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Authors: Robin H Soprano

A Soul Mate's Promise (8 page)

BOOK: A Soul Mate's Promise
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Sal looks down at my feet and back up at me with a look of determination. He hands me his gelato, then kneels down and taps one of my feet.

“Lift” he says. He slid off one of my sandals then does the same with the other foot. Then he rolls up the bottoms of my jeans and pats my feet. He removes his shoes too and places our footwear in the car.

“Okay,” he says, swiping his hands together. “Problem solved.”

We walk out to the beach, both of us quiet as we eat our gelato’s.

“Gracie, what was the biggest thing Richard did during the time you two were married that made you upset with him?”

“That’s a difficult question,” I say. “Well, it just wasn’t one thing. But if I had to put it in a nutshell, I guess after a while I felt I was a problem to him, like an obstacle in his way. I think he thought I was holding him back because I wanted my husband home with me and he put business first.” I stopped walking and faced the ocean.

“He would bring clients home for dinner or he would take them out. In the beginning I would go with them, then he decided it was better if I wasn’t around. He said I was an embarrassment because I couldn’t keep up with the business conversations. I would get tired and yawn out of boredom no matter how I fought it. Clients would joke and ask if they were keeping me up. Rich didn’t think it was funny.

“He would never come to my defense. He always thought I was the one who wasn’t trying hard enough or I should take the time to learn the business. But I never had any interest in it and he couldn’t understand that. It wasn’t any problem when we married, only after he inherited the family business. Then I was supposed to be some corporate wife of an up and coming tycoon.” I could feel Sal’s eyes on me.

“This would cause fights?”

“Oh, big ones,” I answer. “I was always wrong, in his eyes.” I start to walk again, Sal at my side. “Maybe I could have tried harder, I don’t know. At some point maybe I realized it wouldn’t make any difference and then I’d have lost myself, too.”

“Gracie did he ever hit you?” Sal asks softly.

“No, just the verbal fights. I would cry and that would piss him off even more. I truly don’t know him like I thought I did. The things he would get mad at me for were so stupid. The way he would yell at me sometimes scared me. I thought he was going crazy and needed help.”

We start to walk back toward the dunes. Sal tosses our empty cups in the garbage pail. “All of this happened after he took over the company, you said?” Sal asks, reaching for my hand again.

“Sort of. I saw some early signs, but yeah, it got really bad after that..”

“Sal, why did you want to know all this?”

“Because I want to make sure I don’t make any of the same mistakes, but I think its pretty safe to say that I don’t think I can. Now I can’t say people don’t have fights, but I would never disrespect you like he did.”

I stop walking, Sal turns to look at me, I’m so overwhelmed with emotion, I look away. Sal searches my face, then captures it in his hands and gently draws me into him.

His kiss is electric and as he presses me against him I can feel him harden through his jeans.

As our tongues seek each other, I’m almost gasping for breath, but it’s not anxiety driving my breathlessness. When we stop to take a breath, he brushes the hair out of my eyes like he has done before. That little gesture is such a small thing, but it’s the act of caring that impacts me.

Sal can be as affectionate as I used to be, long to be. I’m falling for him and it terrifies me.

Still and quiet Sal just holds me, the waves crashing on the shore and the wind surrounding us.

“Lets get you home Princess, before we’re doing something you might regret.”

I laugh. “You have been the perfect gentleman.”

“Thank you,” he says with an exaggerated bow. “I’ve got to take my time with you and be patient. You can trust me.” Then something makes him laugh. ”If you told Pop I wasn’t, he would kick my ass!” We laugh together for a moment. “Come on lets go,” he says, leading me back to the car.

We got back to the Viper and started for home. On the way he pulled out a Nickel Back CD. “I love these guys, you?”

“Yes very much!” I answer.

Soon the car is filled with the song Far Away; Sal holds my hand the whole way home. I feel so completely safe.


*       *       *


“I’ll be right back.” I say once we’re back at my place and he’s pouring us Amarettos. “I’m going to change my clothes.”

I run upstairs and change into my yoga pants and a tee shirt and clip my frizzy hair back.

Downstairs, I spot Sal. His shirt’s untucked and the vest is on the arm of the couch. I like how he looks in my living room and I just look at his back for a minute. Then I come up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

He turns, smiles, and reaches down to the side table. “Here you go,” he says, handing me a little glass of the amber colored liquid over ice. We clink our glasses.

“Salute,” we toast in unison.

“Let’s go sit over on the couch,” I say, pointing with my thumb.

He sits squarely in the middle and I curl up on the corner tucking my legs up under me. Sal takes a long sip and closes his eyes..

“What time do you go to bed?” he asks.

“When I’m tired,” I answer. “But tonight I’m waiting till after midnight. I have a close friend I grew up with back north. We call each other at midnight. It’s our special time.”

