A Promise on White Wings (Wiccan-Were-Bear) (8 page)

BOOK: A Promise on White Wings (Wiccan-Were-Bear)
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“No, I mean mine, Danika’s, and yours.”

Chance hummed in his throat.  He hadn’t expected to be included as a ruler of the nest.  Jes chuckled, “When I marry Danika, that will make me King and her Queen.  You’re also going to be married to her, which means that you’ll be King, too.  There really isn’t any other way to look at it.”  He sobered.  “You don’t want to rule?”

“Not particularly.  I’ll support you and Danika like I’ve done with my father, but I’d rather not get into the ruling side of things.”

Jes drummed his fingers on the desk, and for a moment it was all the noise that could be heard in the office.  “I still need for you to accept the title of King, Chance.  Otherwise, it will make you seem like less of a player in our relationship with Danika to others.  We’re all equals, and I want it to be apparent to everyone.”

He understood.  “For Danika, I’ll accept.”

They switched topics, talking about day-to-day activities and Chance told Jes about his past work history and his desire to be busy and help others.

“You were doing handyman work?”

“Yep.  I can do most minor electrical and plumbing work and can do anything from roofing to laying concrete.  I’ve been lucky to work with men who were not only talented in their fields but also willing to teach.  My dad used to call me Jack as in
jack of all trades
.”  His dad had meant it as a bit of an insult, in that he should do one thing very well instead of a bunch of things decently, but Chance liked being the guy who people turned to for fixing things.  He liked to help.

“There are a handful of older homes along the eastern side of the territory that are in need of updating and repair.  They would be perfect for the pride.  I think there are six homes on a cul-de-sac, and it’s set apart from the other developments by a stretch of woods and fields.  The pride could move in fairly quickly, and then the homes could be worked on while they’re living in them, and then, if you’re interested, you could continue on to work within the nest.”  He stopped speaking for a moment and made a face.  “You’re going to be King, Chance.  Do you really want to be a handyman?”

Chance laughed.  “I’m not a title whore, Jes.  I love fixing things.  I was wondering this morning what I would do to support our new family, and this actually eases a lot of my worries.”

Jes nodded.  “There are a lot of falcons who would be willing to do work like this, and along with any members of your pride you wanted.  You could set up a crew, and we could pay them from the general fund.  It’s a great way to instill pride and camaraderie to have men working in their own community.”

Jes’ eyes lit up with promise, and Chance knew that he’d found the place that he and his pride would call home.  Yes, he would be King of the falcons, but he was still Prince of the lions, and he would help bridge the gap between their groups until it was time for Jes and Danika’s child to lead them.

They spoke for a while about the impending fight the following night, and then Jes’ phone rang, and Chance left to go look at the homes that Jes was talking about.  He grabbed Pyre, Gamble, and one of the house workers – a young falcon named Terrence – to lead them.

“You’re not even with your new mate for a whole day and already you’re taking on responsibility,” Pyre teased.  “I’m glad to see she’s having such a positive influence on you.”

Chance told them that it was Jes’ idea.  “And you’ll have to call me
when we’re in public, too,” he warned them.

“Oh shit, man,” Gamble groaned, “I will not bow to you, big brother, so cast the thought far from your mind.”

Prye said, “Maybe being related to the future King will get you a way in with the pretty falcon females we’ve seen in the territory.”

Gam’s eyes lit up.  “I hadn’t thought of that.”  He paused and bowed at the waist with a dramatic flare.  “Your majesty.”

Chance’s cheeks flamed in embarrassment, and he shoved his brother’s shoulder.  “I feel sorry for any woman who’s foolish enough to take you to bed, Gam.”

“Foolish yes, but also very, very lucky.”

If what Jes thought was true – about falcons and lions sharing a mate – then he felt sorry for whoever was unlucky enough to be saddled with his playboy brother.  Thinking on Danika, he sped up his stride so he could see the homes and then get back to the house to her.  Just two days ago he hadn’t known what would happen with his life, couldn’t see the future clearly at all.  But after less than a day with her, he could see the future clearly and he liked what he saw.








