A Very Corporate Affair Book 2 (The Corporate Series) (6 page)

BOOK: A Very Corporate Affair Book 2 (The Corporate Series)
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              After lunch, I took a long bath, and spent a pleasant hour exfoliating and buffing, applying a hint of golden tan, and carefully applying primer to my face, so my makeup would look good later. I threw on a track suit, and walked over to the salon, which was on the ground floor of the arcade.

              My stylist was a delightful little Italian man called Giuseppe, who, on seeing the photo of my dress, declared my hair should be put up in a soft, elegant chignon. As it had been washed that morning, he proceed to roll it up in heated curlers to set it in curls first. I asked about makeup, and another, very gay, Frenchman called Andre was brought over to be introduced. He made a start while my rollers were cooling down, and between the two of them, they worked some powerful magic.

              The woman staring back at me in the mirror an hour later would rival any model who had previously graced Ivan's arm. Even in the scruffy track suit, I looked flawless, and sophisticated. I paid my bill, buying the lipstick Andre had used, and tipped them both generously. "Youra man won't know whatsa hit 'im," said Giuseppe, giving me a little hug.

              I even stopped off at La Senza on my way home to pick up a red lace lingerie set. Tonight was very definitely the night. A shiver of excitement ran through me as I headed back to the flat.

              I decided not to wear any jewellery other than a pair of small, gold earrings, mainly because I didn't own anything that would do the dress justice. With my hair and face done, all I had to do was put on my dress, underwear and shoes. It would only take five minutes, so I sat and had a coffee, and relaxed with a magazine for half an hour.

              Ivan was a little early, I had only just stepped into my shoes, after zipping up my dress. I opened the door, and smiled as he just stood and stared at me. He looked amazing in his tuxedo, although to be fair, so did almost every man on the planet.

              "You look stunning Elle, I knew you'd look lovely, but I wasn't prepared for this," he said as he stepped into the flat. He twirled his index finger to indicate that I should turn around. "Beautiful, beyond breathtaking," he said, unable to take his eyes off me. I glowed under his praise, wanting to look my best for him. "I bought you a little something for tonight," he said, handing me a box. I took it over to the island, and opened it. I gasped as a trio of rubies sparkled at me. "I thought something to match your dress would be nice," he said, watching my face.

              "They're lovely," I said, taking the necklace out of the box. Ivan stood behind me and did up the clasp. I did notice that his hands were shaking ever so slightly. I quickly took my earrings out, and replaced them with the ruby drops. Checking myself in the hall mirror, I really did look like a billionaire's girlfriend. I grabbed my clutch bag, and keys, and we set off.

              Ivan helped me into the Bentley, making sure my dress was tucked in properly before closing the door. He slid into the seat beside me, and grasped my hand, smiling at me. "I really wasn't prepared for how fabulous you look tonight. Every man there will be envious of me having such a beautiful woman on my arm."

              "You look pretty damn hot too. There's going to be a lot of envious women too." He leaned over, and kissed my cheek, being careful not to smudge my makeup.

              He told me all about the charity on the way over. Apparently they helped children from disadvantaged backgrounds access further education and apprenticeships. "Good cause," I said softly.

              "I think so too," he replied, "so tonight we find some nice auction lots, and outbid everyone. Does that sound like fun?"

              "Depends what they are. I doubt if a signed football will really go with the decor in your office."

              Ivan laughed, "and I doubt if you'd thank me for a signed rugby ball for yours. I'm hopeful we'll find something nice, and I can donate some money to the charity." He grinned. "Now, Elle, we will probably be photographed as we get out of the car. Just smile, and stay next to me. My security will prevent anyone getting too close."

              "I wasn't planning on running off. Will security be with us all evening?"

              "Oh yes. I don't go anywhere without them."

              "Why is that?"

              "Business in Russia is done differently to how it's done here. Any wealthy man is in constant danger, more so for Russians. The English settle disputes through the courts, Russians settle disputes with guns, or worse. There's no specific threat against me, so nothing for you to worry about."

              "Don't you get fed up with the bodyguards trailing everywhere with you?" I was curious.

              "No, I've had them so long that it just feels normal. I get nervous when they're not there."

              "They weren't in the woods in Sussex, did that make you edgy?"

              "They were there," he said, frowning, "they patrol the perimeter of my land constantly. Unless someone parachutes in, they can't get into the estate."

              Our conversation ended as we pulled up at the entrance to the Grosvener. The doors were opened by uniformed attendants, and as soon as I stepped out of the car, the flashbulbs started, blinding me slightly. Within a heartbeat, Ivan was by my side, his arm firmly round my waist, his hand squeezing my hip. I kept my professional smile firmly stuck to my face, as Ivan paused to allow the press to photograph us, voices shouting out for him to tell them who I was. Ivan simply smiled, and remained silent before we turned and walked along the red carpet, and into the venue.