Sal’s eyebrows form that frown I’m learning to recognize. “Why is it a special time?”

I smile. “She has two daughters and a husband. At the time when I was married too, we found it hard to catch up if everyone was around, so we’d wait till everyone is asleep. This way we are not disturbed."

“Ahhh.” he says, “I see. So am I here to keep you awake till midnight?”

I giggle and sip my drink. “Busted,” I say with a laugh.

“So, what are your plans for tomorrow?”

“Well, twice a month I take Toby over to the nursing home and to the children’s hospital too. Everyone loves to pet or play with a dog and Toby loves the attention.”

“That’s really cool, Gracie.”

“Yeah, I love to see the kid’s faces. It makes them so happy. Staying at a hospital for a kid can be so devastating and boring. Going to the nursing home, well, it makes some of the elderly calmer. Would you like to come with us?”

“Oh, I would love to but tomorrow I got a couple of appointments. But another time, definitely.”

I incline my head toward him. “More doctor’s appointments?”

“Yeah,” he says. “No big deal.”

“Sal, why do you need all these appointments? Is there something else going on? You can talk to me. You know a lot of all my crap.”

He tosses back the rest of his Amaretto like a shot and puts the glass down on the coffee table. Leaning forward, he puts his elbows on his knees and takes a deep breath.

“No, I will tell you someday, but not right now. Can I ask for you to trust me when I say I’m okay and you just don’t need to know all this right now?”

“Alright…” I say, feeling sad that again I’ve made him unhappy somehow. “I’m sorry, I didn’t—”

“No, no, no…” he says softly. “Stop. No need for you to be sorry, it’s perfectly fine for you to ask me anything. Just some stuff I might not be able to answer at this time.”

He reaches a hand over and grabs my arm and pulls me to him. “Do you trust me? Gracie?”

I look him in the eyes. “I want to…” 

He exhales through his nose, then coaxes my chin upward. “I won’t lie to you, not ever. Will you believe me? Please?”

I take in a deep breath, feeling as though I’m on the edge of a very high ledge, being asked to let go of my lifeline. I let out the breath I have been holding and look at him. “Okaaay… I’ll trust you, Sal.”

“Good. I want you to believe it.”

He draws me into him and kisses me as we slowly fall back in the sofa, his mouth is sealed over mine. His hands rub up the sides if my ribs and around my back.

Suddenly his hands still and he lifts his head. He looks right into my eyes as if he is searching for something.

“Gracie, if I fall for you, are you going to break my heart?”

I suck in a breath. “I could ask you the same question.”

He smiles at my comment. “I think we have a lot of trust issues to work on. I know your heart is broken, Gracie. I want to help you heal, teach you to trust again. We will take it one day at a time.”

He gets up and pulls me to me feet. “I’m gonna go now, before this goes too fast. Besides, you have a phone call to make in half an hour.”

We said our goodnights at the door after another nuclear kiss.

I watch him pull out of my driveway, then I let Toby have a quick sniff and pee before we head upstairs to get ready for bed. After slipping into my jammies and climbing into bed I send Maggie a text.




And right on cue, my cell phone rings.















“I miss you, Mags! I got lot’s going on but how is your world?”

“Oh, crazy–wonderful,” she says. “Kids and Mike keep me busy and for now, knock on wood, there is no drama. Two teenage girls Gracie, creates too much drama. I don’t remember us having all this drama at their age–did we?

I laugh because a quick replay of some maddening situations runs across my mind.

“You know, I think we did, Mags, but every generation has their own, I think.”

She sighed. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Then we grow up and have adult drama. Speaking of adult drama - what’s going on with dick head?”

“Really? You want to go there already?” I let out a sigh and fill her in on Richard’s latest outburst with me.

Maggie bursts into laughter. “Good! I hope it’s killing him. And still yelling at you I see. Same old, same old there. I guess some shit never changes.”

“No,” I reply. “Oh, and to top it off I went on a date tonight and we ran into Richard and Camille. What a downer that was!”

“Okay..What? Wait a minute, Gracie. Just when were you going to tell me you are dating someone? How dare you not fill me in? Who is he? How long have you be seeing him? Come on, spill

“Okay, okay! Geezz, don’t get your panties in a bunch!” I tell her about my first date in way too long. “Long story short, his name is Salvatore Petroni. Antonio’s son.”

“You’re kidding!” she cut in. “I thought he lived in Napa California?”

“No, no. That’s Joe. This is his other son, Sal. Until a few weeks ago, he was career military. Special stuff that I don’t know much about. But, this is why I wanted to catch up with you.

