Read A Summer Dream Online

Authors: Bianca Vix

Tags: #menage, #bisexual, #romance, #mfm, #erotica, #bianca vix, #summer dream, #chocolate erotic, #mmf, #erotic, #threesome, #fmm

A Summer Dream (2 page)

BOOK: A Summer Dream
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Just before he reached them, he was joined by another equally hot guy who slid his arm around his friend’s waist, squeezing his ass possessively.

“Damn,” Kat said, shielding her eyes against the sun as Lillah sat back, trying to check out his friend discreetly.

The two men were pretty different from each other. The first one had a very casual, surfer-dude vibe going on while his friend was more subdued. A couple inches taller, his very firm body was a tower of solid strength, his glossy black hair short and tidy.

Everything about him was in order. All in his control. He was definitely on the same looks level as his friend. Boyfriend? They weren’t really acting like any of the other couples nearby.

When they had sex, was he the top, making surfer guy beg for it? Or did he let go of his tight control in bed, let himself be taken and fucked good and hard? Lillah gave her head a shake, trying to clear it of her unexpectedly dirty thoughts. The guys settled down beside them without a word.

Pulling out her phone, Kat checked the time. “I have to go. I’m going to be late to meet Dan. Are you ready?”

Lillah sat up, looking around her. It was too nice of a day to leave now.

“I think I want to stay,” she said. “I’m good.”

Kat pulled her dress on and looked around for her sandals. Folding her towel up and tucking it into her bag, she stood up. Instead of saying goodbye to Lillah, she turned to the two guys beside them. Oh, no.

Lillah reached out for Kat, trying to grab hold of her leg in a vain attempt to stop her.

“Kat,” she hissed, not wanting to attract their attention but needing to try to save herself from Kat either embarrassing her, or getting her into trouble. Or both. Of course, Kat ignored her.

“Hey, guys,” she said, her loud voice getting their attention as she neatly dodged Lillah’s grasp. “I’m Kat, this is my friend Lillah. How about having her join you so she doesn’t have to hang out here alone?”

Chapter 2

Lillah must have blushed twenty shades of red when both men turned their heads her way.

“Sure,” the blond guy said.

“Take good care of her,” Kat said, turning back to smirk at Lillah before she left. “Bye.”

“Sorry about that,” Lillah stammered, not thrown off by Kat so much as by having the attention of the two hotties all on her.

“It’s cool,” he said, reaching out to take her hand. “I’m Ty, this is Carson. And we’d be happy to have you join us.” His long, warm fingers curled around hers, brushing against her palm when he let go, making her skin tingle with longing. His boyfriend was a lucky, lucky man.

“Don’t mind my friend,” Lillah managed, still tongue-tied from the unexpected shiver his touch sent through her. “Lillah. And I’m fine on my own.”

Before Ty replied, Carson stood up, stretching and picking up a t-shirt. “I’m sure you are, but Ty here could use some company since I have to get going myself. Here, I’ll help you move your stuff over.”

“You don’t need to do that,” Lillah said, scrambling around to collect her things, but he leaned down and dragged her towel right up beside Ty.

“See you later,” Carson said to Ty, leaning down, gripping his hair and tilting his head up for a kiss.

“So, Ty. Are you from L.A?” Lillah asked when Carson was gone, swallowing down her natural impulse towards shyness. Kat was right. What would it hurt to spend some time with a good-looking man?

Ty was even more eye-catching up close. It was probably a good thing that he wasn’t available. She wouldn’t be nervous about whether or not he was into her, as if they were on an awkward first date. Lillah could handle her physical attraction to him, even though it was a little hard to concentrate on what he was saying with her heart pounding the way it was.

“SF. But I’ve been here a few years now.”

Ty was easy to talk to, and she relaxed into an easy conversation with him.

He picked up an open bag of chips, offering it to her. “Want some?”

“Thanks.” She scooped up a handful, hunger hitting her hard as she ate. Licking her fingers without thinking, she caught Ty watching her, a flare of interest in his eyes. No. She had to be imagining that.

“Either those are really good, or I’m starving,” she said.

