Read A Hero Grinch for Christmas Online

Authors: Samanthya Wyatt

A Hero Grinch for Christmas (9 page)

BOOK: A Hero Grinch for Christmas
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“A little late for that.” She curled into his side.

Damn, he could get used to her warmth, having her cuddled up against him. And he liked her plucky spirit. He couldn’t help it. She wrinkled her nose.

“Amazing what a tilt of those sour lips do for your face.”

“Anybody ever tell you, you have a smart mouth?”

Her eyes sparkled. “You like my mouth.”

He brushed her bottom lip with his thumb. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, even though he knew this wasn’t a good idea, he couldn’t stop touching her.

“I need another taste,” he said as he lowered his mouth to hers. “When you kiss me the pain disappears. There’s only you and me,” he whispered, “and this moment in time…”

Chapter Eighteen

Deep winter had taken ahold of the Colorado Mountains. The roads were treacherous and impossible to drive on, which meant Dani wasn’t going anywhere. The longer she stayed at the cabin, the more Hunter battled to keep her at arm’s length. How could a man resist temptation when it was front and center every day?

She was addictive.

Soft firelight shimmered on her hair. She’d curled up after they made love and fell asleep. She made him feel like a whole man again, something he’d nearly forgotten. She deserved more than he could give her. Hell, he didn’t even know where his life was headed. So how could he commit to anything beyond what was for dinner tonight? But the real problem was not being able to get over the fact he’d nearly choked her in his sleep.

His fucking nightmares were a permanent fixture in his life. It frightened him too much to risk hurting her. Dani helped him forget. She’d brought light into his world. Her damned spirit had infected him. And her perfect body . . .

Watching her fall asleep was one of the sweetest things he’d ever experienced. The sound of her steady breathing reminded him of everything good in life. Everything safe and normal. His chest swelled with emotions he was afraid to acknowledge. Reaching for her shoulder, he caressed her silky skin. As if it were the most natural thing to do, she snuggled against him.

He drew the blanket over her exposed shoulder and stared at her beautiful face. He couldn’t resist touching her. One finger traced her cheek, then played with her ear lobe. Soft and lovely in all the right spots.

Little kitten sounds escaped her throat, making him hard again. He kissed her temple, her cheek, and then brushed her lips with his. When he leaned back, she smiled up at him.

“What is it about you?” he whispered. “All I can think about is making love.”

He slid his thigh between her legs, nudging them apart. It seemed useless to fight this newly discovered addiction.

So he decided to give in.


I’m in serious trouble.

Hunter shoved the tractor in gear and trekked out of the garage. Hoping to clear his mind, he figured the bitter cold would do the job. Now that he’d tasted her, he knew he wouldn’t be content with only a . . . taste. He’d never found someone who stayed on his mind night and day. If he had to choose between work and Dani—shit—he’d go back to bed.

The snowdrifts were less than five feet tall along the single lane road that led to his cabin. He threw the lever for the bucket and dumped snow to the side and repeated the process over and over again. Clearing a path seemed the best thing to do, Dani needed to go home, and he wanted to move on with his life.

He shivered in the frosty air, wishing he was inside with a hot cup of coffee sitting in front of the fire with Dani.
. His dick stood at attention. Even in frigid temperatures the girl boiled his blood. That thought deserved a smile. Dani-Dani. What was he going to do with her?

There were moments when he thought she was made for him. He found himself in a serious dilemma that required lots of thinking. For the second time in his life, he wasn’t sure what his next step should be.

The first had been when he received news of his uncle’s death. With PTSD as part of his everyday life, he had to learn to cope with depression and flashbacks. It took months before he’d found the courage to head for Denny’s home.
home if he wanted it to be.

The hum of the tractor’s engine snapped him back to the present. How long he’d sat there with the machine idling, he had no idea. He killed the engine and took a deep breath. Crisp air filled his lungs. He loved the tall pine trees and open sky.

Denny never wanted to leave this place, and now Hunter could see why. He loved it, too.

Guess he knew what his next step would be.

He stared at the sky. “Thank you, Uncle Denny. I promise I’ll take care of the place.”

Hunter cranked up the engine and headed back to the cabin.


After eight days alone with Hunter, Dani had to face her feelings. She was losing her heart. She tried blaming it on the isolation, but this thing between them flared hot and exhausting. What they shared was more than mere physical attraction. New York was full of men. She’d dated enough assholes to know when she’d found a keeper. When Hunter took her in his arms, she lost herself completely.

She jerked a paper towel from the holder on the wall, wet it, and then wiped crumbs off the countertop. Lost in thought, she didn’t notice Hunter until she felt his hot breath on the back of her neck. She shivered, excited he came to her. He picked up a strand of her hair and rolled it between his fingers. When his hands descended to her hips she leaned back into his chest. His arms slid around her middle and gathered her in his embrace. This is where she belonged, in his arms and in this cabin.

