Read A Gangsta Twist Saga Online

Authors: Clifford “Spud” Johnson

A Gangsta Twist Saga (10 page)

BOOK: A Gangsta Twist Saga
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Inside of Taz's house, the crew was waiting for Taz to let them know where they were going to now. Taz was sitting down in his den, tapping on the keys of his laptop. After about five minutes of this, he closed the laptop and said, “A'ight, it's like this. We're on our way to Chi-Town, boys. Keno and I are bouncing up outta Tulsa in two hours. Bo-Pete, you and Wild Bill are bouncin' up outta DFW, and Red, you and Bob gets to bounce up outta the City. The mission is set to go down tomorrow night, so we'll be spending at least a day out there. We're staying at the Courtyard Marriott in downtown Chicago. Our Barneys are intact so your rooms will be reserved. I'll hit y'all when we get in, and then we'll find out everything else. Any questions?”

“Yeah. What's the figures on this one?” asked Wild Bill.

“Oh, I forgot. Hold up,” Taz said as he reopened the laptop and quickly tapped it's keys. After a few minutes of this, he smiled and passed the laptop to Wild Bill. Wild Bill smiled as he passed the laptop to Red. After the laptop had been passed to every member of the crew, Taz said, “Let's go earn our chips!”

Chapter Twelve

Later on that evening, Sacha was on the telephone with Gwen, explaining to her what she had seen earlier at Taz's home. “Girl, I'm telling you, that man has a fucking mansion! And the cars! Ho, he gots a damn Bentley!”

“Bitch, you lying!” yelled Gwen.

“I swear! What's the name of those loud-ass old type motorcycles them white boys be riding?”

“What, a Harley?”

“Yeah, ho, he even has one of those in his four-car garage.”

“Four-car garage! Damn, he's got it like that, huh?”

“Yep. Oh, and did I mention the brand-new 600 Benz?”

“Stop it, bitch! You gone too damn far with that.”

“I ain't lying. I'm telling you, Gwen, Taz is living large! My only question now is, how in the hell did he get it like that?”

“Didn't he tell you he owned a few restaurants and stuff?”

“Yeah, but ain't no way in hell can a nigga get money like he has with a few IHOPs and some rental houses.”

“Why not? Shit, he might own way more than you think. Bitch, stop tripping out. I ain't never seen a woman who's mad 'cause she done found out the man she's in love with is rich. You are one silly bitch,” said Gwen as she started laughing.

“Ho, I'm serious! You know I can't get caught up with no nigga who's into some illegal shit. I'd get disbarred. Ain't no man worth me losing my career over. I've worked too damn hard to let some shit like that happen to me.”

“I hear you, Sacha, but didn't he tell you that he wasn't into anything illegal?”

“Yeah, but—”

“And you believed him, right?”

“Yeah, but—”

“But my ass, bitch! You're loving that man, so once he gets back, you ask him again just to satisfy your curiosity. Also, stress the fact that you can't risk being involved with someone who is into any illegal shit. If his answers are still the same after that, then you will have two choices to make. One, you believe him and move on with what y'all are trying to build, or two, you stop it right there and tell him that you just can't take the chance on him. It's as simple as that, Sacha,” Gwen said seriously.

Before Sacha could speak, there was a click on her phone letting her know that there was another call coming in. “Hold on for a minute, ho,” she said, and she clicked over to the next line. “Hello?”

“What up, Li'l Mama? You miss me yet?” asked Taz.

“Hey, Taz. Where are you?”

“Not too far. But check this out. I'll be back Friday evening. Do you want to get into anything particular, or do you wanna just chill at my spot?”

Sighing, she said, “Taz, we need to talk first.”

“Hold up, Li'l Mama. I know you're out there thinking all types of shit, but I want you to think back to that time when we were at my IHOP. Remember what I told you what was a must for me, baby? Do you?” he urged.

Sacha thought back to that night for a minute and said, “Yes, I do, Taz.”

“What was it?”

She smiled and said, “You said that it was a must that I believe you as well as in you.”

“And do you?”

“Yes, but—”

“No buts, Li'l Mama. Do you or don't you believe me?”

“I do, Taz. I really do.”

“Then don't trip off of any of the li'l shit. And believe me, all that you've seen so far is just that li'l shit. I told you from the beginning that I'm set financially for the rest of my life, so there's no reason for you to be letting your mind get you to trippin' out, thinking I'm
and shit.” He laughed, and then continued, “That's what you're doing, aren't you?”

