Read A Major Distraction Online

Authors: Marie Harte

A Major Distraction (6 page)

BOOK: A Major Distraction
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He broke from the kiss and swore. “Fuck me. You’re wearing
a thong

Knowing they’d gone way over the line, she pushed at his chest, breathing hard. “That was some kiss.” She hoped she hadn’t been too obvious about her arousal. As it was, she felt super slick between her legs.

“That was some date.” He looked so pleased with himself she had to laugh.

“Yeah. We should do it again some time.”

“Sounds good to me.” He kissed her once more, gently, then drew back, letting her look her fill. “And yeah, I’m hard. I can’t help what you do to me. Especially since you’re so wet.”

“Oh.” She blushed. She’d dampened his knee. A look at his fly showed him equally affected, rock hard and stretching his pants.

“We’re going to happen, you know. I’m going to make you beg for it.”

His arrogance increased her need to keep control. Mostly because she could feel herself getting ready to beg him right now. “Cocky, aren’t you?”

He cupped himself and moaned. “You don’t know the half of it. I have fantasies of watching you suck me dry. That’s what got me off that first night you watched me.”


He grinned. “Don’t worry. Like I said, you’ll come to me when you’re ready. Just say the word, Jenny.”

She frowned. “It’s Genevieve. No one calls me Jenny.”

His grin widened. “Now you
I’m going to call you that. It’ll be our secret love name.”

“And what will I call you? Major Dick?”

He laughed hard. “That’s priceless. Yeah, Major Dick works for me. After all, as you’ve seen, it is more than six inches.”

“Stop bragging.”

“Hey, anytime you want to try me on for size, I’m game.” He paused. “You taking birth control?”

She worked not to squirm. “As a matter of fact, yes. However, my lovers wear a condom. I’m all about safe sex.”

He continued to smile.

“Stop that.”

“Just imagining how good it’s gonna be to come deep in you. Nothing but you and me, honey. I’m all about safe sex too. And I can assure you we’ll be baby- and disease-free.” He stared her up and down.

“No condom, no Genevieve.” She crossed her arms over her chest, wishing she meant what she said. Because now she kept imagining blowing him, or having him come inside her. An intimate act she’d only ever had with one or two lovers she totally trusted.

“No problem. Lock up behind me.” He caressed her cheek then left whistling.

She stared at the door before locking it. Then she took a long, cold shower and hopped into bed with a good romance book. She left her curtains closed, not sure what to do about her fascination with Major Dick.




The next few days passed without incident. As if their weekend had never happened and she’d never seen Brad’s gloriously naked body, she continued to banter, argue, and at times thoroughly dislike the man at work. She did understand his points when it came to their joint project, and she’d taken a few of his ideas under advisement. But that obnoxious Major Cava she’d dealt with for months continued to push her buttons. Except now, she recognized the repartee for what it was. Verbal foreplay.

After dealing with more work, placating the G3 and his minions, ignoring the not-so-subtle come-ons from a new captain and his lieutenant, and making a breakthrough with the general’s secretary, she spent her time being productive. Then her civilian boss ruined her mood with a call reporting he’d be visiting earlier than planned.

“I’m bringing my replacement with me. Toby Westover. You’ll like him. I’m moving up and on to Quantico, so Toby will be the man you need to impress from now on.”

Terrific. Another schmuck to steer clear of. Knowing that wasn’t exactly fair since she hadn’t yet met the man, she strived to be impartial. “Sounds good, Henry. We’ll miss you around here.”

Henry Burrows chuckled, and her skin crawled. He reminded her of a lecherous Ichabod Crane married to an evil old crone. He and his cold wife deserved each other. “I know, sweetie. But don’t worry. I put in a good word with Toby. You’re as good as promoted as far as he’s concerned. Colonel Drey’s impressed, and productivity is terrific. Just be as charming with Toby as you are with me. We’ll see you next week.”

She hung up after a good-bye, praying this new guy was happily married and much less of a jerk than Henry. She’d tolerated him for the past year, knowing his position as her boss had been temporary before he moved to corporate headquarters in Virginia.

