A Lion's Chance: A Crimson Hollow Novella (4 page)

BOOK: A Lion's Chance: A Crimson Hollow Novella
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Chapter Six

he hour was
late and exhaustion clung to Ginger as the miles stretched on. They weren’t even halfway back to Crimson Hollow and all she wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep. Knowing that Billy was safe with his mother and the whole situation concerning his father had left her feeling overwhelmed. The way she’d asked about the abuse had been tactless but all she’d rehearsed earlier flew out the window as she stood in front of Ms. Lane. She had hoped Liam would bring it up but when he didn’t right away, she couldn’t wait any longer. She wanted answers and she needed to know if Billy would be safe in her care.

The little boy talked so highly of his mother and was such a sweet kid, she wanted to make sure he was protected. Kids shouldn’t have to worry about the things adults worried about. They were supposed to be carefree, be able to play with their friends. Being a child was supposed to be the simplest time in a person’s life. Billy was forced to witness some of the horrors life offered but he was still a child and deserved to have some of his innocence saved. There was plenty of time later to learn all of the shitty aspects of this world and the people who inhabited it.

Liam yawned and glanced over at her. “We’re going to have to stop for some coffee.”

“We’re both exhausted and we have more than two hours’ drive ahead of us still. We should just find a hotel and get some rest. Jase will understand and we can head back after a few hours of sleep.”

“You don’t want to be alone with me. Who knows what I’d do?”


“Sorry.” He dragged a hand over his face. “I shouldn’t have said that. I get cranky when I’m tired but that was no excuse. I’m sure you’d rather be back—”

She turned in her seat to face him. “I wouldn’t have suggested it if I was worried that you’d hurt me.” The words left her mouth and she wondered when she had determined that he meant her no harm. It also occurred to her that now they were alone, the tension of being locked in the truck with him was missing. Had she started to accept the fact he was a lion…and her mate? She wasn’t sure but she did know he wasn’t going to hurt her.

“Come on, Liam, we’re both exhausted. Let’s just find a hotel.”

Without answering, he took the next exit and followed the signs toward the few hotels listed on the map. They’d get some rest and then they could be back on the road in a few hours. She could do it and maybe that time together would allow her to adjust to him being around. Maybe this trip with them being thrown together for Billy’s sake would bring them together.
What am I thinking? He’s already proven he doesn’t want me. Otherwise he wouldn’t have allowed the week to pass without me getting so much as a hello from him. I did this…I lost him. There’s no one to blame but myself.

Ten minutes later, they were tucked safely into a hotel room. As much as it would have been nice to have two rooms, the hotel was booked for a convention, leaving them to share a suite that had been booked for one of the members who’d missed his connecting flight. She dropped her purse on the small table by the door and looked around. The small sofa would fold out into a single bed; besides that, the only other furniture was the bar with a mini fridge and microwave. A bathroom separated that space from what she assumed would be the main bed.

“I’ll take the sofa.”

“Be realistic. You’ve got to drive, which means you need to get some sleep. We can share the bed.” Her heart pounded against her ribs. Share the bed with him. What was she thinking? They were shifters, it wasn’t uncommon, but that didn’t mean it made her less apprehensive about being so close to him.

“I think we’ve pushed your boundaries enough for one day. Don’t you?” He plopped down on the sofa and let out a deep sigh.

“Damn it, Liam. It’s late, I’m tired, and I’m offering you a chance to get a decent night’s sleep. If you want to sleep on a lumpy pull out sofa, be my guest. I’ve done it enough times to know you’ll wake up sore and just as tired. We both know the bed is big enough and whatever is happening between us can wait until morning, but it’s up to you.” She snatched her purse off the table and marched into the bedroom.

If he wanted to be an asshole and sleep on the sofa, that was his call. She had done something nice, something she wasn’t completely sure she was comfortable with, but she couldn’t see him sleeping out there because of her. Not after he’d taken them to reunite Billy with his mother. She knew he had tried to get out of it, but Jase had refused his request. She’d heard their exchange through the living room window while she was tending to Billy’s head wound. This had been another clear indication that he didn’t want to be around her.

hen Ginger stormed
off into the bedroom part of their room, Liam sat there feeling like an ass. He wanted to go after her; his lion snarled at him, wanting him to take her up on her offer. To be close to her, even if only for a few hours, would make it worth the pain from the aloofness that would return between them when they got back to Crimson Hollow. The mixed signals coming from her proved beyond annoying. She didn’t want a lion as her mate, but she would share a bed with him? She had even been willing to be alone with him for several hours as they took Billy home. What did she want? Did she even know?

He knew what he wanted—he wanted her, and not just because she was his mate. Something intrigued him about her, something that made him want to get to know her. His body ached for her, not just in a sexual way, but simply to be near her. Seeing her in passing for the last week had only made it worse, yet he kept his distance. She had come to Crimson Hollow for Swift and then she’d move on. Without her scent hanging in the air maybe he could move forward and put the fact that they were destined to be mates behind him.


