She gave in with a sigh as she reached forward and placed her hand on his chest. The feel of hot, hard male beneath her palm dropped more warmth into her belly. If this was just a dream and the likelihood of her ever experiencing anything like this again was so slim, she wasn’t going to waste a minute of it. She leaned back and grinned up into his hooded gaze.

“Kiss me, Ian.”

A growl rumbled under her hand a moment before he bent to take her lips. She expected an all
-out assault on her senses, a quick, fierce mating of their mouths. Bracing for the onslaught she gripped his shirt in tightly clenched fists. She gasped as large, hot hands brushed softly around her waist and pulled her flush against his chest. One palm stroked up her back and wound into her hair and a flash of warmth flooded her pussy. Having those strong fingers grip her scalp in a firm, but gentle hold did something to her, releasing the hold she kept on herself. She melted into his embrace, surrendering to him. Soft lips brushed against hers. The feather light touches stole the breath from her.

Where was the overwhelming male response she expected? Her eyes opened, and then widened with what she saw. Ian’s face wasn’t twisted in need, wasn’t clenched in passion. His
gaze shone with affection and such sweet determination that she could feel tears stinging the back of her eyes.

“Ian, please. Just kiss me. Don’t rip my heart out by being sentimental. When I wake
up I don’t want any regrets.” Her plea was quietly whispered between their lips, but the change it brought was immediate.

This time his lips were harsh, almost bruising. His arms turned to steel, holding her hard against his body. He forced her mouth to respond, to open for him. His tongue invaded the moment her lips parted. Hot breath scorched her lungs as she pulled his rasping exhales into her lungs. His tongue tasted, tested, and conquered every corner of her mouth. It tickled her palate, slid along her teeth and drew her own tongue into a battle. When she was light-headed and barely sure she was still standing, he broke the kiss. Both sucked
in air in quick gasps. She rested her forehead on his chest and listened to his racing heart. She felt better knowing that he was as affected by the kiss as she’d been. Reality broke into her thoughts with a wicked twist of disgust. Of course he was affected. This was her dream. This man wasn’t real. He was something she’d cooked up in her subconscious.

She pushed back from his chest, angry at her own weakness. This is why she hadn’t wanted to take him up on his offer. This is why she was constantly getting in trouble with the wrong men. She so easily fell prey to the myth, the imaginary. One good kiss in her dreams and she was already seeing past the mirage and placing emotions on a made up man.

“Why are you pulling away?” His voice sent a shiver down her spine in spite of her self-disgust.

“You aren’t real. This isn’t real. My body can’t tell the difference between reality and dream-land, and already is betraying me.”

“So, this isn’t real, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.” He tried to wrap his arms around her again, but she swatted his hands away.

“No. Don’t you see? This is what I’ve done my whole life. I’ve never seen the reality of the men I’ve been involved with. It’s always been about the imaginary, the contrived. For once I would love to just be held by a pair of arms that had a sincere, real, man attached to them. Not one trying to get in my pants. Not one that was an abuser looking for his next sugar mama. Not a dream lover that I’ve concocted in my brain.”

She refused to look at his face. Imaginary or not, she couldn’t bear to see a look of pity, anger or anything else on his face. With a flick of her hand a bench materialized under a large, naked maple tree. Its limbs spread above her in a natural umbrella. She sat, head bowed, wishing for the dream to be over.

“What if I told you it wasn’t fake? What if I told you that I am absolutely real and that I’m just sharing your dream?”

“Ian. Really? I can’t believe that my mind needs to grasp onto a man so badly that I would mind-fuck myself so badly.” She finally gave in and looked up into his gorgeous face. She couldn’t help but laugh at the look of dejection hovering around his eyes. “You aren’t real. I know you’re not.”

“Okay. Let’s see. How
do I prove that I’m not a figment of your imagination?” He stalked across the clearing with long strides. She watched the muscles of his legs flex with each step. She really did know how to create the perfect man. “How about this? What if I told you something about someone that you haven’t met yet?”

“That would be great, but how will I know that it isn’t something I just guessed about that person?” A growl rumbled from his chest. He was getting pissed. Well, good. She wasn’t really happy about all this either.