“Maybe both,” he replied, brushing a stray piece of hair out of his eyes. “You want to get some dinner later?”

“Carson and I live together. But we have an open relationship,” Ty told her. They were out on the patio at Vill’s, sipping margaritas and people-watching.

“Really? How does that work?” Lillah asked, genuinely curious. “Don’t either of you get jealous?”

“Not really. We stick to our rules and everything works out. We only sleep with other women, not men,” he said, setting his glass down.

“Women?” Lillah almost choked on her drink. “You sleep with women?”

He leaned back in his chair, his face amused. “Sure. What did you think?”

“Oh, I just thought…you know, on that part of the beach…”

Ty gave her a killer smile that came close to setting her on fire. “Carson and I are bi, so it works out perfectly. When one of us starts to crave sex with a woman, well, we can both have some fun. Usually together, but sometimes apart. Then we tell each other all about it after. Every detail. And that always leads to a great time. It’s the best of both worlds.”

“I can imagine,” Lillah said, swallowing a mouthful of her icy drink that failed to cool her down. Together? She had never really given a threesome any thought. Until now. The idea of being sandwiched between Ty and Carson made her mouth go dry.

“That sounds…fun,” she said, hoping he wouldn’t notice her reddening cheeks. What would it be like to have a regular partner with the possibility of hot sex outside the main relationship? Everybody on board, no secrets, no lies. No cheating.

“Oh, it is,” Ty said as the waiter set down their food.

Richard had cheated on her, but not just by sleeping around. He had actually been involved with someone else behind her back. Lillah only found out after months of him accusing her of all the things he was doing himself.

Lillah glanced up, catching Ty gazing intently at her. Their eyes locked and Lillah couldn’t look away. Excitement twisted her stomach.

“If you want to come over to my place after we eat, we can have another drink by the pool,” Ty said, his voice low, inviting.

This gorgeous man was trouble, no doubt about it. Lillah still wasn’t entirely convinced of what he had told her. Would Carson really be okay with him sleeping with someone else? The last thing she wanted to do was come between a happy couple.

But she could handle herself. And what did she have to go home to? A small, empty apartment that she couldn’t bring herself to decorate yet and the inevitable obsessing about her failed marriage. Having a few more drinks with a hot guy would be a hell of a lot more fun.

“Sure,” she said, downing the last of her margarita.

Ty’s car was close by and the drive to his place didn’t take long. The two of them rode in a comfortable silence, as if they had been friends for a long time. As her body relaxed into the soft seat, Lillah let an unfamiliar feeling of contentment overtake her.

When he pulled up to a security gate, however, she bolted upright.

The house behind it was stunning. There were no other words. Huge, modern and beautiful, it was the kind of place she would drive by and dream about living in someday, ignoring the fact that it would never actually happen.

“Wow,” she breathed, trying to take it all in.

“Carson has good taste. I moved in with him six months ago,” Ty said, grinning at her reaction as they got out of the car.

“What is he, some kind of super model?” When Ty opened the front door, Lillah stepped inside gingerly, as if she could break something just by her presence.

“Ha! I wish. He’s a stock trader, and he’s very good at it.”

Lillah followed Ty out back to the pool, which was nearly as breathtaking as the house. Surrounded by immaculate gardens of lush flowers, there was a huge bar at the far corner that made her envy the parties they must have here.

Ty waved towards a couple of large lounge chairs off to his right. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back in a few.”

Instead of sitting, Lillah walked around the entire length of the pool. This was like a dream come true. No. A fantasy, really. And she was going to let herself get caught up in it. There was no reason not to have a break from reality, even a short one. If only for a little while, she could leave everything else behind and pretend that a life like this belonged to her.

She had just taken a seat on the lounge chair when Ty reappeared, drinks in hand. He had taken his shirt off, giving her an eyeful of his very nice abs.

Setting the glasses on a small table, he sat down on the chair beside her, so close his leg brushed hers. Even that gentle touch on her bare skin gave her instant goose bumps.

His hand, cool from carrying the ice-filled glass, came to rest just above her knee.

