5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set) (54 page)

BOOK: 5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set)
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"I'll be sure to do that Rhett," she smiled warmly and then turned to Scarlett.  "It was nice to meet you pet, I hope we meet again."

Scarlett blushed hotly and smiled timidly, "Thank you Ma'am it was an honor meeting you and Travon."

Rhett lead her back outside to the limo and the drove in companionable silence back to the hotel.  He was starting to miss his home and was looking forward to the return flight tomorrow night.  He had a dungeon full of toys there and couldn't wait to use all of them on his beautiful girl.

When they finally made it to the room, he undressed her quickly and had her underneath him even faster than that.  He gave her no time to react as his fin
gers slid down her flat stomach over her bare mound, then caressing her until she was arching against his hand in need.

"I wanted to see you stretched out on that wall tonight and my whip coming down on that lovely skin of yours tonight, baby."  He parted her thighs and slid in to the hilt.  Pulling almost all the way out, only the head of his large cock embedded he spoke again.  "I'm ready to get you home baby and show you all the different ways I can make you feel."  He pushed forward with a deep thrust impaling her. 

Scarlett gasped as he stretched her deliciously.  His hands moved under her hips and he rode her hard.  She met him stroke for stroke, not sure what had overcome him but feeling just as wild as he was proving himself to be as he drove in and retreated like a man possessed.

By the time they'd both found release she was breathless and holding on to him for dear life.  "Wow, Sir," she giggled when she could catch her breath.

"Damn you turn me on baby," he chuckled and turned her over, still half-hard inside her tight glove.  "You better do the riding now, don't want you so sore you can't walk tomorrow."

With a little awkwardness she lifted and slid down his huge length until she found a rhythm.  She didn't think it was possible to come again but as she felt him tense, her own body released and she cried out loudly. 

He came deep inside of her and suddenly remember he wasn't protected.  "Shit!"  Lifting her hips off him quickly he moved off the bed.  "Damn baby, I'm sorry I don't know what the fuck I was thinking."

Scarlett could only stare at him confused at his strange behavior.  "What, Sir?" Her eyes watched as he paced the room back and forth.

Running a hand through his hair, he grunted out.  "I forget to put on a damn condom."  He had never before made a juvenile mistake like that.  He was always careful.  "Shit, shit, shit baby, okay well damn it, I can't change what happened, we'll have to deal with it if it happens."

It took her several minutes to get the gist of what he was talking about and then it finally hit her.  She could get pregnant from what happened tonight.  Okay that definitely wasn't in her plans, she'd never really thought about having a family.  Until him she hadn't really thought about having sex.  A baby, that might be interesting, she pondered.

"Sweetheart, don't worry about it, if that happens will take care of it together, okay."  He felt like a real shit for losing control like that. 

"Um, okay," she had no idea why he was freaking out.  The chance of her getting pregnant right now was very slim. 

"Let's get a shower baby," he was still freaking out over his fuck up but she needed to wash her piercing and there wasn't a hell of a lot that could be done about this tonight.

After he bathed her and they finally made it back to bed, it took him hours to finally fall asleep.  He had to
get a handle on himself, he cursed silently in his mind.  This woman was going to run him if he didn't start getting his shit together. 


chapter seventeen

Office Affair

Rhett had spent a restless evening in bed the night before thinking about how careless he'd been with Scarlett.  An unplanned pregnancy was not something to ever take lightly, in this case he felt like his ass should be kicked in the dirt for being such an idiot.  Birth control was going to be a topic that they took care of as soon as they returned home, he decided as he ordered room service.

She rolled over in the bed, and looked at the empty spot where Rhett should have been.  Glancing over at the clock, she noticed it was already nine in the morning and she slid out of bed lazily.  Walking over to the closet she pulled on a robe before walking out into the main room. 

He gave her a small smile, "I've ordered breakfast sweetheart, we've got a busy day ahead of us."  He watched her move toward him and felt his body tighten in need.  This woman was really doing a number on his libido he shook his head with a grin.  He'd always enjoyed sex, but with her it was like he just couldn't get enough. "How'd you sleep?"

Joining him at the kitchen island bar, she sat in one of the stools, "Like a baby, Sir and you?"  He looked so damn sexy sitting there in only his shorts.  His bare chest smooth and tanned had her blushing as her thoughts went south.

Growling softly, he leaned over and gave her lips a quick peck.  "Baby if you don't stop looking at me like that we're going to give room service something to talk about." Chuckling as she blushed deeper he was glad the knock came on the door.

He quickly let the woman bring in their meal and tipped her generously.  "You getter get your fill sweet girl, we really do have a lot to accomplish before we leave tonight."

Lifting her eyebrows, thinking very little about food after his comment she grinned.  "Are we still talking about breakfast Sir?" She attempted to keep her tone innocent and bit her lip to stop a laugh from escaping.

