6 Sizzling XXX Stories - BDSM Male Dominance Female Submission Erotica (3 page)

BOOK: 6 Sizzling XXX Stories - BDSM Male Dominance Female Submission Erotica
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Seated as I was between your legs, I could feel your cock beginning to show serious signs of interest.

She gave us both a saucy wink and a smile as she passed by.

We both admired her tanned figure before she passed out of view behind a group of rocks.

We had been having a fine time at the nude beach by ourselves, but this was plainly an invitation to fun that was irresistible.


"Grab the camera," I said.

You grabbed it and we both followed her trail of footprints in the sand, past the rocks, to a small alcove hidden from the rest of the beach.

We came upon her sitting in the sand, just above the tideline.

She shaded her eyes, and smiled at us.

I kissed you passionately and said, "Time to see if those photography classes were worth it."

She had dug her toes into the wet sand, and I sat down next to her to do the same.

I moved my sandy toes next to hers, and she giggled as a heated bout of footsies ensued.

Then her hand moved over mine.

We moved to kiss each other at the same time.

I heard the shutter begin to click as our lips touched - so soft.

Our hands came up to brush each other's faces, as our kiss deepened.

Through the camera lens you watched as our hands moved to caress each other's bodies - fingers pinching nipples, hands cupping breasts.

You zoomed in for a close-up of our hard nipples brushing together.

Breaking the kiss, she stood up to peel off her bikini bottoms.

As soon as they came off, I dove right in.

You could see my tongue glide between her inner lips, up and down, lapping the wetness from her beautiful pussy.

She moaned as I began to suck on her clit.

Her pussy was flooded with moisture.

I pursed my lips and rubbed my entire mouth over her pussy.

You captured the shining wetness of her sex coating my face.

She pulled me to my feet.

Then she knelt down between my legs, and I felt her hot tongue dart between my soaked inner lips.

Her tongue teased my clit, circling and stroking it until at last, she took it into her mouth and began to suck


Now it was my turn to moan. My legs began to shake, so I lowered myself to the sand, and we feverishly embraced, our bodies writhing in passion.

Her fingers found my clit, and the wetness between my inner lips.

My fingers quickly found her clit as well.

Moaning into each other's mouths, we fingered each other's dripping pussies.

Our bodies tensed as we climaxed in each other's arms. Still embracing, we kissed as I heard the camera stop clicking.


As you and I walked back up the beach, hand in hand, we turned back to wave at her one last time.

"Did you enjoy the show?" I asked.

Your smile, and your raging erection were all the answer I needed.

We found our own secluded alcove, and made love until the sun began to set.

Neighborly Favors


It was a Saturday in July and Eric's parents and his sister had just left that morning. It was early afternoon and Eric was supposed to cut the lawn. He figured he might as well get it done now and then he wouldn't have to worry about it for two weeks. Eric lived in a neighborhood where nobody let their lawn go and Eric had the chore of doing it ever since he was ten at his house. His Dad used to do it, but after he bought a power mower and an edger, Eric was given the job in order to earn his allowance.


Three months earlier, a blonde haired woman of thirty-two moved in next door to Eric's house with two children. One was a boy aged six and the other was a girl aged five. The woman's name was Karen and she was a beauty. She was divorced and her ex-husband lived and worked in a town about two hundred miles south. Once a month he would drive up and take the kids with him back south for the weekend. Eric knew that this one of those weekends because he saw the ex-husband pick them up the day before in the afternoon.


Shortly after she moved in, she asked Eric if he would cut her lawn too and Eric agreed.

He would do his lawn first and then cut and edge her lawn and she would always come out give him fifteen dollars for doing it.

She was very friendly and Eric liked being around her even if he was intimidated by her beauty.

He finished mowing his lawn and was starting her lawn when she pulled up into the driveway.

"Hi, Eric," she said as she got out of the car and waved. Eric did sort of a half wave back and went back to his mowing.

"Eric?" she said loudly.


He cut the mower and looked up. "Yes, Mrs. Johnson?"


