Read A Hot Mess Online

Authors: Christy Gissendaner

A Hot Mess (11 page)

BOOK: A Hot Mess
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She grinned at him. “I know. I have a tendency to like hooker clothes, so I’m just checking.”

Cait strode to the mirror and gazed at her reflection for several moments. Finally she nodded her head. “It’s not bad. I just hope my boobs don’t pop out.”

“I hope they do.” Dylan made an
sound and bent over, holding his midsection, after she slapped him in the ribs.

“Watch it, mister,” Cait said with a warning shake of her finger.

Dylan glanced at the clock. It was about twenty until seven. “We should get going.”

They left the room, arm in arm, and rode down to the lobby. It was even more crowded than it had been that afternoon. A few unattached men passed admiring glances Cait’s way. Dylan noticed, but Cait seemed oblivious. With her red hair and striking looks, Cait drew attention. The best thing about her was she never noticed it. Cait was not vain, far from it.

“Where are we going to dinner?” Cait asked once they were in the car and headed down the Strip.

“It’s a surprise.” Dylan kept his attention on the road, but it was damned hard. Cait’s short skirt was high on her thigh, tempting him to run his hands over the exposed skin.

Cait shifted on the seat, and Dylan nearly groaned as her hemline rose higher. If he looked hard enough, he was quite sure he would be able to see the crotch of her panties. Unable to resist, he put his hand on her thigh.

Cait immediately squeezed her legs together. “Dylan! You’re driving.”

He tried to keep an innocent expression. “What? I’m not doing anything.”

“Sure, you’re not. I know your tricks.”

He could practically hear the frown in her voice. He cast Cait a quick, sideways look. “Oh, do you now?”

“Yes.” Cait put her hand over his, but she did not push him away.

“One afternoon in bed, and you’re an expert on me?”

“No, twenty something years of research added to one afternoon in bed equals an expert on you.”

“I stand corrected then.” Dylan chuckled as he threaded his fingers with hers.

Their linked hands remained in Cait’s lap the entire way to the restaurant.

* * * *

Their table was in a secluded corner of the restaurant. The oak surface was covered with a pristine white cloth and set with shiny silverware. A gold filigreed band encircled their napkins.

Cait touched the small bouquet of wildflowers in the center and sighed. “Oh, Dylan. This place is beautiful. Where did you hear about it?”

Dylan pulled out her chair. “I happened upon it the last time I was in Vegas. It caters to the locals, so not many tourists even know it’s here.”

Cait thanked him and sat down. Dylan took his seat and met her gaze across the table. “Wait until you taste the food.”

“Yum,” Cait hummed. “I’m starving, and it smells like heaven in here.”

The tiny, elegant restaurant thrummed with energy. Conversation and laughter rang out as plates of delicious-smelling food were served by waiters in white shirts and black pants.

Cait lifted her menu and scanned a list of entrees, each sounding more delicious than the last. “Oh, gosh. Everything looks good. How will I ever choose?”

“Pick as many as you like,” Dylan offered.

“As if I’m going to make myself look like a pig.” She lowered her menu and gave him a mock stern look before snapping the leather-enclosed sheet of vellum back in front of her face.

Dylan chuckled. “Well, for starters, would you like wine?”

Cait nodded as she set aside the menu. “A red, please.”

A waiter appeared within moments, and Dylan rattled off their wine order. When he was done, he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his lean waist. He was silent for so long that Cait grew apprehensive.

“What is it? Do I have something on my face?” She lifted a hand to her cheek, half expecting to find something there.

“No, Cait.” Dylan shook his head, but he continued to look at her.

She propped her elbows on the table and leaned forward to ask in a loud whisper, “Then what are you looking at?”


“Oh.” Cait’s mouth snapped closed, and she leaned back again in her chair. She recognized the heat in his eyes and suspected he was recalling their afternoon antics in bed.

Her cheeks warmed at the thought. Sex with Dylan had been much better than she ever could’ve imagined. Hands down, he was better than anyone she’d ever been with.

Her insides tingled at the thought of being with him again. She couldn’t wait until they got back to the hotel room. She would strip him of all his clothes and trace his body with her tongue and allow him to do the same to her.

