Read A Love Worth Biting For Online

Authors: Roxy Mews

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

A Love Worth Biting For (5 page)

BOOK: A Love Worth Biting For
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“Think maybe you could fuck me with that tongue instead of wagging it?”

His hand connected with my ass in the loudest slap I have ever heard. Or maybe the volume was just the lust buzzing in my ears. The heat from his hand hitting my skin sent the warmth swarming around my body before it sunk into my core. My ears weren’t the only thing buzzing at that point. He did it again, and my pussy began to ache. I needed more.

“I will take my mate as I see fit. I want you to remember this for eternity.”

His head bowed and he began to assault me with his tongue again. He licked my clit, my pussy, my ass. Wherever his mouth vacated, his hands covered the absence. I thrashed beneath him, but a press of forearm held me pinned against the tattered wallpaper. The dust from the plaster abraded my skin.

The sensations from his hands, his arms. The fabric of the couch rubbing on my belly. The feeling of being held in place. His hot skin—it all aligned, and I shattered. The orgasm washed over me, and I screamed.

. I wanted this. I didn’t have to be in complete control here. Jake’s hands held me up. The pressure on my clit held steady, and that sweet bundle of nerves throbbed against his thumb. He lapped at my fluttering pussy, and before I had a chance to come back down, he gave me what I really wanted. His cock slammed home.

The release I had given over to was nothing compared to what started building then. Harder.
. His rhythm was perfect, and he expanded with each plunge. Each thrust from him had my temperature skyrocketing. I was burning from the inside out, but I only wanted more.

The ancient air conditioner whirred in the distance, but couldn’t begin to combat the fire inside me. Sweat formed along my back and brow. My pussy dripped onto the old sofa from my perch. My hands found a hold on the backrest of the couch. The only thing I could move was my head. I flipped back the hair that was beginning to stick to my face.

Taking advantage, taking more control, Jake wrapped his fist around the strands and pulled. My back arched at the tug, the heavenly pain. I don’t know how, but his voice made it to my brain.

“You’re mine. And I claim you.” He bit me. The left side of my neck sang as he took blood from me.

The customary words had always seemed corny, but as his teeth extended and pierced the tender skin, I couldn’t think of anything but how heartbreakingly beautiful they sounded. I felt whole, and as he filled me and took from me at the same time, I felt more connected to him than I had ever realized possible. I was grateful for his punishing hands. He held me up as the climax obliterated my body from my neck down to my pussy. He took my blood. He drank as he thrust, and just as I thought I was regaining ground and coming back to my body, his teeth released me.

“No. Please. More.”

“We are not finished.” He pulled my legs in from my perch. My hips ached first from the strain, and then with longing as he slid free.
What the hell
? If he wasn’t done, he was going in the wrong direction.

Then the couch moved beneath me. I heard a crack. Luckily, it wasn’t the exterior walls. He kicked the couch back free from its seat. I started to fall, but he grabbed me.

He wrapped his arms around me, and then he did something that wasn’t his wolf. He held me. Face to face, his erection pinned between us. He hadn’t come inside me. I breathed heavy against him and we both groaned as his shaft slid against me. He was soaked in my juices and slid against my skin. Oh gods that was good.

It was even better when he levered his hips back and slid himself back inside me. I was shaking beneath him. Gasping for air, and drowning in his scent. I almost didn’t hear his words.

“Now you.”


“Say you are mine.”

The demand drew my attention. I had to work to keep my eyes on him, when all they wanted to do was roll back in my head. He kept up the thrusts, and my brain struggled to hang on to anything but the pleasure. This wasn’t customary. He claimed me. I just had to take him. I accepted him into my body. He destroyed my body with orgasms and he wanted words?

“Yours.” My hips met his. I wanted his orgasm. I wasn’t the only one aching here. He was a steel rod inside me.

“Open your eyes.”

It took me a second, and a few more thrusts, but the effort was worth it. His pupils were huge. They were so big, I couldn’t tell if his eyes were vampire-grey, or wolfy-gold, but they were focused on me. In the reflection of those endless eyes I saw myself say the words I hoped would please my mate.

“I am yours.”