“What if I told you that Titan and I are the same creature? What if I told you that shifters are real?”

“I’d say, okay. Because I’ve seen you shift and in my mind you are the same creature and you are a shifter. That proves nothing.”

“Stop being dense, Cammie. I ran into your car last night, okay, as a wolf. I’m trapped in my wolf body until I can shift again. Right now I’m lying on your bed with you, in wolf form, and I’m sharing this dream with you.”

“And I say bullshit. What I don’t understand is why I would want to do this to myself. No matter how screwed up I am, there is no reason for this to be happening now. Unless it’s my way of punishing myself for something.” She stood to pace as well, staying clear of Ian and his anger. “Maybe I’m manifesting you to punish m
yself for my bad choices? I guess in a twisted way that makes sense.”

After a few moments of internal
contemplation, which got her nowhere, she realized that the woods had gone completely silent. She looked up to find Ian standing, glaring at her, in a stance she could only classify as hostile. The look of anger and frustration that puckered his brow and clenched his strong jaw was enough to stop her in her tracks. “What? You don’t want to listen to my musings?”

“No. And I am going to prove to you that I’m not just some fucking piece of your imagination
, even if I have to do something drastic.” With his words growled at her, he took three steps to her. His gait and movements were completely predatory, his look was nothing less than complete determination.

Before she could react
, strong arms wrapped around her, dragging her into his embrace. He slanted his lips over hers and took what he wanted. She fought for only a moment, but in the end it was like standing against a monsoon. He was going to win with or without her permission. His mouth devoured hers, sucking, licking, biting. Every stinging bite was soothed by a brush of lips or tongue. Hands moved over her body while he controlled their kiss. One palm cupped her ass, pressing her jean-covered groin against his. She could feel his hot, hard cock against her belly. She groaned into his mouth. His other hand slid into her hair, gripping it enough to put delicious pressure on her scalp. He used his grip to hold her head where he wanted it during his devastating kiss.

Slowly she realized that he was moving her back toward the woods. When the hard, cool surface of a tree pressed against her back she understood what he was doing. With his hot chest pressed against hers and her back against the unyielding tree she felt trapped, but in that ‘oh so perfect’ way. She’d been battling the heat building in her pussy. With her body immobilized she gave over to the feelings. Her breasts felt heavy and hot, throbbing in time to her racing heart. She finally acknowledged the dampness between her legs, soaking her panties, and the throbbing ache of her clit. She moaned into his kiss when he picked her up enough to press his cock against her mound. In that moment of first contact she lost the battle completely with her mind and body.

There was nothing but sensation left. Her skin was sensitive, shivering and erupting in goose bumps as his breath skated over it. Every movement he made rubbed her, pressed her, pulling a reaction from her. She wrapped her legs around his hips to center his rigid shaft against her clit. Her body knew what it wanted. The slow grind of his pelvis against hers, the denim clad, hard cock against her clit, was driving her swiftly toward an orgasm.

With slow tugs he moved her head to the side. He kissed and nibbled along her jaw and throat. Shivers raced down her spine from the sensual feel of his teeth nipping at her skin. When he reached the junction between her neck and shoulder she heard the soft growl a moment before his teeth dug hard into her skin. The pain was intense and morphed quickly into pleasure. Scorching sensation streamed through her body, centering in her already throbbing clit. Her hips thrust against his, reaching for the release that was so close.

Another clamp of his jaws on her shoulder and she was sent flying. Her body shattered into blinding light and ecstasy. Waves of an overwhelming release brushed over her, carrying her away to another plane of existence that survived only on pleasure. Shivers wracked her body in time to the ebb and flow of her orgasm. Every movement he made caused a fresh pulse to move through her. Long minutes were spent hovering in passion until the last shiver left and she was completely limp.

When she could breathe and think again she noticed her back was no longer pressed against a tree. She was cradled in Ian’s lap as he sat on the bench. She was still completely wrapped around him like a living blanket. His hands were slowly stroking up and down her back, moving in time to his calm heartbeat. “Don’t say anything, okay
? I really don’t want to spoil that perfection.”

BOOK: Accidentally Yours (Coyote Bluff Series Book 1)
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