Chapter 9



Danika chewed her thumbnail as Jes’ truck moved quickly on the highway towards the bear den.  She was trying to be calm, but her nerves were getting the best of her.  If Kajika wouldn’t listen to reason, then Jes would fight Mato.  If Mato lost, then nothing would change, and she would be leaving with her mates.  But if Mato won – and he always fought to the death – then Jes would die and she would be forced to leave with Mato.

Chance pulled her against his shoulder and kissed the top of her head.  “I can feel your worry,
, but let it go.  No matter what happens tonight, you are not going back to the den.”

She looked up at him.  He looked very serious and extremely deadly in that moment.  She’d been holding Jes’ hand since they got into the car, and she gripped it tighter.  “I don’t want to lose either of you.”

“You won’t,” Jes said.

She looked at him, and his face was stony with concentration as he stared out the windshield.  His other hand gripped the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white.

“He’s the best fighter in the den.  Brutal.  Without mercy.”  She shivered, knowing that if she hadn’t found her mates, she most likely would have wound up in his bed, on the receiving end of a different kind of brutality.

Jes said, “I am the best fighter in my nest, little bird.  Yes, I’m leader because of heredity, but I’ve been unchallenged because of my strength and fighting prowess.  And if I should die, then Chance will fight for you.  Mato may be able to beat one of us, but he will not survive both of us.”

She hadn’t thought of that.  Still, she shuddered at the prospect.  “I don’t want anyone to die.  I just want them to leave us alone forever.”

Jes glanced at her.  “I swear that I will come back to you, Danika.”

She wanted  to believe him.

When they arrived at the big red barn that sat overtop of the Ohio bear den’s underground city, she was not surprised to see her bear den standing outside the barn.  They parked and Jes and Chance escorted her, along with Jes’ many warrior falcons and the entire lion pride, who surrounded them like a protective wall.  She’d never felt so safe and yet been so utterly terrified in all her life.

Adriel, his mate Filene, and many of their den warriors, were standing in a line in front of the barn.  Kajika and the den were standing in a cluster to their left, and Danika and everyone with her stopped on Adriel’s right.  A wide space of several hundred feet separated her den and her new people.  Adriel, along with two of his sons — Griegs and Lynk — stepped into the clearing.  With a gesture of his hands, Adriel called for the leaders to come forward, and Jes and Chance kissed her cheeks and left the group.  Kajika and Mato strode forward.  The sun was setting, and a spotlight above the barn door cast a bright light across the grounds, making long shadows on the dirt.

Her heart clenched painfully as her mates stood in the center of the clearing.  Jantha, Gamble, Tonik, and Revere clustered around her protectively.  Tonik looked down at her.  “You have nothing to fear, little sister.  We will not allow anyone to take you from here, regardless of the outcome of the fight.”

Gamble took her hand and squeezed it, saying with a low voice, “Family doesn’t let family get screwed over by overzealous assholes who don’t know when to take a hint.”

She smiled at him, blinking at the tears that threatened.  “Thank you.”

Gamble nodded at her and released her hand.

A small sliver of peace settled over her, knowing that no matter what happened her new family wasn’t going to let her be taken.  But that knowledge didn’t entirely erase the worry that Jes was going to fight for the right to be her mate.  And if he fell, then Chance would take his place.

Shivering, she shoved the worry and dark thoughts away and filled her mind and heart with hope.  Hope that she would carry Jes’ child, the prophecy that would lead the falcons and lions into a new kind of alliance.  Hope that she would carry children not only for Jes, but also for Chance.  Hope that at the end of the night she would be back in Bishop in bed with her two mates.

Adriel’s voice rang out clearly.  “As is the tradition of our people, when a female who was promised to a male is unfairly taken, that male is allowed to challenge the offender for the right to take her back.  King Kajika, state your case.”

Kajika planted his hands on his hips and glared, not at Jes and Chance, but at her.  She felt chilled to the core.  “As King, it is my right to choose mates for the members of my den if they have refused to mate on their own.  I chose to give the
Danika – who I sheltered in my den for the span of her life – to my son, Mato, so that she would continue to receive the protection of the den.”  He pointed at Jes and Chance.  “These two
stole Danika, shaming my son, myself, and my den.  We demand the right to fight to restore our honor and bring Danika back to the den where she belongs.”

