Read A Mom for Christmas Online

Authors: Marteeka Karland

A Mom for Christmas (3 page)

BOOK: A Mom for Christmas
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Chapter Four

The next morning, it proved harder than Sebastian anticipated to get the girls gone. In the end, he had to swear they’d all do something together the next day before they’d finally left with his parents. He hadn’t told them Sadira would be staying with him that day, but he suspected they knew something was up. The older couple had raised an eyebrow at Sadira, but said nothing. Sebastian wasn’t sure if it was because she was black or because it was the first woman they’d seen him with since Dedra had left. Frankly, he didn’t care. She was with him. Was

As time went on, he was beginning to realize Dedra had never been his. And he wasn’t all that broken up about it. He’d thought he’d had a good relationship with Dedra at one time, but it had been nothing compared to how he felt about Sadira. From the very first—even before Dedra left—Sebastian had been drawn to the spunky woman. And if Dedra hadn’t left he’d never have acted on it.

Once the girls were out the door and safely in the car and down the drive, however, Sebastian couldn’t act on his feelings for Sadira fast enough.

With a laughing smile and wicked gleam in her eyes, Sadira let him pull her into his arms. Sebastian nuzzled her hair, inhaling deeply before saying right at her ear, “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting to do this?”

“Do what? Run off your girls so you could have a Daddy day?”

He growled and nipped her neck before licking the skin he’d just abused. “Yeah. That exactly.” Then his mouth found hers, the contact scorching and more erotic than anything he’d ever imagined. Sadira melted into his arms, fitting him perfectly. Opening her mouth, she let him dart his tongue inside to find hers. At the contact, Sebastian knew he’d found heaven.

Sadira knew she’d wanted this, wanted to explore the reserved man she’d known for so many years in the most intimate way, but just his kiss was exceeding her wildest expectations. When he groaned and wrapped his arms around her tighter, Sadira knew she was about to see this man lose all his reservations. And she was giddy with excitement.

With a growl, Sebastian lifted her, urging her legs around his waist as he continued to kiss her. Whipping around, he pinned her between the living room wall and his hard, hard body. One hand found her breast, tenderly squeezing and feathering his thumb over her nipple. She knew the sports bra she had on beneath her shirt did little to hide the aroused peaks of her nipples. Knew he felt them stabbing his thumb when he gasped before groaning loudly into her mouth.

“I’m going to enjoy unwrapping this lush little body of yours,” he said between licks at her mouth. His raspy voice sent shivers through her, her nipples tightening even more when he spoke. “I’m going to fuck you so good, Sadira. So fucking good.”

“Oh, God,” she gasped, unable to help the effect his dirty talk had on her. “Do you swear? Because I need it hard, ‘Bastian. Hard and sweaty.”

“I’ll give you everything you need, baby. When we’re done tonight, you’ll definitely be satisfied.”

God, she loved this banter with him! Sadira had never been chatty during sex. Had never explored the effect dirty talk could have. And damn, she’d been missing ever so much!

As if proving his words, Sebastian fit her body against his so that the ridge of his cock pressed against the cleft of her sex. Even through her leggings and his jeans, Sadira felt the scorching heat of him. His rigid flesh pulsed between them, rubbing over her clit with every movement he made. After several tentative thrusts, as if he were trying to gauge how to move to give them both the maximum amount of pleasure, Sadira gasped.

“Did I find your sweet spot then?” His husky growl again sent shivers through Sadira, her stomach doing a flip.

“Oh, yes! Yes, ‘Bastian! Right there!”

Then he moved in earnest, grinding against her. One arm was still locked firmly around her waist, the only thing between her and the wall. The other slid from her breast. Sadira was about to cry out in protest when she felt his hand impatiently tugging her sweatshirt out of his way to find the bare flesh of her side. More jerky movements, and he’d shoved her sports bra over one breast until bare skin filled his palm. There was no chance of Sadira containing her cry of relief.

“So good,” she whimpered. “Love your hands on me.”

“Then get this fucking shirt off!”

Sebastian pulled back enough that Sadira was able to whip her sweatshirt over her head. She didn’t stop there either. Her bra followed. He didn’t immediately put her on her feet so she left her leggings for now, but God knew she desperately wanted them off. When Sebastian dipped his head to her chest and closed his lips over one nipple, she forgot exactly why getting her pants off was so important when he was creating such magic.