Though she’d loved her time with MTB Systems—with the exception of Henry—if Toby Westover annoyed her past reason or harassed her, she’d file a complaint with HR and take up an offer from one of the competitive contractors always sniffing after her. She’d hate to leave since she’d worked hard to get where she was. But whatever. Her well-being certainly meant more to her than a few dollars.

Thursday came to a close, and she bumped into Brad on her way out the door. She’d seen him sporadically since Tuesday. He hadn’t bothered her at home either. The perfect neighbor. On the one hand, she’d needed distance to get a handle on her growing crush on the man. On the other, she missed him like crazy. Their past weekend had opened up a closed door inside her, and she realized she wanted to date again. But not just anyone—she wanted Brad, a man she worked with.

She still wasn’t sure what to do about that.

“Major Cava.” She nodded at him, aware Marcy stood just behind her, also leaving for the day.

“Major Cava,” Marcy repeated, her soft voice sounding needy to Genevieve’s ears.

He nodded, looking crisp and manly and sexy as hell in that uniform. “Hello, Marcy.” Nice that he softened over
name. The bastard. “St. James.” He arched a brow at her. “Leaving early, are we?”

“It’s after six,” she grumbled and pushed past him, still seeing him in her mind’s eye.

His uniform draped over a well-built frame. The arms of his utility blouse had been rolled up to expose thick forearms and meaty biceps. He had huge hands with callused fingers that had not long ago stroked her skin, her mouth. Touched her ass…

He came abreast of her as they left the building with several other people. A mass exodus of Marines gearing up for an early weekend, no doubt. She wondered if Brad would be at the beach hitting the bars tonight.

A glance his way showed his light brown eyes taunting, telling her he’d noticed her attraction. He tried to hide a grin, as if laughing at her. She wanted to kiss—
—that look off his face.

“Been a tough week?” he asked. So solicitous. The faker.

“Yeah. Dealing with men gives me a headache.”

Near her, two female Marines laughed. “You got that right.” One of them smirked at Brad as the pair saluted him. “Sir.”

“Lieutenants.” He returned the salutes with his own and a grin then turned back to her. “Now, Ms. St. James. You just need to know how to talk to my people. Be nice. We respond to nice.”

The lieutenant and her friend tittered. Marcy looked in love.

Genevieve had had enough. “Yeah? Well,
I don’t do nice.”

“Good to know.” His sly grin unnerved her.

She recalled a previous conversation with the man where she hadn’t been sure to call him nice or not. Flushing at the thought they both apparently shared, she darted to her car and drove home, in the mood for a drink and Mr. Buzzy. And not necessarily in that order.


Chapter Six



Brad watched the stubborn woman tear out of the parking lot. He’d done his best to give her space the past few days. Monday had dragged onto Tuesday, and now Thursday had come and gone with still nothing longer than a minute of conversation. He didn’t count them working together or arguing about their project. That was work. He wanted more from Genevieve.

With a sigh, he got into his SUV and headed home, feeling like an idiot for being depressed about his lack of progress with the woman. Brad didn’t have trouble with girls. Hell, he never had…until Dana. He figured she’d been an isolated misfortune, as his luck with the ladies returned full force after his divorce.

And then, just a few months ago, he’d met a woman he wanted to know inside and out. Friggin’ Genevieve St. James aggravated, stimulated, and aroused him like no one else had in years. He wanted her out of his system…maybe. But how to do that when she kept avoiding him? Every night he looked out his bedroom window, hoping to see the curtains drawn. But they remained in place, keeping him out.

So be it. He wouldn’t force her to pay attention to him. He snorted. “Cavas don’t need to force women to do anything.” Hell, Mike had been seduced and practically stalked by Maria. Olivia had been pursued by Kyle. So why did the one woman Brad wanted ignore him while others flirted and asked him out?

He’d politely declined an invitation to hit the bars from one potential playmate working at Comm Company, a friend of a friend. The staff guys wanted him to go out since his “chick magnet” status made him good company when they wanted to hook up.

Once home, he slammed out of his vehicle and trudged to his porch, wondering why the hell he hadn’t accepted an invite to get out of the house and have some fun. But no. He’d turned down any chance at having a good time so he could moon over a woman who didn’t…

“What’s this?” He tugged a sticky note from his front door and read,
Nine o’clock. Get ready for a show.