He pounded into me. His head dropped, and he let loose a groan of pleasure. His cock swelled inside me until it didn’t feel as if he would have any room to move. Then his hips pounded forward and my clit swelled to take his pressure. The orgasm swallowed us both.

“And you are so mine.” I don’t know if I really spoke those words out loud or not. That was the good thing about sex this amazing. I didn’t worry about much. There was no need for manners. There was no need for awkward cuddling. I passed out cold.

Chapter Five


I was dreaming. There was a rabbit hopping ahead of me, and I was chasing it. Yeah. Okay. I have wolf dreams. But you don’t know how fun it is to tear a rabbit apart with your teeth. The way the fur feels against your tongue…


I was waking up.

“Do I not have your name right? Or are you already ignoring me?”

. Guess the honeymoon was over already.


“I figured you might say that. So I brought coffee and bacon.”

“I’m awake.” I looked around. I sniffed the air. I frowned. “Where the hell’s the bacon?”

“That, my dear mate, is the point. There is no food here. My control is not where it needs to be. You have to venture out for us.”

I looked around.
. Were there any clothes we hadn’t destroyed? I got up and stalked outside to the shed behind the cabin. Our Pack kept a few scant necessities out there. Looked like I would get to do the walk of shame wearing a pair of SpongeBob pajama pants and a “Where’s the Beef?” sweatshirt. Goodie.

I went back inside to find my flip-flops. At least I knew they had made it through. Jake woke me up three different times during the night, and the last time, I had rolled on top of my shoes.

I growled at the chuckling behind me. Fucker was lucky I was going anywhere. If he kept laughing at me, I would make sure to eat everything I brought back right in front of him while I kept him tied to the fireplace.

Ohhh. Jake tied up. With rope

“Amber! Whatever you are thinking, stop it! I can smell you from here, and if we both keep going like we did last night, we will die of starvation. You need to bring us food.”

“Are we already up to the ‘make me a sandwich’ stage? Keep talking, Jake. That should help with the sexy. I’ll totally be able to control myself if you don’t shut up.”
. He was still naked. And I could tell from the tent in the blanket he had over himself, he was very much enjoying being naked.

He shook his head. His statuesque perfection was gone in the morning light and tousled black strands hit below his ears. The sex-rumpled thing looked great on him. He also didn’t have a scratch on his body that I could see. I knew he healed fast, but even when I was clawing at him like a cat climbing curtains, I couldn’t remember ever having made a mark on his skin.


“Before you talk, take a few steps back. Please. I need to have a little more control. You smell even more incredible than you did last night. If you are out of my immediate reach, I stand a better chance.”

I took a step back. The fact that he still wanted my body when it was covered with a fluffy, square sponge creature who lives in a pineapple made me feel good. Yeah, it could have been the mating thing, but my ego decided that it was my sexy bod he wanted instead.

“Sooo…what do I get for you? I know that you bit me last night. And it was fucking awesome.” He growled and the spot on my neck where he’d taken blood from me tingled. Hell, I tingled everywhere when he growled like that. “But was that enough to feed your Edward side? Or do I need to kidnap a coed? Because there is this little chick in my history class that has been really pissing me off.”

“I don’t want anyone but you.”

“Okay, that sounds sexy as hell, but do I need to worry about you sucking me dry? I’m not really up on how this works. And I didn’t really pay attention when they went over the not-really-mythical creatures run-down in Council sooo…what do you eat? Do you only eat meat?”

Sitting up, his feet hit the floor. After the back snapped off of the couch, we left it that way. It made a pretty comfy bed. His hands scrubbed over his face and ruffled his hair before he looked up at me.

“I don’t take enough to hurt people. I don’t actually need as much blood as full vampires. While I needed to bite you and feel your blood inside me, I promise you my that orgasm was not due to physical nourishment.”


“Okay. So I don’t have to kidnap someone and give them a good old fashioned bleeding?”


“Sooo…fast food?”

“I would eat the wrappers right now.”

“Lots of fast food. I’ll be back soon. Do I need to lock you in?”

“You can do that?”