The second his tongue rasped over Sadira’s nipple, Sebastian’s eyes rolled back in his head. She tasted absolutely delicious! Her skin held the faintest hint of cinnamon mixed with honeysuckle, creating an exotic scent that had to have been designed to drive him completely insane. Even now, he was humping her against the wall when everything in him was screaming for him to make it to the fucking bed. She deserved better than being taken up against the wall, but he just couldn’t make himself stop! Something primal inside him took hold and refused to let go. Even now, he growled against her flesh, tugging her nipple between his teeth until she squealed. Instead of pushing him away, though, she threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer

“More,” she panted. “Ah, God, ‘Bastian, fucking

He was about to say fuck it and simply rip her leggings from her luscious body when she tightened her legs around him and started riding him. Apparently he wasn’t moving fast enough for his little sex kitten, because she humped him furiously, grinding her clit against his aching cock. It only took seconds more for her to stiffen in his arms, sweat dotting her skin as she gasped in a sharp breath before letting it out on a surprised scream.

Sebastian pulled back slightly, letting her nipple go reluctantly. He wanted to see her. Watch her as she came in his arms, grinding on his cock. And what a sight it was. She was so lovely, so unabashed in her passion she nearly took him with her into bliss. Hanging on to his control by sheer force of will, Sebastian bit the inside of his cheek with the effort, determined to outlast her so he could be inside her for his ultimate reward.

When she’d calmed somewhat, her eyes going heavy, her lips curling, Sebastian groaned. “Sweet God, you’re going to be the death of me.”

Chapter Five

The trip to Sebastian’s room was hazy. Though she’d come, he hadn’t and, Lord, the man was in a lather. He couldn’t seem to stop running his hands over her, as if he were fascinated with every curve and hollow of her body. Which was fine with Sadira. It gave her the same opportunity to explore his body, which she found was so much more than she’d ever thought. And she’d already thought he was sexy as hell. Rigid, heavy muscle played lovingly under his skin, jumping to her every touch. Arms that were so strong, big and bulging with muscle, wrapped around her bare body. His pecs were well defined, tapering down to rock-hard abs and that intriguing Adonis belt at his hips leading to his groin.

And his cock…

Sadira wasn’t a virgin, but never had she seen anything so beautiful. He was long and thick. When she reached for him, her hand barely fit around him. Sebastian stood tall and proud as she explored his length, powerful thighs slightly apart.

“You like what you see?”

“What’s not to love?” Sadira drawled as she sank to her knees.

“Sadira, baby—ahh!”

He seemed hesitant about her taking him into her mouth, so naturally she just had to. Judging by his reaction, he liked it very much. So she took him deeper, hollowing her cheeks with her sucking as she retreated until only the head remained in her mouth. Salty pre-come exploded on her tongue, the taste sublime because she knew she’d pleased him.

“Jesus! What are you doing to me?”

His hips bucked uncontrollably and his fingers threaded through her hair as he guided her how he needed her. Sadira was only too happy to let him drive. This was going to be perfect. When they were finished, they’d work out the logistics of tomorrow, the future. But tonight, she was going to make him want to give them a chance. If that meant managing him with sex, she was more than willing because, heaven help her, he was giving her more pleasure than she’d ever experienced in the arms of a man.

It didn’t take long before he pushed her away with a groan, pulling her to her feet before tossing her to the bed.

“My turn,” he growled before falling on her. His mouth immediately found her belly button, his tongue delving into the slight indention before sliding lower. Teeth nipping, lips sucking, Sebastian made it to her cunt with teasing flicks of his tongue. After nuzzling her curls, he gave a strangled groan and set his open mouth over her sex.

Never had anything felt so good. Oral sex was all but a hazy memory. She hadn’t taken many lovers and had always been hesitant about asking for it, but Sadira was certain nothing had ever felt like this. If it had, she’d have insisted on it every single fucking time she’d had sex. This was better than her earlier orgasm, better than any pleasure she’d ever given herself. Sebastian’s tongue on her swollen flesh was heaven itself.

“Talk to me, baby,” he rasped. “Let me hear you scream.”

Who was this wicked, wicked man? There was just right amount of command in his voice to make her
to respond to him. As if he’d commanded her to come, Sadira’s body obeyed. So did her mouth. She threw back her head and screamed in abandon, bucking her hips to his talented lips and tongue. Her orgasm didn’t wash over her. It punched through her body like a runaway locomotive with speed and ferocity, threatening to drive away the last vestige of her sanity. In the space of a few moments, Sadira had become a writhing mass of nerves, capable only of finding more ways to pleasure the man before her so he’d pleasure her some more.