“You’re gorgeous,” he said, his eyes capturing hers. The look on his face was crystal clear.
I have to have you, right now.

Lillah gave herself over to the moment.

Deep blue eyes sparkling, Ty took hold of her shoulders, tracing a fingertip down her cheek, reaching her lips. And right there, outside as the sun set and darkness took over, his hungry lips met hers.

At first Lillah stiffened, even though she thought she was ready. It had been a long time since someone had kissed her passionately and for a few seconds it felt so different, it seemed wrong.

Then her body remembered and relaxed, accepting his touch. Her lips softened as she pressed into him.

His long fingers moved from her waist, around her breast, his other hand around the back of her neck, holding her close against him.

It was so different to be with a new man, one who was completely unfamiliar to her. His body was firm and muscular, rock-solid under her hands as they roved over his shoulders and down his back.

“Mmm,” he murmured, pulling back. His eyes were darker now, giving away his desire. For her. There were times Lillah had wondered if she would ever be with another man again. And now here she was, in a fantasy-land, a whole different L.A. than the one she knew, no-one to be accountable to, absolute freedom.

Here, high up in a luxury house on top of a hill, she could be a different person. Someone who had a one-night stand with a man who wasn’t available for anything more than that, who was in a relationship and lived a life that was foreign to her.

She opened her mouth, inviting him in as his tongue probed for entry, sliding into her mouth.

As she gripped his shoulders tightly, Ty’s hand slipped lower, reaching her right breast, his fingers trailing over it, stroking gently, pausing to give her firm nipple some attention.

This man was making her feel beautiful, sexy and desirable once again.

Ty smiled warmly, his teeth dazzling white against his sexy full lips. He wanted her. Lillah breathed deeply, all her bad feelings from the past months—or was it years?—falling away, outside under the rising moon.

She shivered, pleasure sparking all over her body, her breath coming shallow and fast. She arched into Ty, needing more of his touch.

Everything about this man was intoxicating. The muscles under his shirt, firm against her hands, even his scent was something she couldn’t readily identify.

Her feelings of elation and liberty were so overpowering, she didn’t even feel strange or guilty. She had no reason to, of course, but knowing herself that’s what she had expected.

Instead she felt something she hadn’t in a long time. Happiness. That was it. Happiness, and a burning reminder that she was alive, that her life hadn’t ended with her brand-new divorce. And now anything was possible.

Ty’s hands slid under her top, fondling her breasts, building up a pulsing urgency deep inside her body.

Boldly she pulled back, tugging at the string of her bikini top, letting it fall away.

“Your breasts are amazing,” he murmured as she revealed them to him, his warm breath tickling her ear.

Kissing his way down her neck, his tongue met her stiff nipple, working around and over it, teasing her like he was never going to stop.

Lillah’s hands roamed around, undoing his shorts, reaching in to take hold of his stiffening cock. She was stroking both hands up his shaft when a movement caught her eye.

Horrified, she froze. Carson was standing in the doorway, watching them.

Lillah’s mind raced. How long had he been standing there watching?

“Don’t stop on my account,” he said. He rubbed his hand over the front of his shorts, drawing Lillah’s attention straight to his visible bulge tenting the fabric out.

“Lillah, I was hoping Ty would bring you back here. Okay if I watch?” Carson asked, with a casual grin as if he was asking her for directions.

“It’s cool if you don’t want him too,” Ty told her.

Her shock was already draining away, turning into something else. All of her wicked desires that she had never acted on were bubbling up inside her. Tonight, she could do anything. No consequences.

Lillah had never had sex in front of another person, but she had thought about what it might be like. A lot. What better time to try this out for size, up here where nothing seemed quite real and apparently anything could happen?

“That would be…fine,” she managed, not sure which one of them she was talking to.

Carson came right over, taking a seat in a chair just a few feet away from them. He unzipped but didn’t take his shorts off, instead tugging his erect cock out of his briefs, wrapping his hand around its thick length, stroking slowly. Leaving his clothes on made the situation even hotter.

BOOK: A Summer Dream
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