Read Accidental Fate Online

Authors: M.A. Stacie

Tags: #done, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Accidental Fate (3 page)

BOOK: Accidental Fate
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"Oh, really?" Leo crooned, twisting his head so he could meet her gaze and kiss her quickly on the lips. "I think I'd like to hear more about those dreams."

Erin was denying him when her phone beeped. Leo moaned, moving away from her so that she could fish it from her pocket. The sound woke Joe, who bellowed as loudly as his little lungs would allow. Their small haven of desire splintered and cracked, allowing reality to flood in. It had only been a few short kisses, but it was enough. Enough to know he would feel the loss of her when she went home.

He picked up Joe, shushing him and muttering into the baby's ear. He rocked him tenderly, looking into his son's eyes and feeling his heart swell. He heard Erin grumbling into her cell. He watched her as she collected her scissors, placing them back into her purse. His chest began to constrict, knowing she was going to have to leave. He didn't want her to, but she had a life outside of his store, his apartment, and his son.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." She grimaced, tugging her tote bag onto her shoulder. "Sammie, the receptionist, forgot to note a client in the book, and she's been waiting for a cut and color for twenty minutes now."

She reached out and stroked Joe's back. Her bottom lip stuck out, complaining.

"I don't want to go. Especially after…
. Can I come back afterward? I'll bring pizza."

Leo cocked a brow, hoping to lighten the mood. "Wine too?"

"You're on, Mr Sommers. Give me a couple of hours, okay?"

An awkward moment hung between them, one where neither of them knew what to do next. They tentatively moved their faces closer, unsure whether they should kiss each other goodbye or not. Leo was the one who finally took the lead, crushing his lips against hers in a quick but passionate kiss.

"I shall be waiting, though it'll be little man's naptime."

Her smile was utterly infectious. "See you soon, Leo."

"You too. Oh, and Erin?"

She turned to face him as she reached the door.

"Thanks for the haircut. I've never been handled in such a spectacular manner."

Erin snorted softly, stepping out into the stairway, and he was sure she muttered, "I can do better."

Chapter 3

Erin finished the customer's haircut with lightning speed, a smile spread across her face the whole time. The customer had been impressed with her newly styled locks, but the woman must have thought Erin was crazy. Payment had barely changed hands before she was rushing from the store, intent on seeing Leo. Excitement fizzed through her bloodstream, knowing in a little while she could spend more time with Leo and Baby Joe. They had both stolen her heart, even though only a short time had elapsed. Her mom had warned her to be careful, unsure of what he could offer her. After all, he'd already gotten someone pregnant, but Erin knew the truth. She watched him with his son, seeing the devotion sparkle in his eyes.

Leo was a good man.

She tried not to question where this was heading; she was certain Leo didn't know either. She wouldn't rush, just enjoy each moment as it came. It didn't stop her checking her appearance and making sure she looked her best though. She fluffed her dark, wavy hair, reapplied her lip-gloss, and made sure Leo got an enticing flash of her navel by hitching her T-shirt up a little.

The assistant in the record store was chewing gum and chatting to a goth-looking guy. Her elbows pressed onto the counter, pushing her breasts together in an obvious seduction. Erin was about to open her mouth when the girl nodded her way, pointing upstairs. She obviously wasn't in the mood to be interrupted, and wanting to get to Leo as soon as possible, Erin clutched her shopping and raced upstairs.

Music floated softly from his apartment, the notes beckoning her closer. His low rumble as he sang already made her shiver.

"Can I join you?" she whispered, laughing when he spun around, eyes wide.

Leo's mouth bobbed open and closed. He appeared to be at a loss for words.

"I… um… was tidying up?" he replied, wording it as if it were a question.

Erin smiled, reaching in her bag for the frozen pizza. "You're funny. Frozen. Best I could do really."

"Sounds delicious." He moved closer, placing his hands on her hips and caressing the sliver of skin with his thumbs. "Though there's something else I'd really like first."

Hoping he wanted the same thing she did, she leaned into his embrace, sighing when their lips connected. He tasted of mint toothpaste and smelled of woodsy shower gel. She liked that he'd washed and brushed his teeth in anticipation of her returning. She got carried away by his kiss, sliding her tongue against his and loving his devouring.

Erin was enraptured by him. She'd battled the attraction, telling herself he couldn't afford the distraction, but it just became too much. The need to touch, to kiss, to caress increased until it was so intense it couldn't be denied. Eventually, she'd reconciled; just because he was a father now didn't mean he had to remain single.

Erin grinned. "Hmm, I like your idea for dinner, Mr Sommers, but I don't think it will fill me up."

Salacious thoughts flitted through her head about how he could fill her up. His wide eyes confirmed he'd followed her train of thought.

