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Authors: Liz Marvin

2 Dancing With Death (25 page)

BOOK: 2 Dancing With Death
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“Whoever did this was a professional,” Bill said. “They weren’t sloppy about it at all. They even collected the bullet.” He looked at Betty. “I’m sure they were after Harry though. They probably just made a bad shot. Maybe they were startled by something.”

Betty wasn’t too sure that they’d been after Harry. If the shooter was as good as Bill thought, then six or seven feet would’ve been a wide margin to miss by. From where they were standing, the shooter wouldn’t have been able to get to Betty once she’d ducked behind the snowmobile. If the shooter had been startled by anything, Betty thought it must’ve been her sudden movement to duck for cover. She told Bill as much. Bill laughed.

“Not everyone’s out to kill you Betty! This is just a simple case of you getting grazed by a shot meant for someone with connections to the mob. That’s all!” he eyed the tracks again, before shaking his head.

“Come on,” he said. “If you drive, I’ll call Officer Park on the way back to let him know what we found. He’ll check the scene to see if there’s anything we missed.”


On the car ride back to Lofton, Bill drove. Clarise and Wes sat in the back seat, cuddled up together as they laughed and reminisced about the weekend. Theft and murder aside, they’d had a blast. They were already planning their next trip to a competition.

Betty stared out the window at the snowy forest racing past. The clear blue sky and bright sunshine made for a cheery-seeming day, but Betty wasn’t in the mood to be giddy over the beautiful weather. She was livid.

Every time she had a theory about a crime, Bill didn’t believe her until she was able to hit him over the head with proof. She was getting sick of it. The man needed to accept that sometimes, just sometimes, Betty’s instincts and guesses were spot on.

Betty knew that someone had tried to kill her.

What she didn’t know was why.

And Bill didn’t believe her.

That didn’t bode well for either her safety or her love life.

Still… Betty snuck a peek over at Bill. He was focused on the road, hands drumming the steering wheel as he hummed along to the radio. There had to be some way she could turn this to her advantage. He’d given her a ticket. Perhaps some revenge was in order?

Betty imagined Bill being hugged by a man in a giant Chia Pet costume and smiled, an evil light in her eyes.

She’d get him back.





BOOK: 2 Dancing With Death
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