"Insatiable," he chuckled, "we are talking about food because if you don't eat you'll wither away with all the plans I have for you today."  Shaking his head at her playful mood he uncovered their trays and sat down beside her to eat.

Giving him the pouty lips, only half serious, she allowed her mind to focus on the incredible meal.  She really hadn't thought she was hungry until she cleaned her plate and sat back sipping on her coffee.  "That was delicious, Sir."

"I'm not feeding you enough," he remembered they hadn't even had dinner last night.  "Baby I'm sorry, there really is no excuse for forgetting something that important."  Once again he was hit with the reality that he was not acting much like her Master.  It was his job to make sure she was well taken care of and he was failing miserably.

"Honestly Sir, I didn't think about it," she looked at him confused at why he was suddenly so serious.  It was just a missed meal, and she doubted a few of those would hurt her. 

"You shouldn't have to think about it sweetheart, it's my job and you have my word I will focus more on your needs."  He had let his control of this relationship slip through his fingers, but that was over now, he decided firmly.  "Get dressed Scarlett, I'm taking you to work with me this morning."

He pushed away his tray and stalked back to the bedroom, his mood dark as he contemplated the changes that needed to happen.  Dressing quickly in a dark navy business suit, white dress shirt and tie, his mind was wrapped around what he needed to accomplish.  He was dressed in fifteen minutes and left her alone in the bedroom to phone in a few favors from some friends on the Island.  He had planned to do this later tonight, but this
wouldn't wait, he thought.  It was time he took back control.

Scarlett dressed quickly in the only sensible outfit she'd brought with her since they were going to his work.  Her black pencil skirt that fell to her knees, a white butterfly collared shirt, and sensible flat dress shoes should be suitable, she thought.  She had no clue what had flipped his caveman switch this morning, but decided arguing about how she could stay home while he worked seemed petty.  In all honestly she was curious about his work too. 

Walking into the bathroom she brushed her teeth and applied a light coral gloss to her lips and some mascara.  Her long hair was wrapped up in a twisted flip, professional enough to be worn to an office.  Standing back and studying her reflection in the full length mirror on the bathroom door, she decided this was suitable and walked back out into the main room.

Rhett nodded his head and made his way to the door.  "Perfect Scarlett," he gave a tight smile, "we really need to get going."  He had called in his favors and they still had time to stop by the beach front property on their way in.  They made it down to the limo in companionable silence.

He was still soul searching on how to get his shit in order with her as they drove, and remained quiet.  He gave the directions to their driver and outside of those few words he decided that some silent reflection would be a decent idea for both of them. 

Scarlett knew something was off by the way he was clenching his strong jaw.  Not to mention, he had his elbow rested on his knee and was squeezing and releasing his fist.  She wanted to ask him what was going through his mind, but caveman mode Rhett was not someone she felt comfortable questioning.  Instead she just kept her mouth shut and watched the beautiful scenery go by.

They finally stopped in front of huge abandoned hotel that Scarlett estimated was at least 15 stories high and in some need of a good paint job.  "Is this the new property, Sir," she opened the door and stepped out, and shading her eyes with her hand and she looked up.

"Yes," his voice was clipped as looked over all the modifications to the exterior that would need to be completely.  "It has a beautiful private beach, and I believe with some intense reconstruction it can be one of the most magnificent properties on the island."

She could see the potential for a great resort here and nodded.  "I think you're right Sir."  Of course what did she really know about properties, she grinned to herself.  All she knew is that the building was pretty and with a little tender loving care it could be amazing.

"I would take you inside to tour, but I want an inspector to verify all the health codes are in order first."  He motioned back to the car, "We really need to get to the office," he opened the door and watched her slide in.

His mood seemed to have calmed down, she noticed as he gave her a somewhat warm smile as he joined her in the backseat.  And they say women have mood swings, she thought shaking her head and grinning.

"What thoughts are going through the pretty little head of yours," he was studying her beautiful face, feeling much more in control now.

"Oh nothing Sir, I was just thinking about how incredible the island really is."  She hoped lighting didn't strike her for that lie, but there was no way she was revealing what she really had been thinking.

"I love it here as well, I try to make it up at least twice a year when business permits."  He covered her hand with his and squeezed gently.  "I think you'll enjoy my staff," smiling at his own thoughts he knew they'd enjoy her.

"I'm sure I will Sir," she wondered what he was thinking behind that devious smile that just found his face.  She wasn't sure why it mattered that she would enjoy his staff or not since they were leaving later tonight.

The office was bigger than what she expected as the driver stopped in front.  She thought that being such a tourist place the building here would be less than the ten story monstrosity it was.  It looked completely out of place in this paradise.  "Wow, this is pretty impressive Sir."