So responsive…

Sebastian knew there was no way he was ever letting Sadira go. Like
. He was going to marry her, make her his wife, then make love to her every night and twice on Sundays. God! How could he have thought he’d ever felt this kind of all-consuming love with Dedra? He and Sadira…
. Last night, she’d been the missing piece to their family. Today, she was the woman he’d always longed for in his bed. Tomorrow, she’d be the glue that helped to put the pieces of their lives back together with her mere presence. Hell, she was already doing it by taking a real interest in the well-being of his daughters. She feared they’d see her as a replacement mother when, in reality, she was the mother they should have had in the first place. It wasn’t a job any of them would have to force her into. She was already doing it without realizing it. Just being an example, teaching them responsibility and kindness. She was more than a teacher. More than a coach or friend. She was family. Before she left his bed, Sadira was going to realize it.

Her eyes were still glazed with her orgasm as Sebastian crawled up her body, kissing a path to her lips. Lord only knew why he still bought condoms from time to time. He hadn’t had sex since Dedra had left. Hadn’t really thought about it except in fevered fantasies about the woman currently in his arms. Now he reached for the nightstand drawer to find the little foil packet and rip it open. Slipping the condom over his engorged shaft proved a bit more difficult when Sadira wrapped her arms round his neck and kissed him deeply. It would have been so easy to say “fuck it” and just sink into her heat, but above all, Sebastian needed her to know he’d always protect her.

“‘Bastian…” Her husky drawl in between licks at his mouth sent blood surging through his cock, the breathy whisper a plea on her lips.

“Tell me what you want, baby. What you need.”

“You,” she breathed. “You inside me. Filling me. I need

“God, I love it when you say my name like that,” he rasped, finding her lips with his once more. His cock prodded at her heated entrance, wanting inside as much as he did. Sadira arched her back, wiggling on his cock to get the head inside her, but Sebastian denied her. Only the tip of the head penetrated her, stretching her opening just a little. Giving her a taste of what he had to give her.

“‘Bastian, please! Don’t make me beg for it!”

His chuckle sounded strangled even to himself, but still he held back. Reaching between them, he fisted his cock, rubbing it up and down her sex, circling her clit with the head until she thrashed beneath them. Clutching his shoulders, she dug her nails into his flesh, pulling him to her, trying to force him inside her.

“You want my cock, Sadira?”

“God! Yes!”

“Then take it!” With a hard shove, Sebastian surged inside her in one smooth, scorching-hot stroke. She screamed, her nails now scoring his back. For long moments Sebastian held himself seated deep, wanting to give her time to adjust to his length and girth. Also needing to see how long it took her to demand he move. As badly as he wanted this, he wanted her to want it as much as he did. The only way to ensure that was to keep her on the edge until she fell. He wanted her wild, abandoned. Mindless with lust because he’d led her there. Sebastian would push her as far as she’d let him, take her into a dark world of carnal and depraved delights only to shock her with tender lovemaking afterward. But when it was over, he never wanted her to doubt what they’d done together. He wanted—needed—her to come back for more. Eagerly.

After several moments, Sadira did indeed start to wiggle beneath him, arching her hips upward to get him to move inside her. Sebastian had intended to hold back, to make her tell him what she needed, but his hips moved of their own volition. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to stop, to kiss her tenderly, licking the inside of her mouth until she sucked on his tongue, greedy for more.

“More,” she moaned against his lips. “I need more, ‘Bastian.”

He grunted, loving it when she scored her nails down his back to grip his ass with splayed fingers. The little bite of pain was almost his undoing, but somehow he held fast.

“Tell me what you want, Sadira,” he demanded, voice harsh. Sweat dotted his skin—hers too. The slick glide of their bodies was an erotic sensation making lust surge to the fore. The need to give her pleasure, to slate her as no other ever had, was paramount.

“You,” she rasped. “Always you, ‘Bastian.”

“And what do you need me to do?”

“Fuck me!” The exclamation broke from her as a sob. “Fuck me hard, ‘Bastian!”

Immediately, Sebastian started to move. He wrapped his arms around her as tightly as he could, surging into her with a brutal intensity he’d never realized he’d possessed. Still, he couldn’t get enough of Sadira. The scorching heat from her cunt, the musical cries of her pleasure, and the way she clung to him, demanding he give her all he had to give, seduced him more than anything else ever could. Never had a woman captivated him as she had. Never had a woman demanded so much from him without saying a word. In that moment, Sebastian knew he’d never let her go. Not because he needed to possess her or because she belonged to him—though both of those things were inside him, simmering on the surface. It was mare primal even than that. She held his heart. No woman—not even Dedra—had ever claimed him so completely, and Sebastian knew he’d never be whole without her in his life.

BOOK: A Mom for Christmas
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