A Four-Gone Conclusion: Lone Star Lovers, Book 5 (12 page)

BOOK: A Four-Gone Conclusion: Lone Star Lovers, Book 5
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Her eyes followed the motion of his fingers.

“Up here, babe,” he teased, mimicking her words.

She laughed. “You’re really Carter’s cousin?”

“Yep, I’m Re—”

She cut him off quickly with a wave of her hand. “No. You tell me your name and we stop being strangers.”

She had a point. And a set of knockers that had him feeling lightheaded.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to go for broke. “Where do you wanna do this?”

“Follow me.”

She rose from her barstool. Reaching down, she picked up her briefcase. “Hey, Joe. Do you mind stowing this behind the bar for me for a few minutes?”

Joe shook his head. “No prob.”

She threw her small purse over her head and shoulder, the long strap crossing between her breasts, accentuating the perfection of her figure. She took one of his hands in hers and led him toward the back hallway. Passing by the restrooms, she stepped through the outside door the led to the dark alleyway. While it was empty at the moment, they both knew anyone could walk their way in a moment’s notice.

Strangely, he liked that idea. He’d never considered himself an exhibitionist. Hell, he’d never taken a woman’s hand and let her lead him anywhere, yet he was following Francesca like a dog on a leash. The feeling, though uncomfortable, wasn’t unbearable. While she might have initiated the starting gate, he had no doubt he’d be driving by the time they crossed the finished line.

“Here,” she said, thrusting something into his hand. “Put this on.”

He looked down. She’d handed him a condom. He was equal parts horny and annoyed. Time for the tide to change.

Stepping closer, he turned her as he walked, pushing her against the wall. “You put it on me,” he demanded.

For the briefest moment he thought she was going to protest, but then she reached down and started tackling the button and zipper on his jeans.

He reached up, pushed her jacket and purse off her shoulders, and cupped her breasts. They were full and firm. Perfect. Tweaking her nipples through the thin material of her silk blouse and her bra, he enjoyed the image of her eyes drifting closed, the acceleration of her breath and the slight flush covering her cheeks.

“My pants,” he prodded, reminding her of her task.

She opened her eyes and gave him a smirk he immediately distrusted. “Say please.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Take my cock out and put the condom on it, Francesca. Now.”

Her hands stilled. “Beg me,” she taunted.

He moved his hands from her breasts to the wall at her back, caging her in, letting her feel his height, his size. It was a power play, pure and simple. She needed to understand that while he let her instigate the game, he was taking over. “Pull up your skirt.”

She shook her head. “One little word. That’s all you have to say. Say it. Say please.”

He gritted his teeth. He’d never been denied, never bedded a woman who didn’t play by his rules. “I’m not going to say it. Now, lift your skirt.”


Reed took a deep breath, tried to calm is ragged nerves. “Have you changed your mind?”

“No. Have you?”

Reed rested his forehead against hers and tried to catch his bearings. She was screwing with his head, messing with his needs. Fuck it.

She reached up and let one button loose on her blouse, baring more of her gorgeous cleavage.

No, he decided, fuck her.

He reached down to the hem of her skirt and thrust it up, bunching the material at her waist. Yanking hard, he pulled her panties down as she resumed releasing him from his pants. Their actions were frantic, hungry and several times their hands bumped into each other in their rush to resume the fantasy.

“I’m going to fuck you hard,” he warned. She’d pushed him too far. He’d been a loose electrical wire all night and she’d triggered the spark.

“Do it,” she demanded. Her hand grasped his hard cock and he sucked in a pained breath. He’d never been this erect, this ready. Jesus. He’d never make it to her cunt if she kept touching him like that.

Pulling her hand away, he took the condom from her and covered himself in one smooth, practiced move. Lifting her hips, he positioned himself at the opening of her body. Pausing, he realized he was about to take her, take this virtual stranger against the back wall of the bar. They were out in the open, in clear view should anyone venture their way. The idea was heady, the moment one of the most exciting of his life.

“What are you waiting for?” she prodded. “An engraved invitation?”


God, she was fantastic. Fascinating. Fucked.

A Four-Gone Conclusion




Delilah Devlin





One devilish night…or a chance at heaven?


Lone Star Lovers, Book 5

Sam Logan’s foster sons have a bad rep in Two Mule, Texas. Most of it earned. When it becomes clear they don’t plan on giving up scootin’ after every pretty pair of boots in town anytime soon, he issues the one thing he knows they can’t resist: a challenge.
Find a wife.

The oldest, Johnny, is actually grateful. He’s had his eye on Mean Ellie Harker for a long time, and Sam’s challenge is the kick in the pants he needed to ask her out. Except before he can make his move, his brothers kidnap her right out from under his nose. Now, instead of being one question away from victory, he has to compete for the woman of his dreams.

Ellie thought she’d be a dried up old spinster before Johnny finally untangled his tongue long enough to ask for a date. But instead of teaching him better uses for that tongue, his brothers have whisked her away to the ranch. At first she’s furious…then intrigued when she starts to wonder what it might be like to have not just one sexy cowboy dedicated to her pleasure, but four…


Warning: Four handsome cowboys. Four choices. Will it be a single sordid night or a chance at heaven as she savors every luscious inch of the Logan brothers?

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They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249


A Four-Gone Conclusion

Copyright © 2011 by Delilah Devlin

ISBN: 978-1-60928-693-4

Edited by Lindsey Faber

Cover by Scott Carpenter


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: September 2011


BOOK: A Four-Gone Conclusion: Lone Star Lovers, Book 5
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