              I breathed a sigh of relief that the blinding flashes had stopped. "You ok?" Ivan asked.

              "Fine thanks. Glad that's over though, I couldn't see a thing." I still had spots in front of my eyes, but they were clearing. We were shown through to a large reception room, which was already filled with people. Ivan took two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter, and handed one to me. I sipped it gratefully, and looked around the room. The women all looked incredibly glamorous, and I was grateful for the dress Ivan had bought for me. I felt comfortable knowing I looked the part. People stood around chatting in groups, seeming to know one another.

              "Come, there are some people I'd like you to meet," said Ivan, as he took my arm. As soon as we walked further in, he was accosted by various people who seemed delighted to see him. I was introduced to several CEO's, a few politicians, and two fairly famous actors, all of whom seemed to want to be Ivan's best friend.

              I watched carefully as Ivan slipped on a 'public' persona. He was friendly and personable, but seemed to place himself at arms length, projecting a cool detachment to the people around us. It was fascinating to observe.

              I was chatting to one of the actors, asking him about his latest role, when I felt Ivan's grip around my waist tighten. I looked up to see Oscar walk in with an impossibly beautiful brunette on his arm. I glanced at Ivan to reassure him that I wasn't bothered, and saw that Ivan was grim faced, and shooting daggers at Oscar. It was at that moment the woman moved into view, and I realised it was Dascha, and Ivan didn’t look at all happy about her being Oscar's date. My stomach sank.

              Oscar caught sight of me, and stared blatantly for a moment, before bringing Dascha over to introduce us. I figured the whole thing was a ploy to make me jealous, so instead, I smiled sweetly, and complimented Dascha profusely on her dress.

              "Thank you, yours is lovely too," she purred in a heavily accented voice, "Ivan chose it for you no doubt? I can spot his taste a mile away. He always did buy such beautiful gifts."
I smiled in reply, turning my attention back to the two men. I overheard Ivan growl at Oscar.

              "What are you playing at?"

              "The same as you. You have a problem?" Replied Oscar quietly, clearly hoping I wouldn't hear them.

              "So how did you two meet?" I asked Dascha, keeping my smile going.

              "Oh, we've been seeing each other a little while," she said, "did Oscar not mention me? Or do you only discuss business at your meetings? I understand that both Oscar and Ivan are
of yours. Your company must be pleased you get to know your clients so well."

              "We don't discuss personal things at our meetings, purely business. It's probably why Oscar never mentioned he had a beautiful girlfriend." Oscar looked horrified, his attempt to make me jealous was backfiring spectacularly. "By the way, Oscar, did you action the LIBOR reporting?" He looked relieved that I'd changed the subject, and began to tell me in detail the changes that had been made in line with my recommendations. I listened politely, with one ear trained on Ivan and Dascha's conversation. I noticed they had lapsed into Russian, I also caught the flirty tone to her voice, and coquettish body language. Ivan's grip on my waist loosened, and eventually fell away as he became engrossed in his conversation. I stood slightly awkwardly, wondering what to do. I was about to suggest I went home and left them to it, when we were called into the dining room.

              Ivan actually walked into the room with Dascha, his hand resting on the small of her back as he guided her in. I followed behind feeling rather dejected, and wondered if I could slip away without anyone noticing. Spotting the ladies room, I ducked in, and locked myself in a stall while I figured out what to do. I felt totally out of my depth, and rather humiliated. I fingered the ruby necklace, and in a moment of clarity, realised I'd been bought and paid for, and as such, could be treated in any way that Ivan pleased. I made the decision to leave, and in the morning I would ask Roger to return all the items Ivan had bought for me. I just couldn't help feeling that I'd sold my soul to the devil in return for a ruby and a red dress.

              After ten minutes, I came out of the stall, and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked like a lady. I lifted my chin defiantly, and walked out of the ladies and towards the exit.






Chapter 4






                "Where do you think you're going?" Ivan called out, hurrying to catch up with me. "The dining room's the other way."

              "I'm getting out of your way, and heading home," I said, "I'll speak to you in the morning." I tried to turn towards the exit, but Ivan grabbed my arm in a vice-like grip.

              "Elle, what's got into you? I don't understand why you want to go."

              "Ivan, you're not a stupid man. Did you really think you could ignore me to fawn all over your ex, and I wouldn't mind? I might not understand Russian, but I understand flirting. Now I suggest you let me go home, and you can go back in there and spend the rest of the evening with her."

              "I don't want her, I want you."

              "I'm sorry, I can't do this. Right now I feel bought and paid for, in a dress that you chose, in jewellery that is probably worth what I earn in a year, and that bitch rubbed my nose in it. I just want to go home and take it all off, and be myself again." I fought hard to control the tears that threatened to bubble up inside. I really didn't want to lose control.

