Read A Kiss of Color: A BWWM Interracial Pregnancy Romance (Book 2) Online

Authors: Cristina Grenier

Tags: #BWWM Interracial Pregnancy Romance

A Kiss of Color: A BWWM Interracial Pregnancy Romance (Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: A Kiss of Color: A BWWM Interracial Pregnancy Romance (Book 2)
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The man’s eyes widened incredulously. “What happened to
? Jesus Christ, Helena, what the hell happened to you? You were bleeding
…you were unconscious and that guy…that guy would have…” Xavier broke her gaze for a moment to take a deep breath, visibly composing himself. Then, slowly, he rose from his chair to cross the room to her side. “I’m fine.” He managed, sinking into the chair beside her. There was a heavy moment that passed between them before he raised his gaze to hers once more and the desperation she saw there took her breath away.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice was barely a whisper as he gazed over her battered form, his eyes lingering on the curve of her stomach. “Jesus,

She felt tears rising to her own eyes at the pain in his voice and shut them, letting the moisture trickle down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Xavier. I was scared…
scared. I’ve made…so many mistakes in my life and this…this is a
. A living thing. I didn’t want to fuck that up.”

“You could
.” The man returned intensely, reaching out to take her hand between his own so warmth flooded her system from his mere touch. “I will be there
you, Helena, and you will be the most
mother in the cosmos. I know you will.”

A soft sob escaped the young woman as she attempted to wipe her tears away. “I wouldn’t have kept him from you, Xavier. I would never have done that…you’ll still see him, still spend time with him…whenever you want-”

“What are you saying?” The man interjected lowly, his gaze piercing her with its bright vigor. “That we stay apart? That we pass our son back and forth on weekends and birthdays and share him, but not each other?”

The very notion drew a low moan of longing from Helena’s throat. “I…I hurt you, Xavier. And I know I still have a lot to work on. I wouldn’t want…I wouldn’t want to put you through that again-”

Before she could say a word more, she was in his arms.

Helena stiffened for a moment – just the barest moment – before she collapsed against him with an anguished cry. His scent, his strength…
was what she needed these last few, long months. She needed to be with him, to be reminded of what they were together. For all that she had speculated – for all that she’d thought she might be able to do without him…she now realized how foolish she’d been.

Because nothing compared to this.


“I’ve missed you.” She whispered hoarsely against his ear, as he peppered soft, adoring kisses all over her upturned face.

“Helena, baby…my world has been dark without you. So

And then, suddenly, it wasn’t. The world was more brilliant than it had ever been – because Xavier’s hand was sliding over the swell of her stomach, and she felt the child within her respond, moving restlessly inside her at his father’s touch.

Xavier’s eyes widened in wonder as he felt the movement.

“That’s…that’s him.” He murmured, his tone low and endearing. “He knows me.”

“He needs you.” Helena affirmed, her hand covering his as her gray eyes locked with her lovers. “Just like I need you, Xavier.”

The dark-haired man’s mouth met hers in a fusion that ignited every iota of passion within her, regardless of the dull ache of her injuries.

And Helena knew that she was his. She would always be his...and that was enough.



























“Are you sure this is OK?”

Helena’s soft laughter floated over a shoulder as he drew his lips across the soft skin, careful of the still-healing cuts there. “God, Xavier…it’s fine. I’ve told you a million times. Just…
touch me

He didn’t need any further convincing.

It seemed like the past two weeks had been the longest of his life. Helena had stayed in the hospital for most of it under careful observation. She’d lost a lot of blood, and so Dr. Forge and her colleagues had wanted to make sure that both she and the baby were perfectly healthy before they were discharged.

While she had been recovering, there had also been the nasty matter of Elliot Cauldwell to contend with. The details they’d unearthed about the man were startling – not only was he
a medical student, he was a known offender for stalking other medical school students. His military experience gave him the stealth that he needed to pray on them, and this time would be the third he’d been caught on an offense.

When Xavier had seen what he’d done to other women, he thanked God that he’d reached Helena when he had. Her wounds would heal…and Elliot would rot in jail for the rest of his goddamned life.

Xavier had to face the flood of guilt that came with knowing that Helena had been without his protection and support for some of the most difficult months of her life. While he’d been in the throes of emotional distress, she’d undergone all the changes of pregnancy alone – and all while still working towards her MD.

Every time he tried to apologize, she merely shushed him, saying that they were equally at fault…and that none of that mattered now, because they had each other.

Having her again, Xavier realized, would have to make up for the realization that he would never have the parents that he wanted…and that he had lost his little sister to their poisonous influence as well. When he’d confronted them about the lies they’d told him, his father had merely attested, as he always had, that he’d done it for his son’s own good.

As far as Xavier was concerned, the man was a monster. His son would need his mother…and they’d wanted to take that from him.

If he had his way, they would never meet his child….or Brandy’s. As soon as Helena had been safely at home, Xavier called his sister and demanded that she come to California, far away from their parents clutches. He knew that Brandy usually endured his parent’s wishes with a heavy heart, but this time was going to be different.

She wasn’t going to lose her baby to their ridiculous antics – even if he had to go back home himself and bring her and her husband to California.

He was through with his parents meddling…and heartsick as it made him, he knew he must be through with his youngest sister as well.

Emily had not apologized for deceiving him. She had merely parroted what their parents had said…attested that she loved him, and only wanted the best for him. She had so much of her mother in her that it pained Xavier, even, to speak with her, and he didn’t know if he would ever be able to again.

But that, he told himself, he would have to put aside.

Now, he would begin anew – with Helena, and with the baby that would soon arrive. Until that happened, however, he would have to be gentle with her.

Though the young woman assured him that she was perfectly fine to be intimate, Xavier wanted to be careful. He treated her like glass, his kisses light and caresses almost tentative. It wasn’t until Helena wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him sharply against her, whispering how much she’d missed the feel of him inside her, that his inhibition finally started to melt away.

His hands slid over the smoothness of her skin, lamenting at the abrasions there, as his lips followed hungrily. Helena gasped, arching into his touch as he found the core of her with a hand, feeling her slick and ready for him.

God…it had been
too long.

Raising his head, he gazed down at the woman beneath him. She was a goddess.
goddess, her breasts ripe and swollen in preparation for their child’s arrival, her body glowing with the new life it had formed.

Leaning down, he gently took the tip of her breast into his mouth, his tongue flicking over the hard nub as he parted her thighs, sliding home within her. Helena cried out, her fingers curling into his behind as she drew him even deeper, enveloping him in pure, heady ecstasy.

This was where he belonged. Away from the hellish past that had shaped him, with the woman who owned him body and soul.

He would have her, and she would have their child…and he would show Helena that she already had everything it took to be the perfect mother…to start the perfect family. To fill the holes that he’d once thought would plague him until his dying day.

To complete him.


About the Author


So this is the part where I'm supposed to talk about myself. I write so many stories but I often I have a hard time telling my own. Funny how that works.
My name is Cristina Grenier and I have been writing stories for as long as I could remember . I'm a sucker for romance. I draw from past experiences and from others around me when I write. I enjoy creating characters that everyone can relate to.
Besides writing, I also enjoy painting and figure drawing. I'm a bit of a homebody, my ideal night consists of a chilled bottle of wine, some pasta and Netflix. I really hope you enjoy the stories I create. 
If you want to keep updated on my new releases and receive a
full-length romance, please visit my website and subscribe to my email group.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


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BOOK: A Kiss of Color: A BWWM Interracial Pregnancy Romance (Book 2)
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