"Could you give me a hand? I bought a computer to use at home today and the boxes are kind of heavy."

She smiled and Eric melted. "God! She was beautiful," he thought as he walked towards the car.

He pulled the first box out of the back seat and hoisted it up into his arms.

"Do you want me to help you?" she asked.

He grunted slightly at the bulk of the monitor box and replied, "No, but you can hold the door."


He followed her to the front door and into the house and she said, "Just put it down here," as she pointed by a space in the dining room.

He went out and retrieved two other boxes and deposited them and turned to head outside to take care of finishing the lawn. He was sweating and felt embarrassed.

"You're a sweetheart, Eric."

He turned and replied, "No problem, Mrs. Robinson."


"Eric, you can call me Karen. There's no need to be so formal. We're neighbors."

She smiled and Eric thought he was going to die.

He gathered his wits and smiled and then said, "Okay, Karen. No problem."


Eric went back outside and finished cutting both Karen's front and back yard and then back and got the edger out.

After edging his the lawn on his house, he edged Mrs. Johnson's lawn and kept looking up to see if he could see a glimpse of her through the window. When he was done, he went back to his house and swept off the sidewalks, patio, and driveway and then did the same at her house.

He was finishing up when she came out in the backyard

She was holding a pitcher of lemonade and two glasses. "Eric? Are you done?"

She put the pitcher and the two glasses down on a patio table and stood there smiling as he swept the last of the grass clippings back onto the lawn.


"You do such a good job, you know that?" She walked up to him and took his hand.

Eric froze as she put a twenty dollar bill in his palm.

He took it and put it in his pocket and shyly said, "Thank you, Mrs. Johnson."


"Karen," she said as she took his hand again and led him to the table.

"I thought you'd like to have something to drink. Sit down and rest for a second."


He followed her and sat down at the table. She poured a glass of the cold lemonade and handed it to him and he took it, all the while watching her.

She poured a glass for herself and then sipped it slowly as Eric drank his.


She smiled. "How come you're so shy, Eric?"

Eric blushed and looked away. Karen reached over and touched his hand.

"Do I scare you?"

Eric summoned up his courage and said, "Mrs. Johnson . . . I mean Karen, you're a very beautiful woman and yes, I am shy."

He blushed again and looked down.

"Eric!" she said sharply while smiling. I'm just a person like you. I just want to be friends. I'm not going to bite you."

Eric smiled back, he was beginning to feel comfortable with her.

"Eric, I saw your parents and sister leave this morning with suitcases, did they go out of town?"

"Yeah, they're going to San Diego for a week to visit my Uncle and Aunt."

"How come you didn't go with them?" she asked.

"I didn't go because I've got a job interview with Food Market next Wednesday and I really didn't want to go."

Karen grinned. "That's great. What kind of job?"

"A bagger," Eric replied. "After awhile, I hope to get to be a checker."

Karen smiled. "Well, I hope you get it. Are you going to college this year?"

"I thought I'd take a few months off and earn some money for college and then go in the Spring. I've been going to school since I was five and I need a break!"

Karen laughed. "I can understand that. As long as you go next Spring, that sounds okay. What are you going to study?"

Eric sipped his lemonade and said, "I thought I might study computers, programming and stuff like that."

Karen looked impressed. "Do you have a computer? Do you know some of that stuff now ?"

"Oh, yeah," Eric replied. "I've had a computer for about four years and picked up a lot of stuff on my own."

There was a silence for a few seconds as Karen and Eric drank their drinks and then Karen smiled and shyly asked, "Eric, would you like to have dinner with me tonight? It's nothing special. I thought I'd barbecue some steaks and we could have baked potatoes and salad. That is unless you're going out. . "

Eric desperately wanted to say yes and he bit his lower lip while he thought of a reply. He was feeling very comfortable with Karen now and replied, "No I'm not going anywhere tonight and yes, I'd like that, but I've got to warn you about the neighbors."

Karen looked curious. "What about the neighbors?" she asked.

