Aaron: Mating Fever (Rocked by the Bear Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: Aaron: Mating Fever (Rocked by the Bear Book 4)
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Chapter 12

y cell phone
is smooth in my hand as I lift it to read the text from Maggie. It’s late afternoon, and she promised to let me know when Aaron got home from class. I smile as I recall how the sisters were quite proud to tell me they’ve embraced modern technology. Yesterday, after our outing, I shared my plan with Colleen and Maggie. I’m going to ask Aaron to go get ice cream with me to make up for turning him down the other day.

My walk to the duplex is quick, and my heart races with my brisk pace as well as the anticipation of confirming my intentions. While there’s a tiny nagging feeling in my head that I might be hurt someday, I know that living my life without Aaron will hurt more. I arrive at the sisters’ door breathless.

Maggie opens up with a smile and tugs me inside as she says, “This has to be one of the most romantic things ever.”

Colleen hands me the keys to her yellow Vespa and says, “Since the white helmet is the biggest, you should give that to Aaron.” She squeals a little bit when she hands it to me, and the purple and pink flower decals that are a new addition are slippery under my finger when I trace them. She says, “I think the flowers will suit Aaron, don’t you?”

I chuckle and say, “Yes, I believe they will.” I hug Colleen and Maggie as they tear up. “Thank you.”

“Anything for love,” says Maggie. Her watery eyes make me wonder if Edward is still alive, and I decide I’ll try to track him down for her. But right now I have a true mate to deal with.

“Wish me luck,” I say as I make my way outside. I walk around to the back of the building to retrieve the Vespa, and the engine rumbles when I drive around to the front.

I lay on the horn that emits a small high-pitched sound and wait for one of the occupants of Aaron’s apartment to come outside. I’m pleased when it’s Aaron himself. He tilts his head at me, and my hand taps on the leather of the seat as I say, “Hop on and come get ice cream with me.”

Aaron’s feet thud on the stairs as he comes toward me. His expression appears wary, but his eyes twinkle with mischief as he says, “I’m not sure if I should.”

“No?” I frown as if I’m considering his words. “You’re killing my reputation, Aaron. Come on.”

“Hmm.” Aaron glances around. “I suppose I’m your only choice, aren’t I?”

“There are no other choices for me,” I say. “You’re the only one I want to take.” I hand him the white helmet, and I’m rewarded with his lopsided smile that makes my heart sing. I say, “Maggie and Colleen think flowers are a good look for you.”

He tugs it on, and the buckle clicks shut. I hold back my laugh at the guy with the manly tattoos on his arms and girly headgear as he climbs on the Vespa behind me. “Do you know how to drive this thing?”

The scooter jerks as I give it more gas than necessary, and Aaron grips me tight as we take off. “How hard can it be?” I glance over at Maggie and Colleen’s apartment to see them give me a thumbs-up through the window.

The warmth of Aaron’s arms around my waist makes me want to stay on the Vespa, and when we get to the ice cream shop, I turn off the scooter and grab his arms before he can let go. I lean back against his strong chest and say, “This feels really good.”

His warm breath on my neck gives me goose bumps as he says, “It sure does.”

I climb off the bike and turn to face him. It takes me a moment to raise my gaze to his, and my stomach clenches when I see his easy smile. I can’t believe I let my fear keep me from this man. “I was afraid.” The words even hurt when I say them.

He removes his helmet, and his gaze traps me as he asks, “Is it what I am?”

I shake my head. “Men leave me.”

Aaron is still sitting on the Vespa, and he reaches for my hand. I let him hold my fingers as he says, “That’s never going to happen. And if you decide to bond with me, it will be impossible.”

“I know that now.” I squeeze his fingers so hard my knuckles turn white. “While I’m not sure how we’re going to fit our lives together, I’m ready to try.”

Aaron swings a leg over the scooter and tugs me to stand between them. “Does this mean I can kiss you?”

I nod, and thick muscles are firm under my palms as I grab his shoulders to kiss my true mate. Aaron’s lips are soft on mine, and he keeps it appropriate for public viewing. When he pulls away, I let out a small sound and say, “That wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy me.”

Aaron’s hands are around my waist, and he moves them to my hips to push me gently out of his way so he can stand. “Me either. But someone promised me ice cream. I didn’t come all the way here with a flowered helmet for anything less.”

