Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Unexpected Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella) (3 page)

BOOK: Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Unexpected Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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With the Pacific surrounding her, Keira imagined she was out on the open sea. As the breeze picked up, she spread her arms out wide as a big smile spread across her face.

I'm the queen of the world!
she thought with a giggle.

The wind whipped her skirt around her, but the warmth of the sun on her skin kept her warm. There wasn't another word to describe where she was other than paradise.

The gentle thud of a door made Keira turn around, expecting to see Monica finally on her way to meet her. But her eyes never made it as far as their villa, they stopped on the man entering the last villa on the pier.

She didn't need a good look at him to know he had eyes as blue as the daytime sky and hair as black as night. His chiseled jaw was covered with a little scruff that bordered on being a beard, but was less than that. The longer top of his hair fluttered in the breeze. She recognized Griffin Goodrich immediately and like always, she was affected by him.

Her heart pounded wildly in her chest as she gasped for air. She placed her hand on the rail to steady herself. She was klutzy enough, the last thing she needed was to fall into the ocean.

Of all the places to run into him, why here? Why now? Suddenly, Keira remembered one of her plans for the trip, and her lips curved up. Griffin oozed sex. She couldn't imagine anyone better than him to fit the bill. Griffin Goodrich was as close to perfection as Keira could imagine.



Chapter Four


Griffin Goodrich sped up his parents' driveway. He’d had enough with handling the ridiculous lawsuit against him. Everyone knew it was just a cash grab. Why he needed to defend himself from a fraud suit when he never even met the person before, he couldn't understand.

Nilsson, the family butler, rushed down the steps of the Georgian mansion as Griffin steered the bright yellow Ferrari F12tdf around the curve. Nilsson's chubby cheeks bounced as he ran onto the cement and threw his hands out in front of him.

Griffin saw Nilsson in his slate grey suit as a target. It wasn't that he didn't like the man, he simply enjoyed annoying him more.

He chuckled as he aimed the car towards the tired man, popped the clutch, and let the engine roar. He enjoyed the loudness of the new toy, and playing chicken with the anxious butler was just what he needed.

As he neared the man, he slammed on the brakes. The car came to a stop inches in front of Nilsson. Nilsson fluttered his hands wildly, annoying Griffin even more. He got out of the car, ran his fingers through his dark brown hair, and tossed the key fob into the air.

"Trust me, Nilsson, a few choice cuss words would feel a lot better than flapping your hands like a hummingbird," Griffin said.

"Yes, sir," Nilsson said as he caught the fob.

"See, even that. Act angry, be a man, do something."

Nilsson stared at Griffin with a confused expression. Griffin shook his head, smoothed the lapels on his black suit, then pointed to the car.

"That car has more balls than you do," he said. "Go ahead, sit in it. You know you want to."

Nilsson looked at the driver's seat and then back at Griffin. Beads of sweat covered Nilsson's forehead, but instead of wiping them away, he looked at the key fob in his hand.

Griffin put his arm around Nilsson's shoulders and waved his hand towards the purring yellow beast in front of them.

"Zero to sixty in under three seconds," Griffin said. "Less than eight hundred of these babies were made. Come on, whenever will you get the chance to drive a half-million dollar car?"

Nilsson swallowed loudly, but he couldn't take his eyes off the car in front of him. He opened his mouth to speak but squeaked instead. With his hand on the knot of his tie, he loosened it a bit, then cleared his throat.

"Is this one of those things where I say yes, I'll drive, and you're going to scoff and say no?" Nilsson asked.

"I never scoff. Besides, I left the motor on for a reason. She wants to be taken out. She's standing there waiting for you to take control and show her who's the boss."

Nilsson gingerly stepped towards the car. He placed his hand on the glossy paint, and the corners of his lips tugged up.

Griffin laughed. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile before, Nilsson."

"Sir, as a young man in Sweden, my family would go on holiday to Maranello, Italy, where they have the Ferrari factory. Papa and I would watch their Formula One cars race on the track next door. It was always a dream of mine to drive a Ferrari."