He glanced next door, and his entire body locked up. She’d offered him
a show
. With any luck, it would be identical to the one he’d given her last week.

The next two and a half hours seemed to drag as he changed into shorts and a T-shirt, ate a hurried dinner, and cleaned his house to kill time. At ten to nine, he paced in his darkened bedroom, staring across at her room and willing her curtains to part.

When they did, he stood back, painfully aroused and dying to see what she had planned.

Her bedroom remained dark. Then a small light illuminated her on her bed.
from head to toe. She had toys lined up near the light. Soft jazz suddenly played, and the night felt surreal.

He had trouble swallowing as he walked to the window and stared out. His imagination hadn’t done her justice. She had full breasts with small rosy areolas and stiff nipples. She dragged a purple dildo across her breasts, and he could easily imagine doing the same with his cock.

The dildo moved down her flat belly, past her sexy bellybutton. He wanted to follow the trail of the toy with his tongue, especially when it rubbed her pussy, covered only with a thin red strip of hair. Fuck yeah, she shaved. When she spread her legs and nuzzled her folds with the toy, he leaned out the window.

Wonder if she can hear me panting.
He swore she moaned. Then he imagined he heard a light buzzing sound as the dildo vibrated against her clit.

“Move it around. Yeah, get nice and wet,” he whispered as she used the toy to stimulate herself. She dragged it up and down her inner thighs then over her clit and between her legs, not penetrating herself yet.

He raised his voice, wanting to be heard. “In you.”

She complied, and he stepped back from the window, took himself out of his shorts, and started stroking off. Damn if she didn’t have him ready to blow just watching her. Especially since she started writhing on the bed, fucking herself with that toy that didn’t rival him for size. He wanted to give her what she needed. What

She used the dildo, moving faster, and cupped her breast, pinching her nipple.

“Yeah, baby. Oh yeah.” He jerked faster, racing her to the finish.

When she cried out and pumped her hips, he took his hand away from his cock—still aching, still hard, but not ready to come anywhere but in her. He tugged his shorts back in place then hurried down the stairs and out of his house across to hers. He didn’t bother knocking, not surprised to find the door unlocked.

After letting himself inside, he raced up the stairs and into her bedroom.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he rasped, seeing her lying there, the toy buried inside her, her chest heaving as she came down off her euphoric climax.

“Hmm.” She blinked slumberous eyes at him, centering on his cock. “And you’re so fucking hard.”

“I want you.” No games. Not now. “I’ll wear a condom, do whatever you want. But let me have you.” He bordered on desperation, seeing her splayed out like a woman needing to be pleasured…again.

She dragged the toy out of her, dazzling in her naked glory, and he saw it slick with her orgasm.

“Jenny, yes or no?” he growled.

She put the toy aside and spread her pussy with her fingers. “Convince me.”

He stripped off his clothes and pounced, gripping her thighs wide while he buried his face between her legs. Licking and sucking, he reveled in her femininity, kissing the tight bud once again growing under his tongue. She tasted so sweet, so fucking good. He wanted to come inside her, to hear her crying out his name while he filled her.

But he hadn’t been lying. He’d play by her rules…this time. Because he wanted her hooked on him until she’d do whatever he said, when he said. He continued to eat her, sliding his finger inside her and nearly losing it when her inner walls, so tight, so slick, clamped around him.

“Brad, yes. God, yeah.” She sighed and ground against his lips.

So lost in her, he nearly missed her tugging at his shoulders.

“In me,” she said. “Now.”

He reluctantly pulled away and licked his lips, seeing the shine in her eyes as she watched him. “Condom?”

She nodded to her nightstand, and he hurried to find one. He had it on and was back over her in seconds. Her hands on his chest, his arms, his back, set him aflame, and he trembled, so in lust he couldn’t think straight.

“Need to fuck you so bad.”

“Take me.” She leaned up and kissed him, nipping at his lower lip. “Give me what you got.”

He plunged into her, balls deep, and continued to ram into her with little finesse, just animalist hunger. Her cries for more, the way she crossed her legs around his waist and locked her ankles over his ass, urged him to give her everything, and he delivered.

BOOK: A Major Distraction
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