"Sorry," he mumbled, skimming his hands up her back and hugging her close. "I'm clean-cut and innocent, really."

"Liar," she teased, pushing at his chest. "The little bundle in the crib contradicts your statement."


He kissed her forehead, the action so natural. It amazed her how perfectly her body fit against his.

"Can I just go and take a peek at Joe? I promise not to wake him."

Leo frowned when she carried a paper bag into the small bedroom. She felt pleased when he didn't question her.

Over the past few days she had bought the baby a few trinkets and toys. She hoped Leo thought it was another one. He'd spoken to her about how she spoiled him. She didn't listen. She felt good buying things for Joe along with her two nieces.

She hurried, hiding the package in Joe's room and checking he was still sleeping. Leo was placing the pizza in the oven when she returned, and he exhaled loudly when she wrapped her arms around his waist. He tried to turn around; she didn't let him.

"I want to say something. I'll balk if I see your face, so stay there and let me hold you."

Leo hummed in agreement, though tried to turn around again.

"I like you, Leo. I mean really like you. I like you more because of the way you've been with Joe. You haven't gotten someone else to care for him. You know he's already been through so much. I know it's soon, but I want this to go somewhere."

His hands squeezed hers in silent communication, elation flooding her body. Rubbing her cheek against his back, she tried to figure out how to word the next part. She didn't need to. Leo turned, tugging her against him and locking their lips together. His tongue delved, sending little sparks of arousal in one direction. He moved his hand to the back of her head, holding her as he deepened the kiss. Little noises moved from her mouth into his as she smoothed her hands along his chest, down his abdomen and delved under the edge of his jeans. His gasp broke the kiss. Then she looked up at him, wanting him to see the need that gripped her.

Leo raised a solitary eyebrow in question when her fingers brushed across the coarse hairs surrounding his erection. She waited for him to stop her and when it never happened she caused another moan to rumble up his chest as she wrapped her fingers around his erection and pumped slowly. His eyes fluttered closed; his hips bucked closer. More, she wanted more.

Erin was lost, carried away on a wave of arousal. Her nipples begged for attention, and her panties were already damp. She nibbled at the thin skin of his neck, still gently teasing his shaft and hoping to ease the ever-growing ache between her thighs.

"Christ," Leo grunted. "You're mind-blowing. Do you know that?"

"Really?" She laughed, but it swiftly turned into a squeal when he picked her up and carried her to his bedroom.

He tossed her onto the bed, kissing her as he slowly, piece by piece, removed her clothes. She no longer cared if it was too soon; she just wanted to feel his skin next to hers.

"Is this okay?" he rumbled into the crook of her neck, flicking her nipple with the pad of his thumb.

"Perfect," she sighed, rocking her hips against him. "Don't stop."

Leo hissed, pushing his cock against her core. She rolled her hips, eliciting another sharp hiss from Leo. The sounds he made were driving her crazy, inciting her lust and causing her to tease him further. He was a good man and each day he learned how to become a wonderful father. It was a combination she found irresistible.

Erin couldn't stop touching him. She lapped at his inked arm, reveling in the sensation of his toned body blanketing hers. Her hips moved of their own volition, desperately begging for more as they pushed against his erection. The way he gazed at her made her feel beautiful, wanted, and cared for. He was still hurting, still lost in the confusion of fatherhood, but here, in her arms, he was found.

They rolled around the bed, a series of kisses, licks, and nibbles as they discovered each other's bodies. She realized he became harder, more aroused, when she grazed her teeth down his neck. The harder he grew, the wetter she became. Her breasts swelled, ached to be toyed with, but Leo was gripping her hips, slowing her movements. Though when her hand delved between their bodies and wrapped around him, his thrusting turned rapid.

He rolled onto his back, grunting and pulling her with him. Her hair fell forward, a black curtain of privacy. She felt as if they were in their own world: hot, intense, and desperate.

"Tell me to stop," Leo begged, peppering her bottom lip with kisses.

He sounded panicked, exactly how she felt, but wanting him to stop wasn't an option. She straddled his hips.

"But I don't want you to."

"Then condom. Drawer."

Erin snorted at his inability to form a complete sentence, leaning over and shoving her breasts in his face as she reached for a condom. He growled, nipping at them and licking languidly at her nipples.

"So good," she gasped. "You don't really want to stop, do you?"

Erin was talking to herself as Leo was busy teasing her body. He rolled her taut peak between his teeth before licking to salve the skin. Tossing her head back, she pushed her chest closer, demanding more. Her desire only grew worse when she rolled the latex onto him, squeezing his cock before moving back up his body, nestling him against her entrance. Erin fought the urge to push down until he filled her. Lust raged between them. They panted, moving their bodies slowly as they stared into each other's eyes.