Laughing herself, Sacha said, “I couldn't help it, baby. You know I can't risk ruining my career being involved with someone who's into some shady shit.”

“I understand that, Li'l Mama, and you should know that I would never, and I mean
, put you or your career at risk. But look, I gots to bounce. I'll try to call you back later, after I finish handling my business.”

“Taz, where are you?”

Laughing, he said, “Taking care of my business, Li'l Mama. I'll talk to you later. Now, tell me you love me before I bounce.”

Smiling and blushing as if he was in the same room with her, she said, “I love you, baby.”

“Good. I love you, too, Li'l Mama,” he said and hung up the phone.

Sacha clicked back to Gwen and said, “Ho that was Taz.”

“I figured that shit 'cause you was taking too damn long. The only reason I waited was because I wanted to know what he told your ass.”

“He just reminded me of something he told me when we first met.”

“And what was that, bitch?”

Smiling, she said, “That I should always believe in him, because he would never put me at risk.”

“Do you?”

“Yeah, ho, I do. I love him, and my heart is telling me that he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize me or my career.”

“Look at it this way. If he does, at least he has enough money to take care of your ass!” They both started laughing.



Clifford arrived at the office early in hopes of catching Sacha when she first came to work. He just couldn't get her out of his system. He wanted to be with her so badly that it actually hurt.
I have to convince her to give me another shot,
he thought to himself as he went into his office.

Sacha arrived at work in a really good mood. All was well, and she was in love! When she saw Clifford talking to one of the partners in front of her office, she almost stopped and went in the other direction.
I'm really starting to get tired of this nigga,
she thought as she held her head high and strolled confidently toward them.

“Good morning, gentlemen,” she said once she was in front of Clifford and Mr. Whitney.

“Good morning, Sacha,” they replied in unison.

“And a good morning it is, Sacha. I was just telling Clifford here that we're going to announce you becoming a partner at our annual Christmas party next week,” Mr. Whitney said with a smile on his face.

Sacha beamed and said, “Really?”

“Yes, really. You will officially be a partner on the second day of the New Year. So, why not announce it at our party at the Westin's ballroom? So, you know the rules. Dress to impress, 'cause we're all going to have a real good time.”

“Thank you, Mr. Whitney! Thank you so much!” she said sincerely.

“You've earned it, Sacha. You're one of the best attorneys in this entire firm.”

“Congratulations, Sacha. This couldn't be happening to a sweeter person,” Clifford said with a smile on his face.

“Thanks,” she said flatly. “Well, if you two will excuse me, I have a court date in twenty minutes, and I have a few calls to make before I leave.”

“Sure. Go get 'em, tiger!” Mr. Whitney said as he left her alone with Clifford.

Sacha went inside of her office, followed by Clifford. She went and sat behind her desk and quickly grabbed the phone. Even though she didn't have any calls to make, she dialed the number to her home, hoping that he would get the hint and leave her be, but her hopes were in vain. Clifford sat down in one of the leather chairs on the opposite side of her desk and waited patiently for her to finish. After letting her phone go to her voicemail, she finally hung up and asked, “Is there something that I can do for you, Cliff?”

Smiling, he said, “As a matter of fact, there is, Sacha. Could you please let me take you out Friday to celebrate your partnership?”

Sighing heavily, she said, “Cliff, look. We've been here before. Why do you insist on making this more difficult that it already is? I told you that I'm involved with someone, and it's serious. Can't you respect that and let it be?”

“To be completely honest with you, Sacha, no, I can't. I know that we were on our way to building something special, and I just can't get you or that night out of my mind. I really care about you. Can't you see that?”

“Yes, I do, Cliff. But you have to understand that what is done is done. Neither of us can go back and change what happened that night.”

“I understand that, but can we at least try to move past that? Let me take you out to dinner Friday evening, Sacha. Come on, it's just a meal between colleagues.”

Shaking her head no, she said, “I have plans for Friday, Cliff. As a matter of fact, I'm going to the same club that started all of this.”

“You mean to tell me that you've become a regular at that ghetto-ass establishment? Come on, Sacha, that's really not your style.”

“Humph! It may not be
style, but my man and I seem to enjoy ourselves whenever we're there.”

“Your man?”