Adriel looked at Jes.  He said, “Danika is my prophesied mate, and mate also to the lion Prince.  She has bound both of our groups together in a new alliance.  You will see our mating marks on her neck and arms and scent our seed inside her.  She belongs to us, and we will meet this challenge and fight for what is right and true.  Regardless of whether she was a member of your den or not, you were planning to give her to a male she did not love, to give her away as if she had no value.”

Kajika growled, “I have supported her in the den since she was an abandoned child with no family or home.  It is my right as her King to choose her fate.”

Jes snarled, “You cannot choose her destiny. She has chosen a life with us away from your den.”

Mato thumped his fist against his chest.  “She is mine, and I will have her again.  Choose who I will fight and say goodbye to the whore who will pay for her sins on her knees!”

Chance growled furiously, and all the lions around her snarled in anger while the falcons hissed in rage.

Adriel quickly stated that shifting into animal form was grounds for disqualification, the fight was not to be to-the-death, and that he would intervene when a clear winner appeared.  Mato grinned at her from across the clearing and ran his thumb across his neck in a threatening manner.  Kajika and Chance moved to stand by Adriel and Jes took off his shirt, tossing it aside.  Mato was already shirtless and without shoes, bouncing on the balls of his feet like a child before a birthday cake.  She’d never prayed before because she’d never known who to pray to, but she began to fervently pray to the gods of Jes’ people to protect him and bring him back to her safely.

With a hand motion from Adriel, Mato and Jes grappled, and her heart pounded in her chest.  She reached blindly to each side and gripped Tonik’s and Gamble’s hands, squeezing them tightly.  Mato tossed Jes to the ground and leapt at him, but Jes arched up from the dirt and spun away with a kick that nailed Mato in the face.  The scent of blood filled the air as Mato grabbed his face and groaned.  The groan quickly changed to a snarl as he swung at Jes, connecting with his side.

Their fists flew at each other.  Jes punched Mato and his knuckles tore on his teeth as Mato’s head kicked back.  Mato swung and Jes ducked, punching him three times in the ribs before Mato stepped to the side.  With a grunt, Jes lunged at Mato and grabbed him around the waist, taking him down to the ground.  Rearing up, Jes fisted Mato’s hair and lifted his head, punching him in the face again and again.

Danika felt the den’s eyes on her, and she ignored them, knowing that her future was not in their hands any longer.  Her life was with Jes and Chance, and there was no alternative.

Mato kicked at Jes, who blocked his leg with his arms, and then Mato spun and nailed Jes in the side of the head with his other foot.  As Mato rolled onto the ground and jumped to his feet, Jes went down to one knee and Danika’s heart leapt into her throat. He rose to his feet with a snarl and snagged the back of Mato’s neck, shoving his face down into his knee with a sickening crack.  Mato grunted, looking dazed.  Jes kicked out with one leg and swept Mato off his feet.  He hit the ground so hard that she was positive she felt the earth shake from the impact.  In a heartbeat, Jes was on Mato, one arm wrapped around his neck with the other pulling his arm behind his back.  Mato roared in rage, his face red with blood.  He jerked and tried to get out of Jes’ hold, but he could not get free.

She saw Jes’ arm tighten and Mato’s face slowly turned crimson.  Jes’ face was a mask of concentration, his eyes glittering with determination and his lips pulled back over his teeth in a silent snarl.  Mato struggled for several moments longer and then finally succumbed to unconsciousness.  Jes eased his hold and rose to his feet.

Looking pointedly at Kajika, Jes said, “I have defeated your male.  He has no claim to Danika, now and forever.”

The nest and pride members cheered, and her heart slammed in her chest.  Jes had won!  Her mate had defeated a male who had a reputation for being unbeatable.

Adriel stepped forward and grasped Jes’ hand and lifted it high.  “I declare Prince Jesuit Denali the winner.  The female Danika is his by right from this day forward.”

Kajika was furious.  He motioned with his hands, and two bears shot forward and lifted Mato, carrying him back to the den members where Cree dropped to her knees with a sob.  Danika didn’t feel sorry for any of them.  If they had been reasonable instead of so wound up in shifter pride, none of this would have happened.

BOOK: A Promise on White Wings (Wiccan-Were-Bear)
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