"No regrets?" Leo whispered, toying with Erin's nipples.

She couldn't respond. The urge to have him inside of her was all-consuming. Shaking her head, she used every ounce of remaining willpower to stop him entering her body. When her lips met his in a deep, thorough kiss, all control was lost.

Neither of them could hold back any longer, and as his tongue entered her mouth, his cock entered her body. They both groaned loudly at the sensations slamming through them.

Erin took the lead, setting the pace, lust thundering through every cell in her body. Her movements were slow at first, each of them absorbed in the feelings that raced through them. The pace soon changed as it became incredibly difficult to keep it so gentle. Erin wanted heat—fierce, intense heat.

"Need more," she gasped, starting to rock faster.

His hands gripped her hips, pulling her against him. His eyes hooded, his lips swollen, and they began to thrust at a ferocious pace. Erin cupped her breasts, rolling her nipples between her finger and thumb.

"Not fair," he whimpered. He rose up and replaced her fingers with his lips.

Her head lolled back, sparks shooting down her torso to her sex. They fit together in a way Erin had never known, and after the first discovery she now couldn't get enough of him. The kisses became harsh, the touches so fierce Erin was sure they would leave marks. Their passion spiraled out of control. It took her breath away. Even more so when he brought his fingers down to her wet heat.

An incoherent whimper slipped from her lips as he pressed harder against her clit. Needing purchase, she tunneled her fingers into his shaggy hair, lifting her breasts higher, intent on driving him closer to his completion.

Arousal seeped from her core as they pushed for more. Teasing was forgotten. Every thought was centered around touching Leo and the need to be touched back.

Erin's skin burned, little currents beginning to build, alerting her to her growing orgasm. She tightened her grip on his hair and felt him flinch in response. Kissing him in a quick apology, she swirled her hips. Passion drove her on, and as their gazes locked she was swamped in the feeling of rightness. It felt silly to verbalize it, but it was true. The man thrusting into her body felt divine.

"Oh, Leo," she exhaled.

She was going to come like this. Her stomach swirled with lust and something she wasn't ready to name. The connection was perfect, more than she could have ever hoped to find when he'd crashed into her car at the store.

"Need… now," he responded, almost leaving her body before pushing back into her sex with one hard thrust.

His eyes never left hers. The intensity reflecting back at her took her breath away. So wanting to push him over the edge, she thrust her hips aggressively, pumping his cock farther into her.

That was all it took for Erin to shatter in his arms. She closed her eyes and threw her head back. Waves of bliss rippled through her, leaving her moaning and panting his name.

"Oh… Leo. Oh, fuck!"

Leo smiled, but his image swam in front of her. Her skin flamed, her stomach still in spasm. She'd intended to make Leo come but had reached the pinnacle first. Their hearts pounded against each other, increasing when Leo growled against her ear. Watching Leo come was captivating, his whole body trembling from the sensations. He tried to muffle his cry by burying his face in her neck, but it eventually poured out, echoing around the room.

They were both silent for a time. Erin was completely shocked by the speed at which it had happened, but she did not regret it.

"Wow," Erin breathed, slowing her rocking hips.

They panted heavily, grinning widely at each other. The tremors in her body eventually starting to subside, and her abdomen only twitched once more. He banded his arms around her, slick skin connecting with slick skin. Erin rested her head in the crook of his neck, trying to regulate her breathing. Her whole body quivered, and it wasn't just from the orgasm. There was something else that had developed during their time together. She shoved the thought aside and inhaled deeply.

"I think the pizza is probably a little well done by now," Leo whispered.

Erin laughed, shaking her head. "Not the most romantic thing I've ever heard after sex."

"I could order us something. I'm starving now."

"I bet you are."

They kissed again tenderly.

Leo smirked, stroking her naked back. "Someone seems to have helped me work up an appetite."

His expression grew serious, causing her anxiety to rise. He adjusted his position, both of them moaning when he left her body. He was trying to be discreet, turning his back as he removed the condom, but it didn't really work. She saw it all, including the way his hands shook. It made Erin laugh, lightening the mood just enough.

"Need a little help there, Shaky?"

She reached out only to have him swat her hand away playfully before turning to toss the condom in the trash. Thoughts filled her head, wanting him to climb back into bed with her, but as if on cue, Joe wailed loudly from his crib.

"I'll just go and settle him. There are some menus by the phone. Wanna call? Your choice."

Erin let him go, lying back on the mattress and inhaling Leo's scent on the comforter. She hadn't intended to go this far tonight. Her lust for him drove her on. The reality of their lovemaking much more than she could ever have imagined. Of course this new relationship would take a lot of work. She would always come second to Joe, though she understood that. Each day her feelings grew, adoring the little boy just as much as his daddy.

BOOK: Accidental Fate
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