I grab his hand. “Right this way. You know,
bear tracks
is really good.”

He chuckles and says, “I think you might need to spend a little less time with my neighbors.”

“I love those ladies.” I glance at him. “They helped me figure things out.”

He smiles. “I love them too.”

When we get in line, I gaze up into Aaron’s blue eyes, and I recall the first time we met and how he was cocky enough to say I’d want to spend the night with him after our first date. Now I know it was because he knew we were meant to be together. I say, “I sure hope you don’t have any plans for tonight, because you’re going to want to spend it with me.”

Aaron leans down to whisper in my ear. “Tonight and every night for the rest of our lives.”

His words send a tingle down my spine as the girl at the window asks what we want. I don’t hesitate when I say, “Bear tracks, please.”

Aaron orders the same and crawls his fingers up my back when he does. I squirm under his touch as desire rushes through me, and when we step over to the next window to get our order I ask, “Leaving your tracks?”

A faint growl rumbles in Aaron’s chest before he says, “Don’t tempt me like that.”

I take my cone from the guy that hands them to us and give Aaron an evil grin before I drag my tongue slowly up the ice cream and let out a little moan. Something not quite real flashes in Aaron’s eyes, and I say, “I think I could have fun with this.”

“Careful, I’m not known for my control the way you are.”

I walk backward toward a table and scan his body slowly with my eyes. I take a moment when I get to his crotch and notice my effect on him. “That doesn’t bode well for me.”

Aaron steps closer and whispers, “I think it does. And when you’re screaming later you will too.”

Heat rushes to my cheeks as I stumble. Aaron grabs my arm to keep me from falling, and I regain my composure to say, “I don’t scream.”

Now Aaron’s grin becomes evil as he says, “Yet.”

I drop down to my seat when my legs give out, and my bones rattle. I might not be prepared to take a walk on the wild side, but with Aaron I’ll try.

Chapter 13

lustered doesn’t even begin
to describe the way I drive back to Aaron’s apartment after we have ice cream, and I’m not sure how I’m going to get through returning the Vespa to Maggie and Colleen. As soon as I turn off the scooter my worries are over, because Aaron says, “My room. Now.”

I take off running and squeal when he chases after me. I think someone was in the kitchen when we flew by, but I didn’t take the time to look. My main focus is to get my true mate naked and have my way with him. When we get to his room, the door slams shut when Aaron back-kicks it, and I gaze at him. He rips his shirt off over his head, and I notice his eyes are definitely not human. My chest heaves as I catch my breath.

I’m seeing his bear.
I shudder as desire pulses through me, and it surprises me. I should be afraid. And suddenly I am, but it’s not because of his bear. “Am I scaring you?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No.” I place my hand on his chest, and my eyes fall shut as our connection zings through me. “Oh god.”
I’m losing control.


I open my eyes and say, “I -- I’m fine. I just--” I lower my hand to his waistband, and my fingers tremble. “The need to have you is so strong, and I’m not sure what to do.”

Aaron grips my wrist to move my hand away from his jeans. “Then we’ll take it slow.” He places an arm around my waist, and before he lowers his mouth to mine he says, “We’ve got the rest of our lives.”

When he kisses me I sink into the sensations that swell, and I begin to relax. Aaron walks me slowly backward to his bed, and he stops so I can get on it. He says, “I love you, Olivia.” As I move back he places his hand on his heart and climbs on to join me. “So much I’m afraid my heart is going to burst out of my chest.”

“I love you like that too, Aaron.”

He grins. “Thank god. I thought it might be a heart attack.”

When I laugh my nerves begin to slip away. I reach out and place my hand on Aaron’s chest again and say, “I’m okay now.” I move my fingers down to the light trail of hair on his lower abdomen. “You should take those off. You know, so I can see if I can handle
all that

He tilts his head at me. “You’ve already seen it. I saw you check me out at the lake.”

My jaw drops. “I did not! You are just about the--”

Aaron shuts me up with a kiss, and when he stops he says, “You did.”

I recall I did when we were walking down to the water, and I reach for his pants as I say, “Refresh my memory.”

“Ouch, I’m wounded you don’t remember.”

I pop his button open. “Maybe it was replaced with all the stupid math formulas I’ve had to memorize for my final.”