              "Elle, listen to me, I changed to Russian because I was telling her to behave, and to leave you alone. I told her that I was with you now, and I didn't appreciate her nasty remarks. As for my gifts, there are no strings attached, I bought them because I wanted to make you happy, not because I expected any payback. You are still you, despite how wonderful you look tonight. Please come back inside with me....please."

              I thought about it, Ivan looked worried. "Promise me that we won't sit with her?"

              He let out a breath, "I promise." He took my hand and led me into the vast dining room, and through to a round table. I was seated next to the actor I'd been speaking to earlier, and a pleasant looking, stylishly dressed, middle aged lady was seated next to Ivan. I noted wryly that she looked as if all her birthdays and Christmases had come at once.

              Thankfully the starters hadn't arrived at that point, and we hadn't kept anyone waiting. Ivan picked up the card listing the auction lots, and leaned in so we could both read it.


Lot 1 A weekend in New York, courtesy of Hilton hotels


Lot 2 A one week stay in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El Sheik, courtesy of Four Seasons Hotel Group


Lot 3 A spa weekend for two, courtesy of Champneys.


Lot 4 A dinner party for six, catered in your home by chefs from Gordon Ramsey, Claridges.


Lot 5 Dinner with Stephen Fry


Lot 6 Lunch with Lord Sugar


Lot 7 A private tour, and lunch at the House of Lords, with Lord Golding.


Lot 8 A helicopter flight over London, courtesy of Battersea Helicopters ltd.


Lot 9 A weekend in Paris, courtesy of Eurostar.


Lot 10 A one year subscription to Quintessentially yours, courtesy of Quintessentially yours.


                Ivan pulled a biro out of his inside pocket, and ticked the weekend in New York, the concierge subscription, the helicopter flight, and the spa weekend. "Anything you want?" He asked. I shook my head. He poured me a glass of wine, and tucked his pen back in his pocket. "Are you ok now?"

              "Yeah, I'm ok," I said unconvincingly. I was starting to relax again, and the threatened tears had disappeared. Ivan patted my hand, and started speaking to the woman next to him, who looked delighted.

              The actor next to me leaned in, "so do you work?"

              "Yes, I'm a corporate lawyer."

              "Oh wow, I'm playing a lawyer in a new series being filmed in the autumn. You can give me some pointers on how I should act." He droned on all through the starter, and into the main course. Thankfully he was interrupted by the lady seated next to Ivan, who leaned over to compliment my outfit, stating that she loved my dress.

              "She looks beautiful doesn't she?" Ivan said to her. She nodded in agreement, and smiled warmly. "I must introduce the two of you, "Joan, this is my girlfriend Elle, a corporate lawyer at Pearson Hardwick.  Elle, this is Joan Lester, managing director of Conde Nast." I leaned across Ivan and shook her hand.

              As our main courses arrived, she said, "I'll talk to you later, I need an acquisitions expert, and Ivan has recommended you." She pulled a business card out of her clutch, and passed it to me. "If I don't get a chance, call me next week, and we'll have lunch."

              The auction began after dinner. We turned around to face the stage, and I immediately spotted Oscar and Dascha sitting two tables in. Their body language indicated they'd had a row, both leaning away from each other. Oscar looked extremely pissed off.

  Ivan didn't bid early on
, in any of the lots, coming in at the end, and easily outbidding his competitors. The last lot on offer was the subscription to Quintessentially yours, an upmarket concierge service. Both Ivan and Oscar began to bid for it, the price edging higher and higher, with neither willing to give in. A bit horrified, I touched Ivan's arm, and getting his attention, shook my head. A public pissing contest between two billionaires was nothing more than a circus show for the room. Thankfully Ivan backed down, and Oscar won the lot. For the first time that evening, he looked mildly pleased.

              "Why did you stop me?" Ivan asked.

              "Because it was just a pissing contest, and it was giving everyone in the room a 'my dicks bigger than your dick' show." Ivan roared with laughter.

              "You, my darling, are priceless, and so very clever." He kissed the tip of my nose.

              The band started up, so we moved to the bar. Ivan had to get a member of his security team to fetch the drinks, as he seemed to be mobbed at every step. It seemed as though every man wanted to be his best friend, and every woman wanted to flirt. He kept his arm firmly clamped around my waist, and made a point of introducing me to everyone as his girlfriend. Oscar and Dascha kept their distance, although I did catch Oscar staring rather wistfully at me, his eyes travelling down to the red Jimmy Choos on my feet.

              Paul Lassiter came over to say hello, and after kissing the back of my hand, prompting a scowl from Ivan, proceeded to chat to Ivan for ten minutes about executive search.