Her voice was so soft, he wasn’t sure if he heard it or not, but when he looked up to find her peeking around the wall, he knew he was a goner. She had removed her sweater, leaving on only a thin tank top that clung to her curves. Her auburn hair cascaded down her bare shoulders in soft waves, making him want to drag his fingers through the strands and pull her close. She was gorgeous.

Before he could say a word, she took a step into the room, slowly closing the distance between them. “I’m sorry I snapped. You’re respecting the boundaries I set in place…” Growing more uncomfortable with every word, she shoved her hands into the pockets of her jeans. “Maybe I don’t want that anymore.”

He waited a moment to see if she would continue but she just stood there, uneasy. “What are you saying?”

“I was wrong.” She took a couple of steps to him and sat down next to him on the sofa. “Judging you based on your animal and my past wasn’t fair. I had no right to do that.”

“A scent can bring back memories—”

“I know.” She let out a deep sigh before continuing. “A lot of things can bring back the memories but I can’t let them control my life. They’re dead, but I’m alive. It’s time to remember that. If I can’t do that, how will I help Swift?”

“Sometimes people have to help themselves. She has to want to move past what happened when she was a child in order for anyone to be able to help her.”

“This is a heavy conversation and we’re both exhausted. Come to bed and we’ll pick this up over breakfast.” She rose off the sofa and held out her hand to him. “You’re a good man. An honest, trustworthy, and compassionate one. I’ve seen it since I came to Crimson Hollow but tonight, with how you handled Billy, it opened my eyes to the man I’m to be mated to. I can promise you one thing: I’m a hard woman to live with. Just ask Garret. But I hope you’ll find me worth the trouble.”

Taking her hand into his, he replayed her words through his thoughts. It sounded like she was accepting their destiny but he didn’t want to get his hopes up. If he moved too quick, she might go back into her shell and push him away. Slow and steady would get him his wolf.

As he rose to stand in front of her, he couldn’t stop himself from wanting to feel her. Without making any quick movements, he looped his free arm around her back, gently pressing his hand at the small of her back, and pulled her closer to him. “I have no doubt you’ll be worth it.”

“You might regret that later when you find out just how bad my bite is.”

“A wolf with a bite, who would have guessed?” Since she didn’t pull away, he slipped his hand under the thin material of her top and caressed along the soft skin of her back. “Still, I’d rather have my wolf in my bed.”

“Did I mention I’m a cover hog?”

He watched her eyes twinkle, full of mischief, but he didn’t care as long as he had her.
Screw this.
Scooping her up into his arms, he headed for the bedroom. “Oh baby, I sleep nude and wouldn’t want to distract from your view with covers.”

Chapter Seven

hrough the fog of sleep
, Ginger could make out the faint sounds of a phone vibrating, but as much as she tried, she couldn’t force her eyes to open. Whoever was calling would have to wait. She wasn’t ready to be up. She snuggled back into the warmth of the blankets and—

Her eyes sprang open as she realized the heat wasn’t coming from her blankets but from a man. Still deeply asleep, Liam lay stretched out on his back and, true to his word, he was naked as the day he was born.

She still couldn’t believe he’d climbed into bed next to her completely naked. It had taken things a step further than she had planned but damn, he was a fine looking man. They had started the night on their own sides of the bed and not touching, but sometime during the night, she gravitated toward him.

Shifters liked warmth when they slept and it wasn’t uncommon to find some sleeping together in a big pile. Such a sight always reminded her of a puppy pile, as they all cuddled together. The lack of someone to sleep with had her cuddling with a heating blanket instead. It wasn’t a good substitute but better than a cold, empty bed. Only this morning, she woke up to not just another shifter that had shared her bed, but the man who was to be her mate. A soft moan had her tipping her head up to get a better look at him, only to find him awake and watching her.

“Morning, beautiful.” With the arm he had wrapped around her, he pulled her tight against him. “I thought you’d steal the covers away and enjoy the view.”

“Maybe I was about to,” she teased and pulled the covers down, not quiet revealing his manhood.

“Teasing won’t end well for you.”

“Really, lion.” She rubbed her body along his, drawing her fingers along the contours of his chest, working her way down toward his waist. “I think you might have that reversed. The woman holds the power and we tease you into the position we want you. If we let you think otherwise, it’s for your own benefit.”

“Is that so?” Without giving her time to answer, his arm tight around her, he rolled her onto her back so that he was arched over her. “Shall we see about that?”

“Liam…” His name came out on a whisper as she continued to explore his body. She didn’t want him to stop but was she ready? She wasn’t sure.

“Go with it.” He nuzzled the side of her neck, planting gentle kisses along the curve before working down her collarbone. “Stay in the moment and remember it’s me. No one else, just me and you.”