He nuzzled the sensitive skin behind her ear as one hand slid up her ribcage. Needing his lips on hers, she lifted her face and turned in his arms. At first he kissed her tenderly, but passion flared between them like lightning. She moaned at all the pleasurable sensations flooding her body. Hunter sucked a breath in between his teeth, his eyes sharply focused on her face.

“You like when I kiss you, Dani?” his voice barely above a horse whisper.

“I-I love it.”

She let out a gasp as strong arms lifted her onto the counter. His mouth covered hers again, demanding all her attention. His lips hot and arousing, he kissed her with desperation, robbing her of breath. Then, kisses weren’t enough.

He slipped his hands under her shirt and pulled it over her head. He quickly flicked the catch on her bra and pulled the straps over her shoulders. Her nipples puckered at the cool air, yet his hot gaze boiled her blood. Each touch of his fingertips was like a lick of fire across her breasts.

“I want you,” he growled in her ear.

A flush of heat rushed from her temples to her toes. God, she wanted this man beyond words.

His mouth slid from her neck to capture a breast, his tongue circling the tip. He seemed to enjoy making love to her breast. She fisted her hands in his hair, tugging while he taunted her with teeth and tongue. Lost in sensation, she gave herself to him. He suckled her while he slid his hands over the curves of her waist and belly.

“Hunter,” she murmured.

He raised his arms behind his head and grasped the back of his shirt. In one swoop, he jerked it off. A dark dusting of curls scattered across his chest and narrowed down to the waistband of his jeans. She ran her trembling fingers through the winding hair and marveled at its softness. Trailing the tuffs tapering down to his low slung jeans, she swallowed. He was near to bursting. She tore at the button, his iron hot bulge making the zipper difficult. And he didn’t make it any easier by pressing into her hand. The buzz of the zipper echoed in the room, and his throbbing erection sprang free.

Awed, she slid her hand down his length. His hiss of breath landed hot on her neck.

“You’re going to be the death of me.”

“You feel like silk and satin, pulsing over steel.” She grasped him, her fingers curled and squeezed. His reaction thrilled her, knowing she could make him tremble. She slid her hand in a long stroke, then tugged.

“Babe,” he groaned. Leaning back, he jerked the band of her sweats, easily wrenching them off. Staring at her like a starving animal, he slowly lay her down on the granite surface.

“You have a body made for loving.” His gaze slid over her, thoroughly, inspecting every inch. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve wanted to bend you over this counter? How many times I’ve thought of having you just like this?”

She couldn’t think for the desire battering through her body. Powerful longing ripped through every nerve she had.

He caressed her knees, his fingers skimming up the insides of her thighs. His gaze locked with hers, as his head dipped closer to her aching need, drawing out the moment, drawing out her torment. He licked his lips and she silently begged him to hurry, to touch her there. He bent closer. And closer.

Then he kissed her. Just where she wanted.

He drove her to the edge of control, only to back off at the last second, then he feasted as though he couldn’t get enough. Her blood raced like wild fire making her body tense like a taut bow, until torrents of shudders zipped through her veins, and fireworks exploded behind her closed lids.

Soft kisses landed on her naked belly, so achingly tender she wanted to weep.

“You taste sweet.”

“I thought you didn’t do sweet,” she gasped.

“Come here.” He helped her sit up, need burning in his eyes. “I do hard and slow,” he said as he scooted her closer. “Would you like hard and fast?”

Good Lord, yes!

Chapter Nineteen

Two days later, someone pounded on the front door.

Dani jerked a dry sweatshirt over her head and rushed to the hall outside of her bedroom.

“I hear them.” Hunter jogged down the stairs. “The road must be open.”

She walked down the stairs to the living room, disappointed her time alone with Hunter was going to end. She’d gotten used to his company, his grumpy face, his killer smiles, his perfect body, sleeping together . . .

“Hi Dani.”

She found Pete standing in the entryway.

“Hey, Pete. How about a cup of coffee?” She tried to sound happy to see him. His presence meant the roads were definitely open.

“I’d love some.” He pulled off his gloves and stomped the snow off his boots. “Cold out there.”

“Here.” Hunter took his gloves. “Take your coat off and sit down. I’ll hang these by the fire.”

“Much obliged.”

“Did the highway department send you up here?” Dani called from the kitchen.

“Afraid so. Made it easy for me to check on you, Dani.”

She stood at the counter staring at Pete, and then Hunter. Hunter didn’t look happy at the intrusion.

“Why do you need to check on Dani?” Hunter asked. “She’s safe. She’s been communicating with her aunt through Henry.”

“Yep,” Pete replied. “But Fay asked me to check on her anyway.” His glance returned to Dani. “Which I’m happy to do.”

Hunter’s body language told her a lot. He almost acted jealous? She turned her attention back to Pete.

“Thanks Pete.”