“Listen Maggie, when Sal and I first met it was like deja vue. I felt like I knew him and he said the same about me. We have been spending some time together, but here’s the really weird thing. I had a dream about him but it felt like more than a dream. I can’t explain it but that dream haunted me the whole next day. Even now when I think about it my stomach turns.”

“Tell me about it,” she prompts.

She doesn’t interrupt me even once, but when I’m done, I hear her let out a breath.

“Gracie,” she says, “maybe it was some kind of premonition. You’ve been through a bad deal – hell, you’ve been through a rough few years. If you have any more dreams try to stay calm and focused. Maybe something is trying to tell you something!

“So, tell me, how does he kiss? Did you have sex yet? What does he look like? Text me a picture!”

“Oh, you’re impossible, Maggie.”

“I know, that’s why you love me!”

I fill her in on Sal’s kisses, our plans to take it slow and build on a good friendship. She tells me to have fun, just like Celine did.

“Will do my best.” “Remember what your mom used to tell us?” Maggie asks softly. “Always keep them on their toes girls, make them wonder about you!”

We both broke into laughter remembering my mother’s helpful tips on dating when we were teens.

“Yes, I remember. I miss my parents, Mags. Some days I could really use their help.”

“I know, sweetie,” she says. “I miss your parents too, they were the best!”

“Okay, Mags I’m hanging up before I start crying - I’m sick of crying. Good night, kiss the girls and punch Mike in the arm for me!”

“You bet, Gracie. Hey, keep me filled in and oh, a picture please! Don’t forget.”

“Shut up, Maggie. Go to bed!”

              Giggling, she says, “Sleep well my friend. Love you.”


*       *       *


Toby and I wake in the morning to the moans of the wind whipping around the mansion. Every now and then it howled, making Toby cock his head to one side, then the other. He looked so comical I started my day with a giggle.

Getting up to check the weather outside I open the balcony door, only to have the wind rip it out of my hands. “Holy crap” I gasp. Nice way to bring in October first, over cast and windy.
Looks like fall at least

Sal is waiting by my lanai door when Toby and I come out for our morning walk on the beach. “Good morning, Princess and Toby!”  he says with a big, toothy smile.

“Morning! You been waiting long or are you stalking me now?” I look at him and bat my eyelashes.

“Cute,” he says. “Hey Toby, how’s the big boy?” he reaches out to pat Toby on the head. Toby snorts and takes off ahead of us. “Is your dog ever going to like me?”

I shrug. “Maybe he’s jealous.”

As we walk onto the beach, Sal takes my hand. “I want your cell number. I forgot to ask for it last night.”

I realize I don’t have his either, so we key in each other’s numbers. I’m listed under
. Shaking my head, I smile. “Really?”

He laughs. “What? That’s who you are to me.”

I laugh. “Yeah, well, you’re Crazy to me - but that’s not how I put you in my phone.”

He stops and tugs at my wrist just hard enough that I stumble into him. He catches me with a kiss.

“Now, that’s a proper good morning,” he says. “Did you talk with your friend last night?”

“As a matter of fact I did!”   I miss Maggie, I love when we catch up, we make each other laugh, its like free therapy!”

“Good! He says, I like you a little more frisky.”

I laugh and push him away and continue walking, the wind whipping the sand at us so hard it stings. I can see some surfers off in the distance, loving the waves.

He takes my hand again, that small gesture makes me float. I wondered if he notices.

“So tell me something. After the divorce, are you going to use your maiden name or keep the Boumont? And while I’m asking, what was your maiden name?”

I take a deep breath and ponder for a moment. “Hmmm… well,” I begin, “I haven’t thought much about it. It’s probably easier to keep Boumont. I won’t have to change things like my license and passport and all that stuff. Also, as much as I hate it, the name can open some doors. That’s always helpful.”

“Yeah, I suppose,” he mumbles.

“My maiden name is D’Anella.”

“Gracie Anna D’Anella?” It sounds like a song lyric when he says it. “That’s a beautiful name. It fits you because you are beautiful, inside and out.”

He makes me feel so special Even the way he says my name makes me feel special. Tucked close together in the sand, we sit and watch the waves roll in and laugh at Toby running away as each one crashes just off the sandbar.

“Poor baby can’t swim. I thought it was the waves that threw him off, but I tried to get him in the pool, and he’s not having any of it. I’m lucky I get him in the shower to bathe him.”

Sal’s eyebrows draw together. “I thought all dogs can swim?”

“Oh no. Some just never get the hang of it. In Toby’s case, he has a fear of it, he won’t go near it. When I go in the ocean he barks and whines at me until I come out. He’s afraid even for me!”

Sal takes my hand in his. “Do you miss working with dogs?”

I nod. “I’ll tell you something-they are nicer than most humans.”

We laugh, kiss and play with Toby until we spot Antonio out on his deck. He’s waving his hands, then holds up a mug and points at it.