I shrugged. I wasn’t sure how much of our life I was supposed to share here. On one hand, he was my mate, and I should share everything with him. On the other hand, he was a fucking vampire. Were we supposed to keep our vampire and wolf lives separate? How could we? This was a mess.

“You’re not the first wolf to not have full control.”

“I’m a vampire.”

“With a furry side?”

“Just go get food.”

I took great pleasure in locking his ass in after that. I scratched the mating mark. It was itching like crazy. The blackout curtains we kept on the windows allowed me to peek at my reflection. His bites were gone, but a deep burgundy mark flared from where he took me. Someone a lot more poetic and girly than me might have called it a flower. If I was honest, it could pass for a mutant tulip.

However you described it, it was a little too visible and it was not something that could be mistaken for a hickey. I fluffed the hood of the sweatshirt and hunkered down to work on sweating toward campus.

Chapter Six

Indiana was a little cooler in the mornings, but we would still be into the eighties within the next few hours.

“Looks like you’re keeping him then. Or at least that’s what it sounded like when you were screaming for him to
go harder
last night.” Doc worked his way out of a bit of trees. He held out a cup of coffee.

“You stayed here and listened?” I didn’t know if I was more horrified that Doc had listened or that he was standing out there waiting for me to come out.

His lopsided grin helped, but it was more of a grimace, and I could tell he wasn’t really enjoying what he considered to be his duty. “I wasn’t lying when I told him I would kill him if he were the only one to come out of that cabin.”

I had taken a big swig of the coffee but pulled the cup away from my mouth and growled at the man that was like a second father to me. “Kill him, and I will have to filet your gonads.” My shock must have shown in my face, because he laughed.

“Yup, you’re mated. Any idea what the hell you and your man are gonna do from here?”

“Well right now I am going for food. Then I am bringing it back here to eat it. Then I’m going to class.”

He handed me a duffle. Thank the gods for a tank top and shorts. I stripped and put them on fast. The brilliant man even had a clunky choker to cover the matemark. “Are you being this nice to me because I am about to die?”

“I’m not an executioner, Amber. Just a doctor. But I can tell you that you will have some tough choices coming. And it’s not about what your major is going to be this time around.”

We were walking toward campus. The stride was easy with Doc. When I had been learning control, we used to walk like this a lot. He would talk, and I would roll my eyes, but somewhere along the line, what he was teaching me sunk in. My wolf was strong. Because of Doc, I controlled her instead of the other way around. I could shift when needed, and my pain tolerance was kick ass, so I didn’t even feel the shift after all this time. I was strong enough to convince myself I didn’t, at least.

I have known Doc as long as I have been a wolf. Doc was the one who had found me and my Family after the wolf attack that brought this world crashing down on us.

Daddy had been outside working on some wood for the stove. Momma had been helping my sister and me in the garden. I have only vague memory of the whole process. I just remember a lot of blood and hearing my mother cry. Daddy and I survived the change. Doc was the reason we did. I don’t remember if he chased away the Packless wolf that attacked us or simply cleaned up its mess. I just remember that he was there. Kind of like he was now.

Add in quite a few years, and Daddy is now Alpha to all of us, including Doc. Turns out the a-hole who turned us was a pretty badass wolf. But if I ever find the beast that killed my mother and my little sister, I’ll prove that I am even more badass. Well, I will if I don’t get killed by vampires—or my own Pack—for mating with a vampire.

My stomach grumbled. Or by a vampire for not bringing him back food.

Fifty dollars worth of McFood later, I was back at the cabin. Doc was waiting outside for me to let him in. Jake was doing his best to unwrap the burgers before swallowing them, and I was trying to wrap my mind around the last few days.

“I feel better. So when are you going to bring that other guy back in? The one who is pacing outside the front door.”

Doc’s chuckle worked through the spaces around the door.

“Doc was waiting to make sure you weren’t going to eat him, and so I could tell you he was here first. But I kind of got lost in my head, and I’m sure you smelled him anyway.”

The door opened, and Doc walked in. His eyes were down to show he wasn’t challenging Jake, and his hands were in his pockets. “You might want to get used to that. She only hears and does what she wants. You’ve got yourself an Alpha female here.”

BOOK: A Love Worth Biting For
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