"Ahh, so you're a fan?"

"A fan? Ferrari has no fans, only people who know quality when they see it." Nilsson grinned. "Papa and I went to the Tour de France one year..." His voice trailed off as he lowered himself into the driver's seat. "Oh mama," he whispered.

"So why am I telling you about this car? You know this was made to pay homage to the Tour de France. You probably know more about this car than I do."

Nilsson wasn't listening anymore. His foot was gently caressing the gas as his fingers wrapped around the shifter.

Leaning down to pop his head into the car, Griffin whispered into Nilsson's ear.

"Do it."

His foot tapped the gas delicately, and a satisfying vrrum came from under the hood. Nilsson giggled as Griffin stepped back from the car, his hand still on the door handle.

"Just one more thing before you go, Nilsson."

He tore his eyes away from the car and looked at Griffin anxiously.

"Yes, sir?"

"Before you take that baby for a ride, can you read to me what's on the title? I left it on the passenger seat."

Nilsson nodded and reached for the piece of paper. He held it in front of him as he read it, then shook his head.

"This isn't right, sir," he said.

"What's not right? Read it to me."

"Under owner, it says Nilsson Johansson." Nilsson's eyes filled with tears. "Is this a joke?"

"No, it's no joke. It's yours, Nilsson."

"But sir, I can't."

Griffin put his hand up to silence the butler.

"Consider it a birthday present."

"But my birthday--"

"Isn't for another six months," Griffin said. "Never underestimate the things that I know, Nilsson." Griffin smiled as he tapped the car's roof. "Now get out of here. It has a full tank of gas and that baby wants to fly."

Griffin closed the car door before Nilsson could say anything else. As he climbed the steps of his parents' home, he heard the roar of the engine as it sped towards the road.

Walter Goodrich stood in the doorway with a smile.

"Did you plan that?" he asked.

"No, I ordered that car a while back, but when I saw it, damn if that old picture of Nilsson and his father didn't pop into my head."

"I always knew you liked him," he said.

"Like him? It has nothing to do with that, Dad," Griffin said with a shrug. He didn't like anyone knowing how sentimental he was. "That man needs to get laid. I just made it easier for him."

Griffin entered the house, and his leather shoes clapped against the marble floor as he walked to his father's library at the back of the house. Walt followed his son as he shook his head.

"You realize it's comments like that that got you into this trouble to begin with, right?" Walt asked.

Griffin rolled his eyes as he sank into a burgundy leather chair. The last thing he wanted was a lecture. At thirty, he was too old for that. He watched his father pour two glasses of fifty-year-old whiskey, the sign that he was about to get on his soapbox.

Walt brought the drinks over and handed one to his son before sitting in an identical chair.

"You sure you want my help?" Walt asked.

Griffin sipped from his glass as he weighed his options. The lawsuit was a nuisance designed to take his money. He didn't have time for that and didn't want to make the time for it either. But what was it worth to him? Did he really want to be indebted to his father? It was bad enough he was always telling him to settle down and get married, what would he want in return for his helping him with this case?

"That depends," Griffin said. "I know you're not going to let me off easily. You always have something up your sleeve."

Walt laughed.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said. "The only thing I have in mind is your best interest. Remember, this lawsuit doesn't look good for me either. Every time your name is published in the news, I'm linked to you."

Griffin sighed as he took another sip of the amber liquid.

"Just be straight with me, Dad. If I let you help me with this, what do you want in return?"

Walt raised his glass as he tried to hide the smile forming on his lips.

"I want you to go on a vacation," he said. "I spoke to Drew Titan, and he mentioned a new resort of his in Bora Bora. I think some relaxation would be good for you."

Griffin waited for his father to say he was joking. Was that really it? He just wanted him to go away and enjoy himself?

"What's the catch, Dad?"

Walt nodded as he took a sip of his drink.