Dylan leaned forward. “I keep picturing you sitting there wearing nothing but the thong you have on underneath your clothes.”

Cait bit her lip to keep from smiling. She shifted in her chair, an ache between her thighs appearing at his words. “I’m sure that would give the diners something interesting to talk about.”

Dylan continued on as if she hadn’t spoken. “I would lay you across this table and feast on you.”

Cait closed her eyes and prayed for the strength to resist him until they were alone. She opened them again and gave him a pointed look. “This is a small table, Dylan. I don’t think I would fit.”

His eyes turned molten with sensuality. “Yes, you would. I would put you right here.” His fingers traced an outline on the white tablecloth. “You would come for me, Cait.”

“Oh, God.” Cait gripped the edge of the table. Her nails scraped the table cloth as she held on. “Have you always been this seductive?”

He gave her a wicked smile, one that made her insides turn to mush. “Yes.”

Luckily, before she could jump his bones, the waiter reappeared with their wine order. Cait couldn’t decide if she was relieved or disappointed that Dylan’s naughty conversation was cut short.

The waiter informed them of the specials, and they placed their orders. Cait went with grilled chicken, while Dylan chose a steak. Their conversation did not stray to sex again, but the tension was right beneath the surface. Every breath she took in carried a hint of what was to come.

Their food was served, and Cait enjoyed her dish of grilled chicken and steamed veggies. Dylan cut into his steak and lifted a bite to his lips. He put it in his mouth and chewed.

“Mmm,” he moaned.

“Oh goodness, this is so good,” Cait praised as she cut another piece of chicken and popped it in her mouth, savoring the tart lemony seasoning.

The conversation lagged as both of them paid attention to their plates. Despite their lunch earlier, Cait was starving after spending all day on the go and then an afternoon in bed. In no time at all, they had finished their meal.

Dylan pushed away his plate and took a sip of wine. “Do you want dessert?”

Cait patted her belly as she shook her head. “No, I’m stuffed. I couldn’t eat another bite.”

Dylan flagged down the waiter to ask for the ticket. When it came, he took out his wallet and placed some money on the table. He reached for her hand. “Come on. We’ve got to hurry if we’re going to make it in time.”

Cait allowed him to lead her out of the restaurant and back to the car. She had to nearly jog to keep up with him. “Why are we in such a hurry?”

“The show starts at nine. We don’t want to be late.”

Cait dodged a pothole in the parking lot and hurried after him. “What show?”

“It’s a surprise.”

Cait narrowed her eyes and gave him a look of mock irritation, even though she knew his back was to her. “I should’ve known you would say that.”

Dylan unlocked the passenger side door of his rental car and held it open for her. She slid in and fixed the hem of her dress. She reached for the seat belt, but Dylan leaned over and kissed her.

He tasted like the wine and steak he’d had at dinner and something else that was undeniably Dylan. His tongue surged into her mouth and tangled with hers as his hand came up to cup her face. He held her face still as his mouth ravaged.

It was a passionate kiss, one that heated her blood and made her nerves thrum with energy. His other hand slid down, and then his fingers tickled their way across her thigh. He inserted his hand between her legs, and she opened them the tiniest bit, but it was enough. His fingers hooked under the elastic band of her thong and brushed against her moist flesh.

She moaned, but the sound was muffled by Dylan’s mouth. He prodded her with one finger and easily slid it into her warm, willing pussy. His finger thrust in and out as his tongue danced with hers inside her mouth.

Cait arched her hips forward, seeking more of him. She cupped his erection through his trousers. “I want you,” she broke the kiss to say.

“I want you too.” Dylan trailed his lips across her cheek and down to her throat.

His finger moved deeper, and his thumb pressed against her clit. Cait moaned and leaned her head back, allowing his lips access to her neck. Dylan continued to tease her, his finger scraping along her sensitive flesh. Her hips moved in tandem with his finger, withdrawing and pushing forward to force him deeper each time.


Dylan’s lips moved to her ears, and he gently bit the lobe. “Come for me, Cait.”

She shivered with desire. She wanted to so bad.

“You’re a bad girl, aren’t you, Cait? Letting me finger you in a parking lot?”

Cait bit her lips until she could taste blood.

“Say it, Cait. Say you’re a bad girl.”