"Most of them are fine," Eric replied. "But there are two gossips in the neighborhood and if they see me coming over, they'll start talking. It doesn't bother me, but you'll get a reputation and they'll start talking about us."

Karen smiled. "You mean the teenage boy and the divorced woman rumor?"

Eric laughed and Karen joined him. "Yeah, that's the one."

"You must be talking about Mrs. Black across the street and Mrs. Dorsey over here on the other side of the Millers," she said.

Eric nodded. "Those are the two. How did you know?"

"I've talked to both of them. They're two old, bored housewives with nothing better to do."

Eric frowned and nodded in agreement. "Those are the two. They're very good at starting rumors that aren't true. In fact, the ironic thing about it is Mrs. Dorsey's husband is cheating on her and she doesn't even know it!"

Karen's eyes grew wide in surprise. "Really, how do you know that?"

"You know the airport down on Freeport?" he asked.


"Across the street is a motel and burger place next door where my friends and I always go to.

I've seen Mr. Dorsey and this married woman, Mrs. Beckwoth, that lives about two blocks over always park in the back of the motel and rent a room. From the dining room of the burger place, I've seen them meet and kiss and them go into one of the rooms."


Karen was grinning. "Have you told anybody?"

Eric smiled. "Nope, not until now."

Karen smiled and said, "I must be special. That is a very juicy piece of gossip."

Eric blushed slightly and said, "I know. We should save it."

Karen cocked her head and smiled. "Well, what about dinner?"

Eric looked behind him and said, "Okay, but I'll come in the back way."

Karen looked puzzled and Eric smiled. "Come on, I'll show you."

Eric got up and started walking to the fence that separated their two yards and Karen followed.

The fence was six foot high and made out of one by eight redwood planks and Eric reached down and pulled one of them towards him. Two of the boards were fastened together and hinged on the top horizontal two by four that ran between the posts.

Eric explained, "About eight years ago there was another kid my age that lived in your house and we used to play whiffle ball back here.

Instead of having to go all the way around when one of us hit one over the fence we did this to save a trip."

Karen was amazed and grinned and put her hand on Eric's back as he let the opening down. "You're pretty clever, Eric."

He smiled back and replied, "Necessity is the mother of invention."

Karen laughed.


Eric went back home and took a shower.

After he dried off, he put on clean boxers, a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and closed the curtains in the front room. It was six o'clock and when he went in the backyard he could smell the charcoal burning in Karen's barbecue.

Pushing on the boards he went into her backyard and knocked on her back door. When she opened it, she smiled at him and her eyes gleamed.

"Come in. I was just making the salad. Do you want to do the steaks?"

Eric smiled and said, "Sure."

Karen was drinking a glass of wine and finished it before she went to the refrigerator and took the two sirloins out.

She put them on the counter and then took them out of the marinade and put them on a plate.

Turning back, she reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of wine and filled her glass up again. Looking at him, she asked, "Do you want something to drink?"

Eric saw some beer in the refrigerator and asked, "Can I have a beer?"

She smiled and reached in pulled one out. Holding it in her hand and smiling, she said, "You're not going to tell your parents, are you?"

Eric laughed as he snatched the can from her. "Karen, I never tell them anything beyond what they absolutely need to know!"

Eric took the beer and the steaks and threw the steaks on the grill and drank the beer.

He wanted a cigarette and so he quickly went through the fence and got his cigarettes from home.

"She smoked, why shouldn't he," he thought.

He stood in front of the grill turning the steaks occasionally and smoked and drank his beer. After a few minutes, she came out with a fresh beer and another full glass of wine and Eric smiled, wondering if he was being seduced.

She was smiling and put her arm around his wais as he stood there turning the steaks over.

"It's nice to have a friend," she said. I've been pretty lonely since I moved here."


Eric just smiled and said nothing.

He couldn't believe this was happening to him. "They look ready," she said and went back inside to get the rest of the dinner.

BOOK: 6 Sizzling XXX Stories - BDSM Male Dominance Female Submission Erotica
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