"You're right, there is a catch," Walt said. "You need to keep it in your pants while you're away. No chasing skirts or tail or whatever you boys call it nowadays. You have enough problems going on right now, I don't need any more."

"That's it?"

"Yes, that's it," Walt said before taking another sip of the whiskey. "Take your time thinking about it, but don't forget depositions start next month."

Griffin cringed as he thought about the depositions. He knew the questions were going to be tough. The attorneys would bring up his character and try labeling him as some kind of deviant. Griffin knew he had a bad reputation and was quite proud of it normally, but today he wasn't so sure.

"Fine, no women. I swear you take the fun out of everything," Griffin said. "I'll give Drew a call and look into flights."

"No need, you leave in the morning."




The dark green grass of the resort's golf course swayed and parted as the helicopter landed. Drew Titan stepped out of a golf cart and walked towards Griffin as he touched down.

It had been a long time since they last saw each other. Drew stood just an inch taller than Griffin's six-foot frame. Griffin was glad to see Drew still looked the same. He didn't have that flab many of Griffin's married friends had.

They shook hands and Griffin clapped his hand on Drew's shoulder, glad to see him.

"Good to see you," Drew said as he motioned to the golf cart. "I'll take you to your villa so you can unwind. I made sure the bar was fully stocked."

"You're a good friend," Griffin said with a laugh.

He enjoyed the scenery while Drew drove towards a building on the edge of the water. The warmth felt good and as he looked at the beach, he admired the women in their bikinis. They were just the kind of trouble that Griffin got himself into.

"I heard your dad retired," Drew said.

"You'd never know it. He's still very involved with the business, but I don't mind. I think I'd miss him if he wasn't. This is quite a place you have here though."

Drew nodded. "I love my resorts, each one is different. Your dad had great timing because I just opened this place. You'll have to let me know how you like your stay here."

"How long will you be here too?"

"I'm actually heading back tonight. I don't like being away from Trinity and the kids for very long. We'll have to have you over for dinner sometime."

"That would be nice."

Drew parked the golf cart to the side of a pier that jutted out over the water. It had several branches on either side that led to private villas. The end of the pier had a magnificent view of the green mountains and an even more amazing woman.

Her long dark hair waved in the breeze, hypnotizing Griffin. Her shoulders were bare, revealing her sun-kissed skin.  Slowly, she spread her arms wide as she leaned forward against the railing.

The wind blew, wrapping her skirt around her, making it cling to her curves. Griffin thought her hips were just the right size for his hands to grip.

Griffin couldn't take his eyes off her. From just what he could see of her from behind, she was exactly his type, but it wasn't like him to be so drawn to a woman. Especially when he couldn’t even see her face. Yesterday he said that Nilsson needed to get laid, but Griffin was beginning to think it had been too long for him too. That was the only explanation for why he couldn't tear his eyes away from her.

"I put you in the Royal Villa," Drew said as he walked towards the last villa on the pier.

Pull yourself together,
Griffin thought to himself.

"Thank you," Griffin said as Drew handed him the room key. "It's stunning."

Griffin wasn't talking about the villa.

Drew looked at his watch and said his goodbyes. Griffin couldn't be bothered with looking at the room amenities. His mind was still on the pier with the beautiful woman. There was no way she could be at an exotic resort by herself, but he could dream, couldn't he?

If he hadn't made that promise to his father, he would have introduced himself by now. But he needed his father's help. The last thing he wanted was to have to deal with the lawsuit and the deposition on his own. He didn't have time for that nonsense.

Griffin walked out onto the terrace where he saw the woman was still standing. She was in deep conversation with a friend, leading him to believe there was no husband.

Fate had to put her there to drive him crazy and to tempt him to break his promise to his dad. Griffin's impulsive tendencies were pushing him to make his move, but he didn't want to let his father down.

The wind whipped her hair around, revealing her long neck and sending him over the edge. He was four thousand miles from Seattle, and what his father didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Besides, if he was here, he would understand. Griffin didn't have a choice, he had to meet her.

BOOK: Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Unexpected Plans (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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