She shook her head. Dylan put his face next to hers. His expression was stern. “Say it, Cait, and I’ll give you what you want.”

Dear Lord, she was going to die if he didn’t finish it. Cait’s eyes slid closed. “I’m a bad girl.”

Dylan swooped in for a kiss and changed the angle of his finger to allow a second one to slip inside her. Cait’s muscles stretched to accommodate the second digit. Her hips moved up and down as she pleaded with him. “Please, Dylan.”

“Shhh, Cait. You’re going to come, I promise.”

The windows of the car steamed from the harsh breathing of the two of them despite the cool air wafting inside the open door. Cait’s muscles clenched with anticipation. It was building again, a release that threatened to shake her to her soul.

“Dylan!” she cried out as the orgasm washed over her.

He pulled back, but he continued to move his fingers, making her thighs quiver as he teased her clit with his thumb to a point that was almost painful. She wrapped her fingers around Dylan’s wrist to hold his hand still. It was too much. She was super sensitive after the intense orgasm, and the continued teasing drove her wild.

The aftershocks of her orgasm faded, and she gave Dylan a sleepy look. “Wow.”

Dylan’s lips curved into a smile as he echoed her words from that afternoon. “Just wow?”

She grinned back. “If you keep this up, I may pack myself in your bag and go home with you.”

Dylan leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss. “You’re welcome to do it anytime.”

He removed his hand from inside her panties and smoothed his palm down her thigh. “We need to go. We’re going to be late for real.”

Cait draped her arms around his neck and pulled him back to her. “Perhaps we should just miss it and go back to the room.”

Dylan reached up with one hand and unwrapped her arms one at time. “Be patient, Cait. We have all night.”

She stuck out her bottom lip and pouted. “Is Valentine’s Day over yet?”

Dylan pinched her lip between his thumb and forefinger. “Not yet, baby. Now put on your seat belt, so we can go.”

Cait did as he asked while he walked around the car to slide into the driver’s seat. He inserted the key to cut on the ignition and sent her an amused look. “I never knew you were so insatiable, Cait.”

She lifted her chin and gave a sniff. “There are lots of things you don’t know about me.”

His gaze turned hot in an instant. “Don’t worry. I intend to find out every one of your secrets before the night is over”

A shaft of pure, hot need rocked Cait’s body. Despite the multiple orgasms Dylan had given her, she still wanted him with a desire so fierce it frightened her.

Could they really do all of this and go back to just being friends? She had let desire overrule her brain, and she worried she’d made a mistake, but she wouldn’t have missed this day for the world.

* * * *

Cait was entranced by the show Dylan took her to.

She sat forward in her seat, her eyes trained on the stage as the cirque-style performance unfolded. She was amazed by the girls who wrapped themselves in ribbons and twisted their way to the ceiling. She gasped as they slowly fell back to the ground, as if by magic. A series of well-placed loops and folds of the girls’ ribbons performed the amazing trick.

“Are you enjoying the show?” Dylan leaned over to whisper into her ear.

She nodded without taking her eyes away from the stage. “Yes. It’s amazing!”

The small theatre they were in was packed. The
of the crowd echoed as the performers completed one daring feat after another. Cait
perhaps the loudest of all. She’d never been to a performance like this, but she’d always wanted to.

The girl onstage now was statuesque and wore a nude bodysuit, which lent her the appearance of being almost naked. The skintight bodysuit clung to her generous curves. The entire performance was sensual with smoke effects and seductive lighting. Cait was drawn into it. The beautiful performers tying themselves up in pink ribbons were sure to give Dylan ideas.

Cait glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. Dylan appeared as enraptured by the performance as she was. It seemed natural to slip her hand into his. She wrapped her fingers over his, and Dylan’s gaze lifted to settle on her.

“Hey,” he mouthed to her as he gave her hand a tiny squeeze.

“Hey,” she mouthed back.

They looked at each other for several heartbeats. Cait’s breath caught in her throat.

The moment was perfect, ripe with an emotion she couldn’t name yet. Dylan had always been there in front of her, but this was the first time she really saw him without the blinders of friendship. He could be so much more than just a friend if she opened herself to him, allowed herself to care for him in a new and different way.

BOOK: A Hot Mess
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