“I know it’s you.” She caressed along his sides, debating for a moment if she wanted to tell him everything or keep it to herself. “Last night, as you lay there beside me, your scent surrounded me. Instead of fearing the scent, as I did when I first met you, I noticed key differences. It’s not just a lion scent. There’s more to it. I can smell your tribe—Jase’s bear and Sin’s fox are the strongest but there are others who blend into it; even Garret’s wolf lingers within the mix. There are also hints of hickory, apples, and fall leaves. So I always know it’s you.” She cupped the side of his face, stroking her thumb along the stubble on his jaw.

“Good.” He tipped his head toward her hand and kissed her palm.

“I should have realized it before but I let my fear get the best of me. Never again.” Not waiting for him to make the first move, she arched up toward him and claimed his lips. He met her kiss with desire of his own.

As the kiss ended, he leaned back from her and watched her for a moment. “Are you sure about this?”

“Completely.” She grabbed a hold of his hips and drew him down toward her. “Now come here.”

He leaned into her, pressing his lips to hers, not allowing her a chance to deny him, and making her crave more of him. No longer would she allow the fact he was a lion to keep her from her mate. Destined mates were the perfect match for each other and she had to trust that destiny had led her to him for a reason.

With passion controlling her, she pressed into him as his fingers hooked the bottom of her tank top. “I let you sleep in the tank top and panties, even though I was naked, but now I want these gone.”

“I didn’t force you to get naked.”

“Maybe not, but you enjoyed every minute of it.” He tugged her shirt up to just below her breasts and gave her a cocky grin. “Don’t think I didn’t catch your glances in my direction.”

“I didn’t…” She could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks.

“Deny it if it makes you feel better but we both know the truth.” Slowly, he pulled the tank top up over her breasts and over her head. “Soon you will be my mate and can see me naked any time your heart desires.”

“You’re cocky, but I like it.”

“Good. Now lie back. I want to explore every inch of your body.” He kissed her neck, nibbling down her jawline to her shoulder.

As he moved lower, she wanted to protest because his body wasn’t pressed along hers and she couldn’t feel his shaft pressed along her inner thigh any longer. Since he’d finally made it to her breast, she complied, lying back and letting her fingers trail along his sides. He lowered his mouth to her nipple, his gaze locked on her. She moaned in ecstasy when his tongue flicked over one hardened tip. Pleasure exploded through her as his tongue teased along her sensitive nipples. After working both nipples into hardened peaks, he moved down, kissing along her stomach until he reached the top of her panties.

“Naked.” The one word came out like a growl as he teased with deft fingers along the seam of the material.

“You know how to fix that.” She arched up to allow him to pull her panties down.

In a blink of an eye, they were gone, leaving her as naked as he was, and the heat level within her rose with every caress. Her body craved his touch and it had been too long since she’d felt the gentle caress of a man, let alone another shifter. He pulled his mouth from hers and kissed a path down her neck. Sensations collided and threatened to overwhelm her when he teased her nipples. Pushing her gently back onto the bed, his bulky frame hovered above her and he stared down at her, desire burning in his eyes.

He caressed every inch of her body, sending moans of ecstasy from her lips. His touch was incredibly tender, as though trying to memorize every curve of her body with his hands and mouth. Heat soared through her blood, like a fire burning just below the skin, impatient and demanding.

He blazed a hot, wet trail of kisses across her belly and stroked her thighs with his fingertips. With every touch, she arched her hips, demanding more. She couldn’t get enough of him. Nudging her legs farther apart, he delved his fingers inside her and she met the thrusts. A demanding moan she barely recognized vibrated in her throat. The trail of wicked kisses tingled over her thighs. He moved his hand and replaced it with his mouth. Tiny nips and gentle licks flicked over her sweet spot, nearly driving her over the edge. She grabbed his hair, torn between pressing him closer and dragging him up. She wanted all of him.

“Liam!” She nearly screamed his name before gaining a little control over herself. “Please, I need you.” Even in the sexual haze, she realized what she’d said and those few words changed everything. Sex would complete their mating, forever uniting them as one. There was peace in knowing she would forever have someone by her side, and that he was hers. Mates.

“You don’t know how good it is to hear that.” He spread her legs farther, giving him the access he needed before filling her slowly, inch by inch. Halfway in, he slid out before thrusting back in, this time filling her completely with his manhood. Their animals sprang forward, mingling their magic together until the air was thick with it, and the hairs on their arms stood on end. Their animals didn’t snarl at each other, but caressed one another as their human sides brought them together.

His hips increased pace, driving the force of each pump. Every glide of his shaft inside her seemed to set off another cascade of heat. Their bodies rocked back and forth, tension stretching her tighter as she fought for the release she longed for. This was what she had been waiting for, what she needed.

“Liam!” She cried out his name as she found her release. She dug her nails into his back, pressing her body into his. He pumped into her a few more times before he shouted her name in ecstasy.

With his shaft still deep within her, he smiled down at her. “My mate.”

As her breath slowly returned to normal, she realized how much she liked the sound of that. She was his, just as he was hers. They were locked together for all eternity. Hopefully, they could manage to live with each other without killing one another.

BOOK: A Lion's Chance: A Crimson Hollow Novella
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