“Pop’s up, he must have made coffee.  Come on let’s go, you ready?” Sal asked as he helped me up from the sand and brushed it off my butt. He whistled at Toby and we all started back to get some breakfast with Antonio and begin our day.


*       *       *


Miles south on the beach, at the massive high rise condominium The Boumont, Camille James sat at a big dining room table eating breakfast, with her cell phone in her hand. She shared the penthouse suite with Richard who of course owned the building. She was delighted to have a small staff to care for the two-story home which had every amenity including a private infinity pool.

She was in the midst of a text conversation when Richard came in for breakfast.

“Camille, who could you already be talking to so early in the morning?”

“Oh, just a girlfriend, darling. Just girl talk is all.”

Richard picked up the newspaper and Rosa came quickly in to pour him some coffee.

“Breakfast today, Mr. Richard?” Rosa asked in her Cuban accent.

“Just some whole wheat toast and fruit will be fine.” Richard replied evenly.

Camille resisted a smile. Good old Richard. No good mornings, or thank yous or pleases for him. Pleasantries were not a necessity in his world unless it was around business.

She put down her phone and looked at him.

“So, how do you feel about bumping into Gracie last night?”

Richard took a sip of coffee and snapped down a corner of the paper to look in Camille’s direction.

“I feel fine, why? She was drunk and acting characteristically juvenile, giggling like a schoolgirl on a date. She should behave more properly when in public. She still carries my name. She should be more…respectful.” 

“Oh Richard, that was no date, those two are a couple. So she was a little tipsy. It’s called fun, Richard.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean they’re a couple?”

Camille put down her coffee. “You couldn’t tell? That guy Sal was holding her like he was protecting her. I suspect they’ve known each other for a good while.”

“It’s possible,” Richard pondered. “He is Antonio’s son. She spends a lot of time over there.”

Camille cleared her throat, changing the subject. “How are things going in accounting? Did Gracie’s attorney get what he needed?”

Rosa came in with Richard’s toast; he waited till she was gone to answer.

“Mostly yes, but I was told of some accounting mistakes. Some monies are missing. Not too big of a deal - I’m sure it’s just human error. Don’t worry Camille, it’s not your concern.” He went back to his paper and his breakfast.

Camille sat staring across the table at the paper, relieved and angered at the same time. Her mind raced.  How she hated it every time Richard told her things were not her concern. But how she loved the good life and penthouse living.

She picked up her phone and continued with her text conversation.


*       *       *


With a tender kiss and a quick hug, Sal is off to an early appointment and I’m just finishing cleaning up our breakfast mess in Antonio’s kitchen. I turn from the sink and almost end up in Tony’s lap.

“Oh Tony,” I gasp, clutching my chest, “I didn’t see you!”

“Caro,” he says, “come-a-sit. I want to talk with you.”

I follow him into the living room and face him. His expression is so serious, my heart skips a beat. “Everything okay?”

“You and-a my son, is he treating you good?”

I smile. “Yes, he treats me very nice. Sal has been the perfect gentlemen.”

“Good,” he says with a nod. “Because I will kill-a-him if he is not!”

I break into laughter and assure Antonio that his son and I are taking it one day at a time.

“That’s-a-good idea. You are both broken, maybe it’s a good thing you two found-a-each other. I wasn’t too happy about it at first, but both of you have changed. Tell me mio caro, have you been sleeping better?”

“Yes I have, although, I did have an intense dream.” I tell Antonio all about the dream and he looks concerned.

“Some-a-times, caro, dreams are a way the mind and soul heal. Tell me, do you still take the pills to help-a-you sleep?”

“No, I made a promise to Sal I wouldn’t use them anymore.”

“I don’t know if-a-my son tell you, but he no sleep so good either. But he has been doing better too, he is not so short tempered, he seems calmer, I think-a-because of you, Gracie.”

I feel my face getting red but I can’t keep a smile from my face. My heart is full with emotion. “Thanks, Tony, I think we are helping each other, but, Sal doesn’t tell me much about his life, and he wants so much for me to trust him. And, I do to a point. I hope he can trust me enough to let me in.”

“My Son has seen a lot Gracie, I think-a-something happen to him and he needs time, he don’t talk-a-to me either. I ask him and he just say nothing. He will get there and I can-a-see my son adores you. How can he not mio caro”

I get to my feet. “Okay, okay. I’m blushing and you’re going to make me cry. I’ve got places to be and kids to cheer up! Want to go with me?”

“Si, yes!” Antonio replies. I come! We can use-a-my van.”

“Great,” I answer. “I’m going to go home and get ready, Toby and I will be back here in say an hour or less?”

“I’ll be ready!”


*       *       *

BOOK: A Soul Mate's Promise
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