The coffee maker beeped and she grabbed three mugs from the cabinet, filled them, and took a deep breath.

Before she had a chance to join the men, Hunter walked into the kitchen and took one of the cups.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Just fine,” Hunter said, then walked back to the living room.

“Are you alone?” Hunter asked Pete as he handed him the mug.

“Thanks.” Pete cradled the cup warming his hands. “Nope. Three more trucks out there. The mountain road is clear.” Pete took a sip of his coffee and sighed. “Perfect. I ran out an hour ago, mind if I fill my thermos?”

“Bring it in, I’ll take care of it,” Dani said as she walked to the fireplace.

Pete nodded. “Thanks. By the way, I found your Jeep.”

“You did?”

“I towed it here. Didn’t see any damage.”

“Thanks.” She should feel relieved, but didn’t. There was no reason for her to stay at the cabin now. “When it slid off the road, I saw stars from the impact.”

“Are you sure you’re all right? It looked like you took a pretty good spin by the way it was wedged in the ditch.”

“I’m fine. Hunter took care of me.” When she glanced up, the God-awful scowl was back on Hunter’s face.

“That’s good.” Pete looked at Hunter. “Owe you my thanks, too. We don’t want anything happening to Fay’s niece.”

Hunter nodded, but didn’t say anything.

Pete took a last gulp of java, then placed the cup on the end table. “Well, there’s a lot of work left to do. Do you want to drive the Jeep, Dani, or should I tow it back? I can give you a ride home.”

“I’ll take her,” Hunter growled. The Grinch was back.

“Thanks Pete,” she said “That’s not necessary. I’ll drive.”


All dreams ended, that’s what Dani kept telling herself as she gathered her things from the upstairs bedroom. It was time to get on with her life, and let Hunter get on with his, and not be the clinging vine he told her up front he didn’t want.

No promises. No guarantees.

As she looked around the room that had been hers for the last ten days, she felt a sense of loss. She checked to make sure the bathroom was clean, and then quietly walked downstairs.

She didn’t want to leave. What she really wanted was for Hunter to take her in his arms and beg her to stay. Tears threatened to spill, but she refused to show weakness in front of him.

He was standing by the fireplace, one arm braced on the mantle.

This was it. She should make their goodbye a happy one, even if her heart was breaking.

Chin up, Dani
. She squared her shoulders.

“Do we have to go back to reality?” Although she meant it as a joke, she could feel her lips quivering. His head jerked up. His eyes were hard, but she couldn’t read their expression. “I’ve gotten to like it here.”

“Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Don’t you want to be with your aunt?” His voice gave no indication of how he might be feeling.

“I can hardly believe the time has passed so quickly.” She grabbed her jacket off the peg by the front door and put it on. “I guess it’s time to leave.”

When she turned toward the door, he blocked her path. Their gazes met for a second. She hoped he would beg her to stay. But in Hunter fashion, he just grabbed his coat off the wall. She took a deep breath watching his muscles flex as he shoved his arms into the sleeves. The same arms that had held her a few hours ago.

“I won’t ever forget being here with you,” she said.

“Don’t look as though you’ll never be here again.”

Will I?

She smiled for his benefit—a smile she was far from feeling. She took one last look about the room, then stepped onto the front porch. She waited for him to lock the door.

“Jeep’s okay. I checked everything over. I’ll follow you down the mountain,” Hunter said.

“I’ll be fine.”

“I said I’m coming.” He took her elbow.

She wanted to stomp her foot. “It’s not the first time I’ve driven—”

“Don’t argue with me, Dani.” He tightened his hold on her arm. “I want to make sure you get home safely.”

She couldn’t help lifting her hand, her fingers rubbing the frown on his forehead. “Thought we got rid of that.”

“I don’t like the idea of you driving down this mountain. The road may be cleared, but there’s bound to be icy patches.”

“I’m a big girl” He looked like he didn’t agree.

“Are you ready then?”

As ready as I’ll ever be.

She was conscious of every step as he escorted her to the Jeep. She fished the key out of her pocket and fiddled with the ring. “Well, I guess I’m off. She gave Hunter a quick kiss on the cheek, quickly jerked the handle, and jumped inside, slamming the door. She cranked the engine, hoping and praying the tears would not fall before she reached the end of the lane.

Hunter yanked the Jeep door open. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Before she could react, he hauled her out, slammed her against his chest, then swooped down kissing her senseless. She was still reeling when he set her back on her feet.

“Now that’s a proper goodbye kiss.”

For one wild moment, she’d thought maybe he’d changed his mind about her staying.

A goodbye kiss.

“Right,” she muttered.

She’d saved her hero Grinch. She’d shared a passion beyond belief. Life was good. “See you around.” She hoped in her vehicle and put it in gear. Hunter climbed into his truck.

No matter how much she wished otherwise, Hunter was letting her go.

BOOK: A Hero Grinch for Christmas
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