              At eleven, Ivan leaned down and whispered in my ear, "ready to leave? I really want to get you alone." I nodded. We said our goodbyes, and flanked by security, swept out of the Grosvener and into the waiting car.

              "Are we going back to my place?" I asked.

              "No. Sussex. It won't take long at this time of night."

              "Shouldn't you have asked me first, rather than assume?"

              "Ok, will you come back to Sussex with me tonight?"

              "Yeah ok," I replied, rather sulkily. The mood really didn't feel right for making love. I felt edgy and off centre. Ivan pressed a button to raise the privacy screen.

              "Tell me honestly Elle, are you pissed off that Dascha flirted with me, or pissed off that Oscar was there with someone else?"

              "I was pissed off because it looked like you and Dascha were flirting with each other. I didn't give a toss that Oscar brought her."

              "That's alright then. I like you being jealous, I wouldn't like it if it was directed towards another man. Oscar in particular."

              "What happened with you and Dascha?"

              "Not much. Went out with her, let her spend my money, put up with her appalling manners, then finally dumped her when she kicked Bella."

              I frowned, "why did she kick Bella?"

              "She weed in Dascha's shoe. Bella's way of letting her know she didn't like her I think. Kicked her so hard I had to take her to the vet to make sure there was no damage. Would have killed poor little Bella if security hadn't dragged her off. I couldn't be with her after that."

              "I'm not surprised. What kind of person hurts an animal like that?"

              "A psychopath. I actually felt quite sorry for Oscar having to spend an evening with her, but she only likes rich men, so she was probably quite happy."

              "He was leaning so far away from her, he was almost at the next table," I giggled, "Oscar has a lot of faults, but bad manners isn't one of them. He looked horrified when she insulted me."

              "I saw. She was beside herself with jealousy over you, and because she doesn't really know who you are, she threw the only barbs she could find. She figured out that Oscar only invited her to rattle me, and try and make you jealous. She was livid about it, not being the centre of attention. Then when Paul slobbered over you, I thought she would actually turn green."

              "Paul did not slobber over me. He kissed the back of my hand, that's all."

              "He slobbered, trust me... Elle, what is it you have that makes all us men go so silly over you? Three men at one party competing for your attention, you must be able to see it?"

              I frowned, "I think you're reading way too much into it. Oscar maybe, mainly because I'm the only girl to have actually dumped him, but Paul Lassiter is just a client, and would only be interested in me to find out why you and Oscar are so fascinated."

              "He wants you, I know he wants you, but right now I just want to hold you tight, and kiss you without worrying about smearing your lipstick." He smiled his most dazzling smile, and pulled me onto his lap, leaning in to kiss me softly. As his kisses deepened, they ignited my desire, making me shiver in anticipation of what was to come. I could feel him hardening underneath me, and I slipped my hands under his jacket to feel his warmth radiating through his shirt. I pulled back, and slowly undid his bow tie, leaving the ends dangling around his neck.

Undoing his top button, I gazed at him, "you look very hot like this."

                "You looked hot all evening. It took every bit of self control I possess not to book a room, and drag you upstairs," he said, a heated look in his eyes. He pulled me in for another kiss, as we sped through country lanes.

              By the time we got back to his, we were both completely turned on, and desperate for some relief. We almost fell into the house, and after a minute greeting the girls, he dragged me upstairs to his bedroom. He made short work of unzipping my dress, and, after I'd stepped out of it, carelessly threw it over a chair, before running his hands over my back to unclip my bra. He quickly shed his jacket, and with slightly trembling fingers, I undid the little buttons of his shirt, before running my hands over his firm muscular chest, trailing my fingers over his tight stomach, and down to the waistband of his trousers. I could see his erection straining, so slipped my hand lower, and lightly caressed it through his clothes.
Whoa that's big Ivan.

              "I have to make you come first Elle, I'm too turned on to last long." He muttered, gently pushing me onto the bed. He shed his clothes in record time, his large erection springing free.

Pressing little kisses up the inside of my thigh, he grasped my knickers and slid them down. With my absence of public hair, I felt exposed and wanton, as he paused a moment to gaze at me, before lightly kissing my clitoris, and burying his nose in me to inhale deeply.

                "You smell divine, and you taste like heaven," he whispered in his phone sex voice. I almost came on the spot, especially when he slipped two fingers inside to massage my spot while he lightly sucked my clit. I tried to control the pleasure, but when he started licking my clit with long, soft licks, I had to let go and give in to the orgasm. He lapped and sucked me as I came, groaning with pleasure.

              He kissed and licked his way up my body, making me quiver in delight, before finding my nipple, and taking it in his hot, wet mouth, and sucking hard. I felt the sensation travel straight to my groin, causing me to arch off the bed. "You like it hard or gentle?" Ivan murmured against my skin.

BOOK: A Very Corporate Affair Book 2 (The Corporate Series)
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