Aaron stops my progress by pulling me against his body, and he says, “Girls like you really should just use calculators.”

I must be drunk with lust, because that statement would piss me off in a normal situation. But I know he’s teasing me, and I reply, “And guys like you should just shut up and get naked already. I’m after your best asset.”

Aaron reaches for the hem of my shirt and nips at my neck. “Feisty. I like it.”

I lift my arms over my head to help with his progress. “Show me.”

He sighs and lowers his mouth to the top of my breast to kiss me lightly, and he says, “With pleasure.” When I reach behind my back and unhook my bra he growls. “So much pleasure.”

Everything about what my true mate does to me seems magnified. Aaron’s hair is soft in my hand as I grasp his head while he pays attention to my nipple with his tongue. I sink down further on the bed, and he crawls over me and traps me in his gaze. His hands leave a trail of searing heat as he moves them down to the button on my jeans, and I nod when he stops as if he’s asking permission. My core flexes as he removes my pants to leave just my thong.

Aaron inhales deeply, and air comes out of his mouth with a whoosh before he says, “Your scent. Nothing smells sweeter.” He moves back to step off the bed, and his grip is firm when he tugs me down to place my bottom at the edge of the mattress. My mate hooks his fingers under the sides of my panties. “I know you hate it when I tell you what to do.” Aaron’s grin covers his face as he drops to his knees. “So baby, whatever happens -- don’t scream.”

The comforter is soft under my forearms as I lean on them and say, “So cocky.”

Aaron’s hands tickle my inner thighs as he parts my legs and says, “We’ll see.”

I let out a small mewling sound when he laps at my folds, and my shoulders bounce a little on the mattress as I fall back to enjoy Aaron’s attention fully. He sucks and licks me to the point that I begin to moan, and I reach for him. Hair is soft in my fingers as I clutch it. His fingers enter me and take me further. My hips shoot up when he hits the magic spot, and I cry out as my orgasm crests.

Aaron rides it out with me, and he doesn’t stop as I would expect. He keeps on working me, never letting me sink too far before I’m about to come again. I gasp. “Oh god.” The bedspread is a hard wad of material in my hands as I grip it and shatter. And still, Aaron doesn’t stop. He works me harder and makes me a quivering mess on the brink of wanting him to stop and never wanting the pleasure to end. I don’t get to recover before my climax begins to peak again. I can’t speak as my world spins, and a high-pitched noise fills my ears as I explode. Only then does Aaron let up, and he kisses his way up my stomach as I catch my breath.
I screamed.

When Aaron finally gets to my neck I whisper, “I hate to be wrong, but at the moment I’m really glad I was.”

He kisses my neck below my ear, and I shudder as he says, “Me too. You have no idea how turned on that made me.”

I reach down into Aaron’s open jeans, and his thick length is rock hard beneath my hand. “Oh, I think I might. Now would you please take off those pants?”

Aaron strips off his jeans and climbs back over me. I reach between us to grip his cock. It’s pulsing with need under the smooth skin, and he says, “I want to be inside you, Olivia.”

I spread my legs and guide him toward my opening. “I want you there.” I take a deep breath when he enters me, and sinewy muscle flexes under my fingers as I grasp his back when he begins to move. I should be spent from three orgasms, but Aaron’s creating friction that is sending new sensations through me, so I revel in the way he fills me. I rock my hips to meet him, and our rhythm is steady as he sets the tempo.

I’m the one that comes first, and as soon as I can think, I focus on Aaron’s release. I shift my hips to seat him deeper, and his low growl tells me it works. He tenses and cries out as the warmth of his essence becomes slippery between us.

Aaron flops onto his back, and while his chest heaves I lift up on my elbow to trace my favorite tribal design tattoo with my finger. It’s sharp angles until it changes direction abruptly to be soft swirls and ends over his heart. Aaron places his hand on mine to stop my movement. His heartbeat pounds against my palm as he says, “This is your beat, Olivia. Do feel our song?”

“Yes.” I take his hand and place it over my heart. “We’re in sync.”

He smiles up at me with so much love I ache from the intensity. “I love you, Aaron.”

“I love you too, Olivia.” He sighs. “So much.”

BOOK: Aaron: Mating Fever (Rocked by the Bear Book 4)
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