"We are only renting one of the floors here," he nodded at her impression.  "I have a small group of lawyers that handle the contracts for most of the properties here, and they don't need much space."

An entire floor in this massive building, she thought to herself, seemed like a lot of space for only a few people to work in.  She followed him inside the glass building and he led her toward the elevator.  She was shocked
when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply.  When he broke off as they finally reached their floor she could only stare up at him and grin.

"I needed to get that out of my system," he winked and led her down a long carpeted hallway.  When they reached the end he opened a set of polished double doors and ushered her inside. 

She smiled as she saw David, and looked around at the other dozen strangers sitting around a long executive table.  They all stood when the noticed Rhett and he placed his hand on the small of her back and led her toward the head seat.  "Please be seated, I know we have much to discuss, and I'd like to get started immediately."

Scarlett was shocked when he pulled a seat close to his and patted it, but she sat down quickly.  He took the other chair and opened up a small leather folder studying it intently.  Folding her hands in her lap, she glanced around at the group of people.

They were all dressed professionally in office attire, and the only odd thing was that they all seemed to be staring at her openly.  There were eight men in varying ages from she guessed early thirties to late fifties, and the remaining four were women she assumed in their early thirties.  She smiled awkwardly then looked at her hands, not sure why she was so uncomfortable.

"I guess we should get this meeting underway," Rhett said looking up and noticing the attention Scarlett was getting.  "I notice that you are all staring intently at my friend, is there a problem?" He knew exactly why they were looking at Scarlett the way they were, but she would not.

David stood and kept his face free of a smile by sheer will alone.  "Well Rhett, we aren't sure why you have invited your, shall we say lady friend into our business meeting."

"Is this the general consensus of the room?" Rhett allowed his voice to grow deep and commanding.

One of the women to Scarlett's right added her voice, and she nibbled her lip nervously, feeling very out of place when she spoke.

"It is highly unprofessional to allow someone with no reason for attending this meeting to be present, and I might add it could compromise the confidentiality of those we serve."  The woman glared at Scarlett like she was a bug she wanted to squish.

"Well apparently my business etiquette leaves something to be desired, maybe I should show you why I've brought her?"  He raised an eyebrow and glanced around at the group.

"I think at the very least that would be appropriate," a balding middle aged man chimed in.

"Sweetheart, would you please stand up for me," Rhett shook his head in mock aggravation.

Scarlett hoped he was sending her from the room because it was apparent she wasn't welcome here.  She stood up and pushed the chair back and waited for him to speak.

Rhett stood up behind her and put his hands on her waist.  "She is here because I enjoy touching her and can't keep my hands off this delectable body."  He allowed his hands to trail up her waist and then move forward to cup her breasts.

?" her faced burned in embarrassment at his actions and her hands moved to cover his as she lowered her eyes, humiliated.

"So you've brought your whore to a meeting concerning the fate of companies, Rhett?" A tall blond, man shook his head and looked at him in disgust.

Rhett's hands quickly undid the buttons on the front of her shirt and she gasped, attempting to still his hands.  "Sir, maybe I should just leave," please for the love of chocolate, she thought to herself, just get me the fuck out of here.

"Why should these people determine what I do with you, sweet girl?" grabbing her hands he pulled them to her sides, then quickly parted her shirt showing her bra and her clenched abdomen.

"This is an outrage, Rhett, you should keep your sex life behind closed doors," a sophisticated woman tapped her pen on the table shaking her head.

What the hell was he doing she thought as her face burned even hotter.  He had obviously lost his damn mind.  "Sir, please!," She was trembling and kept her hands balled into fists by her sides without much conscious thought on her part.  She knew that he didn't like her covering herself.

With one quick movement, he pulled her shirt form her body and allowed it to pool on the floor.  His hands unclasped her bra just as quickly and before she could bother to protest he slid that off as well.  "Have you looked at her tits," he grinned as he lifted their soft weight holding them tenderly.

Mortified she attempted to turn toward him, but he released her breasts and grabbed her shoulders holding her in place.  "Don't you dare let them make you feel bad for doing what I command.  Stand still and show them how proud you are of your body!"  Every eye in the room was focused on his beautiful Scarlett, and it turned him on more than he cared to admit knowing none of them could have her.

"Perhaps you should show us more Rhett, if you're going to flaunt your whore before us at least make it entertaining."  Laughing softly the 30 something year old man crossed his arms over his chest waiting for the show.

Scarlett was so shocked she couldn't move or even think as the strangers stared her down, looking like dogs in heat.  She'd never in her life thought that a group full of professional could act in such a manner.  She should run, her mind screamed, but as embarrassing as this was she was almost more shocked that it was turning her own that they were looking.

BOOK: 5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set)
8.19Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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