“Excuse me, Cliff, but I'm running late. I have to be in court in a few minutes.” She grabbed her briefcase and left her office with Clifford standing in her doorway, mad as hell.
Let that one simmer for a minute, fool!
she thought as she left the office building on her way toward the courthouse.



Mission complete,
thought Taz as he sat back in Keno's Range Rover for the ride back to the City. As usual, their job was smooth and easy. Won had done it again.
Now that the crew is four hundred thousand dollars richer, it is once again time to go clubbin',
he thought as he grabbed his cell and called Sacha. He frowned as he heard her voicemail pick up, and he left a quick message: “I'm back, baby. Give me a holla when you get this message. I'm trying to be with you tonight. I miss you. Bye!”

Keno smiled and said, “Damn, my nigga! You're in love for real, huh?”

“Looks that way, dog. She's the real thing, homey, and I'm not letting her get away from me.”

“I feel you, gee. Do your thang, boy!” They both laughed as Keno drove them back to Oklahoma City.



By the time Sacha made it home, she was dead tired. For the last two days, she had been in and out of court, and back and forth from the courthouse to the county jail. Her client, Tony Surefield was starting to get on her nerves with his snitching-ass.

She slid off her shoes and went into her bedroom. After getting comfortable on her bed, she grabbed the phone and gave Gwen a call. “What's up, ho? I hope you haven't changed your mind about going to the club tonight,” she asked as soon as Gwen answered the phone.

“That depends, bitch.”

“On what?”

“On whether or not your man and his homies are back from their business trip. I'm trying to get me one of those rich-ass niggas for myself. Ain't no need in you having all of the damn fun, bitch!”

They both started laughing. Sacha said, “Ho, you're crazy for real. I haven't heard from Taz since last night. But he did tell me that he'd be back sometime this evening and that he would meet us at the club. So, I guess it's on.”

“That's what I'm talking about! Bitch, I'm going all out tonight. Wait until you see what I'm wearing.”

Laughing, Sacha said, “Oh, my God! I know you're about to be on some hoochie shit for real.”

“Nah, bitch, it's all about classy and fine tonight. Wait, you'll see.”

“Whatever! All right, girl, I'll be over to pick your ass up around ten. Cool?”

“Cool,” said Gwen, and she hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone with Gwen, Sacha got up and went to her closet. “I might as well get sexy for my baby,” she said aloud as she began to pick out what she was going to wear to the club.



The rest of the crew made it to Taz's house a little after nine p.m. They went inside and completed their ritual of checking their accounts. After seeing that everything was in order, they waited for Won's phone call. And as usual, he was right on time.

“What's up, Babyboy?” asked Won when Taz answered his cell phone.

“The same ol' same, O.G.”

“Y'all checked them accounts yet?”

“Yeah, everything is everything.”

“Good. Nothing's going to go down for the rest of the year, so you know how it goes. Enjoy, be merry, and most of all, be good! Out!”

Taz laughed as he told the crew what Won had said. “Now, I guess we can bounce on to the club so y'all clowns can do y'all's thang. I doubt if I stay too long, though. Sacha's going to bring my truck, so I'll be bouncin' up outta there with her.”

“Damn, you sprung-ass nigga! You can't even kick it with your boys for a li'l while?” asked Bo-Pete.

“Nigga, I'll chill for a minute, but I'm trying to get my freak on with my broad. I ain't tryin' to be all up in the bunk-ass club, lookin' at you niggas all night.”

“Whatever, dog! Come on, let's bounce. There's hoes to catch and liquor to drink,” Keno said as he stood up.

“I'm with you, my nigga,” said Bob as he, too, got to his feet.

When they arrived at the club, Taz smiled when he saw his truck parked in his usual parking space.
It's good to see that the security at the club let Sacha park my shit where it normally sits,
he thought as he got out of Keno's Range Rover.

Bob parked his Escalade next to Bo-Pete's Navigator and climbed out of his truck. “Dog, I'm telling you, tonight I'm patching the baddest bitch in da club. I'm trying to go get my freak on somethin' awful,” Bob said as he walked toward the entrance of Club Cancun.

“Whatever, clown! I'm tellin' yo' ass, I ain't with that carryin' you shit tonight, fool.”

“The only person who's going to be carrying Bob tonight, is a bitch, nigga!”



Inside of the club, Katrina and Paquita were both busy hating on Gwen and Sacha. “I can't believe that bitch gots the nerve to be all up in here like she's the shit!” said Paquita.

BOOK: A Gangsta Twist Saga
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